
This page features content from BIONICLE Generation 1
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Rahi are biomechanical creatures composed of organic and inorganic Protodermis that serve as the fauna of the Matoran Universe. The term "Rahi" literally translates to "not us" in the Matoran language[1] although it is more commonly translated to "wildlife."[2] Rahi are generally considered to have lower intellects than the Sapient Species of the universe, acting primarily on instinct and out of a desire for basic needs such as food and shelter. They have no balance of Light, and thus no sense of morality.[3][4][5]

Matoran carvings representing Rahi

All Rahi are created in a process that involved using various Viruses in vats of Liquid Protodermis.[6][7] This task was typically carried out by the Makuta,[6] but the Hand of Artakha[8] and Order of Mata Nui[9] have also been known to create Rahi, with the earliest ones being created by the Great Beings.[10] Beings who have been mutated by Hordika Venom (such as the Toa Hordika, Savage, and the Hordika Dragons) are part-Rahi and, if not cured, would eventually become entirely Rahi.[11][12][13][14]

Some were helpful to Matoran, while others were nasty and frightening to prevent Matoran from wandering into dangerous places.[15] The role Rahi play was considered essential to Mata Nui's function, although he himself never formed any Rahi.[16][note 1] The creatures were not revived in the Red Star, as this better allowed the Makuta to control the population.[17][18] Later, as the Brotherhood of Makuta grew corrupt, the Makuta began to create Rahi for the organization's own use.

Some Rahi are able to wear powerless Kanohi, which can be infected by Kraata in order to subject the wearer to a Makuta's influence. Rahi may also be controlled by beings with the power of Rahi Control or by users of the Mask of Rahi Control.

Many Rahi immigrated to the planet of Spherus Magna after the Matoran Universe was rendered inoperable.

List of Rahi



A Blade Burrower
  • Blade Burrower - One of the most powerful Rahi known in Onu-Metru. Created by Makuta Mutran.
  • Bog Leech - A leech Rahi known to live in swamps.[22]
  • Bog Snake - A serpentine Rahi that lives in swamp regions.
  • Borer Worm - A worm Rahi.[23]
  • Brakas - A mischievous monkey Rahi that was commonly found in Le-Wahi.
  • Burnak - A quadrupedal tiger-like Rahi that originally thrived on Voya Nui.




  • Electric Bug - An insect that attacks with high-voltage bolts.
  • Electric Spider - An arachnid that sprays jolts of lightning.[24]
  • Energy Hound - Canine-like creatures with superior tracking senses.


  • Fader Bull - A bull Rahi that can teleport.
  • Feeder Worm - A species of Rahi that produce a repulsive, slimy sound from within their nests.[26]
  • Fenrakk Spawn[27] - A large spider-like Rahi, which is native to Voya Nui. One specimen was mutated, and forcibly fused to Vezon.
  • Fikou - A dangerous tree spider Rahi that was commonly found in Le-Wahi.
    • Fikou-Nui - A very large sub-species of the Fikou.
  • Fire entity - A Rahi completely composed of Fire.
  • Fireflyer - Flying Rahi that have bites that make one feel like they are on fire.
  • Fire Serpent - A venomous Rahi that was plentiful in Ta-Metru.[note 2]
  • First Rahi - Massive, monstrous sea beasts created by the Great Beings.
  • Frost Beetle - A large, intelligent beetle Rahi.
  • Frost leech - A small creature which absorbs heat from other beings.
  • Furnace Salamander - Reptile Rahi that resided in Ta-Metru.
  • Fusa - A kangaroo Rahi that was commonly found in Po-Wahi.


The enlarged Gadunka


  • Hahnah - A small crab Rahi found in the depths of the Pit.
  • Hapaka - Hound-like Rahi that were native to the mountainous regions of Mata Nui, where they bounded from rock to rock with sure-footed ease.
  • Hikaki - A "Dragon Lizard".
  • Hoto - Firebug that lived in Ta-Wahi.
  • Husi - An ostrich Rahi.
  • Hydruka - Rahi native around Mahri Nui.
    • Morak - A blue-colored Hydruka.
    • Thulox - A red-colored Hydruka.


  • Ice Bat - A bat Rahi that is a nuisance to Ko-Matoran Seers as they knock over their instruments.
  • Ice Vermin - A rodent Rahi that travels in packs to attack larger creatures.
  • Infernavika - A tiny bird Rahi that lived near Ta-Koro.


The Kardas Dragon
  • Kahu - A Rahi hawk that lived in Le-Wahi.
  • Kane-Ra - A bull Rahi which is also known as the "Bull of Legends."
  • Kanohi Dragon - A legendary dragon Rahi that had Kanohi-shaped scales.
  • Kardas - A dragon Rahi that was transformed from an enlarged Fenrakk spider by the Ignika.
  • Kavinika - Wolf Rahi used by Matoran scientists to guard certain places and things.
  • Keetongu - A large, wise, sentient Rahi that knows how to negate Hordika Venom.
  • Keras - A coral crab that can be tamed, and even used as a mount.
  • Kewa - Smaller bird-like Rahi that the Matoran can fly on. Commonly found in Le-Wahi and tamed by the Le-Matoran.
  • Kikanalo - Massive rhino-like Rahi that lived in the Sculpture Fields of Po-Metru. They also lived on Voya Nui.
    • Kikanalo Hordika - A mutated form of Kikanalo, caused by one being injected with Hordika Venom from the Visorak.
  • Kinloka - Voracious rodents created in a failed experiment to produce Rahi with highly efficient digestive systems.
  • Kirikori Nui - A huge insect-like Rahi.
  • Klakk - Flying Rahi created by Mutran with sonic screams that can quell a Makuta.
  • Kofo-Jaga - A smaller cousin of the Nui-Jaga. They are drawn to heat sources, but abhor light.
  • Kraawa - A Rahi with the ability to absorb any force used against it and use it to grow in size.
  • Krahka - A species of Rahi with powerful Shapeshifting.[37][38] This species was attacked by the Visorak, leaving one female Krahka as the last known free member of the species.[39]
  • "Kratana" - A worm-like Rahi with the ability to give visions.[40] They also controlled Bohrok in the Maze of Shadows.
  • Kuma-Nui - A giant rat Rahi.



  • Mahi - A horned goat-like Rahi that can be tamed.
  • Makika - A large and very dangerous toad Rahi that dwelt in the caves of Po-Wahi.
  • Makuta Fish - A swift fish Rahi who had "The same happy-smile as Makuta".
  • Mana Ko - A legendary Rahi believed to be Teridax's ultimate guardian; secretly servants of the Order of Mata Nui.
  • Manas - A giant crab known to serve Teridax and Karzahni.
  • Manutri - A large flightless Rahi bird.
  • Mata Nui Cow - A placid cow Rahi.
  • Mata Nui Fishing Bird - Seabird Rahi that roosted in the lower branches of Le-Wahi.
  • Metallic Hornet - An insect Rahi that gathers in swarms.[42]
  • Metru Mantis - A mantis Rahi that feeds on other insects.
  • Moa - Bird-like Rahi found in Po-Wahi.
  • Muaka - A tiger-like Rahi that can extend its neck forward to grab its prey.
  • Mud Crawler - A carnivorous Rahi with an acidic tongue.[44]


  • Necrofinch - A species of bird Rahi that lived in the mountains of Zakaz and can remain singing after it is deceased.[45]
  • Niazesk - Species of tiny Rahi created to keep larger Rahi in check. Created by Bitil.[46]
  • Night Creeper - A nocturnal Rahi found in Onu-Metru. Roughly seven feet long, squat, and possessing six powerful legs, it forages for small insects and rodents.[47]
  • Nivawk - A hawk-like Rahi, one of which served Makuta Teridax during his rule of Metru Nui disguised as Turaga Dume.
  • Nui-Jaga - Large scorpions with stingers that can shoot venom.
  • Nui-Kopen - A giant wasp Rahi. They are hostile toward Nui-Rama since they hunt the same prey.
  • Nui-Rama - A large flying insect Rahi. They created enormous, towering hives in the Le-Wahi jungle.


A Proto Drake
  • Parakrekks - Large, bipedal amphibious Rahi that feed on the rubble left by the Protocairns.
  • Phase Dragon - An unusual Rahi that goes so fast that it can pass through solid objects.
  • Pit War Tortoise - Large tortoise Rahi that were part of Carapar's army.
  • Pokawi - A small flightless bird that lived in Le-Wahi.
  • Proto Drake - A large, graceful amphibious Rahi that lived in Ga-Metru and on the coasts of Mata Nui. Created by Kojol.
  • Protodite - A microscopic Rahi that escaped from the Archives.


A school of Reef Raiders swim past Hydraxon
  • Rock Lion - A mysterious creature that dwelt in the deepest sections of the Archives. Its teeth and claws are extremely sharp and the tendrils of its mane become very hot when the Rahi gets irritated.
  • Rock Raptor - A raptor Rahi that traps prey bigger than itself by making landslides.
  • Rock Worm - A small, venomous subterranean Rahi.
  • Ruki - A common fish Rahi. They have powerful jaws and are natural enemies of Tarakava.


  • Sand frog - An irritable frog-like Rahi.[49]
  • Sand screamer - A mysterious creature that inhabited the desert of Voya Nui.
  • Sand snipe - A small biting insect from Po-Metru.
  • Sand Tarakava - A relative of the Tarakava that lives in the desert.
  • Sea Spider - An amphibious spider Rahi that is known to hunt Visorak.
  • Shallows Cat - A panther-like Rahi that lived on Daxia.
  • Shore Turtle - A flying turtle Rahi that lived in Le-Wahi.
  • Silver Chute Spider - A spider Rahi that is believed to be related to the Visorak. They would hunt in the Metru Nui Chute System, catching their prey in paralyzing webbing.
  • Slime-Worm - Giant, clawed Rahi encountered by Onu-Matoran miners.[50]
  • Smoke Hawk - A bird Rahi native to Xia.[51]
  • Spider Crab - A Rahi that the Barraki used in battle.
  • Spiked Fire Worm - A Rahi that is known to congregate in large numbers.[52]
  • Spiny Stone Ape - A Po-Metru ape that lives in the shadows of the sculptures. When threatened, they curl into a huge spiky ball and attempt to crush their enemies.
  • Spine Slug - A parasitic slug that attaches itself onto Skakdi and feeds on their anger.
  • Stinger Whale - A large whale-like Rahi.
  • Stone Rat - Rat Rahi that once dwelt in the Archives. They can and will eat almost any object, due to teeth that can grind through stone.
  • Stone Snake - A Rahi which Krahka once transformed into.[53]
  • Swamp Stalker - A reptilian Rahi that lived in the Swamp of Secrets.
  • Subterranean Worm - Giant, tentacled creatures that dwelt deep in Onu-Wahi and are spoken mainly in legends, and occasionally spotted by miners.


The Tahtorak
  • Tahtorak - A massive forty-foot-tall Rahi that can speak Matoran. Its species is native to Zakaz and another island south of Metru Nui.
  • Takea - A shark Rahi.
  • Taku - A small bird Rahi which is a close relative to the Gukko.
  • Tarakava - Lizard-like Rahi. Its long forelegs can deliver powerful punches to stun its prey.
    • Two-Headed Tarakava - A mutant Tarakava with two heads that was found in Ga-Metru, and then transported to the Onu-Metru Archives.
    • Tarakava Nui - The "King of Lizards", a mutated Tarakava.
  • The Mountain - A Rahi that was once a sentient rock and now has grown into a large Mountain.
  • Toa Terrain Crawler - A massive sea beast used by the Toa Mahri.
  • Troller - A huge, horned, worm-like beast that lived beneath the Po-Metru sands. Its mouth is large enough to swallow an entire block of the Metru.
  • Tunnel Stalker - A gigantic, dangerous, and rare Rahi from Metru Nui.
  • Tunneler - A lizard whose body changes depending on what kind of attack it is hit with.



A Vahki Hunter
  • Vahki Hunter - A Rahi that chases Vahki as prey.
  • Vako - A great horned rhino Rahi that roamed the plains of Po-Wahi.
  • Venom Flyer - A flying creature that would travel with the Visorak, assisting them in capturing flying Rahi.
  • Venom Eel - A poisonous eel-like Rahi used in the army of Barraki Ehlek.
  • Visorak - A species of intelligent spider-like creatures whose names mean "stealers of life" in their own tongue, created by Chirox. They can fire Rhotuka spinners with various powers, inject Hordika Venom, and create thick webs. They were led by Roodaka and Sidorak.
    • Boggarak - A Visorak breed with a number of water-related abilities.
    • Kahgarak - A giant, elite Visorak which can summon the Zivon.
    • Keelerak - Wild and unruly, green-colored Visorak.
    • Oohnorak - A black Visorak breed with the ability to mimic voices.
    • Roporak - A camouflaging breed of Visorak.
    • Suukorak - White Visorak able to slow down its life-processes.
    • Vohtarak - A constantly aggressive breed of Visorak.


  • Waikiru - A walrus-like Rahi.
  • Water Wraith - A small marine Rahi disregarded by larger fish. Their outer shells are covered in poison.[54] They were created by Teridax.[55]



  • Unlike other Rahi, the Krahka of Metru Nui possesses inner light as a result of her copying the traits of other beings.[56][57]
  • The Dark Hunter Minion was created by the Makuta during an experiment with Rahi.[58]
  • The Rahaga, mutated by Roodaka's Rhotuka spinner, were part-Rahi.[59][60][61]
  • The Frostelus are not Rahi,[62][63] but appear to be on the border between Toa and Rahi, speculated to possibly be victims of Hordika Venom.[64]
  • A number of different creatures would be classified as Rahi by the Matoran, even though they are not. This includes the Kraata and Shadow Leeches,[65][66][67][68] krana,[65][66][68] the Bahrag,[69][70][71][68] Daikau,[72] the Morbuzakh,[73][74] Sea Squid,[75][76] and the species of the Dark Hunter Poison.[77] Some Matoran argued that Vatuka are Rahi.[78] However, the Vatuka were created through rock material being exposed to Energized Protodermis.[79][80][81][82][83] The Zyglak are not Rahi,[84] evident from the fact that they possess moral balance[85] and sapience.[86]
  • The status of some beings as Rahi is unclear:
    • The Crystal Serpents were an attempt by Artakha at creating Rahi, and are referred to as such in BIONICLE: World.[87] However, unlike Rahi, they were not created using virsuses.[88]
    • Avohkah were created differently from most Rahi when being a result of the processes being used to ready Karda Nui for operation, but they were considered to be Rahi nonetheless.[89]
    • It is possible that the fire entity may only be considered a Rahi by the Matoran.[90][91][92] However, it is also possible it was created using viruses and Liquid Protodermis, like Rahi.[93]


  1. "Official Greg Discussion", post 4322. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  2. "What Are The Rahi?." Rahi Beasts, p. 3.
  3. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 1398. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  4. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 1961. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  5. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 3204. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  6. Jump up to: 6.0 6.1 "The Makuta." Makuta's Guide to the Universe, p. 63.
  7. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 1730. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  8. "Official Greg Quotes", post 27. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  9. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 4408. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  10. "Official Greg Discussion", post 12396. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  11. "Official Greg Discussion", post 2297. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  12. "Official Greg Discussion", post 2516. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  13. "Official Greg Discussion", post 2792. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  14. "Chat with Greg Farshtey", post 12510824. LEGO Message Boards. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  15. Rise of the Makuta!, LEGO BrickMaster Magazine January-February 2008, p.19
  16. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 30. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  17. "Chat with Greg Farshtey", post 7265142. LEGO Message Boards. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  18. "Chat with Greg Farshtey", post 10107375. LEGO Message Boards. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  19. "Chapter 4." Shadows in the Sky. BIONICLE Legends 9, p. 56.
  20. "Official Greg Discussion", post 11968. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  21. BIONICLE Bios - Solek, BIONICLE.com
  22. "Chapter 2." Reign of Shadows.
  23. "Chapter 6." Reign of Shadows.
  24. Jump up to: 24.0 24.1 BIONICLE: Quest for the Toa.
  25. "Chapter 2." The Darkness Below. BIONICLE Adventures 3, p. 26.
  26. "Chapter 5." Federation of Fear.
  27. "Fenrakk Spawn." Encyclopedia Updated, p. 32.
  28. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 9611. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  29. "Chat with Greg Farshtey", post 11798241. LEGO Message Boards. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  30. "Chapter 2." Prisoners of the Pit. BIONICLE Legends 7, pp. 20-21.
  31. "Official Greg Discussion", post 10074. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  32. "Official Greg Discussion", post 7148. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  33. "Matoro." BIONICLE: Mahri I. BIONICLE Games and Activities 5, p. 9.
  34. "Matoro." BIONICLE: Mahri II. BIONICLE Games and Activities 6, p. 4.
  35. "Chapter 3: Matau's Tale: The Trap." Tales of the Masks. BIONICLE Chronicles 4, p. 58.
  36. "Charger." Dark Hunters, p. 15.
  37. "Krahka." Rahi Beasts, p. 54.
  38. "Official Greg Discussion", post 3156. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  39. "Chapter 6." Challenge of the Hordika. BIONICLE Adventures 8, p. 75.
  40. "Official Greg Discussion", post 5309. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  41. "Lightfish." Encyclopedia Updated, p. 79.
  42. "Chapter 12." Trial by Fire. BIONICLE Adventures 2, p. 124.
  43. Web of Shadows. BIONICLE Adventures 9.
  44. "Chapter 5." Inferno. BIONICLE Legends 5, p. 63.
  45. "Chapter 3." Destiny War.
  46. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 3302. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  47. "Chapter 3." Challenge of the Hordika. BIONICLE Adventures 8, p. 26.
  48. "Hydraxon's Tale". "The Underwater City". BIONICLE 6.
  49. "Chapter 9." The Mutran Chronicles.
  50. "Chapter 4." Prisoners of the Pit. BIONICLE Legends 7, p. 58.
  51. "Chapter 1." Dwellers In Darkness.
  52. "Chapter 6." Shadows in the Sky. BIONICLE Legends 9, p. 89.
  53. "Chapter 5." Challenge of the Hordika. BIONICLE Adventures 8, p. 58.
  54. "Chapter 8." Into the Darkness.
  55. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 2687. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  56. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 2947. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  57. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 3438. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  58. "Minion." Dark Hunters, p. 44.
  59. "Dreams of Darkness". BIONICLE 21, centerfold.
  60. "Rahaga." Encyclopedia Updated, p. 118.
  61. "Official Greg Discussion", post 3453. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  62. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 1398. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  63. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 1585. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  64. "Vengeance of the Visorak". BIONICLE 23, centerfold.
  65. Jump up to: 65.0 65.1 "Official Greg Discussion", post 3035. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  66. Jump up to: 66.0 66.1 "Official Greg Discussion", post 7313. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  67. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 779. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  68. Jump up to: 68.0 68.1 68.2 "Official Greg Dialogue", post 2891. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  69. "Official Greg Discussion", post 2839. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  70. "Official Greg Discussion", post 2842. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  71. "Official Greg Discussion", post 10792. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  72. "Daikau." Encyclopedia Updated, p. 25.
  73. "Official Greg Discussion", post 738. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  74. "Official Greg Discussion", post 3878. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  75. "Official Greg Discussion", post 6808. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  76. "Chat with Greg Farshtey", post 11388249. LEGO Message Boards. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  77. "Poison." Dark Hunters, p. 47.
  78. "Vatuka." Rahi Beasts, p. 103.
  79. "Chapter 8." Maze of Shadows. BIONICLE Adventures 6, pp. 109-110.
  80. BIONICLE: Maze of Shadows.
  81. "Energized Protodermis." Encyclopedia Updated, p. 30.
  82. "Vatuka." Encyclopedia Updated, p. 150.
  83. "Official Greg Discussion", post 5597. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  84. "Official Greg Discussion", post 8203. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  85. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 2547. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  86. "Official Greg Discussion", post 8001. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  87. "Chapter 1: Artakha." "Crystal Serpents." World, pp. 14-15.
  88. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 1730. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  89. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 11534. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  90. "Official Greg Discussion", post 7265. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  91. "Chat with Greg Farshtey", post 14525489. LEGO Message Boards. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  92. "Chat with Greg Farshtey", post 14528444. LEGO Message Boards. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  93. "Chat with Greg Farshtey", post 14534136. LEGO Message Boards. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)


  1. Greg has expanded on the role the Rahi play, saying that the Rahi generally function like white blood cells, which is in line with how their role is described in the August 2000 story bible.
  2. This info originates from Nuhrii's Bios entry on the 2004 version of BIONICLE.com, though no archive version of the original website exists. The text was copied onto BIONICLEsector01 in 2004, and an archive of that web page can be found here.
  3. Greg Farshtey has stated that the Kanohi Tryna can only reanimate the bodies of biomechanical beings.[28][29] Though Farshtey suggests the shark was organic,[30][31] he has also stated that nothing organic other than the Sea Squid would play any story role in 2007.[32] The AMEET Mahri books suggest that most, if not all, of the creatures Matoro reanimated were Rahi.[33][34]

See also