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Many beings and objects wield a myriad of Powers. For beings, there are two categories: powers and abilities. A power is when it satisfies any of the following:
- Able to be copied by the Kanohi Faxon,[1][2] Mask of Emulation,[3] or Vezok's absorption power.[4][5][6]
- Lost, gained, or otherwise altered due to a change in the user's balance of inner Light and Shadow.
- Does not arise directly as a natural consequence of the user's physiology.[7]
If it does not satisfy any of these, then it is an ability.
Predominantly used throughout the Matoran Universe, but present on Spherus Magna as well, the Elements allow the creation and manipulation of forces of nature.
Matoran Universe
- Air
- Earth
- Fire
- Gravity
- Ice
- Iron
- Light
- Lightning
- Magnetism
- Plasma
- Psionics
- Shadow
- Sonics
- Stone
- The Green
- Water
Spherus Magna
- Earth
- Fire
- Ice
- Iron
- Jungle
- Rock
- Sand
- Water

Rhotuka are wheels of energy that can be launched at a target. While almost every inhabit of the Matoran Universe has their own Rhotuka power, few have the ability to manifest and launch Rhotuka, so many require the aid of artificial launchers. The powers of the user vary, often depending on their species, ideals, and personality.
The Makuta have access to forty-two different powers in addition to their natural Shadow powers. Several of the powers are related to Elements, but do not grant the Makuta full control over it. Kraata and their subsequent Rahkshi can have access to only one of these powers.
Krana are small organic creatures that control the Bohrok. There are different types of krana, each with different powers. When the Bahrag created the krana-kal, their powers were strengthened or changed.
Matoran each have within them a small amount of elemental energy. Though they have no real control over their element, it manifests as certain traits:
- Ta-Matoran - Increased resistance to heat[8][9][10]
- Ga-Matoran - Survive longer without breathing than other types of Matoran and have greater agility when swimming[9][10]
- Le-Matoran - Greater agility and speed in higher altitudes; clumsy and awkward on solid ground[9][10]
- Po-Matoran - Physically stronger than other types of Matoran; can keep their footing on unstable ground[9][10]
- Onu-Matoran - Limited night vision, sensitivity to vibrations in the earth, and increased strength[9][10]
- Ko-Matoran - Increased resistance to cold[8][9][10]

- Vo-Matoran - Increased resistance to electric shocks[11]
- Fa-Matoran - Superior sense of direction and an internal compass[12]
- Su-Matoran - Eye protection against bright light and increased resistance to heat[13][14]
- Ba-Matoran - Increased resistance to pressure[13]
- De-Matoran - Extremely acute hearing; can hear sounds kio away[15]
- Bo-Matoran - Innate understanding of plant attributes, such as poison[13]
- Fe-Matoran - Greater physical endurance than other types of Matoran[16][17]
- Ce-Matoran - Immune to telepathy and mind control[18]
- Av-Matoran - Alter wavelength of light reflected from armor; limited Light powers, allowing for controlled bolts of light from hands; latent abilities that can awaken when physically connected to a Toa or Makuta
- Energy Creation (possessed by Tanma) - The user becomes a living source of energy and outputs enough energy to power a weapon, such as a Midak Skyblaster
- Solid Light Creation (possessed by Solek) - Allows the user to create solid structures of light
- Increased Speed (possessed by Photok) - Allows the user to travel at increased speed, up to that of light
- Shadow Matoran - Limited Shadow powers, allowing for controlled bolts of shadow from hands; former Av-Matoran given access to a latent ability when connected to a Toa or Makuta
As a result of experimentation by the Makuta Spiriah,[19][20] the Skakdi were granted elemental powers, which could only be used in conjuction with another Skakdi. They were also gifted with vision-based powers and an additional unique power.
Vision Powers
- Heat Vision (formerly possessed by Hakann[21][22][23][24][25][26]) - Emits powerful beams of heat from their eyes. The user is able to adjust the heat of the beams.[27] The user is temporarily blinded after using this power.[28]
- Impact Vision (formerly possessed by Vezok[21][22][23][29][30][31]) - Produces a powerful concussive force
- Infrared/Thermal Imaging Vision (formerly possessed by Reidak[21][22][23][32][33][34]) - Allows the user to see infrared light and heat patterns emitted from objects or beings.[35][36]
- Laser Vision (formerly possessed by Zaktan[21][22][23][37][38][39]) - Projects lasers from the user's eyes
- Zaktan used his laser vision to destroy a secret chamber inside a Makuta fortress.[40][note 1]
- Spellbinder Vision (formerly possessed by Thok[21][22][23][42][43][44]) - Disorients the target.[45]
- Thok used his spellbinder vision to disrupt Hakann's aim.[46]
- Telescopic Vision (formerly possessed by Avak[21][22][23][47][48][49]) - Enhances the user's vision
- X-Ray Vision (formerly possessed by Avak[21][22][23][47][48][49]) - Grants sight through solid objects
Unique Powers
- Adaptation (formerly possessed by Reidak[21][22][23][32][33][34]) - Allows the user to recover from attacks after defeat[50] and grants permanent invulnerability to identical attacks used on the user in the future.[51][note 2] This means that the only way the user can be killed is with a single attack that had never been used against them before.[53] Can also adapt to Kanohi powers.[54] The user does not gain physical strength.[55]
- Animation (formerly possessed by Thok[21][22][23][42][43][44]) - Brings inanimate objects to life
- Thok used his animation power, enhanced by Brutaka's strength, to animate the Piraka Stronghold to subdue the other Piraka and the Toa Inika.[56]
- Mental Blasts (formerly possessed by Hakann[21][22][23][24][25][26]) - Allows the user to attack an enemy's mind
- Power Absorption (formerly possessed by Vezok[21][22][23][29][30][31]) - Allows the user to absorb and use the powers of nearby beings. Does not actually steal the power from its user, only copying it.[57] The power has to be seen being used before it can be copied.[58][59][60] Multiple powers can be copied at one time,[61] though there is an upper limit.[62][63] The absorbed powers can be used more than once,[64] but they go away after some time.[65][52] Cannot copy Kanohi or Rhotuka powers.[58][66][67]
- Prison Creation (formerly possessed by Avak[21][22][23][47][48][49]) - Instantly[70] creates the perfect form of imprisonment for any target and can counter any of their powers and abilities.[71][72] Knowledge of the target's powers and their weaknesses is not needed.[73] The prison can be made up of anything and take various forms in order to contain its target.[74][75] It can even trap a Kanohi Iden user's spirit.[76] However, since the prison would be tailored to the target's powers, someone outside the prison could break it.[77] Concentration has to be maintained for the prison to exist.[72] Imprisoning multiple targets at once is possible but difficult.[78][79]
- Avak created a cage around Kopaka Nuva with flaming bars of intense heat that grew hotter the colder Kopaka made it.[80]
- Avak created a prison of clear glass around a Mana Ko.[81]
- Avak captured Zaktan in a cube of energy capable of releasing a sonic hum that agitated his Protodites.[82][83]
- Avak captured Kongu in a sphere of vacuum.[84]
- Avak created an ice cold cage around Hakann that also vibrated when struck to impede his mental blasts.[85]
- Avak created a cage around both Vezon and Fenrakk that could resist both of their powers.[86]
A number of Rahi have access to various powers unique to the species.
Rahi Nui
The Rahi Nui possessed the powers of the eight basic Kanoka powers, though they manifested differently in it than in the disks.
- Enlarging - Increases its size
- Ice Vision - Shoots beams of ice from its eyes
- Regeneration - Heals itself
- Remove Poison - Removes toxins
- Reconstitutes at Random - Scrambles its molecules
- Shrinking - Decreases its size
- Teleportation - Transfers it to a new location
- Weakening - Physically weakens substances; if used on living creatures, will drain their energy
- Berserker Charge (possessed by Vohtarak) - User's shell becomes nearly invulnerable as it charges at its target
- Camouflage (possessed by Roporak) - Body pigmentation changes to its surroundings
- Imitation (possessed by Oohnorak) - Imitates the voice of beings the target knows
- Sonic Hum (possessed by Boggarak) - Generates a sonic hum that can turn a target to gas or stone
- Telepathy (possessed by Oohnorak) - Allows the user to read the thoughts of others or project thoughts and feelings to them
Other Rahi
- Combustion (possessed by Lava Rats) - Lets the user burst into flame
- Concussive Force (possessed by the Kardas) - Constantly generates explosive energy
- Electric Blasts (possessed by Electric Bugs) - Emits high-voltage electric shocks on contact
- Elemental Powers (possessed by Burnak and Gafna) - Give user various Elemental attacks
- Energy Tracking (possessed by Energy Hounds) - Allows the user to identify and locate the energy signature of an object or creature
- Explosive Blasts (possessed by Mana Ko) - Fires explosive bursts of energy
- Fire Breath (possessed by the Kanohi Dragon) - Allows the user to breathe fire
- Heat Absorption (possessed by frost leeches) - Drains heat from targets on contact
- Heat Generation (possessed by Lava Eels and Hoto) - Radiates intense heat
- Hypnosis (possessed by an unknown sea creature) - Induces hypnosis or sleep on the target
- Ice Vision (possessed by one of the First Rahi) - Shoots beams of ice from their eyes
- Intangibility (possessed by Phase Dragons) - Lets the user become less dense so they can pass through obstacles
- Illusions (possessed by Gate Guardians) - Lets the user become invisible while projecting an illusion of itself to distract enemies
- Kinetic Absorption (possessed by Fenrakk and Kraawa) - Absorbs kinetic energy directed against the user and turns it into strength
- Lightning (possessed by the Red Serpent)
- Magma Generation (possessed by Catapult Scorpions) - Summons a ball of magma that can be cooled and launched
- Makuta Detection (possessed by Minion) - Allows the user to sense the presence of a Makuta
- Poison Immunity (possessed by unknown sea creatures[87]) - Immunity to toxins
- Powerful Roar (possessed by Kikanalo) - Allows the user to generate roars that can blow away enemies
- Solid Sound Creation (possessed by a mutant Lohrak) - Allows the user to create creations of solid sound, such as Sonic Entities
- Sonic Scream (possessed by a mutant Lohrak and all klakk) - Allows the user to generate sonic screams
- Solidified Air Bubble Generation (possessed by Hydruka) - Creates solidified air bubbles for defense
- Substance Imitation (possessed by Tunnelers) - Turns the user's body into whatever substance it comes into contact with
- Teleportation (possessed by Fader Bulls) - Transfers the target to a new location
Other Powers
Several other beings have unique powers not found anywhere else:
- Acid (possessed by Lehvak) - Creates an acid that can dissolve most substances
- Body Swapping (formerly possessed by Tren Krom) - Allows the user to swap bodies with another being, provided that being agrees
- Cyclone Transmutation (possessed by Rahkshi Kaita Za) - Transforms the user into a living cyclone
- Disassembly (possessed by Subterranean) - Allows the user to instantly disassemble anything he touches
- Disintegrator Eyebeams (possessed by the Shadowed One and formerly possessed by Tren Krom) - Projects powerful beams that dissolve a target's molecular structure
- Dream Realization (possessed by the golden being) - Grants the user the ability to make real the inner desires of those around them, albeit with some limitations
- Elasticity (possessed by Darkness) - Allows the user to bend and slither through minuscule places
- Energy Blasts (possessed by Rahkshi Kaita Vo) - Unleashes stored energy in a concentrated, lethal burst
- Flight (possessed by Rahkshi, Vahki, Krekka's species, and Nidhiki) - Allows the user to fly under their own power
- Force Bolts (formerly possessed by Nidhiki) - Fires powerful bursts of energy
- Future Sight (formerly possessed by Vezon[88][89]) - Allows the user to see into the near future
- Healing (possessed by Axonn) - Heals other beings
- Heat Absorption (possessed by Tyrant) - Absorbs heat and permits its use for the user's own purposes
- Hypnosis (possessed by Takadox and his species) - Induces a trance-like state onto the victim, in which they are highly susceptible to suggestion
- Immobilization Vision (possessed by Subterranean) - Allows the user to tempoarily immobilizes foes with a glance
- Lasers (possessed by the Mata Nui Robot and the Prototype Robot) - Shoots a beam of energy, destroying almost anything in its path
- Light Drainage (possessed by Shadow Leeches) - Drains the inner light of the victim, and establishes a barrier to prevent it from returning
- Kinetic Energy Absorption (formerly possessed by Vezon[88][89]) - Allows the user to absorb kinetic energy to grow stronger
- Mental Assault Deflection (possessed by Vengeance) - All mental attacks are deflected
- Mental Screening (possessed by Dweller) - Prevents others from noticing the user; they simply do not register the user being there, even if they see or hear them
- Mind Reading (possessed by Dweller) - Allows the user to read the minds of others without being noticed
- Mind Wipe (possessed by Sentrakh) - Allows the user to wipe a target's mind of thoughts
- Molecular Transmutation (possessed by Sentrakh) - Alters the chemical constitution of the target
- Nightmare Projection (possessed by Dweller) - Inserts nightmares into another's mind
- Photographic Reflexes (possessed by Mimic) - Allows the user to copy any physical feat the user sees perfectly and without practice
- Sand Transmutation (possessed by Devastator) - Turns the user's body into sand
- Self-Molecular Separation (possessed by Johmak) - Allows the user to disassemble and reassemble their body at will
- Shadow Attraction (possessed by Eliminator) - Attracts shadows to the user
- Sound Dampening (possessed by Silence) - Completely negates all sound within a certain area around the user
- Stasis Fields (possessed by Axonn) - Generates fields of energy that can slow down a target's life processes
- Subterranean Rahi Control (possessed by Gatherer) - Allows the user to control underground Rahi
- Symbiosis (possessed by the Bahrag) - Makes the users stronger as the distance between them lessens
- Teleportation (possessed by Artakha and Botar) - Allows the user to teleport themselves or others
Elemental-Based Abilities
- Nova Blast - Allows the user to release all of their Elemental Power at once in a massive, extremely destructive blast. Possessed by Toa. The Glatorian granted Elemental Powers by Mata Nui could also create an equivalent blast, but doing so would kill them, as their bodies were not designed to handle such a blast.
Other Abilities
- Fusions - Allows the user to combine their mind and bodies with other beings. The fusion may be either formed willingly or forcibly by the beings involved. Possessed by many species from the Matoran Universe.
- Shapeshifting - Allows the user to change their appearance to another form with the same mass. Also often allows mimicry of voices. Possessed by numerous beings in the Matoran Universe and Spherus Magna.
- Infection - Infects Kanohi with physical contact; Shadow Kraata can do so from a distance
Kanoka disks have many different powers, with each ability varying in strength in accordance to the Kanoka's power level. There are eight base powers and a variety more are achieved by mixing those eight. The Rahi Nui used to have access to all eight of these base powers.
When Kanoka are combined and forged into Kanohi, new powers arise as a result of the process. Kanohi can also come into being by other means. The powers exist at various power levels, but generally have similar effects. Elemental Kanohi also exist, and grant the bearer access to certain aspects of an Elemental Power.
Other Objects
Matoran Universe
- Golden Armor - Powerful armor created by the Kanohi Ignika according to programming by the Great Beings.
- Kanoka Blade - A weapon that functions similarly to Kanohi.
- Nui Stone - A stone that can absorb Toa Power and empower any Toa that uses it.
- Seismic Staff - A staff carried by Seeker.
- Spear of Fusion - Weapon formerly used by Vezon.
- Staff of Artakha - Staff capable of fixing a broken object.
- Staff of Disintegration - Staff carried by Conjurer.[90]
- Staff of Protodermis - Staff carried by the Shadowed One.
- Stun Staffs - Tools used by the Vahki.
- Toa Stone - A stone containing a small amount of Toa Power.
- Vanisher's Spear - Spear of Vanisher's that may be capable of opening dimensional rifts.
- Chains which were used imprison Makuta Miserix on Artidax. These were able to grow and shrink alongside the Makuta's shapeshifting power, and feed on the power of the being. Breaking the chains caused the captive being significant pain. Lariska encountered this kind of chains at some point in her life prior to joining the Federation of Fear.[91]
Spherus Magna
- Blasters - Ancient weaponry from the time of the Core War, capable of launching spheres of explosive force;[92] based on similar technology to the Force Blasters.[93]
- Force Blasters - Weapons equipped to vehicles that strike with explosive force.[94]
- Power Source - A volatile energy supply created by the Great Beings for a giant experimental robot.
- Scarab Shield - A shield, which can transform back into the Scarabax Beetle, Click, formerly carried by Mata Nui.
See also
Powers | |||
Spherus Magna | Elemental Powers | Fire | Water | Jungle | Rock | Ice | Sand | Earth | Iron | |
Matoran Universe |
Legendary Powers | Life | Time | Creation | |
Elemental Powers |
Standard | Fire | Water | Air | Stone | Earth | Ice | Light | Shadow Lightning | Magnetism | Plasma | Gravity | Sonics | The Green | Iron | Psionics | |
Sub-Powers | Heat | Shadow Hand | Telekinesis | Telepathy | Vacuum | ||
Other Powers |
Acid | Illusion | Mutation | Teleportation Kanohi Powers (Kanoka) | Kraata Powers | Krana Powers (Kal) | Rhotuka Powers | ||
Abilities | Nova Blast | Fusion | Shapeshifting | Infection |
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