Sapient Species/Unnamed Species
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In the BIONICLE storyline, there are many Sapient Species the names and details of which are unknown. This page is a listing of these species.
For more prominent sapient species, see Sapient Species.
Solis Magna System
Annona's Species
Members of this species feed on dreams, enabling them to radiate intensive heat.[1] All of them[2] wield a wide variety of psionic powers,[3] can teleport,[4] although not across interplanetary distances, and can enter a self-induced stasis.[5] Usually, two specimens cannot co-exist on the same planet,[6] and as such they reproduce asexually.[7] This species is widespread inside and outside the Solis Magna System.[8][9] When the members of the species wish to travel between planets, they do so in the form of a spore.[10]
- Annona
- Many members of the species who came into existence on a planet created by the Golden Being and Sahmad; they are expected to die out due to their close proximity within a year[1]
- Many members of the species existing on other planets in the galaxy[9]
- Several members of the species existing on the other inhabited planets of the Solis Magna System[8]
Matoran Universe
Many sapient species existed together in the Matoran Universe. Some were created by the Great Beings, others by the Great Spirit Mata Nui over his 100,000-year journey through the universe. All were eventually forced to leave the Mata Nui Robot in the aftermath of the Battle of Bara Magna, and have relocated to the planet of Spherus Magna.
Different species are listed with any identifying characteristics, followed by known members of the species. Unless otherwise noted in the trivia or contradictory details exist, it is possible that some of these listings describe the same species, but no confirmation exists one way or the other.
Axonn's Species
Members of this species are a bit taller than a Toa, though far bulkier, and can wear and use Kanohi.[11] Like Toa, they are weakened when not wearing a mask.[12][13]
Botar's Species
A savage race that lives on one of the Southern Islands.[16] Each has a powerful Teleportation ability for traveling vast distances, but it requires practice to use effectively.[17][18][19] They can also teleport others with them, so long as they are in physical contact.[20][21][22] This species is able to wear and use Kanohi,[23][24] but they are not seen wearing them.
- Botar (revived)
- A gold-armored warrior recruited to replace Botar in the Order of Mata Nui[25][26][27]
Brutaka's Species
Members of this species are strengthened when they absorb Makuta essence, Antidermis.[28] Prolonged exposure to the original liquid caused Brutaka to link minds with it.[29] They are able to emit blasts of raw energy through their hands or through a tool.[30][31] This species is able to wear and use Kanohi.[32] Like Toa, they are weakened when not wearing a mask.[12][13] They are also affected by Pit Mutagen slower than some other species.[33]
Carapar's Species
A species of one of the six rulers ordained by Mata Nui.[note 1] This species is able to wear and use Kanohi,[42][43] although they do not wear them regularly.[44]
- Carapar (deceased)
Ehlek's Species
A species of one of the six rulers ordained by Mata Nui. These are a sea-dwelling species native to the waters around Zakaz. The Order of Mata Nui tampered with them, giving each Protosteel claws and enhanced strength in order to breed a race of Makuta-killers. Members of this species are unable to breathe air, and therefore must wear a Breathing Helmet if they leave the water.[45] They are able to wear and use Kanohi,[42][43] although they do not wear them regularly.[44] They also have mandibles similarly to Ehlek.[46]
- Ehlek
- Many members of this species who massacred a fleet of Zyglak who had allied with Makuta Spiriah[39]
Four-Armed Giant's Species
The species of the four-armed giant who served the Order of Mata Nui. His species was different from Nocturn's species[47][48] and could not wear or use Kanohi.[49]
- A four-armed, gigantic male agent of the Order who carried an axe with multiple blades on each side.[26][50][51] He had two horns that came out of his head, was heavy enough to nearly swamp a ship, and was 8-8.5 feet tall.[26][52][note 2] He was rapidly aged by Voporak's time field,[50] but survived.[54]
Gladiator's Species
A slave species native to the island of Stelt[55] whose members are often forced to work as entertainment fighters.[56]
Guardian's Species
A tribal species with its homeland ravaged by war, at least at the point Guardian was recruited.[58]
- Guardian (revived)
- Members of Guardian's tribe; they were betrayed and handed over to their enemies by one of their own[58]
Hydraxon's Species
This species can wear and use Kanohi.[59][note 3] This species was not able to breathe water.[61][62]
Johmak's Species
Members of this species slightly resemble Vortixx.[65] Each has the ability to shatter their body into a cloud of crystals, in which form they can float on the breeze, and reform at a time of their choosing.[66] This species cannot use Kanohi.[67][68]
Kalmah's Species
A species of one of the six rulers ordained by Mata Nui.[note 1] This species is able to wear and use Kanohi,[42][43] although they do not wear them regularly.[44]
Krekka's Species
Another species native to Stelt, commonly referred to as "bruisers". The blue, grey, and white armored beings[69][70] socially rank between Sidorak's species and Gladiator's species.[71][72] Members of this species are not particularly intelligent,[73][74] but they are very strong and are capable of flight.[75][76] They are typically hired as laborers or bodyguards. This species cannot use Kanohi.[49]
- Krekka (deceased)
- At least a dozen bruisers who restrained Gladiator during his rampage[56]
- Seven bruisers who served as the crew of a boat before they were hypnotized and driven overboard by Takadox;[69][77][78] the survivors continued to crew the ship's replacement[79]
- Two bruisers who served as guards for a rogue Nynrah Ghost during his stay on Stelt; both were defeated by Mazeka[80][81]
- One bruiser who was captured by Skakdi, taken to Zakaz, and thrown into Energized Protodermis to become part of the Golden Being (fused)[82][83][84]
Lariska's Species
This species is able to wear and use Kanohi.[49]
Mantax's Species
A species of one of the six rulers ordained by Mata Nui.[note 1] This species is able to wear and use Kanohi,[42][43] although they do not wear them regularly.[44]
Mimic's Species
A species native to a land that suffered a natural disaster that made it difficult to survive.[86]
- Mimic
- Mimic's longtime companion, who was imprisoned in the Odina Fortress[87]
Nocturn's Species
A species of amphibious[88] beings who once lived on a small island that was later destroyed by Nocturn. Members of this species possess the ability to regrow lost limbs,[89][90] and are also naturally immune to Pit Mutagen.[91][92] This species cannot use Kanohi.[49]
Original Inhabitants of Nynrah
The original inhabitants of Nynrah are crafters who coexisted with the Nynrah Ghosts.[94]
Original Inhabitants of Odina
Prior to the Dark Hunters' takeover of the island, another society of beings resided on Odina. All were killed or driven off by The Shadowed One and Ancient.[95]
Poison's Species
A venomous species sometimes thought to be Rahi. The Matoran have nearly wiped out this species. Members of this species are not immune to their own venom.[96]
Pridak's Species
A species of one of the six rulers ordained by Mata Nui.[note 1] This species is able to wear and use Kanohi,[42][43] although they do not wear them regularly.[44]
Primal's Species
A species of insectoid beings who lived in tribes and were ravaged by the Visorak. Has no known natural powers.[97]
- Primal
- A small band of survivors led by Primal; the Shadowed One betrayed their location to the Visorak[97]
- Various warriors in Primal's band whom the Shadowed One recruited[97]
The Shadowed One's Species
A species that is native to a cold island.[98] Due to their poor habitat, some members of this species came to believe they were not favored by the Great Spirit. After Ancient began his mercenary business, the island's society collapsed into civil war.[99][100] Members have tails and tend to be natural-born leaders, especially after the civil war.[101][102] This species can use Kanohi.[note 4] Technology to manufacture this species was upgraded over time, and as such some specimens, such as Ancient and Tyrant, look different from others.[109][110]
- The Shadowed One
- Ancient[111][100][112] (deceased)
- Conjurer[101][102]
- Tyrant[101][102]
- Several members of this species who lived on an island that were ruled by Tyrant.[113][114]
Sidorak's Species
This species established themselves as upper-class denizens of Stelt, ruling over Krekka's species and Gladiator's species. Their society is feudal.[115] This species is able to wear and use Kanohi.[116][note 5] They wear dark red and black armor.[119]
- Sidorak (deceased)
- Voporak[120][121] (mutated)
- A trader,[121] teal in coloration,[122] whose boat was stolen by Brutaka's crew[69] and who was later interrogated by Makuta Miserix[79]
Takadox's Species
A species of one of the six rulers ordained by Mata Nui.[note 1] Members of this species possess the ability to hypnotize others[123] and can wear and use Kanohi,[42][43] although they do not wear them regularly.[44]
Tobduk's Species
The species native to the island of Visorak. They were mostly wiped out when Makuta Chirox unleashed the Visorak on their island; the survivors migrated to the island of Stelt.[124] This species is able to wear and use Kanohi.
Trinuma's Species
This species is able to wear and use Kanohi.
Vanisher's Species
Not much is known about this species.
Beings of Unknown Origin
These individuals have unknown origins, as their documented history generally starts only with their recruitment. They may belong to an above or named species, be unique due to mutation or experimentation, or possess unique traits. Unless noted otherwise, some listings may describe the same characters, but no confirmation exists.
Order of Mata Nui
- Jerbraz
- A member who met a dying Tahtorak who revealed that the Tahtorak on Zakaz plan to wipe out the Skakdi[126]
- A male member who guarded Tuyet in another dimension, until this member was convinced Tuyet was noble, and helped her escape[127]
- A winged female member who informed Tahu and Onua of the Rahkshi's movements after Teridax's takeover[128]
- A male member who was assigned to Metru Nui following the Matoran Civil War and later was tortured into revealing the Order's existence and the Toa Metru's true collective destiny to the Karzahni (deceased)[129][130]
- A member that was sent to Mata Nui in a Toa Canister, but was killed by Teridax[130](deceased)[131]
- An operative at Mahri Nui with whom the Order lost contact (deceased)[132][133]
- Two unnamed members who planted an explosive device on Artidax[65]
- An unspecified number of members who were killed for knowing the location of Artakha (deceased)[134]
- An unspecified number of members in the Destiny War and in the occupation and defense of Metru Nui[135]
- An unspecified number who died on various missions (deceased)
Dark Hunters
- Airwatcher
- Amphibax
- Darkness
- Devastator
- Dweller
- Eliminator
- Lurker
- Ravager
- The Recorder
- Seeker
- Sentrakh (transformed)
- Shadow Stealer
- Silence (transformed)
- Tracker (transformed)
- Triglax
- Vengeance
- A member responsible for fusing Prototype[136]
- Various members defeated or killed by Shadow Stealer and hired to defeat him[137]
- Various members partnered with Vanisher to be killed by him
- Various members who discovered Airwatcher, Avak, Gladiator, Guardian, Krekka, Poison, Ravager, Reidak, Spinner, Thok, and various other agents, and who rediscovered Prototype[138]
- A member who disturbed the peace on Odina by shouting and was assigned a role as a practice dummy[139]
- A tall, thin, winged, male avian who revealed the location of the Makoki Stone to Hakann; destroyed by the Shadowed One's disintegration eyebeams.(deceased)[140]
- Two Dark Hunters sent to spy on Vanisher during a mission[141]
- Three Dark Hunters whom Toa Helryx threw into the ocean[26]
- Eight Dark Hunters whom the Shadowed One exposed to Hordika Venom; became the Hordika Dragons (transformed)
- Some Dark Hunters in ships around Zakaz; all killed by the Zyglak and Skakdi (deceased)[39]
- Ex-Dark Hunters who now serve in the Barraki's armies[142]
- An unspecified number killed in Dark Hunter-Brotherhood of Makuta War (deceased)
- An unspecified number involved in the Destiny War and in the occupation of Xia[135]
- An unspecified number who died on various missions (deceased)
Alternate Dimensions

City-Building Creatures
A Rahi-like species that reside in a pocket dimension. The species members are about twenty feet (six meters) tall and are herbivorous, feeding on large melon-like fruit. They are gentle by nature and will only use their formidable claws in self-defense. They also built a grand city of silver and crystal towers, where they lived and prospered for a very long time. Unfortunately, a group of Kestora attacked and took the city as their own, leaving only one inhabitant alive.
- The sole survivor of the City-Building Creatures.
- The Spherus Magna warrior species has never been officially named, but due to their common employment as Glatorian, they are referred to as such by fans and this wiki.
- It is unclear if the Barraki belong to any of the species that had been seen up until that point,[143][144][145][146][147][148][40][41][149] but they are Toa-sized[150] and none of them are Skakdi.[151][note 6]
- Although Lariska is commonly assumed to belong to or be related to the Vortixx species, Greg Farshtey maintains that she is not and belongs to no species that we already know of.[152][153][154][155][156]
- Although Triglax is commonly assumed to belong to or be a member of the Krahka species, Greg maintains otherwise[157] because he is not a Rahi.[158]
- Although Axonn, Brutaka, Hydraxon, Johmak, Lariska, Trinuma, Tobduk, Vanisher, and the four-armed giant Order agent were not confirmed in the story to have had species, details have since been fleshed out by Greg Farshtey. Lurker, Guardian, and Primal are not explicitly confirmed to have species, although their canon backgrounds seem to strongly imply such. The Shadowed One speculated that there may be more of Amphibax's or Ravager's kinds, but it would not be any the he was familiar with.[159][160] Farshtey has also stated he does not regard Shadow Stealer as a unique being.[161]
See also