"It is most often seen in the vicinity of Le-Koro, and the Le-Koro Matoran must always be on guard when swinging through the trees."
Fikou | |
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Rahi | |
Conservation status | Common[1] |
Known locations | Metru Nui (formerly) Mata Nui (formerly) Voya Nui (formerly) Spherus Magna[2] |
Pronunciation | fee-KOO[3] |
Set | 1441 Fikou (instructions) 10023 BIONICLE Master Builder Set (instructions) Fikou (instructions) |
Fikou Tree Spiders,[5] more commonly called Fikou, are dangerous spider-like Rahi.
The Fikou species, along with a sub-species with pincers and a stinger, was created by the Makuta using Viruses and Liquid Protodermis to be one of the Rahi to inhabit the Matoran Universe.[6]
On Metru Nui, Fikou lived among the cables of Le-Metru and Onu-Metru. The vicious spiders loved to lurk around high branches and tangled cables and wait for their incredibly strong webs to entangle prey.[3]
A stinger-tailed sub-species of Fikou migrated to the Voya Nui region of the Southern Continent. When the Great Cataclysm hit, Voya Nui rocketed to the surface of Aqua Magna. Its Fikou population traveled with it and remained on the island for 1,000 years.[7][8] Although many survived the ascent, some of them may not have survived Voya Nui's return to its position on the Southern Continent.[9]
Many Metru Nui Fikou migrated to the Le-Wahi region of the newly-formed island of Mata Nui.[3] The Matoran of Le-Koro always had to be on guard when swinging through the trees due to the danger posed by these Fikou.[10] Several Fikou were influenced by Teridax using Infected Kanohi, leading them to attack Matoran.[11] During the Bohrok Invasion, the destruction of Fikou webs in Le-Wahi by the Bohrok forced some Fikou to migrate into the jungle canopies.[12] The island's Fikou population returned to the Matoran Universe after the Bohrok swarms were unleashed a second time to cleanse the island.[13]
After the Mata Nui Robot was critically damaged in the Battle of Bara Magna, the surviving Fikou emigrated from the Matoran Universe to Spherus Magna.[2] The Fikou are currently looking for a region on Spherus Magna similar to their former habitats.[14]
Abilities and Traits
The Fikou are dangerous when threatened, no matter their size, due to their bite.[15] Fikou are also known for emitting a chirping noise and tunneling underground.[11] In the high branches of trees, they weave strong, intricate webs that ensnare their prey.[16] They may also capture passing prey by suddenly jumping out at them.[3]
There are a variety of known sub-species, each adapted to life in a different region. The orange and green Fikou have adapted to jungle regions, the black ones and the yellow ones[11] have adapted to underground and rocky regions, blue Fikou have adapted to water and coastal regions, red ones have adapted to fiery regions, brown and tan Fikou have adapted to desert regions, and white Fikou have adapted to frozen, ice type regions.[17][18]
A sub-species exists on the Southern Continent that possesses both pincers and a stinger.[7][8]
The Fikou-Nui is notably larger than the average Fikou spider.[19]
Set Information

The black Fikou is a set combiner of Toa Mata sets 8531 Pohatu and 8532 Onua. However, it uses an additional ball joint which is not present in the sets. Its instructions were available in a 2001 LEGO Mania Magazine (now known as LEGO Club Magazine). The model featured a black Pakari.
In 2002, an orange Fikou was released as part of the 10023 BIONICLE Master Builder Set. The model featured an orange Pakari.
A promotional set, 1441 Fikou, was released in 2003 as a gift-with-purchase with Bohrok-Kal sets at Carrefour stores in Belgium.[20] Like the one released in 2002, this one was orange, but unlike it, used a light gray head rather than a dark gray head beneath the mask.
- A section of maintenance tunnels below the Onu-Metru Archives is known as the Fikou Web. They were named not only after the webs that the Fikou spiders left in the passages, but also because the formations of them are similar in structure to a web.[21][22]
- A Rahi known as the Fikou-Nui once resided on the island of Mata Nui.[4]
- The Fikou-Nui was set to appear in the cancelled 2001 video game BIONICLE: The Legend of Mata Nui. Later on the LEGO Message Boards, BZPower and BIONICLESector01 member Boidoh suggested that Greg Farshtey canonize the Fikou-Nui, and Farshtey did so.[4]
Books | Online | Multimedia |
Novels Guides |
Online Games Video Games
Card Games |
See also
BIONICLE Combiner and Alternate Models of 2001 | ||
Combiner Model | Akamai | Wairuha | Turaga Nui | Matoran Nui (Kaita 1) (Kaita 2) | Mata Nui Cow | Dikapi | Fikou | Turaga Kaita (Alpha) (Beta) (Gamma) | |
Alternate Model | Nui-Kopen | Kuma-Nui | Mana Ko | Kahu | Tarakava Nui | |
see full list |
BIONICLE Sets of 2002 | ||
Small | 8550 Gahlok Va | 8551 Kohrak Va | 8552 Lehvak Va | 8553 Pahrak Va | 8554 Tahnok Va | 8555 Nuhvok Va | |
Medium | 8560 Pahrak | 8561 Nuhvok | 8562 Gahlok | 8563 Tahnok | 8564 Lehvak | 8565 Kohrak 8566 Onua Nuva | 8567 Lewa Nuva | 8568 Pohatu Nuva | 8570 Gali Nuva | 8571 Kopaka Nuva | 8572 Tahu Nuva | |
Large | Standard | 8556 Boxor | 8557 Exo-Toa | 8558 Cahdok & Gahdok |
Special | 10023 BIONICLE Master Builder Set | |
Collectible | 8559 BIONICLE Krana | 8597 Kanohi Nuva & Krana Pack | |
see full list |
BIONICLE Sets of 2003 | ||
Small | 8581 Kopeke | 8582 Matoro | 8583 Hahli | 8584 Hewkii | 8585 Hafu | 8586 Macku | |
Medium | 8573 Nuhvok-Kal | 8574 Tahnok-Kal | 8575 Kohrak-Kal | 8576 Lehvak-Kal | 8577 Pahrak-Kal | 8578 Gahlok-Kal 8587 Panrahk | 8588 Kurahk | 8589 Lerahk | 8590 Guurahk | 8591 Vorahk | 8592 Turahk | |
Large | Standard | 8593 Makuta | 8594 Jaller & Gukko | 8595 Takua & Pewku | 8596 Takanuva |
Special | 10201 Takutanuva | |
Collectible | 8580 Kraata | 8599 Krana-Kal | |
Promotional | 1441 Fikou | |
see full list |
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