Karzahni (Location)

This page features content from BIONICLE Generation 1
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This article is about the location. You may be looking for the being or the plant.

"Fire provides no warmth, while the touch of ice burns. Dust falls cascade over mountains while pools of water sit unmoving. Thunder makes no noise, but the sound of a gentle breeze can be deafening."
— A member of the Order of Mata Nui, World

Status Dismantled
Inhabitants Karzahni
Manas (all formerly)
Population None
Assigned Makuta Makuta Icarax
Position Southeast of Metru Nui
Pronunciation KARR-zah-NEE

Karzahni was a realm in the Matoran Universe ruled by the tyrant Karzahni, after whom it was named.


The sand falls of Karzahni

Karzahni was the second location built by the Great Beings during the construction of the Matoran Universe.[1] It became Karzahni's domain. The realm was originally intended as a place where Matoran could be sent for their injuries to be repaired and for their poor attitudes to be changed. Karzahni would help these Matoran, so they could reenter the labor force. However, Karzahni was inept at repairing Matoran, and he rebuilt them weaker than they had been. To compensate for his failures, he gave the Matoran weapons to help them defend themselves.[2]

Seeking to hide his shortcomings, Karzahni did not return the Matoran whom he rebuilt to their homelands. Instead, he sent them to the Southern Continent of the Matoran Universe.[3] Former Toa Cordak Lesovikk attempted a number of times to break into Karzahni after learning that his homeland's Turaga had sent away all the local Matoran for repairs. However, Karzahni's army of Manas thwarted the Toa time and time again. By the time Lesovikk finally snuck into the realm, all of his friends had been sent out of Karzahni.[4]

Turaga noticed that Matoran sent to Karzahni did not return and consequently ceased sending Matoran there. Karzahni was enraged by this and, blaming the Matoran for his failures, imprisoned his remaining subjects in his realm, stripping them of their identities.[3] Eventually the realm attained legendary status as a place where poor workers were sent in ancient times, never to return. So feared grew the land that the Matoran used the term "Karzahni" to scare one another. "Go to Karzahni," for example, was a phrase Matoran often used in arguments.[5]

After the Matoran Civil War on Metru Nui, Makuta Miserix assigned Makuta to separate regions of the Matoran Universe to watch over.[6] Makuta Icarax was assigned to Karzahni.[7] Following the Great Cataclysm, Icarax left the realm with a force of native Manas crabs to attempt a conquest of the universe, but Teridax thwarted him.[7]

Accompanied by Toa Takanuva, the Matoran Jaller, Matoro, Kongu, Hahli, Nuparu, and Hewkii attempted to pass through Karzahni on their way to Voya Nui. They entered through the Tunnel of Darkness and a stone gateway that prevented Takanuva from passing, so the Matoran were forced to proceed alone. After a brief stay in Karzahni, during which they lost their Kanohi, the Matoran fled using six Toa Canisters that had been stored in the realm.[3] Karzahni then abandoned his land in order to follow the six Matoran.[8] The Matoran of the realm were pleased and troubled that its ruler left. Most of them thought it was a trick and did not try to escape.[9]

An aerial view of an area in Karzahni

The Toa Nuva later traveled to Karzahni in pursuit of Icarax, who had stolen the Staff of Artakha. Upon arriving, Lewa and Onua comforted the Matoran and convinced them to travel to Metru Nui. When Icarax attacked the Toa, Gali unleashed a Nova Blast in desperation, completely flooding and destroying the realm. The Toa Nuva were only able to salvage Lhikan's Noble Hau, which had been taken from Jaller while he was there.[10] The Shadowed One later arranged a meeting with Pridak in Karzahni to discuss a proposed alliance, which was soon made.[11][12]

Tahu, Kopeke, Lariska, Guardian, Johmak, and Krahka assembled a camp in Karzahni where they could organize themselves against Teridax, who had taken control of the Matoran Universe. While the group debated their next move, Teridax discovered them and killed a straying Guardian by bonding him with earth and sealing him in a crevice. A dozen Exo-Toa arrived afterward, and the leader threatened to kill the group if they did not leave Karzahni to be retrained as laborers in Metru Nui.[13] However, after a fierce battle and the arrival of Onua, who made a crevice under the ground to defeat the last robots, the team decided to leave the realm, heading for a new mission.[14]

After Teridax's death and mass evacuation of the Matoran Universe, Karzahni, along with all other locations, was dismantled.[15][16]

Toa Empire Alternate Universe

In this alternate universe, Takanuva flew to meet Jaller, Bomonga, and Kualus as they traveled through Karzahni to transport the Vahi from Artakha to Metru Nui. The Toa realized Takanuva was not loyal to the Toa Empire, but they were ambushed by Lesovikk. The Toa of Air took the Vahi and traveled with Takanuva to Metru Nui.[17]


One of many forges in Karzahni

A short peninsula jutted north from Karzahni forming a land bridge dotted with mountain ranges, a large stone gateway, and the Tunnel of Darkness. The stone gateway included a barrier, raised by the Order of Mata Nui, that barred beings bearing the elemental power of Light.[18] On the spit of land at the far end of the land bridge was an entrance to an underwater chute to Metru Nui.[19]

The realm itself was very strange. The ground screamed at every step; other land features included volcanoes that spewed burning ice and waterfalls made out of dust. If a Matoran were to sit down, the rock upon which the Matoran sat would turn the Matoran into a statue. These statues, along with everything else in Karzahni, were destroyed by Gali Nuva's Nova Blast.

Former Inhabitants


The Matoran living in Karzahni were all damaged or in disrepair. Many of the Matoran had lost their minds or otherwise were too scared to do anything apart from following their leader. Workers in Karzahni's forges occasionally constructed weapons for the realm's defense, but their ruler would more frequently instruct them to create useless objects which he would destroy and order them to recreate.[20] Karzahni was also home to one of the builders of the Toa Canisters. After Karzahni's departure, most Matoran stayed in the realm out of fear,[9] but Lewa and Onua later managed to convince them to depart the realm and travel to Metru Nui.[21] There, they were repaired, and some departed for other parts of the universe.[22]


Karzahni was home to the following Rahi species:



"It is not a place one visits by choice... and it is not a place where one ever leaves."
— A member of the Order of Mata Nui, World

"This is a realm of shadow... of famine and plague and blight ... This is a world of darkness ... and there is no place for light."
— A carving (translated by Hahli), Dark Destiny


  • Greg Farshtey was inspired by Dante's Inferno when developing Karzahni.[23]


Books Online



Story Serials


  1. Encyclopedia Updated, p. 56.
  2. World, p. 21.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Dark Destiny. BIONICLE Legends 2.
  4. "Chapter 3." Dreams of Destruction.
  5. Encyclopedia Updated, p. 55.
  6. "Chapter 4." The Mutran Chronicles.
  7. 7.0 7.1 "Chapter 9." The Mutran Chronicles.
  8. "Chapter 2." Dreams of Destruction.
  9. 9.0 9.1 BZPower: Bionicle News Update, 8 June 2007 (archive)
  10. "Chapter 7." Toa Nuva Blog.
  11. "Chapter 8." Destiny War.
  12. "Chapter 11." Reign of Shadows.
  13. "Chapter 1." Reign of Shadows.
  14. "Chapter 2." Reign of Shadows.
  15. "Official Greg Quotes", post 130. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  16. "Chat with Greg Farshtey", post 10627399. LEGO Message Boards. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  17. "Chapter 6-7." Dark Mirror.
  18. "Official Greg Discussion", post 9350. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  19. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 2653. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  20. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 7161. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  21. Toa Nuva Blog.
  22. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 9611. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  23. The TTV Message Boards: Karzahni's universe culture?, 1 June 2017