Matoran Universe

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"Will you fight the air you breathe, Toa? The ground that you walk on? Understand — I no longer need to battle you in hopes of ruling the universe. I am the universe."
Makuta Teridax, The Final Battle

Matoran Universe
Status Dismantled
Inhabitants Various
Population Millions[1] (formerly)
Position Inside the Mata Nui Robot
Pronunciation mat-OAR-an

The Matoran Universe[note 1] was the internal environment of the Mata Nui robot. Built by the Great Beings, it encompasses a series of domes containing continents, islands and special areas, and was designed to be supervised and maintained by Mata Nui.


A Brickmaster listing of notable historical events

More than 100,000 years ago, the Great Beings began the creation of the Matoran Universe inside the body of the Great Spirit Mata Nui, in response to the Shattering that struck their home planet of Spherus Magna.

The Great Beings created Tren Krom to watch over the Universe while they gave life to its first inhabitants, the Matoran, and created the Universe's various locations. Artakha and Karzahni were created, and they constructed their own realms in which they could live. The Hand of Artakha was formed to protect the Matoran. The Great Beings then laid down the foundations of Metru Nui, and created Helryx, the first Toa, to guide the Matoran in the construction of the city. The Kanohi Ignika, created to heal Mata Nui and destroy all life in the Universe if things got out of hand, was forged and placed in a heavily guarded chamber, due to its immense power. Eventually, the Hand of Artakha was disbanded, and the Order of Mata Nui, led by Helryx, was formed to serve the will of Mata Nui. The Brotherhood of Makuta was also formed to create Rahi once the Makuta species was created, under the leadership of Makuta Miserix.

The Toa Mata, destined to awaken Mata Nui if anything were to happen to him, were given life and trained in combat by Hydraxon. Once Mata Nui awoke, Tren Krom was imprisoned on an island. Mata Nui appointed the Barraki as rulers of the Universe, and they eventually formed the League of Six Kingdoms. They eventually started planning to overthrow Mata Nui, but were stopped by a Brotherhood of Makuta army led by Makuta Teridax. As punishment for their crimes, they were captured and imprisoned in the Pit. However, their ill-fated rebellion planted in Teridax's mind a plan of overthrowing Mata Nui.

Around seventy-nine thousand five hundred years ago, Mata Nui began losing his health because a civil war broke out in Metru Nui, causing the Great Disruption. Jovan and his Toa team sought the Ignika, and eventually acquired it, with one member using it to heal Mata Nui at the cost of his life. Following the civil war, Miserix assigned the various Makuta to watch over the regions of the Matoran Universe. He assigned Teridax to Metru Nui for his work in ending the war.

About four thousand years ago, the Kanohi Dragon was released on Metru Nui by the Dark Hunters, as a part of the Shadowed One's plan to take over Metru Nui. Lhikan and the rest of the Toa Mangai arrived to defeat the Rahi, and successfully managed to do so, taking it to Xia afterwards. The eleven Toa then chose to stay in Metru Nui. However, one of their number, Tuyet, was wanted by the Dark Hunters for her possession of the Nui Stone. She began murdering Matoran to make Lhikan and Nidhiki believe the Dark Hunters were responsible, but they learned the truth after defeating them. Tuyet was defeated, and secretly taken to another dimension by Botar. A Tuyet from yet another dimension was placed in the Pit to cover up the Order's plan to reproduce the Nui Stone.

One thousand years after the Kanohi Dragon was released, the Dark Hunters declared war on the city. After discovering Nidhiki had betrayed the Toa, Lhikan set up an ambush with the reinforcements that had arrived, and forced the Dark Hunters out along with the traitorous Nidhiki.

Just five hundred years after the war, Makuta Kojol led a raid on the island of Artakha to steal the Kanohi Avohkii. He succeeded, but Artakha had the Order of Mata Nui destroy everything showing Artakha's location and kill all beings that knew where it was, including Kojol.

Around one thousand three hundred years ago, Makuta Teridax infected Mata Nui with a Virus that gradually weakened him. 299 years after that, Teridax then captured and disguised himself as Turaga Dume, the leader of Metru Nui, and tricked the Matoran of the island-city into spheres that would erase their memories so that when he awakened them, he could be heralded as their leader. He also sent all of the Toa in Metru Nui sent on various 'missions', which resulted in their deaths, until one Toa, Lhikan, remained. He had begun to notice that Dume was acting differently, so he gave Toa Stones to six Matoran, who became the Toa Metru. These six Toa, despite being branded as criminals, were able to expose Teridax and imprison him in a Toa Seal. However, the virus had taken its toll, and Mata Nui was cast into a deep slumber.

As he was traveling between worlds when he fell asleep, Mata Nui fell from interplanetary space and crashed into Aqua Magna. This caused massive damage to the Matoran Universe, an event its inhabitants referred to as the Great Cataclysm.

The Dark Time

Due to the Great Cataclysm, a huge part of the Southern Continent broke off and rose to the surface of the ocean planet, becoming the island Voya Nui. A Giant Waterfall was created in Karda Nui, which was caused by Voya Nui's departure tearing open the ceiling of Karda Nui and piercing the Southern Continent's dome and allowing water to fall through the gaps into both environments. Metru Nui was then invaded by the Visorak horde, led by Roodaka and Sidorak. When the Toa Metru returned to Metru Nui, they were transformed into Toa Hordika. The Toa Hordika, with the help of the Rahaga, managed to scatter the Visorak horde and defeat their leaders. However, Teridax was freed from his prison by a plan of Roodaka's. The Matoran of Metru Nui, still in the Matoran Spheres, were moved to an island on the planet surface which was then named Mata Nui. The Toa Metru then awakened by the Matoran by sacrificing their power and becoming Turaga.

One thousand years later, the Matoran returned to Metru Nui. The real Turaga Dume, having been imprisoned in a malfunctioned Matoran Sphere and emerged early, informed the Turaga of Mata Nui and the Toa Nuva that the Great Spirit was not merely sleeping, but was dying. The Toa Nuva left on a mission to Voya Nui to acquire the Ignika to save Mata Nui's life. However, the were soon defeated by six Skakdi who called themselves Piraka, and were unable to get the Mask of Life. Back in Metru Nui, the Ta-Matoran Jaller grew suspicious of the Toa Nuva's absence, and after learning from Nokama where they had gone, gathered together five other Matoran to go help them. While traveling to Voya Nui, the Toa Canisters the utilized were struck by lightning from the Red Star and the six Matoran were transformed into the Toa Inika. Their Matoran allies freed the Toa Nuva from their imprisonment by the Piraka while they acquired the Kanohi Ignika, only for it to dive into the sea.

The Great Spirit, housing the Matoran Universe, rises after 1,000 years of sleep

The Toa Inika followed the Ignika, which transformed them into the Toa Mahri. Following many battles with the Barraki, with help from Makuta Teridax secretly possessing a Maxilos guard robot, the Toa destroyed the stone Cord that anchored Voya Nui to Aqua Magna's seabed. Matoro then took the Ignika and followed the sinking island, narrowly slipping below it and arriving in Karda Nui. While sacrificing his life the revive the Great Spirit, Matoro also used the Ignika to teleport his fellow Toa Mahri back to Metru Nui.

Meanwhile, the Toa Nuva prepared the Matoran Universe for Mata Nui's awakening. Following the tasks' completions, the Staff of Artakha was used to reverse most of the damage done by the Great Cataclysm. The Toa Nuva were then given Adaptive Armor, Kanohi, and weapons by Artakha and teleported to Karda Nui to confront the occupying Brotherhood of Makuta forces.

Around the same time, a team of corrupt beings and outcasts assembled and led by Brutaka set out to free Miserix, the former leader of the Brotherhood of Makuta. They eventually rescued Miserix on an island in the Southern Chains called Artidax.[2]

Teridax's Reign

The Toa Nuva succeeded in awakening Mata Nui, who rose after his thousand-year slumber. However, Teridax had possessed the body, and exiled Mata Nui's spirit inside the Kanohi Ignika from his body. Teridax, exercising his new powers, then made an announcement to the entire Matoran Universe of his victory. The Matoran of Metru Nui were enslaved by the new "Turaga," Ahkmou, while other disparate groups joined together in small resistance groups to rebel against and reclaim the Matoran Universe.[3]

Tahu, Takanuva, and a legion of Rahkshi exit the Matoran Universe through a hatch

Eventually, Teridax landed on Bara Magna, with the intent on destroying Mata Nui. He released many Rahkshi of Heat Vision from hatches in the Matoran Universe onto the planet. Takanuva migrated onto Bara Magna as well, followed by Tahu.

Teridax later sent out Skakdi, led by Nektann, to fight the Glatorian and Toa around the robot.

During Teridax's fight with Mata Nui, Mata Nui pushed Teridax into the path of a fragment of Aqua Magna. The resulting impact destroyed the Core Processor, killing Teridax and heavily damaging Metru Nui. With no being in control, the robot body collapsed onto Bara Magna, causing heavy damage throughout the Matoran Universe. With the death of Teridax's robot, the heating, lighting, and artificial gravity systems in the robot began to fail. As a result, most beings in the Matoran Universe migrated to the newly reformed Spherus Magna.[4]

The Matoran Universe was eventually taken apart on Bara Magna. Some parts have been used to make shelters and villages, while others were used to create a makeshift prison.[5][6]

Alternate Universes

Great Spirit Makuta Alternate Universe

In this reality, the Great Beings named the Matoran Universe's guiding spirit Makuta, and his brother Mata Nui plotted against him.

Toa Empire Alternate Universe

In this alternate reality, Tuyet formed a Toa Empire, conquering some of the Matoran Universe, and ruling it as an empress.

The Kingdom Alternate Universe

In this alternate universe, Matoro failed to revive Mata Nui, and as such a mass exodus of the Matoran Universe happened, with all but the Zyglak and Makuta exiting the Universe. Pit Mutagen leaked into the Universe, and in three days the heat, light, and gravity systems failed and surviving Rahi were mutated. The Zyglak died, and Teridax took over Icarax's and merged with the bodies of each Makuta when they died. Teridax created Rahkshi coated in thick shadow armor to survive passing through light barriers placed blocking the way to the island of Mata Nui above.

Spherus Magna Alternate Universe

The Matoran Universe inhabitants left it when Mata Nui reformed Spherus Magna in this universe.

Locations Placement

The Matoran Universe was comprised of a variety of domes; massive individual caves separated by gates with oceans and islands of their own. Most of the following details are derived from the Matoran Universe map found in Makuta's Guide to the Universe.

  • The island city of Metru Nui was contained within the most prominent portion of the domes. The city did not share its dome with any other islands.[7][8][9] It acted as the Great Spirit's brain.
  • Karzahni was situated south of Metru Nui.[10] Karzahni's dome was not directly connected to Artakha's.[11]
  • Zakaz, Xia, and Stelt were all part of an individual island chain.[12] Zakaz was located just south of Karzahni and several days away from Metru Nui.[13] Xia was situated directly to the east of Metru Nui's main southern sea gate and along the Great Barrier.[14] Stelt was not far south of Xia and in a separate dome.[15][16] Other islands were also located within this region.[14][17]
  • The Northern Continent was located south of Karzahni but north of the Southern Continent, and had a peninsula known as the Tren Krom Peninsula. It was a ways apart from Metru Nui.[18]
  • There were two island chains, one in the far east and one in the far west, constituted of islands in varying degrees of settlement and public awareness. Each chain was situated in one of the Great Spirit's arms.
  • Artakha and Tren Krom's Island were located in the western island chain in the Great Spirit's right arm. Tren Krom's island shared a dome with other islands.[19]
  • Odina, Nynrah, and the Visorak were located in the eastern island chain in the Great Spirit's left arm.
  • The Southern Continent was situated south of Metru Nui. There was a series of underground caverns underneath the continent, which was home to the Av-Matoran. These caverns were situated on top of the stalactites in Karda Nui. It was in a separate dome from the Northern Continent.[20]
    • Voya Nui was originally connected to the Southern Continent, located south of the Metru Nui and Karzahni domes. During the Great Cataclysm, it was violently torn from the continent and thrust upward through the roof of its dome. It floated upon the Endless Ocean, south of the island of Mata Nui, and moved little from the point it emerged from since that time. It was later returned to its former location when the Toa Mahri destroyed the Cord.
  • There were islands between the Northern and Southern Continents.[21]
  • The island where the Makuta came into being was in the southern islands, but in close enough proximity to the Southern Continent to stage an invasion on the continent.[22]
  • Karda Nui was located beneath the Southern Continent, and was considered to be a world of its own. It acted as the Great Spirit's heart.
  • There were two chains of islands situated far in the south of the Matoran Universe, which included Artidax, Keetongu's homeland, and a chain of active volcanoes that were capped by the Toa Nuva. They remained mostly unexplored, and had little known use. Each chain was situated in one of the Great Spirit's legs.
  • The island of the Energized Protodermis Entity was just north of Keetongu's Homeland. It was a short journey from Nynrah to the island.[22]

For other locations, see here.


  • The map for the Matoran Universe was based off a sketch by Greg Farshtey that emphasized relative location but was less concerned with the proportional size of each landmass.[23] Additionally, the map does not necessarily include very small islands.[24]
  • The timeline of Matoran history does not list events that happen within each year in the specific order they occurred. This is because it is a listing events that happened within each year, rather than a detailed chronological rendering.
  • One day in the Matoran Universe is divided into 36 hours.[note 2]
  • The inhabitants of the former Matoran Universe are normally about 85% mechanical and 15% organic, while the natives of the Spherus Magna are around 85% organic with 15% mechanical implants.[33]


  1. "Chapter 9, 12." Reign of Shadows.
  2. Federation of Fear.
  3. Reign of Shadows.
  4. Journey's End.
  5. "Official Greg Quotes", post 130. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  6. "Chat with Greg Farshtey", post 10878435. LEGO Message Boards. (archived on
  7. "Official Greg Discussion", post 5684. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  8. "Official Greg Discussion", post 7256. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  9. "Official Greg Discussion", post 9888. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  10. Dark Destiny. BIONICLE Legends 2.
  11. "Official Greg Discussion", post 10102. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  12. "Farshtey Feed, 2008-11-28". BZPower Blogs. (archived on
  13. "Zakaz: Getting There." World, p. 71.
  14. Jump up to: 14.0 14.1 "Xia: Getting There." World, p. 55.
  15. "Official Greg Discussion", post 8149. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  16. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 1135. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  17. "Chapter 4." Brothers In Arms.
  18. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 6108. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  19. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 1549. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  20. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 12652. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  21. "Official Greg Discussion", post 9376. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  22. Jump up to: 22.0 22.1 Destiny War.
  23. "Farshtey Feed, 2008-11-28". BZPower Blogs. (archived on
  24. "Farshtey Feed, 2008-12-05". BZPower Blogs. (archived on
  25. "Spherus Magna/Matoran Universe Clock", post 368980. BZPower Forums.
  26. "36 Hours...?", post 919239. BZPower Forums.
  27. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 4451. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  28. "Official Greg Discussion", post 8942. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  29. "Chat with Greg Farshtey", post 7060220. LEGO Message Boards. (archived on
  30. "Official Greg Discussion", post 11803. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  31. "Official Greg Discussion", post 6902. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  32. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 8883. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  33. BZPower: Glatorian - Bio-mechanical Or Not?, 24 January 2009 (archive)


  1. Although the term "Matoran Universe" is commonly used by fans as a proper noun, the phrase only appears in-story as "Matoran universe."
  2. This fan theory was canonized through the BIONICLE Story Squad of BZPower, and approved by Greg Farshtey.[25] The information on the approval was lost after the forum went down.[26] At other times both before and after this canonization, Farshtey stated the sundial did not represent the timekeeping system in BIONICLE,[27] or declined to confirm it,[28][29] mainly because he was not involved with the creation of the Mata Nui Online Game,[30] so he did not know what functions the producers intended the Sundial to have.[31][32]

See also