
From BIONICLEsector01

BIONICLEsector01 Maintenance
BS01 Maintenance is the hub page for all... well... maintenance. We're kind of perfectionists around here, so feel free to help out and improve our articles. Our objective is to empty the maintenance categories and finish all of our tasks, although many of these will be ongoing endeavors that will have to be revisited from time to time. Specific projects can be found on the Project Board.

Our intent is to improve the overall quality of the BS01 Wiki; personal recognition should never be your goal. But do take pride in your work, as it certainly benefits our whole community. The project is headed by Dorek. See him if you have any questions or concerns.

Categories Special Pages
The following categories contain items that do not meet BS01's quality standards. If you see any such pages, please tag them with an appropriate category so we can fix them. These pages show items that meet certain, often undesirable, criteria.
  • Broken Redirects - Redirects leading to pages that don't exist. They should either be pointed to an existing page or deleted.
  • Deadend Pages - Pages without any links to other pages. All pages should link to at least one other article.
  • Orphaned Pages - Pages without any parents. :(
  • Uncategorized Pages - Pages without any categories. They should probably have some.
  • Unused Files: - Files that are not used on any page. Find a place for them, or notify a staff member to have them deleted.
  • Wanted Categories - Categories that don't exist but are used on pages. Either create the category or remove the links.
  • Wanted Files - Files that don't exist but are used on pages. Either upload an appropriate file or remove the links.
  • Wanted Pages - Pages that don't exist but are linked to. Either create the page or remove the links.
  • Wanted Templates - Templates that don't exist but are used on pages. Either create the template or remove the links.
  • List of Redirects - A list of all redirect pages on the wiki. None of these pages should have links leading to them; check by going to the redirect, then clicking on 'What links here' in the tools section of the sidebar. If any pages link to the redirect, change the link so it leads to the appropriate page directly.
BS01 Tasks
Below is a list of various things the BS01 wiki wants to do to improve the quality of our site. Many of these are general housekeeping items and will always have to be checked up on, but they will be well worth it in the long run.
  • The Voting Center is always in need of some votes! Want to have a say in what goes on the wiki? Vote in the VC!
  • Individual projects can be found on our Project Board. Feel free to take on any project that interests you, and our staff will be available to lend a hand.
  • Citations are always needed! Visit the help page for more information on our reference system and how to use appropriate citing methods.
    • All sources should have a wayback machine archive juuuuust in case.
    • Many articles with citations also just have plain links, preferably these links should be properly formatted with titles and dates.
  • All files should have copyrights listed, but few do. Check out the given examples and feel free to start applying the template to other pages.
BIONICLEsector01 Maintenance