Visorak (Rahi)

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"No one knows where the Visorak came from or why. Those few who have mastered their language claim that Visorak means 'stealers of life' and others say it means 'poisonous scourge.' Either way, no truer words have been spoken. Fear them, for they are a plague upon the land, leaving nothing but pain and fear behind them. "
Toa Hordika Whenua, Challenge of the Hordika

Creator Makuta Chirox
Powers Hordika Venom
Individual powers
Conservation status Common
Known locations Matoran Universe (formerly)
Spherus Magna[1]
Pronunciation vih-SOAR-ack[2]

The Visorak are spider-like Rahi that once made up a large portion of the Brotherhood of Makuta's army.


Early history

The Visorak were initially programmed by the Great Beings into the Makuta consciousness.[3] They were ultimately first created by Makuta Chirox on Tobduk's home island more than 75,000 years ago with the intention of building an army for the Brotherhood.[4][5][6] After Chirox named them, the Visorak created their own language, attributing the meanings "stealers of life" or "poisonous scourge" to their species name.[7] Following their creation, they were unleashed on the rest of the island[8] to test their skill. The Visorak devastated Tobduk's island, with only a few of its inhabitants managing to escape to Nynrah. This island was later re-named Visorak after the creatures who had ravaged it.[9] Despite the renaming, the world at large was unaware of the origins of the Visorak.[10][7]

Makuta Gorast at one point conquered the Visorak.[11][12] They were then incorporated into the Brotherhood of Makuta's military.[13] Chirox created the Heart of the Visorak,[14] an artifact that had the ability to summon any and all Visorak no matter how far they were.[15]

Visorak among the Brotherhood of Makuta's army

75,000 years ago, Spiriah took several Visorak with him to Zakaz, where he assigned them to monitor the Skakdi, who had been granted powers. In Spiriah's absence, the Skakdi wiped out the Visorak.[16]

2,500 years ago, Makuta Kojol formed a strike team consisting of Visorak, Rahkshi, and Exo-Toa on a mission to invade Artakha and steal the Kanohi Avohkii. The Visorak were promptly eliminated by the Crystal Serpents.[17]

Visorak Horde

Sidorak and Roodaka leading the Visorak Horde

1,300 years ago, the Visorak were joined under the rule of Sidorak and his Viceroy Roodaka to create the Visorak Horde. They invaded several inhabited lands to defeat any potential obstacles to the Brotherhood and seal all remaining living beings in cocoons before moving on.[18]

Toa Lesovikk once defended an island to the south from the Visorak.[19]

During another invasion, Toa Chiara electrocuted the Colony Drones stationed with the Visorak. As the Visorak left to find more food sources, they were individually picked off by Chiara.[20]

Several Visorak attacked Ba-Koro and were killed by Ba-Matoran.[21]

There were a Visorak scouting team stranded on Voya Nui due to the Great Cataclysm.[22][23]

When Makuta Teridax was trapped in a Toa Seal, he summoned the Visorak Horde to his aid.[24] The Visorak Horde quickly descended on Metru Nui, spreading webs throughout the city, securing the sleeping Matoran, and establishing a strong presence in the city. Sidorak and Roodaka chose the Coliseum as their fortress and base of operations.[10]

Upon returning to rescue the Matoran, the Toa Metru were captured and mutated into Toa Hordika. To free Teridax and gain complete control of the Visorak, Roodaka arranged for the Toa to fall to their deaths after their mutation. This plan was foiled by the intervention of the Rahaga, who rescued and allied with the new Toa Hordika.[10] With the Toa Hordika and Rahaga fighting together, the Visorak began to suffer setbacks, including the seizing of a command tower.[7]

Toa Hordika Vakama betrayed his allies to the Visorak and was made a field commander of the Visorak Horde by Sidorak. During a confrontation in the Coliseum, Roodaka allowed Sidorak to be killed, making herself the new queen of the Visorak. As the Visorak Horde began to overwhelm the remaining Toa Hordika and Rahaga, Roodaka ordered them to stop, and proclaimed her victory over the Toa, tricking them into attacking her with their elemental powers to free Teridax. Vakama revealed his change of heart and ordered the Visorak Horde to disband. The Visorak then left Metru Nui.[25][26]

Visorak in front of a Brotherhood fortress

The Dark Time

500 years ago, a band of Visorak stragglers attempted to attack Metru Nui. They were quickly defeated by the Rahaga, Keetongu, and Turaga Dume.[27]

The Visorak horde remained scattered far and wide, although many found themselves in need of direction and conquest, soon returning to serve the Brotherhood.[28][29] The Brotherhood of Makuta eventually managed to regain control of a large force of Visorak.[30] They served as guardians of the Brotherhood base on Destral and a formidable army against the Dark Hunters. 250 years ago, the Visorak led a successful raid against a Dark Hunter fortress, causing considerable damage and casualties.[30] Around the time the Matoran were returning to Metru Nui, rumor said that Sidorak's species were attempting to reassemble the Visorak horde, causing the Shadowed One to send Gladiator to investigate.[31]

As per the Scroll of Preparations, Toa Nuva Pohatu and Onua recovered the Heart of the Visorak from the Tren Krom Peninsula and brought it to the Order of Mata Nui.[32] Johmak gave the Heart of the Visorak to the Toa Mahri and ordered them to use it on Artidax. Jaller, Nuparu, and Hahli traveled there, closely followed by the Visorak, who assembled on the island.[33] There, they came across the three Toa Mahri, who were hypnotized by Takadox. However, the Toa managed to break free of their hypnosis and escape the island. The Visorak remained trapped on the island, and were wiped out when the volcano on the island erupted.[34]

Teridax's Reign

Makuta Teridax recreated the Visorak after taking over the Mata Nui Robot, although the Heart of the Visorak was not recreated with them.[35][36][37] During this time, they were opposed by Keetongu.[38]

When Mata Nui injured Teridax in the battle of Bara Magna, some circuits within his body were fused together, causing system failures and a molten protodermis leak. Teridax sent several Visorak to contain the damage.[39] After Teridax was killed, the Visorak became a wild species and emigrated to Spherus Magna.[40][1]

Alternate Universes

Toa Empire Alternate Universe

A dead Visorak was placed in the Metru Nui Archives as a trophy of the Toa Empire.[41]

The Kingdom Alternate Universe

After Mata Nui died, the Visorak migrated to the island of Mata Nui with many of the universe's other beings. Some of them work with the Matoran, while others are performers.[42]

Abilities and Traits

Visorak webs

Visorak are large, quadrupedal spider Rahi. They come in seven different breeds. Each breed possesses a unique Rhotuka spinner power and other abilities. In addition to the unique Rhotuka spinner, all Visorak except Kahgarak[43] additionally possess a paralysis Rhotuka spinner. Visorak are also equipped with strong, sharp pincers that can inflict a painful bite.[2]

All Visorak could be gathered together with the Heart of the Visorak, regardless of how far they would have to travel.[15] Aside from Kahgarak,[44] all Visorak possess a store of unique venom called Hordika Venom.[2] The venom transforms its victim into a twisted, primal form that is far more aggressive than usual. Keetongu is the only being known to be able to cure mutated victims, but cannot help the victims past a certain threshold.[26] The Visorak themselves are immune to the venom.[45] They are able to inject this venom using their bite.[46]

Visorak webbing and cocoons

Visorak also have the ability to produce webbing.[2] Visorak webs are green, produced from the mouth or abdomen. The Visorak use the webs to get around quickly, and to communicate with other Visorak by sending vibrations across the strands of webbing. They could also use the webbing to wrap prey in cocoons.[25] Barbs in these cocoons could be used to inject the prey with Hordika Venom, or diluted venom that put the prey to sleep.[47] After the Great Cataclysm, the Visorak covered Metru Nui with the webs as part of their takeover.[48] The Matoran worked to clear the webs,[49] but abandoned the effort after Teridax's death.[39]

Visorak did not generally rebel against their leadership as long as they were led to new places to conquer.[50] Nevertheless, according to Avak, rebellious Visorak tried to kill Makuta Teridax.[51] Several Roporak under Sidorak and Roodaka tried to overthrow their two rulers and were savagely punished for the attempt.[52] In the past, the Keelerak also plotted to overthrow Sidorak and Roodaka and appoint one of their own as king.[53] By the time of their conquest of Metru Nui, however, most Visorak were totally obedient to Sidorak and Roodaka. They were also quick to accept Vakama as their leader once he gained Sidorak and Roodaka's trust.[26]


There are seven breeds of Visorak.


In addition to the Visorak spiders, several Rahi species are known to serve the greater horde.

Set Information

A Vohtarak minifigure

Six of the Visorak breeds were released as forty-seven piece canister sets in the winter of 2004/2005 in Europe, and in summer of 2005 for North America. Pressing the Visorak's shell caused its mandibles to squeeze together. Each of the Visorak canister sets contained two silver Rhotuka spinners, storage for which was found in the canister's lid. One of these spinners featured a code in the Matoran Alphabet which, when combined with a three-character prefix from the canister, could be entered for points at the Kanoka Club at

The six canister Visorak sets can be combined in order to create the Zivon model.

Kahgarak were released in 2005 once as a combiner and twice as part of a playset.

Visorak minifigures, one for each of the six primary breeds, were released in the 2005 playsets. Each one was a combination of black and glow-in-the-dark plastic.


"Legend says they have overrun hundreds of lands, wrapping the inhabitants up inside web cocoons. And when they emerge, they have become... well, you don't want to know what they've become."
— Toa Metru Whenua, Monsters in the Dark

"Their tone is angry. Now is the time to strike."
"Too simple. Nothing in this city is worth hunting. Sidorak promised us good sport, remember?"
"I remember. I remember what Roodaka did to the last one who complained, too."
— Two Oohnorak (translated from Visorak language), Vengeance of the Visorak


  • A group of Visorak manning a Rhotuka Launcher stationed atop the Coliseum's Great Gateway was mutated by Roodaka, giving them spinners which explode upon making contact.[55]
  • Unlike the set models, all Visorak in BIONICLE 3: Web of Shadows and BIONICLE Heroes use the same leg design.
  • Visorak seem to have been designed (both in-universe and out) with a specific role in the internal ecosystem of Mata Nui, as well as in the plan of Makuta Teridax. Visorak were originally programmed into Mata Nui's consciousness by the Great Beings who in turn created the Makuta to be the ones to create the Rahi of the universe.[3][56][57][58][59][60] When the Makuta created the Visorak, they did so with the intention of building a Visorak army, not of creating them as regular Rahi.[6] The Makuta specifically built an army out of the Visorak species because they could shut down Rahi by webbing them up, and Teridax anticipated the devastation the Great Cataclysm would cause.[61] This webbing would shut down all life in an area by cocooning all living things and keeping them in stasis for years and years; cocooned creatures were only mutated when ordered to by Roodaka who herself was mutating independently of the Brotherhood's directives, and in all other cases the diluted venom would be used to simply put the targets to sleep.[62][63][64][65][47] The Visorak were driven by an insatiable need to overrun the universe and subdue all life, particularly Rahi.[61][28][50][62][66] Visorak would also remain in control of occupied lands for long periods of time, maintaining the cocoons of their prisoners and preventing the disintegration of their webbing.[67][68][69] For their part, the Rahi were effectively white blood cells in Mata Nui's body, playing an essential role in the universe as an immune system and maintaining homeostasis.[70][71] So while the Great Beings created the Visorak with a role in the universe, the Makuta harnessed this by forming an army of them to conquer the universe and cocoon living creatures in hibernation in anticipation of the Great Cataclysm. In subduing the Rahi, this had the added effect of disabling much of Mata Nui's immune system.


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  1. 1.0 1.1 "Official Greg Dialogue", post 11964. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 "Visorak." Encyclopedia Updated, pp. 152-153.
  3. 3.0 3.1 "Chat with Greg Farshtey", post 14547189. LEGO Message Boards. (archived on
  4. "Chapter 9: Zakaz." "History." World, p. 72.
  5. "Farshtey Feed, 2008-11-28". BZPower Blogs. (archived on
  6. 6.0 6.1 "Official Greg Discussion", post 4178. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 Challenge of the Hordika. BIONICLE Adventures 8.
  8. "Chat with Greg Farshtey", post 12478962. LEGO Message Boards. (archived on
  9. "Chapter 6." Brothers In Arms.
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 Web of the Visorak. BIONICLE Adventures 7.
  11. Swamp of Secrets. BIONICLE Legends 10.
  12. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 675. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  13. "Birth of the Rahaga". BIONICLE 25.
  14. "Chat with Greg Farshtey", post 11277153. LEGO Message Boards. (archived on
  15. 15.0 15.1 "Chapter 10." Toa Nuva Blog.
  16. World.
  17. "Chapter 8." The Mutran Chronicles.
  18. "Shadow Play". BIONICLE 24.
  19. Encyclopedia Updated.
  20. "Chapter 1." The Yesterday Quest.
  21. "Chapter 9." Reign of Shadows.
  22. Island of Doom. BIONICLE Legends 1, p. 9-10.
  23. "Official Greg Discussion", post 4959. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  24. Challenge of the Hordika. BIONICLE Adventures 8, p. 5.
  25. 25.0 25.1 BIONICLE 3: Web of Shadows.
  26. 26.0 26.1 26.2 Web of Shadows. BIONICLE Adventures 9.
  27. "The Dweller Report."
  28. 28.0 28.1 "Official Greg Discussion", post 6535. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  29. Encyclopedia Updated, p. 153.
  30. 30.0 30.1 "Chapter 6." Legacy of Evil. BIONICLE Legends 4.
  31. "Gladiator." Dark Hunters.
  32. Toa Nuva Blog.
  33. "Chapter 4." Dwellers In Darkness.
  34. "Chapter 6." Dwellers In Darkness.
  35. "Entry Eight." "Makuta's Diary". Makuta's Guide to the Universe.
  36. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 8267. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  37. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 8973. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  38. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 10727. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  39. 39.0 39.1 Journey's End.
  40. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 11283. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  41. Dark Mirror.
  42. The Kingdom.
  43. "Official Greg Discussion", post 4167. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  44. "Official Greg Discussion", post 4336. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  45. "Official Greg Discussion", post 3230. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  46. "Official Greg Discussion", post 2444. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  47. 47.0 47.1 "Official Greg Discussion", post 3194. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  48. "Monsters in the Dark". BIONICLE 22.
  49. Island of Doom. BIONICLE Legends 1.
  50. 50.0 50.1 "Official Greg Discussion", post 4165. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  51. "Chapter 7." Legacy of Evil. BIONICLE Legends 4.
  52. "Chapter 5." Challenge of the Hordika. BIONICLE Adventures 8.
  53. "Keelerak." "Birth of the Rahaga". BIONICLE 25.
  54. "Kahgarak." Rahi Beasts.
  55. "Official Greg Discussion", post 4283. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  56. "Chat with Greg Farshtey", post 9483133. LEGO Message Boards. (archived on
  57. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 9684. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  58. "Chat with Greg Farshtey", post 12163955. LEGO Message Boards. (archived on
  59. "The Makuta." Makuta's Guide to the Universe, p. 63.
  60. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 30. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  61. 61.0 61.1 "Official Greg Discussion", post 8819. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  62. 62.0 62.1 "Official Greg Discussion", post 4063. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  63. "Official Greg Discussion", post 4292. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  64. "Official Greg Discussion", post 3593. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  65. "Official Greg Discussion", post 3268. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  66. "Farshtey Feed, 2008-10-17". BZPower Blogs. (archived on
  67. "Official Greg Discussion", post 4202. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  68. "Official Greg Discussion", post 4213. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  69. "Official Greg Discussion", post 4288. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  70. Red Star Revelations, BZPower
  71. Role of the Rahi TTV Message Boards

See also