Infected Kanohi

This page features content from BIONICLE Generation 1
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From BIONICLEsector01

"The great Toa is the same in body, in strength, and in speed. But his mind is gone. He has been attacked by the Makuta and enslaved by evil. His Great Mask of Power has been replaced with an infected mask, and the only way to bring him back is to take it off."
Turaga Matau, Mata Nui Online Game

Infected Kanohi
Title Infected Kanohi
Powers Grants a Makuta control over wearer
Bearer gains Mask Power
Component disks None
Bearers Toa Lewa (formerly)
Many Rahi (formerly)
Some Matoran (formerly)
Pronunciation kah-NO-hee

Infected Kanohi are Kanohi that have been tainted and corrupted by Kraata.


A Kraata infecting a Kanohi

The first infected masks on Mata Nui appeared shortly after the arrival of Matoran on the island.

During the Great War, Teridax created the infected Kanohi using Kraata.[1] He fitted many Rahi with infected masks and had them guard the Kanohi and harass the Matoran. Matoran or Rahi that succumbed to the infection were said to have been claimed by the Madness. The Toa Mata later succeeded in liberating most of them. Vakama discovered the infected masks were responsible for the suddenly violent behavior of the Rahi, and the six Turaga subsequently learned that Kraata were responsible for spreading the plague.[2][3] Measures were taken to trap as many Kraata as possible in a cave in Po-Wahi.

Following the arrival of the Toa Mata, the infected masks were buried underground by a team of Onu-Matoran until they could be cleansed. The Turaga could not figure out how to cleanse such masks, but the Toa realized that in combining their elemental powers, they could cure an Infected Kanohi.[2][4] When Teridax first confronted the Toa Mata in his Matoran form, his Kanohi Kraahkan took the form of an infected Kanohi Hau.

When the Rahkshi assaulted Mata Nui, Shadow Kraata were responsible for the infection of several Matoran.[5]


An Infected Kanohi appears rusted and pitted. Even Legendary Masks are vulnerable to this infection.[6][7] However, Makuta are unable to infect the masks of other Makuta.[8] Although Makuta can infect masks themselves,[9] While regular Kraata must come into contact with masks in order to infect them, both Makuta and Shadow Kraata can infect masks from a distance.[10]

An infected Kanohi wearer is placed under the control of the Makuta who infected the mask. They remain under the Makuta's control, even if the Makuta is not actively influencing them. When a mask is infected, the Makuta immediately becomes aware of it.[11] The Makuta are able to see through the eyes of those under their power.[12] While infected, the user is still able to access their mask's power. For an Infected Kanohi to be cleansed, it requires the combined Elemental Powers of six Toa.[2][13] However this takes a great deal of energy, so Toa do not do this often.[14]

Example Usage

An Infected Kanohi in set form

Lewa's Kanohi Miru was taken from him and replaced with an infected version, forcing him to serve Teridax alongside a group of Nui-Rama and a Nui-Kopen.


  • Toa Mata Lewa - Formerly; since removed
  • Many different types of Rahi - Formerly; since uninfected
  • Some Matoran of Mata Nui - Formerly; since uninfected

Set Information

The infected Kanohi are notable for being the only BIONICLE masks that were hand-painted, and were only molded in the shape of a Hau. Two of these masks were available in the Muaka & Kane-Ra set, and sometimes (but very rarely) appeared in the randomly selected Kanohi packs of 2001.



  1. "Rise of the Rahkshi!". BIONICLE 13.
  2. Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 2.2 "Beware the Infected Kanohi". Collector's Sticker Book.
  3. "Official Greg Discussion", post 11803. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  4. "Official Greg Discussion", post 188. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  5. "Secrets and Shadows". BIONICLE 15.
  6. "Official Greg Discussion", post 11055. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  7. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 1210. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  8. "Can Kraata choose not to Infect Kanohi? (and other infection Q’s)". The TTV Message Boards.
  9. "Official Greg Discussion", post 209. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  10. "Official Greg Discussion", post 3683. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  11. "Official Greg Discussion", post 12747. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  12. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 3705. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  13. "Official Greg Discussion", post 7741. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  14. "Official Greg Discussion", post 193. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  15. "Chapter 4." Dark Mirror.