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The various Languages of BIONICLE have unique words that appear throughout the story, and many of these words have known English translations. Additionally, there are recurring idioms and colloquial expressions, as well as specific dialects. Several sources utilize a Lexicon to explain these terms, particularly of the Treespeak vernacular, which is expanded and presented below:
Proper Terms
The following words can be literally translated into their English counterparts.
- Villager[1]
Bara (BAH-ruh)
Bota (BAH-tuh)
Cendox (CEN-docks)
- Serpent Strike[5]
Dormus (DOHR-muhs)
- Peaceful[6]
- Fighter[7]
Magna (MAG-nuh)
Marendar (mah-renn-DARR)[9][note 1][note 2]
- Salvation[11]
- Sun[3]
Spherus (SFEER-us)
- Sphere[12]
- Silent Death[14]
Nouns | ||
Amaja (ah-MAH-yah)[15]
Cordak (KOAR-dack)[17][note 3]
Kini (kih-NEE/KIH-nee)[35][36]
Kirikori (kih-rih-KOAR-EE)[38]
Koro (KOAR-oh/koar-OH)[40][41]
Mahi (Mah-hee)[28][29][note 1]
Approximately "Misti"
Mistika (miss-TEE-kah)
Approximately "Phanto"
Phantoka (Fan-toke-ah)
Suva (SOO-vah/soo-VAH)[65][66]
Umbra (UM-bra)[citation needed]
Wahi (wah-HEE/WAH-hee)[79][80]
Adjectives | ||
Nuva (NOO-vah)[24]
| ||
Verbs | ||
Zya (ZUH)[82] | ||
Measurements | ||
Bio (BY-oh)[85]
Kio (KY-oh)[86]
Mio (MY-oh)[87]
| ||
Affixes | ||
Kra |
Nui (NOO-ee)[54]
Nuva Onu
Vo Vu
Matoran Language
- Akilini-head/kolhii-head - An expression indicating a dolt or fool[93][94]
- Bioquake - A synonym for earthquake[95][96][97]
- Biostorm - A synonym for a destructive storm[citation needed]
- Brother/Sister – A title that roughly means 'partner' or 'comrade in arms'. The title is normally used by those who work closely together, or fight for the same cause, usually in the same group. Nearly all Toa call other members of their team brother or sister, and often continue to call each other by the title after becoming Turaga. Artakha and Karzahni also refer to each other as 'brother', though Karzahni uses the term bitterly, and Teridax also used it to refer to Mata Nui.
- Calling in a Tahtorak to squash an acidfly - An expression for using unnecessary strength to achieve something.[98]
- City of Legends - A nickname for Metru Nui. This term was coined by the Shadowed One during the Toa-Dark Hunter War, as he claimed Metru Nui would be "well and truly a city of legends since, as is well known, most legends are about the dead."[99]
- Dermis shell weather - An expression which indicates bad weather, predicted by Dermis Turtles when they hide in their shells for no apparent reason[100]
- Foolish as a Sand Snipe - An expression based on the behavior of Sand Snipes, who characteristically drown in Liquid Protodermis while attempting to drink it[101]
- Fire-spitter - A Le-Matoran slur for Ta-Matoran, sometimes used in a friendly context[95]
- Goatdog - A nickname for the Pahrak Va[102]
- Go to Karzahni - A phrase used in arguments.[103][104]
- Hold your Rahi - An expression which means to calm down[94]
- Kill two Gukko with one stone - An expression which means to eliminate two objectives in one action[105]
- Like a wild Rahi in a Knowledge Tower - An expression which indicates an out-of-control force in a fragile area[106]
- Makutaverse - A nickname Makuta Teridax has given to the Matoran Universe whilst under his control[107]
- M&D - Visorak shorthand for "mutation and disposal"[108]
- Not the brightest mask in the storehouse/Not the brightest Lightstone in Onu-Koro - An expression which indicates that a being has less than average intelligence[109][110]
- Nuparu's Folly - A nickname given to the Kralhi[111]
- Old War Rahi - A veteran of war and battles[112]
- Pohatu - Following his destruction of the Odina Fortress, the Toa Nuva of Stone's name has become slang for causing random havoc, i.e. "when in doubt, smash everything and hope you're somewhere else when it all goes boom."[107]
- Rahaga - The name given to the Toa Hagah when they were mutated to look like small Rahkshi-headed creatures. This name was made up by Roodaka (Rahkshi + Hagah).[113]
- Roodaka - The name of this Vortixx has become a slang word for treachery due to her betraying of both the Dark Hunters and the Brotherhood of Makuta.[114]
- Shambler - A nickname for a Matoran under the effect of the Vahki Vorzakh's Staff of Erasing[115]
- Spiriah - The name of this Makuta has become a slang word for failure due to his unsuccessful experiment on the Skakdi.[114]
- Squabble like Gukko birds - To argue unproductively[94]
- Stalking Kinloka - A nickname given to the Kinloka used on Zakaz to set off traps ahead so that the Skakdi will have a clear path[116]
- Surfacer - An Onu-Matoran nickname for a Matoran from another region on Mata Nui[117]
- Tarakava Bait - An expression which indicates 'as good as dead'[118]
- Tip of the statue - A Po-Matoran expression meaning 'just the beginning'[119]
- Toa of Twilight - A nickname coined by Radiak for Takanuva after his Shadow Leech attack due to him possessing both Light and Shadow powers.[120]
- Tunnel Fox - A nickname for the Nuhvok Va[121]
- Vahki Bones/Makuta Bones/Lava Bones/Rahi Bones - An expression which indicates that someone is killed, with the expression's first word identifying the killer[122][123][94][124][125]
- What are you waiting for, Naming Day? - An expression intended to prompt someone to move faster or accomplish something quicker[126]
- When Makika toads fly - An expression which indicates that something is unlikely to happen[127]
- Whistling past Makuta's lair - An expression which means to speak excessively or constantly, sometimes about one's courageous acts, to draw attention away from the fact that the speaker is afraid[128]
Here are some of the known Chutespeak/Treespeak words:
- English possessive forms have been used for some locations: Xian[205][206][207] for Xia, Steltian[208][209] for Stelt, Tesaran[210] for Tesara, and Bara Magnan[211][212] for Bara Magna.
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