Mana Ko
"These fierce, monstrous beasts are known in Matoran legend as the ultimate guardian of Makuta's lair beneath Mata Nui. Their bodies are rectangular and blocky, with eyes perched in a red and yellow head. The Mana Ko are capable of firing explosive blasts of devastating power, which they will gladly do to anything that moves."
— A member of the Order of Mata Nui, BIONICLE: World
Mana Ko | |
Rahi | |
Powers | Explosive blasts[1][2] Mental shielding |
Known locations | Mangaia (formerly) Spherus Magna[3] |
Pronunciation | MAH-nah KOH[1] |
Set | Mana Ko (instructions) |
The Mana Ko[1] (alternatively written as Mana-Ko[4]) are large, powerful Rahi affiliated with two factions in the Matoran Universe.
The Mana Ko species was created by the Makuta using Viruses and Liquid Protodermis to be one of the Rahi to inhabit the Matoran Universe.[5]
Teridax recruited a number of Mana Ko to guard his lair, the Mangaia. The Order of Mata Nui, seeing a use for the Mana Ko, trained them to be loyal to the Order, as well as teaching them how to shield their minds, in order to resist the influences of Teridax's Rahi Control power. The Order used them to guard dangerous weapons in Teridax's lair, ensuring that they would not fall into the wrong hands. Teridax later forbade the Mana Ko from entering the surface of Mata Nui, in order to prevent them from killing the Matoran. The Mana Ko gained a reputation as Teridax's ultimate guardians.[2]
A few weeks after Takanuva defeated Teridax and the Matoran left Mata Nui to return to Metru Nui, the six Piraka and the recently-created Vezon were attacked by a Mana Ko after they stole the Spear of Fusion from Mangaia. Vezon took the opportunity of the distraction to abandon his teammates and escape to the surface, in order to head to Voya Nui. The Piraka attempted to escape, but were blocked by the arrival of a second Mana Ko. The Piraka were able to trick the Mana Ko into blasting an escape route into the wall, allowing them to step out onto the surface of Mata Nui. The Mana Ko let them escape, as they were forbidden to step foot on the island of Mata Nui.[6]
After the Mata Nui Robot was critically damaged in the Battle of Bara Magna, the surviving Mana Ko left the Matoran Universe and immigrated to Spherus Magna.[3]
Abilities and Traits

Large and extremely fierce, Mana Ko will attack anything that moves. They have rectangular and blocky bodies, and powerful arms. In place of legs, they have tread-like appendages.[6] They have the power to shoot explosive blasts of energy.[1][2]
The Mana Ko in Mangaia have also been trained to shield their minds just as actual Order of Mata Nui members have been, protecting them from the Rahi Control powers of the Makuta or the Mask of Rahi Control.
Set Information
Mana Ko Set | |||||
Mana Ko can be built out of the two Manas in set 8539 Manas. Instructions to build it were included in the Manas set released in 2001. It used both Manas' motor bricks: one to drive or steer and one to jab with its claws. The motor bricks were operated simultaneously by one remote, however, by setting both motor bricks to receive the same frequency.
Books | Multimedia |
Novels Guides |
Video Games Card Games
Order of Mata Nui | ||
Leader | Helryx | |
Members | Current | Axonn | Brutaka | Hydraxon's replica | Jerbraz | Johmak | Krakua | Mazeka | Tobduk | Trinuma | Botar's Replacement |
Former | Ancient (deceased) | Botar (revived) | Hydraxon (revived) | |
Servants | Energy Hounds (Spinax) | Kratana | Mana Ko | Maxilos Robots |
Brotherhood of Makuta | |
Former Leaders | Miserix | Teridax (deceased) |
Former Members | Antroz | Bitil | Chirox | Gorast | Icarax | Kojol | Krika | Mutran | Spiriah | Tridax | Vamprah | Makuta of Stelt (all deceased) |
Former Servants | Ahkmou | Brutaka | Exo-Toa | Fohrok (destroyed) | Karzahni (deceased) | Kraata (Shadow Leeches) | Kraata-Kal | Mana Ko | Manas | A Maxilos (destroyed) | Minion | Morbuzakh (deceased) | Nivawk (deceased) | Pridak | Rahi Nui | Rahkshi (Kaita) | Roodaka | Seeker | Shadow Matoran | Shadow Takanuva | Shadow Toa | Sidorak (deceased) | Takadox | Toa Hagah (Teridax) | Visorak | Voporak |
BIONICLE Combiner and Alternate Models of 2001 | ||
Combiner Model | Akamai | Wairuha | Turaga Nui | Matoran Nui (Kaita 1) (Kaita 2) | Mata Nui Cow | Dikapi | Fikou | Turaga Kaita (Alpha) (Beta) (Gamma) | |
Alternate Model | Nui-Kopen | Kuma-Nui | Mana Ko | Kahu | Tarakava Nui | |
see full list |
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