BIONICLE Activity Booklet

This page features content from BIONICLE Generation 1
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From BIONICLEsector01

Activity Booklet
Author Collective of authors
Publisher Harper Collins Children's Books

Activity Booklet is a 16-page activity booklet released in late 2006, advertising and serving as a sampler of the other Bionicle-themed Harper Collins Children's Books publications for the year. The means of the booklet's distribution are unknown.


The booklet starts with a two page map of Voya Nui with description of its various landscape features, which was lifted from Guard the Secret Activity Book. It then continues with a wordsearch borrowed from the Annual and coloring pages from the Island of Hope... Island of Doom Poster Book. Matoran alphabet identical to the one in the Annual is provided with practice sentences, following which are BIONICLE timeline and glossary taken from Facts and Figures Sticker Activity Book. The last activity is a line follow describing the virus, lended by Guard the Secret Activity Book. The final pages provide solutions to all the activities and advertise all of the 2006 BIONICLE publications by Harper Collins Children's Books.



  • Being a sampler, the Activity Booklet does not contain any original material.
  • Unlike the other Harper Collins Children's Books publications for 2006, the Activity Booklet does not have an ISBN number, nor does it contain a Kanoka Club code. It is also the only one without any cover.
  • The color-in silhouettes of the Piraka are based on their late prototype models, which is most noticable on their zamor launchers and Avak's spine. The zamor spheres themselves also lack a shadow. Picture of Zaktan in the timeline section is also of his prototype.