This page features content from BIONICLE Generation 1
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From BIONICLEsector01

BIONICLE Heroes is non-canon.
The subject of this article is not part of the canon BIONICLE storyline. The information on this page was not approved by the BIONICLE Story Team. Further, it either contradicts canon events or was never referenced in canon media.

This article is about the versions released on home video game consoles and PC. You may be looking for the DS, Game Boy Advance or Mobile Phone versions.

Video Game
Developer Traveler’s Tales
Publisher Eidos Interactive
TT Games Publishing
Square Enix (digital)
Platform Playstation 2
Xbox 360
Game Boy Advance
Nintendo DS
Mobile phone
Controls Gamepad (Playstation 2/Xbox 360 Version)
Wii Remote/Nunchuk (Wii Version)
Keyboard/Mouse (PC Version)
Touchscreen/Buttons (DS Version)
Release Date 2006

BIONICLE Heroes is a video game released by the LEGO Company, Travellers Tales and Eidos in 2006, featuring the Toa Inika, Piraka, and others. The second and final BIONICLE home console video game, it follows a non-canonical plot similar to its predecessor.

Playstation 2, Xbox 360, Gamecube, Wii and PC Version

The objective of the game is to defeat the Piraka and their "minions" in order to retrieve the Mask of Life. In the Playstation 2, Xbox 360, PC, and Wii versions, the player controls a Toa capable of changing into a different Toa Inika via collected Kanohi masks. The game is split into seven areas; the first six are of individual Piraka and the final one of Vezon. There are four respective levels in the first six areas.

Along with defeating enemies, the player must destroy or create certain objects to obtain points.


A mysterious Toa washes up on a beach on Voya Nui in a Toa Canister. Following a trail of footprints, the Toa finds Balta in a small shelter, and the Ta-Matoran explains that the Piraka have taken over the island and stolen the Ignika. Balta then hands the Toa a Kanohi Calix, giving him the appearance and form of Toa Inika Jaller.

Balta takes the Toa back to the Matoran enclave, where they use portals to access different areas of Voya Nui and combat the Piraka. Once all six Piraka have been defeated, the entrance to the Chamber of Life opens, and the Toa, by then in possession of all six Inika masks and powers, enters the Chamber and battles Vezon and Fenrakk, eventually defeating him and recovering the Mask of Life. With Voya Nui freed, the game ends.

Matoran Enclave

This serves as a hub for the game, and is where the player starts after loading a game or completing a level.

The Shop

At the back of the Enclave, Balta runs a shop selling three different things:

  • Hints that provide tips for playing the game.
  • Upgrades - Each Toa has three upgrade bars, which can be bought, section by section, to improve that Toa's performance. Armor upgrades make the Toa more damage-resistant, weapon upgrades improve their firepower, and ability upgrades give Toa access to additional powers which are necessary to find all the secret items in the game.
  • Extras - Most of the extras appear in the Piraka Playground once purchased, and are usually humorous animations.

Zone Select

This area contains sculptures of the six Piraka, which rise to reveal rooms with portals to the rest of Voya Nui.

Character Showcases

Once at least one level has been completed, the four arches over the entrance to the Zone Select open. Each leads to a chamber displaying creatures unlocked in-game by collecting silver canisters. The first chamber on the left displays Bohrok-Kal, the second Visorak, and the third Vahki, with each creatures name appearing when they are aimed at. The fourth chamber displays mini-bosses, which are unlocked by defeating them in game. Each mini-boss is in their own canister, and when the canister is opened set information and a short bio are displayed.

Trophy Cave

This area becomes available once at least one level has been completed. The display grids are navigated using the movement controls. There is a different grid on each wall:

  • Collectibles - This 10 x 10 grid shows collectibles found in-game, such as Kanohi, Kanoka, and Krana. Each can be selected to view details including wearers, powers, and set information. Collectibles are found in gold canisters.
  • Creatures - This 6 x 6 grid shows unlocked creatures. The top row is for Bohrok-Kal, the second for Visorak, the third for Vahki, the fourth for Rahkshi, the fifth for various enemies, and the sixth for Piraka. Selecting one displays stats, release information, and a detailed bio.
  • Achievements - This grid shows special achievements unlocked in-game. Selecting an achievement displays the criteria and the level it was earned in.

Piraka Playground

This is an area where the defeated Piraka end up. Mini movies activated in the Playground can be purchased at Balta's shop. Also, at the far side of the playground, the three bonus levels can be found which tests how many enemies, either Bohrok, Visorak, or Vahki, the player can defeat in two minutes.


Each Toa starts with their respective Toa Mata's weapon. This can later be upgraded to their respective Toa Metru's weapon, and finally their own, Toa Inika weapon. The weapon categories are as follows:


  • Hewkii - Hewkii can assemble normal constractions. After being upgraded, Hewkii can collapse certain walls with his Fragmentation ability.
  • Nuparu - Nuparu has the ability to climb up certain walls and cliff faces. He can also be upgraded to dig up treasures using his Excavate ability.
  • Hahli - Hahli can cross rivers and streams. Once she has been upgraded, she can use her Drench ability to open secret rooms. She is faster in water than on land.
  • Matoro - Matoro can use his weapons to zoom in and snipe white targets that can only be destroyed from a distance, or hit enemies in zoom mode for twice the damage. After being upgraded, Matoro can create ice bridges with his Freeze ability in certain places to create pathways.
  • Jaller - Jaller can walk over lava. Once upgraded, he can use his Torch ability to burn down vines that block the player's path.
  • Kongu - Kongu can leap certain gaps that are marked by green landing pads. Once upgraded, he can use his Gust ability to open secret areas.
  • Piraka - All of the Piraka can assemble the Piraka constractions within their respective zones.
  • Vezon - Vezon can assemble black constractions as well as all Piraka constractions.


  • Vezok's Coastline - The first zone of the game, in this zone Vezok is unlocked. The levels are Piraka Bluff, Smuggler's Cove, Shattered Wreck, and Vezok's Deluge.
  • Avak's Stronghold - In this zone, Avak can be unlocked. The levels are Decrepit Dungeons, Cleansing Plant, Menacing Keep, and Avak's Dynamo.
  • Thok's Mountain - Thok is unlocked in this zone. The levels are Flooded Lowlands, Mountain Path, Blizzard Peaks, and Thok's Grotto.
  • Reidak's Desert - Reidak is unlocked in this zone. The levels are Desert Outpost, Bleak Refinery, Ancient Citadel, and Reidak's Bastion.
  • Hakann's Volcano - The player can unlock Hakann in this zone. The levels are Scorched Earth, Volcanic Trail, Fiery Mine, and Hakann's Pit.
  • Zaktan's Jungle - This zone unlocks Zaktan. The levels are Logging Post, Ancient Forest, Forgotten Shrine, and Zaktan's Chamber.
  • Vezon's Awakening - The final zone of the game, this is actually a level instead of a full four level zone. In this area, Vezon is unlocked and the final movie plays after completing it if 100% has been achieved for the game.


A Vorzakh in BIONICLE Heroes
Name Enemy
Bohrok-Kal - The weakest enemies, Bohrok-Kal fly or roll around and shoot at the Toa. Shots vary in strength, speed and visual depending on type.[note 1]
Visorak - These are the standard enemies, Visorak come down from webs and launch Rhotuka at the Toa, or various attacks depending on the breed.
Vahki - The strongest enemies, Vahki can shoot at or smash the Toa. The tougher three types must be defeated twice, with the second time at only half strength (or a standard enemy's strength).


These are the final enemies of each level in each zone.

Vezok's Coastline
Level Enemy
Piraka Bluff Guurahk
Shattered Wreck Roodaka
Vezok's Deluge Vezok
Avak's Stronghold
Level Enemy
Decrepit Dungeons Panrahk
Menacing Keep Krekka
Avak's Dynamo Avak
Thok's Mountain
Level Enemy
Flooded Lowlands Kurahk
Blizzard Peaks Nidhiki
Thok's Grotto Thok
Reidak's Desert
Level Enemy
Desert Outpost Vorahk
Ancient Citadel Axonn
Reidak's Bastion Reidak
Hakann's Volcano
Level Enemy
Scorched Earth Turahk
Fiery Mine Brutaka
Hakann's Pit Hakann
Zaktan's Jungle
Level Enemy
Logging Post Lerahk
Forgotten Shrine Sidorak
Zaktan's Chamber Zaktan
Vezon's Awakening
Level Enemy
Vezon's Awakening Vezon


To complete the game and achieve 100%, the player must fully upgrade all Toa, collect all silver and golden canisters, buy all tips and Piraka Playground items, and achieve assorted goals.

The Gold Canister wall

Golden Canister Items

1. Gold Kanohi Vahi
2. Orange Kanohi Vahi
3. Infected Kanohi Hau
4. Poisoned Hau Nuva
5. Copper Kanohi Huna
6. Kanohi Kraahkan
7. Kanohi Avohkii
8. Iruini's Kanohi Kualsi
9. Norik's Kanohi Pehkui
10. Dume's Kanohi Kiril
11. Kanohi Aki
12. Lhikan's Kanohi Hau
13. Ga-Metru Great Disk[note 2]
14. Le-Metru Great Disk[note 2]
15. Ko-Metru Great Disk
16. Ta-Metru Great Disk[note 2]
17. Po-Metru Great Disk
18. Onu-Metru Great Disk
19. Disk of Time
20. Shadow Kraata Level 1[note 3]
21. Shadow Kraata Level 2[note 3]
22. Shadow Kraata Level 3[note 3]
23. Shadow Kraata Level 4[note 3]
24. Shadow Kraata Level 5[note 3]
25. Shadow Kraata Level 6[note 3]

26. Kanohi Rua[note 4]
27. Golden Kanohi Pakari
28. Golden Kanohi Kakama
29. Golden Kanohi Hau
30. Golden Kanohi Miru
31. Golden Kanohi Kaukau
32. Golden Kanohi Akaku
33. Vakama's Toa Disk
34. Nokama's Toa Disk
35. Nuju's Toa Disk
36. Matau's Toa Disk
37. Onewa's Toa Disk
38. Whenua's Toa Disk
39. Tahu's Kanohi Hau
40. Pohatu's Kanohi Kakama
41. Onua's Kanohi Pakari
42. Kopaka's Kanohi Akaku
43. Gali's Kanohi Kaukau
44. Lewa's Kanohi Miru
45. Protodermic Kanohi Hau Nuva
46. Protodermic Kanohi Kaukau Nuva
47. Protodermic Kanohi Miru Nuva
48. Protodermic Kanohi Pakari Nuva
49. Protodermic Kanohi Kakama Nuva
50. Protodermic Kanohi Akaku Nuva

51. Protodermic Kanohi Hau
52. Protodermic Kanohi Kaukau
53. Protodermic Kanohi Pakari
54. Protodermic Kanohi Kakama
55. Protodermic Kanohi Miru
56. Protodermic Kanohi Akaku
57. Copper Kanohi Komau
58. Mask of Elemental Energy
59. Turaga Vakama's Kanohi Huna
60. Turaga Nokama's Kanohi Rau
61. Turaga Matau's Kanohi Mahiki
62. Turaga Nuju's Kanohi Matatu
63. Turaga Onewa's Kanohi Komau[note 5]
64. Turaga Whenua's Kanohi Ruru
65. Jaller's Kanohi Hau
66. Kongu's Kanohi Miru
67. Matoro's Kanohi Akaku
68. Hahli's Kanohi Kaukau
69. Nuparu's Kanohi Pakari
70. Hewkii's Kanohi Kakama
71. Takua's Kanohi Pakari
72. Hafu's Kanohi Ruru
73. Macku's Kanohi Huna
74. Onepu's Kanohi Pakari
75. Toa Matau's Kanohi Mahiki

76. Toa Nokama's Kanohi Rau
77. Toa Nuju's Kanohi Matatu
78. Toa Vakama's Kanohi Huna
79. Toa Whenua's Kanohi Ruru
80. Toa Onewa's Kanohi Komau
81. Silver Krana Ja-Kal
82. Silver Krana Kal Xa
83. Silver Krana Kal Za
84. Silver Krana Kal Vu
85. Silver Krana Kal Bo
86. Silver Krana Kal Su
87. Silver Krana Kal Ca
88. Silver Krana Kal Yo
89. Tahu Nuva's Kanohi Hau Nuva
90. Onua Nuva's Kanohi Pakari Nuva
91. Gali Nuva's Kanohi Kaukau Nuva
92. Pohatu Nuva's Kanohi Kakama Nuva
93. Lewa Nuva's Kanohi Miru Nuva
94. Kopaka Nuva's Kanohi Akaku Nuva
95. Solid Gold Hau
96. Rhotuka
97. Makuta Stone
98. Mata Nui Stone
100. Kanohi Ignika

Other Achievements

Image Description
Scorched Earth completed
Volcanic Trail Completed
Fiery Mine Completed
Hakann's Pit Completed
Piraka Bluff Completed
Smuggler's Cove Completed
Shattered Wreck Completed
Vezok's Deluge Completed
Decrepit Dungeon Completed
Cleansing Plant Completed
Menacing Keep Completed
Avak's Dynamo Completed
Flooded Lowlands Completed
Mountain Path Completed
Blizzard Peaks Completed
Thok's Grotto Completed
Logging Post Completed
Ancient Forest Completed
Forgotten Shrine Completed
Zaktan's Chamber Completed
Desert Outpost Completed
Bleak Refinery Completed
Ancient Citadel Completed
Reidak's Bastion Completed
Vezon's Awakening Completed
Defeat 100 Bohrok
Defeat 500 Bohrok
Defeat 1,000 Bohrok
Defeat 100 Visorak
Defeat 500 Visorak
Defeat 1,000 Visorak
Defeat 50 Vahki
Defeat 250 Vahki
Defeat 500 Vahki
100 Victories with Jaller
250 Victories with Jaller
100 Victories with Kongu
250 Victories with Kongu
100 Victories with Hewkii
250 Victories with Hewkii
100 Victories with Nuparu
150 Victories with Nuparu
100 Victories with Hahli
250 Victories with Hahli
100 Victories with Matoro
150 Victories with Matoro
Collect 2,500,000 LEGO Pieces
Collect 5,000,000 LEGO Pieces
100% Game Completion


  1. Though referred to and described as the Bohrok-Kal, the character models used in the game are those of the Bohrok.
  2. Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 2.2 The images used for three of the Great Disks are mismatched. The Ga-Metru disk is displayed as the Ta-Metru disk, the Le-Metru disk as the Ga-Metru disk, and the Ta-Metru disk as the Le-Metru disk.
  3. Jump up to: 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 The Shadow Kraata are erroneously depicted as a gray color, rather than purple.
  4. The Rua is erroneously referred to as the Mask of Valour, rather than the Mask of Wisdom.
  5. Despite being described as tan, the mask is erroneously depicted as grey.
  6. The TT Games & Eidos 'BIONICLE Heroes' Design a Mask Competition winner.

See also

External links