
This page features content from BIONICLE Generation 1

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From BIONICLEsector01

"I failed once. By the spirits of my fallen teammates, I will not fail now."
Toa Lesovikk, BIONICLE.com


Kanohi Faxon[1]
Status Transformed
Pronunciation LESS-oh-VICK

Toa of Air
Affiliation Toa Cordak (formerly)
Kanohi Great Faxon
Tools Air Sword (formerly)
Cordak Blaster (mounted on his Sea Sled)
Status Alive; mutations reversed, amphibious
Location Spherus Magna
Pronunciation LESS-oh-VICK
Set 8939 Lesovikk (instructions)

Lesovikk is a guilt-ridden Toa of Air who once led the Toa Cordak.


Early life

Lesovikk was created as a Le-Matoran and lived on an island in a village with his friends Sarda and Idris.[2][3] Lesovikk was eventually transformed into a Toa and led the Toa Cordak, the first Toa Team.[4][5]

During an encounter with a wandering tribe of Zyglak around 90,000 years ago[6], Lesovikk hesitated for a fatal second and his entire team, including his closest friend, Nikila, was killed.[7] Since then, he has felt that he is no longer worthy of being called a Toa. When he returned to his village, he found out that the Turaga had gone mad and had sent the entire Matoran population to Karzahni, including Sarda and Idris. He then spent tens of thousands of years wandering the universe, looking for his friends and trying to redeem himself.[8][9]


On his journeys, Lesovikk met Toa Jovan, fought the Rahi Nui, defended an island from a group of Visorak, and explored unknown lands in the south.[10][11] He also fought a wounded Rock Lion in an attempt to put it out of its misery, though the Rahi defeated him in a lengthy battle.[12]

Many thousands of years ago, Lesovikk managed to find Karzahni, but failed to get past the Manas guards repeatedly. By the time he slipped past them, his friends were already sent to the Southern Continent.[8]

Less than 3,500 years ago Lesovikk acquired the Sea Sled from his homeland.[13][14]

Following Karzahni's departure from his homeland, Toa Krakua sought out Lesovikk and told him that Karzahni had allied with the Zyglak and was going to attack Mahri Nui. He also informed the Toa of Air that, in the event of Karzahni's defeat, someone would take the tyrant away.[9][15]

The Pit

Lesovikk traveling in Mahri Nui on his Sea Sled

Lesovikk then traveled to Mahri Nui and was mutated by the waters.[16] While searching the area, he spotted Sarda in the midst of a school of Takea, and rescued the Matoran.[17] After landing on the ocean floor, the two were attacked by Karzahni, who sought to sharpen his skills by battling a Toa.[18] At first, Lesovikk was unable to resist him because of his own self-doubt, but Sarda's encouraging words rekindled his long lost courage and gave him the strength to break free of Karzahni's Flaming Chains.[8] Lesovikk broke off the battle when Sarda was endangered by Karzahni. He swore that he would not just stop Karzahni, but completely end his threat by destroying him.[19]

He and Sarda later stumbled upon a mutated Idris and took her along. Lesovikk witnessed Karzahni's defeat at the hands of Teridax in his Maxilos shell, but knew from his past experiences that a wounded enemy did not necessarily mean an easy battle.[12] He and the Matoran followed Karzahni until he took refuge in a sea cave. From there, Lesovikk proposed to construct a trap for Karzahni made from weapons in the Barraki's weapon caches.[20]

Karzahni then activated his Kanohi Olisi, putting Lesovikk into a vision of the day his teammates died. However, this time they were confronted by a sentient acid cloud because of Karzahni's insanity.[21] Rather than having his teammates killed by it, Lesovikk summoned a cyclone and destroyed it. During this, Lesovikk was thinking that what was happening was not what was meant to, but was so overjoyed that he dismissed those thoughts and was entrapped in the vision.[20] He went through another lifetime while trapped within, even learning that had his teammates not perished they would have helped save a fortress of Toa from being destroyed by Frostelus, and meet Toa Lhikan, whom Lesovikk would have considered recruiting to the team.[7]

Lesovikk managed to emerge from the vision after Nikila mentioned Zyglak, triggering his real memory of his team being killed by Zyglak.[7] He then saved the Matoran, who were being chased by the tyrant, making Karzahni spring the trap Sarda and Idris had rigged before. After he repaired a Breathing Helmet he had found, Sarda told Idris to take it. Lesovikk agreed to let Sarda come with him, and both swam away into the ocean.[15]

Lesovikk and Sarda began hunting down escapees from the Pit,[22] and eventually met up with Hydraxon's replica, ultimately joining him in the recapture effort. When Hydraxon received a message from Helryx to draft prisoners into the Order of Mata Nui's army, Lesovikk was informed of the organization's existence.[23] Later on, he left the Pit to help with the Order's war efforts.[24]

When Teridax was killed and the Matoran Universe left endangered, Lesovikk evacuated for Spherus Magna.[25][26] Once there, a wave of energy unleashed by the Kanohi Ignika cured his mutations and made him amphibious.[27]

Spherus Magna

Lesovikk later discovered that Karzahni had been let loose, and confronted Toa Nuva Kopaka and Pohatu about it. Not satisfied with Kopaka's offer to organize a search party in the morning, Lesovikk immediately set out to find the tyrant.[28] He soon encountered Velika, who defeated him and stole his Air Sword.[29] Lesovikk was later spotted heading north by Gali and Tahu, who were returning from an unsuccessful mission to find a site for New Atero.[30]

Going after him, Pohatu and Kopaka discovered Karzahni's body with Lesovikk's Air Sword discarded nearby, and came to suspect that he might have killed Karzahni, a violation of the Toa Code.[28]

Alternate Universes

Toa Empire Alternate Universe

In the Toa Empire Alternate Universe, Lesovikk became the top enemy of the Toa Empire. He completely disagreed with Tuyet's rule over their world, so he struck out against her by stealing artifacts that she wanted. Toa Takanuva met Lesovikk when he attacked the caravan of Jaller, Bomonga, Kualus, and Takanuva to steal the Kanohi Vahi. Lesovikk used a cyclone to destroy Pewku's cart and knock Jaller unconscious, and another to blow away Kualus and Bomonga.[31]

Lesovikk then accompanied Takanuva back into Metru Nui, where they ventured to the Throne of Stone and Pohatu. The two then revealed to Takanuva the entire resistance group and planned to lead one final strike against Tuyet and the Toa Empire.[32]

In the battle outside the Coliseum, Lesovikk was struck by an Ice dagger, but managed to blow Kopaka off his post on top of the Coliseum, killing the Toa of Ice. He then told Takanuva to journey into the Coliseum while the rebels made a final attempt at defeating Tuyet's army.[33]

Unnamed Alternate Universe

Toa Lesovikk and his team arrived at the Toa Fortress in time to save Lhikan and the Toa present in the Toa Fortress from the frostelus.[34]

Abilities and Traits

Due to his hesitation, which led to his team's death, Lesovikk blames himself for causing their deaths, and considers himself unworthy to be a Toa. His self-perceived failure to live up to the standards of the Toa exempts him from the Toa Code, and he is willing to kill his opponents. Despite this, he still chose not to kill Karzahni, despite having had two chances to do so.[35]

As a Toa of Air, Lesovikk can create, control, and absorb air. This allows him to create windstorms and cyclones, and manipulate air pressure. After entering the Pit, he became a water breather.[16]

He was granted the ability to breathe air by Mata Nui with the use of the Ignika, and has become amphibious.[27]

Mask and Tools

Lesovikk carried an Air Sword, which could focus his elemental powers. He wears a Kanohi Faxon, which allows him to copy the powers of Rahi that share his environment. He sometimes rides a Sea Sled with a Cordak Blaster attached to it. After Hydraxon drained the Pit, he acquired an apparatus to breathe in the new environment.[citation needed]

BIONICLE.com Stats


Set Information

Lesovikk Set

The Toa Lesovikk set

8939 Lesovikk was released in the summer of 2007 as a Walmart exclusive set in the United States, but was also available in LEGO stores and other toy outlets in other countries. The Lesovikk set, depicting his water-breathing form, came packaged with a Sea Sled consisting of 149 pieces. His Sea Sled featured a Cordak blaster and landing gear that could be switched from an open to a closed configuration. The Lesovikk set was recalled shortly after its release as many of the sets were missing a piece. The set was released again shortly afterwards with the missing piece included. Lesovikk also had light-up eyes.


Lesovikk as portrayed in building instruction manual art

"I am stunned, shocked and amazed, too, that you thought mere links of metal could hold a Toa. Now, you rancid remains of a Rahi's dinner, let’s try this again."
— Lesovikk to Karzahni, Dreams of Destruction

"Karzahni is a menace. If he were to ally with the Barraki, Mahri Nui wouldn't stand a chance. We have to stop him!"
"If he is stopped here, he will just return to his realm and do more evil to his Matoran captives. No, Sarda, we need to do more than stop him - we need to destroy him.
— Sarda and Lesovikk, Dreams of Destruction

"I am Lesovikk, though no one has called me Toa in a very long time."
— Lesovikk, Dreams of Destruction

"Wherever you go, you had better be looking over your shoulder - because one day I will be there. And I promise you it will be the last thing you will ever see."
— Lesovikk to Karzahni, Dreams of Destruction

"I don't know that there's any place left for me in the world I've known."
— Lesovikk to Sarda and Idris, Dreams of Destruction

"What do I want? I want some peace, but I'm never going to get any while that crazy Toa of Water is running things. So I keep an eye out for things she wants, like this mask here, then I take them from her. That's why when you see her list of enemies of the Empire, you'll find my name at the top: Toa Lesovikk."
— Alternate Lesovikk to Takanuva, Dark Mirror


  • Lesovik is one of many names for the Leshy, a protector of forests in Slavic mythology.
  • Defilak and Dekar, Matoran residents of Lesovikk's home island, knew Lesovikk before they were sent to the island of Karzahni.[36]


Books Online


Story Serials

See also


  1. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 11472. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  2. "Official Greg Discussion", post 8312. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  3. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 10899. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  4. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 1832. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  5. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 1964. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  6. "Official Greg Discussion", post 10893. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 "Chapter 9." Dreams of Destruction.
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 "Chapter 3." Dreams of Destruction.
  9. 9.0 9.1 "Lesovikk." Encyclopedia Updated, p. 75.
  10. "Official Greg Discussion", post 12239. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  11. "Hiatus." Encyclopedia Updated, p. 45.
  12. 12.0 12.1 "Chapter 7." Dreams of Destruction.
  13. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 2677. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  14. "Official Greg Discussion", post 9100. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  15. 15.0 15.1 "Chapter 10." Dreams of Destruction.
  16. 16.0 16.1 "Official Greg Dialogue", post 546. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  17. "Chapter 1." Dreams of Destruction.
  18. "Chapter 2." Dreams of Destruction.
  19. "Chapter 4." Dreams of Destruction.
  20. 20.0 20.1 "Chapter 8." Dreams of Destruction.
  21. "Official Greg Discussion", post 12693. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  22. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 6294. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  23. "Chapter 4." Destiny War.
  24. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 6571. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  25. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 11800. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  26. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 11859. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  27. 27.0 27.1 Journey's End.
  28. 28.0 28.1 "Chapter 1." The Powers That Be.
  29. "Chat with Greg Farshtey", post 10441485. LEGO Message Boards. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  30. "Chapter 2." The Powers That Be.
  31. "Chapter 7." Dark Mirror.
  32. "Chapter 8." Dark Mirror.
  33. "Chapter 9." Dark Mirror.
  34. "Toa Lhikan." Makuta's Guide to the Universe, p. 5.
  35. Dreams of Destruction.
  36. "Official Greg Discussion", post 10295. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)