
This page features content from BIONICLE Generation 1

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From BIONICLEsector01

"I'm an engineer, not a poet."
— Nuparu, Mata Nui Online Animations

Occupation Archives Rahi Receiving Official
Kanohi Pakari
Tools Kanoka Launcher
Status Diminished
Pronunciation new-PAH-roo[1]
Toa Inika of Earth
Affiliation Toa Inika
Kanohi Great Kadin
Tools Laser Drill
Zamor Launcher
Status Transformed into a Toa Mahri
Pronunciation new-PAH-roo[1]
Set 8729 Toa Nuparu (instructions)
Toa Mahri of Earth
Affiliation Toa Mahri
Kanohi Great Volitak
Tools Aqua Blaster Blade
Razor-Edged Protosteel Shield
Cordak Blaster
Status Alive
Location Aqua Magna
Pronunciation new-PAH-roo[1]
Set 8913 Toa Nuparu (instructions)
Occupation Engineer
Kanohi Pakari
Status Rebuilt
Pronunciation new-PAH-roo[1]
Set 8556 Boxor (instructions)
Occupation Engineer
Kanohi Pakari
Status Transformed into a Toa Inika
Pronunciation new-PAH-roo[1]

Nuparu is the inventive Toa Mahri of Earth and the former Toa Inika of Earth. Nuparu was originally an Onu-Matoran from Metru Nui. On Mata Nui, Nuparu worked as an engineer; his invention the Boxor was instrumental in staving off the Bohrok Invasion. Some time later, Nuparu traveled with Jaller and four other Matoran on a rescue mission to Voya Nui. There Nuparu and his companions transformed into Toa and sought out the Mask of Life.



Metru Nui

Nuparu was employed as a Rahi Receiving Official at one of the Onu-Metru Airship, Chute, and boat docks. However, he always spent his spare time dreaming and designing new inventions, and he would sometimes sneak off into the Archives sublevels to collect parts to make his machines[4] in his workshop.[5] Nuparu would spend long days in the Archives, talking to Mavrah about the latest ideas for inventions the two of them had come up with.[6] He was responsible for the designing of the Kralhi, which were less successful law-enforcers than their successors, the Vahki, and were later dubbed "Nuparu's Folly".[7] The Vahki, however, were one of his most notable creations, building six standard models as well as two specialized models, the Kraahu and Kranua. The Kranua were designed in secret, built with a select team of Po-Matoran engineers.[8] Nuparu also helped in the creation of Airships.[5] He was considering creating a device or vehicle to help Matoran defend themselves against threats such as Rahi.[5]

Nuparu's curiosity sometimes got the better of him. Sometimes, though, it would lead him to new heights. While Nuparu was searching for random Rahkshi pieces in the Archives sub-level, Nuparu stumbled upon a leak in one of the sea walls which could have burst, causing Liquid Protodermis to flood in. He rushed to Toa Whenua and the Toa Metru came to help. There they encountered Krahka, the shape-shifting Rahi. After the Toa left to stop this threat, Nuparu vowed to someday create something that would help the Matoran defend themselves, without help from Toa.[4]

Shortly before the Great Cataclysm, Nuparu was captured by the Vahki and forcefully placed in a Matoran Sphere under the orders of Makuta Teridax, who was disguised as Turaga Dume. He was later rescued by the Toa Metru and brought to the island of Mata Nui.[9]

Mata Nui

Like all the Metru Nui Matoran, Nuparu had his power and size decreased by a Matoran pod. However, this did not affect Nuparu's ability as an inventor. He participated in the construction of Onu-Koro under Turaga Whenua's guidance, working with pieces from the Airships used by the Toa in the Great Rescue.[10]

As the 2nd Class Tunnel Engineer for the 12th Marn Tunnel in Onu-Koro's 4th Section, Nuparu had a great duty, and worked hard throughout the long years underground. The Matoran trusted Nuparu to build inventions and machines for the village.[11]

Nuparu's appearance after being forced into a Matoran Sphere
Bohrok Invasion

During the Bohrok invasion, when the Gahlok attacked Onu-Koro, Taipu and Onepu were making sure everyone got out alive. Nuparu, however, did not get to the exit quick enough. The three of them ended up trapped in a cave. After finding a Lightstone, they were all surprised by an inactive Gahlok whose krana had been taken away. At first Onepu thought that Nuparu was not contributing to the escape efforts. However, Nuparu had actually taken out his tools, which included a Heatstone-based welding torch, and started to take apart the empty Bohrok. The other two Onu-Matoran helped him rebuild the Bohrok into the new Boxor vehicle. He tested his new invention by knocking out the rock wall and some Gahlok inside the mine.[11]

Soon, these Boxors were being mass-produced to help the Matoran fight the Bohrok, especially during the Battle for Le-Koro.[12] Nuparu attempted to use them during the Attack on Ga-Koro but fell into the water after the Pahrak tipped the lily pad, and the pilots had to be rescued.[13]

Arrival of the Rahkshi

When the Rahkshi attacked Onu-Koro, Nuparu and the other Matoran were evacuated from the village.[14]

Nuparu was granted permission to bring several of his Boxors with him on the return to Metru Nui, so he could continue to build them using the Bohrok there, and so his fellow Matoran could continue to use them in their defenses. Regretting that he was never able to see and examine a full Exo-Toa, he also secretly salvaged pieces of those robots, and smuggled them onto the boats without anyone's knowledge.[15]


Toa Inika

After Jaller organized a strike in Metru Nui, Nuparu, Hahli, Hewkii, Matoro, and Kongu joined the Ta-Matoran, and took off to find the missing Toa Nuva after Turaga Nokama told Jaller about the missing Toa. The six Matoran journeyed to the realm of Karzahni with Takanuva. They traveled through an Underwater Chute, and passed unharmed through the Tunnel of Darkness. However, they encountered a stone arch that would not allow any light to pass through, thus separating the Matoran from Takanuva.

After the separation, the six Matoran journeyed into the realm alone. There, they encountered the Manas Crabs and were captured by Karzahni, where their masks were switched with ones of given by Karzahni. The six Matoran were placed briefly in servitude, when the Matoran discovered the Matoran builder of the Toa Canisters. The Matoran led them to six Toa Canisters, where Nuparu figured out how to use them. After another brief encounter with Karzahni, the Matoran escaped from the realm using the canisters.[16]

Upon arriving on Voya Nui, the six Matoran were transformed into the Toa Inika after being struck by lightning from the Red Star. The Toa Inika then journeyed onto the island, where they found out about their special Toa abilities (glowing faces, etc.). The Toa then journeyed into the island, and confronted with Vezok. After defeating the Piraka, they met with the Matoran Resistance. The Toa Inika then split into three different teams. Nuparu, along with Kongu, Velika and Garan were on one team, and they launched an attack on the Piraka Stronghold.[17] They were later reunited with the other Toa Inika, where they started a fierce battle with the Piraka. During the battle, Nuparu defeated Zaktan by plunging him into the sea.[18] After being defeated by Hakann and Thok, who managed to channel Brutaka's powers into themselves, the Toa and the four remaining Piraka followed. Another battle took place once more, with the Toa able to return the powers back to Brutaka but being knocked out in the process.[17]

Nuparu flying with Zaktan's Protodites behind him

After awakening, the Toa Inika began to descend down the 777 Stairs. Along the journey, the Toa Inika encountered guardians such as Umbra and traps such as the Chamber of Death. The Toa were able to pass through all the challenges, and faced the Piraka at the Lava Chamber Gate. After being defeated once more, the Toa Inika stormed into the Chamber of Life, where they found the Piraka defeated by Vezon and Fenrakk. The Toa fought against the two beasts as well, only for Fenrakk to be transformed into the much stronger Kardas. Jaller ordered Kongu to use his mask power to read the mind of the Mask of Life. To everyone's surprise, the Ignika did not want Vezon to be its guardian anymore, but rather it wanted Matoro. Because of this, Vezon went into a frenzy. In Vezon's temporary moment of pure insanity, Jaller was able to use a special Zamor Sphere, given to them by Axonn, on them. Matoro was then able to retrieve the Mask of Life, but he lost his grip when he was hit by a concussive blast made by the now-revived Kardas Dragon. The Toa Inika then raced behind the Mask of Life as it journeyed out of the chamber, eventually plunging into the sea. Toa Hahli tried to retrieve it, but the pressure was too much, and she nearly drowned, but was saved by a Matoran. After a reunion with the Toa Nuva, it was decided that the Toa Inika shall continue their search for the mask, while the Toa Nuva would leave on their own mission.[19]

The Toa Inika then journeyed down the Cord, where they encountered Zyglak and Teridax's essence.[20] After the Cord began to crumble, they swam out into the ocean and were transformed into Toa Mahri by the Kanohi Ignika.[21]

Toa Mahri

Mahri Nui
Nuparu as a Toa Mahri

Upon first entering the water, Nuparu and the other Mahri were confronted by a giant Venom Eel enlarged by the Mask of Life. Their masks and tools altered, the Toa were forced to adjust to the change in the middle of combat. After a brief battle, Hewkii used his new Garai to sink the eel to the bottom of the ocean. The six Toa then proceeded towards Mahri Nui, where they immediately came into conflict with the local Matoran. Jaller eventually convinced the Matoran that he and his team were not there to harm them, and the Toa of Fire had Matoro converse with Defilak, the head of the Mahri Nui council. Per their agreement with Defilak, the rest of the Toa set out to free the Fields of Air. Unfortunately, the Toa were captured by the Barraki, who imprisoned the Toa in small coves guarded by sea creatures. Using their masks and powers, the Toa escaped their confinement, and they split up to search the ocean. Nuparu stumbled upon a cave filled with weapons. Testing a Cordak Blaster, Nuparu deemed it satisfactory. Hewkii met up with Nuparu then and took a load of Cordak Blasters. The Toa of Stone found his teammates, who each took one of the weapons, with Kongu forgoing his melee weapon for a second blaster.

While exploring, Nuparu and Hewkii were silently ambushed by Ehlek, who captured the Toa of Stone. As Nuparu began a search for his companion, Ehlek blasted the two Toa with electricity, and the Toa's hard fall knocked both heroes unconscious. Upon awakening, Hewkii found himself being attacked by albino eels, so he quickly woke Nuparu. Nuparu then devised a plan and set it into motion: he created a pillar of earth to raise himself and Hewkii to the top of the chasm they were in, and Hewkii fended off the eels with his Cordak Blaster. Free from the chasm, the two Toa were again ambushed by Ehlek and his forces. However, Hewkii used his Garai to send a few passing Takea sharks into the midst of the eels, igniting a battle between the beasts. Using the battle as a distraction, the two Toa made their escape.[21]

Toa Mahri Nuparu

Nuparu and Hewkii then joined their fellow Toa, where they were informed that they had to destroy the Cord as part of their task to save Mata Nui. This would cause Voya Nui to sink beneath the ocean and crush Mahri Nui. Thus, the Toa evacuated the Matoran from Mahri Nui and led them up the Cord to safety. Along the way, the Toa were ambushed by the Piraka, who had been mutated into sea snakes. They were saved by a timely blast of electricity from Axonn, who took the Piraka into custody and brought the Matoran and Toa to Voya Nui. Axonn informed the Toa that he would hide the Matoran on Voya Nui. He also took the Toa to a chamber containing the Toa Terrain Crawler, which transported them back to Mahri Nui. Beneath the waves once again, Nuparu helped Hahli delay the Barraki, and the two went to the aid of Hewkii, who was losing against the Gadunka. The united Toa won the fight and prepared to destroy the Cord, but they were interrupted by the revived Gadunka, the enlarged Venom Eel, and an ancient creature that Kongu had summoned earlier. With the others knocked out, Nuparu attempted to delay Gadunka, but he was struck down by the creature. Gadunka tried to grab the Ignika from Matoro's hands, but the mask shrunk the Rahi down to his normal size.

After a short confrontation with Hydraxon, the Mahri destroyed the Cord. Its anchor destroyed, Voya Nui plunged into the sea and crushed Mahri Nui before sinking deeper into the ocean. Nuparu and his teammates followed the island until they were stopped by the Barraki. At this moment, Mata Nui died. The Toa, however, were determined not to fail. As Matoro hurried after Voya Nui with the Ignika, the other Toa Mahri attempted to delay the Barraki. In a final effort, Jaller prepared to release a Nova Blast that would kill the Barraki but also himself and his nearby teammates. Matoro, meanwhile, donned the Ignika in an act of self-sacrifice to revive Mata Nui. As a last act of friendship before he died, Matoro used the Ignika to teleport the other Toa Mahri back to Metru Nui and rendered them amphibious. Jaller managed to suppress his built-up power as not to raze his surroundings.

Nuparu was the first Toa Mahri to realize Matoro was missing. Vakama soon informed the team that the Toa of Ice was dead. At Matoro's memorial service, Nuparu delivered a eulogy for his fallen comrade, and he later assisted Hewkii in constructing a statue in Matoro's honor.[22]

Metru Nui

After returning to Metru Nui, Nuparu and the other four Toa Mahri became its new guardians, having fulfilled their destiny.[citation needed] In the course of their new duties, the Toa Mahri defeated and captured the Kardas Dragon after it ventured to Metru Nui. Following that event, Nuparu went in search of Takanuva with Hahli, Kongu, and Hewkii. Unable to find him, they returned to the island city.[citation needed: MGttU?]

The Toa Mahri were soon confronted by the Toa Hagah, who had arrived to destroy the Coliseum. Despite Bomonga's superior experience, Nuparu was able to avoid the Toa with his Mask of Stealth. When Toa Kualus exposed him with a snowstorm, Nuparu even then continued to attack Bomonga. Using his Mask of Rahi Control, Kualus also summoned a giant Rahi to grab Nuparu. When Hahli attacked Kualus, he lost control of the Rahi, and the battle halted. The Rahi threw Nuparu so hard that only Hewkii's skillful manipulation of Gravity prevented the Toa of Earth's death. Once the beast had been defeated, Nuparu worked together with Jaller, Norik, and Pouks to create a tunnel under the lifted Coliseum. This allowed the Hagah to travel beneath the city in search of Makuta Teridax.[23] Afterwards, the Toa were contacted by Johmak, a member of the Order of Mata Nui. She revealed that she had the Heart of the Visorak, a beacon that summons all the Visorak in existence. Johmak tasked the Toa with going to Artidax with the Heart. Nuparu left with Hahli and Jaller to the far south while Hewkii and Kongu remained in Metru Nui.[24]

Once they arrived at Artidax, the Toa discovered that Takadox had escaped the Pit and was also on the island. Takadox then used his hypnosis on the heroes. Although Nuparu tried to protect his eyes with his shield, Jaller and Hahli had already succumbed to his will and forced Nuparu to look. Once Takadox had the Toa trapped on the island, he escaped on their boat.[24] Not long after the Toa had been hypnotized, Jaller awoke Nuparu by throwing small fireballs at him. Artidax's volcano was on the verge of erupting. The heroes momentarily discussed what to do, and they decided to jump into the sea to avoid the explosion and the clutches of the Visorak. They fought their way back into the sea just as the volcano erupted. With the Visorak horde destroyed, the three Toa swam back to Metru Nui.[25]

Upon arriving, they immediately joined the Siege of Metru Nui. Nuparu used his Earth powers to break through the army of Rahkshi and make it through the city's walls. There, Turaga Vakama briefed the Toa on the situation. Nuparu and the other Toa fended off the Brotherhood, eventually emerging as the victors.[26] Shortly afterward, it was revealed that they had won the battle but lost the war, as Makuta Teridax had seized control of Mata Nui's body.[27]

Teridax's Reign
Nuparu aiding in the defense of Metru Nui

While still in Metru Nui, Nuparu joined in the effort to fend off the invading Rahkshi of Heat Vision forces led by the Skakdi warlord Nektann, who had joined forces with Teridax.[28][29] The Toa of Earth was contacted by Takanuva, who sought his help in fixing a teleportation device used by the Makuta.[30] Nuparu traveled to Destral, but he was unable to get the device working again.[31]

Nuparu later went with the other Toa Mahri to Zakaz to search for other Skakdi dissenters like Nektann. The Toa infiltrated an underground Skakdi lair, and Nuparu sensed something moving underground. Seconds later, a giant cylinder of Energized Protodermis emerged from the ground. Skakdi then entered carrying several beings: a Zyglak, a Vortixx, a Steltian laborer, and the five Piraka. The Skakdi threw these beings into the Energized Protodermis.[3] The Golden Being emerged and demanded a meal. The Skakdi eagerly mobbed around it, while the Mahri prepared to act. However, the fusion made the Skakdi's dreams real, and the Toa Mahri were soon entranced by its power. Nuparu and the other Mahri dropped their weapons and headed towards the Skakdi to offer their servitude.[32]

Spherus Magna

After Teridax was defeated, Nuparu and the other Toa Mahri left the Matoran Universe with the Skakdi and Golden Being. Arriving on Spherus Magna, the Skakdi traveled to the coast of Aqua Magna, where the fusion created a vast fortress. The band took up residence in this fortress.[33]

Shortly afterwards, Annona attacked the fortress and consumed the dream energy of every Skakdi there, driving them mad. The golden being's power automatically granted the maddened Skakdi's dreams, causing the fortress to dissolve and aberrations to appear in the region.[34] During the confusion, the golden being's hold on the Toa Mahri was broken, and Nuparu was released from his trance.[35]

Alternate Universes

The Kingdom Alternate Universe

In this alternate universe, Nuparu was working with Nuju on a project for space travel in order to find new lands to populate.[36]

Abilities and Traits

Nuparu is a master engineer, and feels at ease when surrounded by machinery he can tinker with, continuing this passion even as a Toa. He also has a great passion for learning, and saw being a Toa as an opportunity to explore new places and study new things and creatures. While this fascination could sometimes distract him from the task at hand, Nuparu's resourcefulness saved his friends many times over.

On Metru Nui, Nuparu had always dreamed to someday create a mode of transport to replace the Chute System "if only to knock the Le-Matoran down a few pegs."[37]

As the Toa Inika of Earth, Nuparu gained natural Earth powers, though it was entwined with lightning, due to his unnatural transformation by the Red Star. He was also immune to the effects of Antidermis and had a resistance to electricity.[38] Nuparu intended to use his knowlege of physics and chemistry to try and discern the composition of the Antidermis virus.[39][40]

After entering the Pit and being transformed by the Ignika, he and the other Toa became water breathers and lost their lightning powers. They also lost their ability to wear regular Kanohi, as their modified Mahri Kanohi were essential to their water breathing systems.[41][42] When Matoro used the Ignika's power to teleport the other Toa Mahri to Metru Nui, he made Nuparu and his teammates amphibious so that they could breathe on land or in water, and Nuparu regained the ability to wear regular Kanohi.[43] Nuparu wished to use his engineering skills to come up with ways for the Toa Mahri to navigate the waters of the Abyss more safely. As a part of this effort, he was tasked with capturing the Barraki and studying their structure.[44]

Mask and Tools

As a Matoran, Nuparu wore a powerless orange Kanohi Pakari. During his stay inside the realm of Karzahni, Nuparu was forced to replace his Pakari with a powerless Kanohi Kadin. When Nuparu was transformed into a Toa Inika, this mask became an organic Great Kanohi that allowed him to fly under his own power. Nuparu was not a good flyer at first, but over time he grew more skilled.[17] He once defeated Zaktan with his Kadin by flying through the Skakdi's Protodites, pulling them along.[18]

As a Toa Inika, Nuparu had a Laser Drill which could channel his elemental power intertwined with Lightning, or release a laser blast. He had a pair of Claws for digging, which were part of his hands. He also had a shoulder-mounted Zamor launcher that was loaded with Energized Protodermis.

When the Mask of Life transformed Nuparu into a Toa Mahri, his Kanohi Kadin became a Kanohi Volitak, Great Mask of Stealth, which allows the user to become almost completely invisible, while muting any sounds they make. While underwater, Nuparu is unable to wear regular Kanohi, but can switch Kanohi with the other Toa Mahri if need be.[42][43] His Laser Drill was also transformed into a Razor-Edged Protosteel Shield that is sharp enough to penetrate a Makuta's armor, and an Aqua Blaster Blade that can emit powerful shockwaves. His claws and Zamor Launcher were lost during the transformation. In their place, Nuparu equipped himself with a Cordak Blaster.[21] He did not bring the blaster on the Toa Mahri's spy mission to Zakaz as the weapon is too big and loud.[45] Stats


Set Information

The McDonald's Toa Inika Nuparu figure

Nuparu was first released in 2002 as part of 8556 Boxor. Nuparu used seven of the set's 157 pieces. Unlike the Matoran released in the previous year, Nuparu used two disk-throwing arms in the main model. However, in the set's alternate model, he used a standard left arm.

8729 Toa Nuparu was released in summer 2006 as one of the Toa Inika canister sets, consisting of 55 pieces. In this form he featured a shoulder-mounted Zamor launcher loaded with four Zamor spheres varying in color from yellow to red. The set also included his Laser Drill, which contained a flashing strobe light in the center. 8729 could be combined with combined with parts from 8728 Toa Hahli and 8730 Toa Hewkii to create Toa Jovan.

8913 Toa Nuparu, depicting Nuparu in his Toa Mahri form, was released in the summer of 2007 and consisted of 59 pieces. In his left hand he wielded a Cordak Blaster whose chambers held six mini-rockets, while three more mini-rockets were stored on his right arm which held his Razor-Edged Protosteel Shield. 8913 could be combined with 8915 Toa Matoro, 8918 Carapar, and 8919 Mantax to create the Manutri.

The McDonald's Toa Mahri Nuparu figure

Nuparu was also part of McDonald's BIONICLE "Happy Meal" promotion in 2006 and 2007. The Laser Drill of the 2006 toy, depicting Nuparu Inika, lit up when a button on the side was pressed, and the claw on the left hand was poseable. The shield of the 2007 toy, depicting Nuparu Mahri, was able to freely pivot on the hand.


A Toa Inika Nuparu minifigure was released in the 2006 playsets 8893 Lava Chamber Gate, 8894 Piraka Stronghold, and 8624 Race for the Mask of Life. A Toa Mahri Nuparu minifigure was released in 2007 in the playsets 8926 Toa Undersea Attack and 8927 Toa Terrain Crawler. The Nuparu minifigure featured a recolored minifigure Kanohi Faxon rather than a Kanohi Volitak. A minifigure Kanohi Volitak was released in the 2007 playsets, although only in white, yellowish orange, and dark green.


"As soon as he had returned the Kanohi to his face, the light went out. 'That was strange,' he said, his inventor's curiosity piqued.
'That was your face,' answered Hewkii.
'Very funny,' said Nuparu. 'You're no vision of beauty yourself, Hewkii.'
— Narrator, Power Play

"Remember that time I was hanging upside down in a swamp hole, just above some hungry mud crawlers? You know, the ones with the acidic tongues and the breath that smells like Tarakava that's been out in the sun too long?"
"Sure, what about it?"
"Those were the good old days, huh?"
— Nuparu and Kongu, Inferno

"Oh, I've been crazy for years... Ask anyone."
— Nuparu to Zaktan, Showdown

"I know a way out ... it involves explosions ... lots of explosions..."
— Nuparu to Hewkii, Prisoners of the Pit

"I've never had an island fall-drop on my head before. This should be interesting."
"New day, new experience."
— Kongu and Nuparu, Downfall


  • Nuparu Inika's promotional nickname is "The Stopper".
  • According to Greg Farshtey, Nuparu wields the Aqua Blaster Blade in-story because it was based on the Nuparu Mahri prototype.[46] The official appearance of the Aqua Blaster Blade was later the subject of a fan competition; the winning design was built by BZPower and BIONICLEsector01 member Essenger.
    • However, according to Brian Ellis, the designer of 8913 Toa Nuparu, the Razor-Edged Protosteel Shield was intended to be a double-bladed, asymmetrical sword, but because of the cost limitations and the fact that it was a large piece, it had to be doubled, and the asymmetrical nature was cut. The central hub of the blade/sword would have absorbed energy and then released it as a blast.[47] Based on that description, it can be assumed that Greg Farshtey probably based the Aqua Blaster Blade on that function, and he was never told that it belonged to the shield and not a separate, cut weapon.
  • Nuparu is one of Greg Farshtey's favorite Toa.[48]
  • It was Greg who picked Nuparu as the Toa Inika of Earth, as he felt he was a more interesting character than the alternatives.[49]


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  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 The Official Guide to BIONICLE.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 "Nuparu." Encyclopedia Updated, p. 102.
  3. 3.0 3.1 "Chapter 10." Reign of Shadows.
  4. 4.0 4.1 The Darkness Below. BIONICLE Adventures 3.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 "Onu-Metru." "Nuparu's Workshop." Metru Nui - City of Legends, p. 73.
  6. "Chapter 4." Voyage of Fear. BIONICLE Adventures 5, p. 42.
  7. Voyage of Fear. BIONICLE Adventures 5, p. 89.
  8. "Kranua." Encyclopedia Updated, p. 70.
  9. Legends of Metru Nui. BIONICLE Adventures 4.
  10. "Chapter 5: Mata Nui." "History." World, p. 41.
  11. 11.0 11.1 "Episode 3." Mata Nui Online Animations.
  12. "Episode 4." Mata Nui Online Animations.
  13. "Episode 6." Mata Nui Online Animations.
  14. BIONICLE: Mask of Light.
  15. "Nuparu." Encyclopedia Updated, p. 103.
  16. Dark Destiny. BIONICLE Legends 2.
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 Power Play. BIONICLE Legends 3.
  18. 18.0 18.1 "Showdown". BIONICLE Ignition 3.
  19. Inferno. BIONICLE Legends 5.
  20. Encyclopedia Updated.
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 Prisoners of the Pit. BIONICLE Legends 7.
  22. Downfall. BIONICLE Legends 8.
  23. "Chapter 3." Dwellers In Darkness.
  24. 24.0 24.1 "Chapter 4." Dwellers In Darkness.
  25. "Chapter 6." Dwellers In Darkness.
  26. "Chapter 9." Destiny War.
  27. The Final Battle. BIONICLE Legends 11.
  28. "Chapter 12." Mata Nui Saga.
  29. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 10620. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  30. "22 December." Takanuva's Blog.
  31. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 11495. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  32. "Chapter 11." Reign of Shadows.
  33. "Chapter 12." Reign of Shadows.
  34. "Chapter 7." Sahmad's Tale.
  35. "Chat with Greg Farshtey", post 10008169. LEGO Message Boards. (archived on
  36. The Kingdom.
  37. "Chapter 4." Voyage of Fear. BIONICLE Adventures 5, pp. 42-43.
  38. "Chat with Greg Farshtey", post 12588155. LEGO Message Boards. (archived on
  39. BIONICLE: Inika. BIONICLE Games and Activities 2, p. 11.
  40. BIONICLE: Inika. BIONICLE Games and Activities 2, p. 19.
  41. "Chat with Greg Farshtey", post 11155657. LEGO Message Boards. (archived on
  42. 42.0 42.1 "Chat with Greg Farshtey", post 11179539. LEGO Message Boards. (archived on
  43. 43.0 43.1 "Chat with Greg Farshtey", post 11223851. LEGO Message Boards. (archived on
  44. BIONICLE: Mahri I. BIONICLE Games and Activities 5, p. 13.
  45. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 10528. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  46. "Official Greg Discussion", post 9464. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  47. Ep 023: BIONICLE: PT II - HOW I CREATED NUPARU - Whiteboard Artist series. Brian Ellis. Youtube, May 6 2023
  48. "Official Greg Discussion", post 8178. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  49. "Official Greg Discussion", post 5087. BZPower Forums. (archived on

See also