
This page features content from BIONICLE Generation 1
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From BIONICLEsector01

"There it was in the hands of Teridax, not even having the courtesy to be the color of a lump of clay when not being worn — oh, no, the Avohkii gleamed golden. Locked within it was the one power we Makuta dreaded, and the unspoken promise of something far worse — the existence, someday, of an actual Toa of Light."
— Makuta Mutran, The Mutran Chronicles

Title Mask of Light
Powers Light
Bearers Takanuva
Shadow Takanuva
Pronunciation ah-VOH-kee[1]

The Kanohi Avohkii is the Mask of Light. For a long time, it was the only mask of its kind in the Matoran Universe. Its ownership has been contested many times throughout its history, being desired by, among others, the Brotherhood of Makuta and Toa.


The Kanohi Avohkii, smuggled by the Toa Hagah

The Kanohi Avohkii was created on the island of Artakha, as a safeguard against the possibility of the Brotherhood of Makuta turning evil. Around 2,500 years ago, Makuta Kojol stole the mask from Artakha for the Brotherhood. During the Brotherhood's possession of the mask, the being who would eventually become the Dark Hunter Seeker was assigned to guard the Mask of Light. One thousand, two hundred years later, the Toa Hagah stole it from Destral, the Brotherhood's headquarters. After their mutation into Rahaga, the Toa Hagah continued to carry it with them during their search for the great Rahi Keetongu. Eventually settling on the island city of Metru Nui, the Rahaga concealed the mask in the Archives, safely locking it away with the Makoki Stone.[1]

The stone that encased the Mask of Light

After the Toa Metru were mutated into Toa Hordika, the Rahaga sent them on a quest for the Kanohi Avohkii. To retrieve it, the six Toa Hordika had to track down and retrieve the parts of the dissembled Makoki Stone. While searching for the Mask of Light, the mutated Toa were able to use the Stones to unlock the mask's hiding place. Onewa then used his Stone powers to encase the mask within a rock. This allowed the group of Toa to successfully smuggle it out of the city unnoticed by the Visorak hordes. After being purged of the Hordika Venom and rescuing the Matoran, the Toa Metru took the Mask of Light with them to the island of Mata Nui and hid it in Ta-Wahi.

Nokama translates the writing on the Avohkii's back.

Over one thousand years later, the Mask of Light was released from its bonds of stone by Takua, who accidentally dropped it into a lava stream. After it was unintentionally revealed, Turaga Nokama translated writing on the back of the mask, which explained that the Seventh Toa, a Toa of Light, would soon come to destroy Makuta Teridax. Two Matoran—Takua and Jaller—were chosen to find the Toa of Light. To do this, they had to cross the island, racing against the Rahkshi. They eventually reached the Kini-Nui at the center of Mata Nui. After Jaller was killed by a Turahk in battle, Takua put on the mask and was transformed into the seventh Toa, Takanuva.

During Takanuva's battle with Teridax, the Kanohi Avohkii was merged with the Kanohi Kraahkan when the two fighters fell into Energized Protodermis. The being formed from the melded mask-wearers, Takutanuva, wore the Mask of Light and Shadow. After the fusion was undone, the Mask of Light was used to resurrect Takanuva, who continued to wear it.

The Kanohi Avohkii's appearance was altered by a Shadow Leech that attacked Takanuva, and became dark gray. Once Takanuva arrived in Karda Nui, the Kanohi Avohkii grew larger, to accommodate his enlarged size. After Takanuva was cured by a klakk, the Kanohi Avohkii returned to its original color. Once Takanuva left Karda Nui, the Mask of Light returned to its original size and shape.

Alternate Universes

When several alternate versions of Takanuva were brought into the main universe by Tridax, more Kanohi Avohkii were brought into the universe as well.

Toa Empire Alternate Universe

The Avohkii was never used in this alternate timeline, as the Makuta were less of a threat than they were in the main dimension. Thus, Takua never became a Toa. When the main universe's Takanuva was locked in a cell with Takua, he pressed the Avohkii against the latter's face, wondering if he would transform into a Toa. This experiment was fruitless, and Takua remained a Matoran.

The Kingdom Alternate Universe

Takanuva was among the Matoran Universe's survivors following Mata Nui's death in this timeline. There, Takanuva fulfilled his destiny by driving away the remainder of the Brotherhood of Makuta with the help of the Order of Mata Nui. He then sacrificed his Toa Power to create six new Toa, and became a Turaga. As such, his Kanohi Avohkii was also transformed into a Noble Mask.


The Great Kanohi Avohkii in action

Great: The Great Kanohi Avohkii allows its user to have Toa-level range and strength of Elemental Light powers,[2] such as freezing opponents in columns of light,[3] and re-igniting lightstones.[4] In addition, it can spread emotional understanding to others, generating peace,[3][1][5] and can sense moral light in other beings.[6] The Mask of Light shines even when not being worn, sensing when a destined user is holding it and adjusts its brightness accordingly. It shines its light in a direction leading to self-discovery and realization of the destined user's true potential, and it shoots out laser beams when agitated[7][8] When a destined user is transformed into a Toa of Light by the mask, it bestows upon them the knowledge on how to use their new powers.[9] While it is one of the few Kanohi to have Elemental Powers, it will not boost any pre-existing Elemental Light powers the user wields.[10]

Noble: The Noble Avohkii allows its user only Turaga-level range and strength of Elemental Light powers,[11] which is about half the intensity of the Great Avohkii.[12]

Example Usage

Great: In BIONICLE: Mask of Light, Takanuva used Kanohi Avohkii to return power to the city of Metru Nui and re-ignited its lightstones.[7][4]

In Dark Destiny, while Takanuva was in a tunnel that absorbed all light, he used the Mask of Light to shoot out a thin laser beam.



  • Toa Takanuva
  • The Takua of the Toa Empire Alternate Universe (briefly forced)
  • Shadow Takanuva


  • The Turaga Takanuva of The Kingdom Alternate Universe


Picture Description
The Kanohi Avohkii's original appearance
The Mask of Light's appearance while activated
The Avohkii after Takanuva's partial light drain and enlargement by Karda Nui
Also as seen on the Shadow Takanuva[13]
The Karda Nui-enlarged Avohkii after part of Takanuva's light returned

Set Information

The platinum Avohkii

The Kanohi Avohkii was released in three colors in 2003. In the Takanuva and Ussanui set, a golden Kanohi Avohkii was packaged within it. A translucent Kanohi Avohkii with golden glitter was also included in the set to represent the mask while activated. The golden Kanohi Avohkii could also be found packaged together with two of the 2003 Matoran sets at Blockbuster video locations. Two silver Kanohi Avohkii were also used in the Makuta set of 2003 to create his hands. A lighter silver version was released in 2010 as Takanuva's own mask for the BIONICLE Stars line.

A contest held in 2003 rewarded the winner with a solid platinum Kanohi Avohkii, the only one of its kind.

An altered version of the Kanohi Avohkii was released in summer 2008 with the new, partially light-drained Takanuva set. In addition to being shaped differently, this edition of the Kanohi Avohkii was metallic gray to reflect the changes in the Takanuva character.


"It was a mask. A mask like the ones he and Jaller and every other Matoran wore-–but different. This mask glowed with the light of a thousand suns."
— Narrator, Mask of Light

"This is the Great Kanohi Mask of Light. A mask to be worn only... by the Seventh Toa, a Toa of Light."
— Turaga Nokama, Mask of Light


  • Takanuva's bio on the official website for BIONICLE: The Game at one point referred to the Kanohi Avohkii as the Kanohi Korusca.[14] This was also its name in the 2003 BIONICLE Style Guide. The name was also used for the Mask of Life later on.[15]
  • The Avohkii was infused with Toa Power. When Takua donned it, the mask acted like a Toa Stone.[1]
  • The hiding place for the Avohkii in Toa Hordika and The Mask of Light resembles the Great Temple.[16] However the BIONICLE: Encyclopedia confirmed that it was actually hidden in the Archives.[17][18]
  • If a Toa Disk of Light existed, it could be forged into a mask that would give the user elemental light powers.[19] Unlike the Avohkii, it would not grant additional powers beyond elemental light,[20] but it would still bear the name of Avohkii.[21]
  • Unlike Takanuva's Avohkii in the core universe, the Avohkii worn by Shadow Takanuva cannot be used to promote peace and understanding in other beings.[22]
  • In BIONICLE: Mask of Light, several lines written in Matoran Language are inscribed on the back of the Avohkii. The first line reads "TECHNIC", the second line "organic", the third "apps", and the fourth "one destiny."
  • The inscriptions on the back of the Avohkii read as "Mapaku una-kanokee wehnua-hakeeta ah-keelahe hanoni rahun-ahk toa-nak panokeeta makuta-tahkee ohnah-koo."[7][23]

See also


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 "Avohkii." Encyclopedia Updated, pp. 11-12.
  2. "Official Greg Discussion", post 8333. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  3. 3.0 3.1 Rahkshi Mini Promo CDs.
  4. 4.0 4.1 "Official Greg Discussion", post 2223. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  5. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 7217. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  6. "Official Greg Discussion", post 11358. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 BIONICLE: Mask of Light.
  8. Mask of Light.
  9. "Official Greg Discussion", post 5066. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  10. "Official Greg Discussion", post 8057. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  11. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 10550. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  12. "Official Greg Discussion", post 8856. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  13. "Chat with Greg Farshtey", post 11233271. LEGO Message Boards. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  14. EA Games Mystery on BZPower
  15. BIONICLE: Facts and Figures, p. 14.
  16. "Episode 6: The Last Attack." Toa Hordika and The Mask of Light.
  17. "Avohkii." Encyclopedia, p. 8.
  18. "Official Greg Discussion", post 4647. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  19. "Chat with Greg Farshtey", post 8575022. LEGO Message Boards. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  20. "Chat with Greg Farshtey", post 14569856. LEGO Message Boards. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  21. "Chat with Greg Farshtey", post 14585984. LEGO Message Boards. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  22. "Chat with Greg Farshtey", post 11233271. LEGO Message Boards. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  23. "Chapter 5: The Herald." Mask of Light, pp. 26-29.