"Round disks of protodermis used for both sport and defense in the city of Metru Nui."
— BIONICLE: Encyclopedia Updated
Kanoka | |
![]() | |
Object | |
Users | Vahki (formerly) Matoran Toa Turaga Dark Hunters Rahi |
Function | Aiding in battle/sport Creating Kanohi |
Status | In use |
Location | Matoran Universe (formerly) Spherus Magna |
Pronunciation | kah-NO-kah[1] |
Kanoka are disks imbued with powers that are used for protection, technology, and combat by many inhabitants of the Matoran Universe.
Kanoka, named after the Matoran word for "disk,"[2] have been in use for more than 7,000 years throughout the Matoran universe,[3][4][5][6] and were already present in Metru Nui when the Kanohi Dragon attacked it 4,000 years ago.[7][8] A method for creating Kanoka from purified Liquid Protodermis was discovered in the Ko-Metru Knowledge Towers, which resulted in Kanoka becoming a major part of the city's daily life,[9] though it is unknown if Kanoka existed prior to this process.
Kanoka disks were forged in all districts of Metru Nui[1] and were available at central reserve areas or from various traders.[10] Kanoka disks were also made into Kanohi in Ta-Metru by Ta-Matoran Mask Makers.[11]
After the Great Cataclysm, the creation of Kanoka disks in Metru Nui stopped while the Matoran were carried away to the island of Mata Nui. The Toa Metru brought some Kanoka with them to Mata Nui, but these disks became powerless over the years.[12] Later, the Matoran made replica disks out of bamboo, but they were powerless and could only be used to strike things.[13]
Disk creation
Kanoka Disks are created by pouring Liquid Protodermis into special molds. Frequently, this procedure is performed multiple times before the disk is pronounced complete. The nature and level of the disk's power is influenced by the qualities of the Protodermis utilized, its purity, and the proficiency of the Matoran forging the disk. Despite having a great deal of experience in smelting disks, Matoran still do not know how to guess the amount of power a disk will contain or what power it will possess.[14]
During the disk-making process, multiple Kanoka disks can be combined to form disks with new and different powers. Disks of the same power can be combined, but the resultant disk would not be a new power.[15][16][17] In some cases, Disk Makers can predict the result of the combination. On other occasions, the Matoran must experiment multiple times to produce the desired disk.[18][19] When disks from different Metru are merged, the resultant disk is given the stamp of the Metru in which the new disk was made.[20] There is no limit regarding how many disks may be combined.[21] Not all powers in the Matoran Universe necessarily have corresponding disks.[22]
Kanoka disks contain different powers depending on the properties and purity of the Protodermis that is used. When a Kanoka strikes an object at or above a certain speed, its effect is triggered. Past that limit, the effect is the same regardless of how fast the Kanoka is moving.[23] Kanoka disks wear out and lose their power with repeated use.[12]
Each Kanoka Disk is inscribed with three digits, which explain the disk's origins, power, and potency.
- The first digit: The Metru from which that disk was created in. (Ex: Disks forged in Ta-Metru have 1 as their first digit.) There were some exceptions to this rule. The Great Disks were numbered for the Metru they were going to be located in the future, and the Disk of Time was numbered by the Metru of the creator.
- The second digit: The disk's type of power. (Ex: Freezing disks have 2 as their second digit.) For signifying powers outside of the basic eight, the Matoran of Metru Nui use letters in place of numbers.[24]
- The third digit: The disk's power level. The higher the number, the more powerful the disk is. Power levels run from 1 to 8. The absolute highest level is 9; only the Great Disks had this level of power. Level 7 disks contain about half the power of level 8 disks.[25][26] This digit also determines how many times the disk can be used.[27] Matoran only ever combine disks with identical power levels.[28]
There are only eight basic Kanoka powers (besides the elemental powers).[29][30]
- Reconstitutes at random - Temporarily scrambles the molecules of a target, resulting in a new and unpredictable shape.[14][31] The scope of the change is tied to the power level of the disk.[32] Can affect both living and non-living targets.[33][34]
- Freezes - Covers a target in a thick coating of solid ice.[14][31]
- Weakens - Reduces the strength of a living or nonliving target. Can be used to bring down structures.[14][31] The intensity and duration of the effect is tied to the power level of the disk.[35]
- Removes poison - Cures the effects of toxic substances (such as poison or venom) by erasing their presence in a target.[14][31]
- Enlarges - Temporarily[note 1] causes a target to grow rapidly. Size is tied to the power level of the disk,[14][31] with level 8 being sixty feet for any target.[38] One of the lower levels, 1 through 7, is twenty feet.[note 2]
- Shrinks - Temporarily[note 1] causes a target to reduce in size rapidly. Size is tied to the power level of the disk,[18][31][40] with level 8 being six inches for any target.[41][39]
- Regenerates - Repairs a structure or piece of equipment.[18][31] Cannot repair damage done to organic material.[42] The extent of damage that can be repaired is tied to the power level of the disk.[43]
- Teleports - Causes a target to dematerialize and rematerialize at a random location. Range of teleportation is tied to the power level of the disk.[18][31][44][45] Works on stasis fields as well.[46]
Though not a basic Kanoka power, the Disk of Time used digit 9 to denote its power.[47]
In addition to these eight powers, combining two or more disks could result in additional powers. Notably, disks of Levitation, Increase Weight, and Speed were used in Metru Nui. Their corresponding power designations are unknown.
Flight Characteristics
Kanoka could be made in any Metru,[48] and disks from different Metru had different flight characteristics:[14]
- Ta-Metru: Stronger, could knock obstacles out of the way.
- Ga-Metru: Could change direction in mid-air according to the user's thoughts.
- Po-Metru: Homed in on other Kanoka and deflected them from their course.
- Ko-Metru: Dodged obstacles to get to target.
- Le-Metru: Flew farther.
- Onu-Metru: Returned to thrower if diverted from course.
Matoran in Metru Nui would often use Kanoka disks to defend themselves from Rahi and other threats.[49] In addition, the Vahki would use Kanoka disks to help them pacify threats,[50] and Mavrah modified his Kralhi to be able to do the same.[51][52] A few Dark Hunters were known to use Kanoka disks offensively as well.
Kanoka Disks were used in all sorts of games in Metru Nui, including Disk Surfing, Akilini, and Kanoka Toss.[53]
Disk Dueling
Despite the extreme scarcity of physical violence on Metru Nui, Matoran with serious disagreements were known to engage in disk dueling. Standing on opposite sides of an Akilini field, Matoran threw disks at each other, with the first one to strike the other winning. Unfortunately, depending on the disks used, these duels could have very serious repercussions: one Matoran was reduced to such a small size that he was never found, while another was transformed by a Reconstitute at Random disk into something so grotesque that he nearly ended up on exhibition as a Rahi in the Archives. In Metru Nui, disk dueling was highly illegal and guaranteed to bring prompt action from the Vahki.[53]
Other uses
- Levitation and Increase Weight disks were used in Le-Metru airships,[54] and Speed disks in ground vehicles.[54]
- Some buildings in Metru Nui had regeneration disks built into them, allowing any damage to be repaired easily.
- Kanoka were used as weapons on Stelt,[55] and Kanoka launchers were fitted as weapons on certain Boats.[56]
- Ancient had Levitation Kanoka built into his boots.[4]
- Xia produced weapons using Kanoka, such as the Vortixx Rhotuka Battle Axe which utilized Levitation Kanoka.
- A group of Kinloka on Metru Nui would use Kanoka for hunting.[57]
Mask Making
Ta-Matoran in Metru Nui learned to soften disks and carve them into masks. Power levels 1-6 were made into powerless Matoran masks. Level 7 disks were made into Noble Kanohi. Level 8 disks were made into Great Masks. The six level 9 Great Disks were melted together, then made into the Disk of Time, which was then carved into the Vahi. By melting two disks together, new powers could be produced, allowing the Ta-Matoran mask makers to make Kanohi with many different powers.
Kanohi can be melted back down into Kanoka. In the case of Noble and Great masks, the resulting disk will have a power level of 7 or 8, respectively. A powerless mask will result in a Kanoka with no power.[58]
Not all Kanohi can be forged from Kanoka, such as the Olisi.[59]
Any Toa Disk can be forged into a mask with its respective elemental power.[60][61] For example, a Toa of Gravity's Toa Disk can be forged into a Mask of Gravity.[62] Toa disks can also be combined with each other[63][64] and the main eight[65] to create new powers.
While only one Kanoka combination corresponds to a mask,[66] Kanoka produce the same mask regardless of the order in which they are combined.[67] This means, for example, a Strength Kanoka can be made from Enlarge, Regeneration, and Remove Poison or alternatively Shielding and Remove Poison.
On Xia, Kanoka Blades were forged from Kanoka in similar fashion to Kanohi.
Kanohi/Kanoka Chart
The following Kanohi can be forged from Kanoka available in Metru Nui.

Mask of Power | Component Disks |
Kanohi Hau, Mask of Shielding | Enlarge + Regenerate[68] |
Kanohi Miru, Mask of Levitation | Weaken + Teleport[68] |
Kanohi Kakama, Mask of Speed | Reconstitute at Random + Teleport[68] |
Kanohi Pakari, Mask of Strength | Remove Poison + Enlarge + Regenerate[68] |
Kanohi Kaukau, Mask of Water Breathing | Remove Poison + Shrink + Regenerate[68] |
Kanohi Akaku, Mask of X-Ray Vision | Regenerate + Teleport[68] |
Kanohi Mahiki, Mask of Illusion | Reconstitute at Random + Weaken[68] |
Kanohi Huna, Mask of Concealment | Freeze + Enlarge + Shrink[68] |
Kanohi Komau, Mask of Mind Control | Freeze + Weaken + Remove Poison[68] |
Kanohi Rau, Mask of Translation | Remove Poison + Enlarge[68] |
Kanohi Ruru, Mask of Night Vision | Enlarge + Teleport[68] |
Kanohi Matatu, Mask of Telekinesis | Shrink + Teleport[68] |
Kanohi Kiril, Mask of Regeneration | Regenerate[68] |
Kanohi Pehkui, Mask of Diminishment | Shrink[68] |
Kanohi Kualsi, Mask of Quick-Travel | Teleport[68] |
Mask of Growth | Enlarge[69] |
Kanohi Vahi, Mask of Time | Disk of Time (made from the Great Disks)[68] |
Additionally, masks with the powers of Remove Poison, Freeze, Reconstitute at Random, or Increase Weight could be forged from those respective disks. It is unknown if any were ever made.[70][71]
Set Information

Kanoka made their first appearance with the 2004 sets, using an updated version of the mold produced years earlier for the Bamboo Disks of the Matoran of Mata Nui and the Slizer line before that. Every disk had an exclusive code on it that could be entered into the Kanoka Club website for points, used to buy rewards such as videos, animations, images, and games. However, the rare Disk of Time code featuring 199, could not be used at the Kanoka Club as they rendered that combination an invalid code. Set 8601 Toa Vakama came with Vakama's Toa Disk decorated with a Great Huna, the only Toa Metru to have such a disk released; this disk did not have a code. Set 8613 Kanoka Disk Launcher Pack came with two of 36 exclusive and randomly packed Kanoka disks, 6 from each of the Metru, including the six Great Disks. 14 further disks could be found with other sets: the standard versions of the six Vahki, the six Matoran of Metru Nui, and the Dark Hunters 8622 Nidhiki and 8623 Krekka. Some combinations were not released physically, but did appear in media and could be entered into the Kanoka Club.
The Disk of Time was primarily packaged with Target store-exclusive Limited Edition Vahki sets in 2004, in place of their usual Kanoka disks. It also released with the combined comics of Seeds of Doom and Enemies of Metru Nui in October 2004, and could be found in certain accessory sets such as 8715 Ultimate Creatures Accessory Set. Prototype Disks of Time also exist; these Kanoka simply do not have the code printed on the disk. They were given to employees of LEGO.
In Europe, a promotional Ta-Metru Kanoka featuring the code 175 was gifted with the combined comics of Rise of the Rahkshi!, At Last -- Takanuva! and Secrets and Shadows.
A Golden Kanoka was used as a first prize for the 2004 BIONICLE Instant Win Game and speed build competitions at LEGO stores, March 22 through 28 in 2004. In September 2004, at the UK Fox Kids and UK Scholastic websites, three virtual Kanoka disks could be found around the site. Once found, an entry form for a contest could be unlocked. The contest featured several prizes, such as golden Kanoka disks. Finally, in November 2004 in the United Kingdom, the LEGO UK magazine had a contest that gave one the chance to win one of ten gold Kanoka disks.
During the 2004 Comic-Con convention, an exclusive Kanoka disk was supposed to be produced and placed within five thousand Toa Metru Vakama sets, which the convention attendees could buy. However, due to a production error, the disks were never featured and only a few samples were made for publicity. The Kanoka had the Comic-Con logo printed on the front of it.
Employees of LEGO also received a special Kanoka disk called the "BIONICLE Kanoka" with the symbol of the Three Virtues printed on it.
A red translucent Kanoka disk was released as part of the promotional set 3259 Shooter + Disc, which also included a black Kanoka Launcher. The set came packaged with a BIONICLE comic in France. An Onu-Metru Kanoka disk, also found in the Kanoka Disk Launcher Pack was included in the promotional set 7934 "Kanoka Disk Launcher and Disk" along with a white Kanoka Launcher. The cancelled set 8026 Kraatu was planned to include a Po-Metru with code 373, the same as the one included in 8610 Ahkmou.
Kanoka were released in the following sets:
Kanoka Code | Accompanying Set |
None | 3259 Shooter + Disc |
None | 8601 Toa Vakama |
143 | 8607 Nuhrii |
226 | 8608 Vhisola |
685 | 8609 Tehutti |
373 | 8610 Ahkmou 8026 Kraatu |
574 | 8611 Orkahm |
437 | 8612 Ehrye |
116 | 8614 Vahki Nuurakh |
225 | 8615 Vahki Bordakh |
555 | 8616 Vahki Vorzakh |
334 | 8617 Vahki Zadakh |
665 | 8618 Vahki Rorzakh |
447 | 8619 Vahki Keerakh |
638 | 8622 Nidhiki |
338 | 8623 Krekka |
199 | Limited Edition Vahki sets 8715 Ultimate Creatures Accessory Set |
There was also a supplementary set, 8613 Kanoka Disk Launcher Pack. Along with a Disk Launcher in one of the six primary Metru Nui colors, it included two random Kanoka. The Kanoka codes featured were from the following:
- 117, 125, 132, 171, 184, 159
- 212, 234, 253, 265, 287, 279
- 314, 326, 357, 361, 382, 339
- 416, 442, 468, 473, 485, 429
- 521, 536, 543, 548, 565, 589
- 631, 646, 654, 663, 677, 619
- The Dark Hunter Gatherer's entry in BIONICLE: Dark Hunters says he has a Rhotuka of Mind Scrambling; this is to be read as Kanoka due to the fact that a Rhotuka is not apparently present on the actual model while a Kanoka is.[72] This is the only known instance of that Kanoka power.
- Greg Farshtey has provided Kanoka effects for some Kanohi powers that were not seen in the story:
- A group of Matoran from Po-Metru were known to sell fake Kanoka disks made from solid Protodermis, which had no powers. The Vahki eventually stopped this.[53]
- Disks with codes of 114[75] and 688[76] are shown in the comics, despite not appearing in any sets.
- Additionally, a disk with the code of 285 was featured in the instruction manuals of 8621 Turaga Dume & Nivawk, 8622 Nidhiki, and 8623 Krekka that was never produced physically or featured in the story.
Matoran Weapons | |
Metru Nui | Kanoka Launchers | Kanoka |
Mata Nui | Bamboo Disks | Kolhii Sticks |
Voya Nui | Repellers | Chargers | Shredder Claws | Power Carvers | Pulse Bolt Generators | Echo Forks |
Mahri Nui | Electro-Blades | Shredder Claws | Air Launchers | Solidified Air Bubbles | Underwater Trap |
Karda Nui | Power Swords |
Other | Chronicler's Staff | Midak Skyblasters (mounted on Skyfighter and Swamp Strider) |
Collectibles | |||
Generation 1 | Kanohi | Krana | Kanohi Nuva | Krana-kal | Kraata Kanoka (Toa Disks) (Great Disks) | Rhotuka | Zamor | Sea Squid | Golden Armor | ||
Generation 2 | Masks of Power |
BIONICLE Sets of 2004 | ||
Small | 8607 Nuhrii | 8608 Vhisola | 8609 Tehutti | 8610 Ahkmou | 8611 Orkahm | 8612 Ehrye | |
Medium | 8601 Toa Vakama | 8602 Toa Nokama | 8603 Toa Whenua | 8604 Toa Onewa | 8605 Toa Matau | 8606 Toa Nuju 8614 Vahki Nuurakh | 8615 Vahki Bordakh | 8616 Vahki Vorzakh | 8617 Vahki Zadakh | 8618 Vahki Rorzakh | 8619 Vahki Keerakh | |
Large | Standard | 8621 Turaga Dume & Nivawk | 8622 Nidhiki | 8623 Krekka |
Special | 3287 Takutanuva | 8811 Toa Lhikan & Kikanalo | 10202 Ultimate Dume | |
Collectible | 8613 Kanoka Disk Launcher Pack | |
Accessory | 8711 Master Accessory Kit | |
Promotional | 3259 Shooter + Disc | 7934 "Kanoka Disk Launcher and Disk" | 8026 Kraatu | |
see full list |
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