Mata Nui Online Game

This page features content from BIONICLE Generation 1
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Shortcut: MNOG/MNOLG
From BIONICLEsector01

Mata Nui Online Game is semi-canon.
The subject of this article has aspects that are not part of the canon BIONICLE storyline. As such some, but not all, information on this page is non-canon. Non-canon information is presented for completeness and should not be removed.

"There is no single, clear goal for you to accomplish -- finding your true purpose is up to you, and it may or may not be possible to 'win the game.'"[1]

Mata Nui Online Game
Online Game
Writer Unknown
Producer Peter Mack
Composer Justin Luchter
Developer Templar Studios
Platform (formerly)
Controls Mouse
Release Date 2001

The Mata Nui Online Game,[2] also known as the Mata Nui Adventure Game,[3] Mata Nui: The Online Game, or Mata Nui Online,[4] and often informally referred to as the MNOLG or the MNOG, is the first BIONICLE online game. Developed by Templar Studios and released on in January 2001, the game played a pivotal role in the BIONICLE line's success. It was updated approximately every month throughout 2001 until it received its last update in December. In 2002 it received a small update allowing players to reset their game, and in 2003 a sequel, Mata Nui Online Game II: The Final Chronicle, was launched. The game remained online until early 2004, when it was taken down to make way for new content. However, due to popular demand, it was re-released on as an exclusive download in March 16, 2006. It was again removed in February 9, 2009 to make way for new content. It was later re-released by Templar Studios in April 5, 2013, only to be removed again in 2019.


  • Mouse - Navigate through the world and menus.
  • To access different scenes, the player should move the pointer all the way to the left or right until it turns into a stone circle with a red swirling arrow on it and then click.
  • To use an object or to present it to another character, the player should click on the backpack icon in the upper-right corner then click and drag the object out of the backpack and toward an object or character to use it.


An old thumbnail of the game

The game unfolded in "episodes" that were revealed over the course of the following year at semi-regular intervals. This was accomplished by placing obstacles in-game that kept the player from reaching locked areas: having lava too hot to cross, closing the marina, a snow-storm in Ko-Koro, etc. The Great Telescope foreshadowed when new content would become available. The date shown at the bottom of specific panels at the base of the device were to be read and compared with a date on the telescope itself. When the two dates matched, the stars seen through the telescope would resemble those on the matching panel.

Chapter 1: The Beach • Prophesy • Tahu's Arrival

Released on January 1, 2001

Players can only explore the beach outside of Ta-Koro. Tahu's Toa Canister lies on the beach, and a large stone totem can also be found here. On top of a cliff is a rock formation; there the player can view the legend of Mata Nui or watch the Wall of Stars through a telescope. The path to Ta-Koro is blocked by a lava river. A short cutscene of Tahu looking back at the player is shown.

Chapter 2: Ta-Koro & The Lake of Fire • The Charred Forest

Released on February 1, 2001

The lava river clears, and players can cross over to Ta-Koro. Here they can explore the Charred Jungle, where they can meet Kapura; visit the gatehouse, where they can meet Jala; and explore the village itself, where they can meet with Vakama. There is also a cablecar leading to Ko-Wahi, but the Ta-Matoran guard will not let the player use the car without a guard insignia.

Chapter 3: Ga-Koro • Imprisoned Undersea • Gali's Arrival

Ga-Koro after the rescue of the villagers

Released on March 17, 2001

Maku appears on the beach. The player can use her boat to visit Ga-Koro, which is strangely deserted. However, by diving underwater, collecting a gear, and then placing it into a pump, the player can raise a sunken hut from the water. Inside are the Ga-Matoran and Nokama. Gali fights the Tarakava that trapped the villagers and then leaves. In Ga-Koro, the player can talk to Nokama, Maku, and Nixie.

Chapter 4: Po-Koro • The Madness • Pohatu's Arrival

Released on May 9, 2001

The player can now travel to Po-Wahi. Here, an epidemic has spread via infected koli balls. A bit of scouting around reveals that the seller of the balls got them from a quarry. Traveling to the quarry initiates a fight between Pohatu and a Nui-Jaga. Upon winning the fight, Pohatu and the player flee from the quarry, and Pohatu resolves to help the Po-Matoran throw the koli balls into the sea. After the infected koli balls are disposed of, the koli ball trader seems to have disappeared.

Chapter 5: The Undercity of Onu-Koro • A Strange Discovery

The opened entrance in the Great Mine

Released on July 11, 2001

The player can now travel to Onu-Koro via a path in Po-Wahi that was previously blocked by a sandstorm. Here, a mining accident has caused a Lightstone shortage. Traveling to the main Lightstone mine reveals that a huge lava flow has flowed over the path to the mine's entrance, stopping miners from entering or leaving. The player can solve this by using a Lava Board and then by solving a small puzzle. The players also find out that there is an unbreakable rock layer at the bottom of Mine Shaft B. There, a disk lies planted into the ground. The player can travel to Ga-Koro to retrieve from Nixie a gnomon; the gnomon fits into the disk, revealing it to be a sundial. When light is shined on the sundial, it opens to reveal a small staircase that leads to a room containing a Golden Mask. However, there is nothing to do there. Additional scenes were also added to Ta-Koro, viewing it from the direction of the Onu-Koro Highway.

Chapter 6: Le-Koro • Battle in the Skies • Lewa & Onua

Released on August 18, 2001

Taipu and the other Onu-Koro diggers finish the tunnel to Le-Wahi. The player can now travel to Le-Koro but when doing so, Taipu is taken by a Nui-Rama. In Le-Koro, the player learns that Turaga Matau and many other Le-Matoran were kidnapped from the village and brought to a Nui-Rama hive. The player joins Kongu and helps rescue the Matoran, but end up getting trapped in the hive too. In the hive, the player learns from Turaga Matau that Lewa has been infected by the Makuta. Onua soon arrives and frees Lewa, and together, the two Toa free the Matoran. During the celebrations that follow, Lewa receives his Golden Kanohi. The player also gets access to a Kewa bird with which they can fly to the different villages they've visited around the island.

Chapter 7: A Patrol is Lost • Ko-Koro • Kopaka • Nuju's Letter

Nuju and Matoro in the Sanctum

Released on October 10, 2001

If the player goes back to Ta-Koro, Jala tells them that Ta-Matoran guards have gone missing in Ko-Wahi and asks the player to join the guard to investigate their disappearance. If the player agrees, they gain access the Ta-Wahi-Ko-Wahi cablecar, which they can use to travel to Ko-Wahi. There the player meets and saves Kopeke, who informs them of the fate of Jala's guards, then travels to Ko-Koro. Entering the Sanctum, the player can see Turaga Nuju, but cannot talk to him without his interpreter, Matoro, to translate his bird Rahi dialect. The player can climb Mount Ihu to find Matoro and in so doing meet Kopaka. Back in the Sanctum, Nuju then asks the player to deliver a message to all the Turaga.

Chapter 8: Alliance • A Final Defense • The Toa Enter the Lair

Released on November 17, 2001

The Turaga gather volunteers to aid the Toa to Kini-Nui. The player then travels around the island gathering the volunteers and ultimately reaches the waterfall at Ga-Wahi. Then, the Matoran volunteers use their skills to get to Kini-Nui, where the player meets the Toa and agrees to defend Kini-Nui while the Toa venture underground to defeat Makuta.

The Chronicler's Company while facing Rahi

The Matoran begin defending the Kini-Nui from the Rahi, which begin coming in greater and greater numbers. Meanwhile, in Teridax's lair, the Toa Mata merge into the Toa Kaita, who defeat the Manas.

Chapter 9: The Battle of Kini-Nui • Makuta • Takua Returns

Released on December 15, 2001

The Matoran are saved by the arrival of aid from the villages. During the commotion Takua—the player—sneaks into the Mangaia and witnesses the battle between the Toa Kaita and the Manas. After defeating the Manas, the Kaita are suddenly separated back into their component Toa. Takua watches as the six Toa encounter and defeat Teridax using their Elemental Powers. The Toa eventually return to the surface. Takua is left behind in the chamber, and Teridax sends a signal to awake the Bohrok. Takua escapes back to Ta-Wahi and finds Turaga Vakama, who leads the brave adventurer again to Ta-Koro.


There are several smaller activities scattered throughout the main game. Completing these is necessary to advance the game.

Ga-Koro Gate

Ga-Koro's gate

On Ta-Wahi Beach, the player encounters a frantic Maku who claims that her village has been attacked by Rahi. The player agrees to help and is granted the use of the Ga-Matoran's boat. The player uses the craft to sail to the shores of Naho Bay near Ga-Koro. The player approaches the village's entrance but discovers a portcullis barring his entry.

The gate employs a weight-based mechanism to seal off entry to the village. On the left side of the mechanism hangs a large Mata Nui stone, and on the right hangs a shell that acts as a basket. Above the sealed archway is a circular stone bordered by a ring; both of these have a small, blue marker embedded in them. While the ring is static, the disk inside rotates based on the balance between the Mata Nui stone and the basket. Stones scattered on the ground around the gate are to be placed into the shell, thus raising the left side of the mechanism, lowering the right, and rotating the middle stone. When the weights on each sides of the mechanism are equal and the two blue markers align, the gate opens.

With the gate raised, the player can enter the floating village only to discover that it is in ruins.

Nui-Jaga Nest

Toa Mata Pohatu within the Nui-Jaga nest

Upon discovering that Ahkmou is selling infected Comet balls on behalf of Makuta, the player alerts Turaga Onewa, who sends for Toa Mata Pohatu. Pohatu and the player travel to the Po-Wahi Quarry where they discover a Nui Jaga nest filled with infected koli balls. The resident Nui-Jaga blinds the Toa who turns to the player for guidance.

Pressing and holding the mouse button charges Pohatu's kick, and releasing it propels a koli ball forward. Should koli balls destroy all of the nest's back pillars, the cave will collapse. The purple Nui-Jaga inhabiting the nest will try to block Pohatu's shots.

With Makuta's plan foiled, the Nui-Jaga retreats further into the collapsing nest. The player and Pohatu both escape, the latter using his Kanohi Kakama.

Lava Pump

The Cavern of Light, reopened after the player completes the puzzle

After using a Lava Board to cross a lava-covered tunnel, the player is presented with a control system for the lava pump. It consists of nine buttons that need to be pressed at the same time.

Pressing a button reverses the state of that button and all of the buttons adjacent but not diagonal to it. For example, pressing a corner button reverses that button and the two buttons to its sides.

After the player completes the puzzle, the pipes leaking lava are closed, and the corridor becomes navigable by foot again.

Flute Playing

Having entered the seemingly abandoned Le-Koro, the player find a Flute fitted with a Flutesong.

Clicking the cyan tab on the flute causes a sequence of green keys to light up. Following the pattern plays a song.

After the song is successfully played, the Le-Matoran hiding throughout Le-Koro come out of hiding and greet the player.

Nui-Rama Battle

Aerial battle against the Nui-Rama

While the player is in Le-Koro, Nui-Rama attack the village. As the other members of the Gukko Bird Force prepare for aerial battle, Kongu asks the player to be his second. The player agrees and flies alongside Kongu to the Nui-Rama Hive.

During the journey, the player must throw disks at attacking Nui-Rama by clicking in the appropriate direction.

After the player successfully fends off the Rahi, Kongu's Kahu bird reaches the hive and flies inside.

Ko-Koro Gate

While journeying to Ko-Koro, the player enters a room with a sealed door.

The blocks that are found in the chamber have depictions of the six Toa Mata's Great Kanohi as well as the Turaga's Noble Kanohi. These blocks must be properly arranged on the grid-like walls of the room. In the bottom row sit pre-set blocks bearing the symbols of each of the six Koro. The Great masks should be placed across the top row and the Noble masks should be placed across the middle row such that the masks occupy the same columns as their respective Koro.

After the player correctly arranges the blocks, the door opens, allowing passage to the village.

Kini-Nui Defense

The Chronicler's Company battling Rahi

When the Chronicler's Company reaches the Kini-Nui, the Toa ask the group to defend the temple against Rahi. Battle with the Rahi begins shortly thereafter and occurs in regular bouts.

During combat, clicking on a Matoran and then clicking on a Rahi causes the Matoran to fire his or her disk at the Rahi, injuring it. Doing so repeatedly prompts the Rahi to retreat and to drop its mask. Meanwhile, the Rahi also attack the Matoran, who sometimes dodge the attacks and are sometimes struck. The Matoran are forced to retreat when they lose all their health. The player cannot control whether or not the Matoran successfully dodge the attacks.

Following each successful battle, Takua has a short vision of the Battle of Mangaia.

At the end of a few battles, a great number of Rahi besiege the temple and defeat seems imminent. At this point, Matoran from the different villages appear and rescue the Company.

Combat Statistics

Name Kind Element Power Agility Health
Kapura Ta-Matoran Fire 200 - 300 40 250
Maku Ga-Matoran Water 5 - 75 10 150
Tamaru Le-Matoran Air 25 - 100 15 200
Kopeke Ko-Matoran Ice 50 - 100 25 300
Hafu Po-Matoran Stone 50 - 100 20 250
Taipu Onu-Matoran Earth 75 - 250 35 400
Nui-Rama Mosquito Rahi Air 25 - 75 15 400
Nui-Kopen Wasp Rahi Air 25 - 75 15 500
Kahu Hawk Rahi Air 15 - 50 20 600
Kofo-Jaga Fire Scorpion Rahi Fire 100 - 300 25 400
Nui-Jaga Giant Scorpion Rahi Stone 100 - 300 30 550
Water Tarakava Water Lizard Rahi Water 125 - 325 25 500
Sand Tarakava Sand Lizard Rahi Stone 125 - 325 25 500
Tarakava Nui King Lizard Rahi Water 150 - 350 30 650
Muaka Tiger Rahi Ice 250 - 450 30 800
Kane-Ra Bull Rahi Stone 300 - 500 35 900
Kuma Nui Rat Rahi Earth 15 - 60 15 400

Type Modifiers

Name Fire Water Air Ice Stone Earth
Fire 0 -25 +20 +25 -10 -10
Water +25 0 +10 -5 -5 -25
Air -20 +10 0 +10 -25 +25
Ice -25 +5 -10 0 +25 +5
Stone +10 +5 +25 -25 0 -15
Earth +10 +25 -25 -5 -5 0


Originally, LEGO intended to tell the 2001 BIONICLE story through BIONICLE: The Legend of Mata Nui and a 3D-animated movie. Meanwhile, that year's comics and Templar's online game would flesh out the world. However, neither of the main projects came to fruition, leaving the Mata Nui Online Game--which, for the most part, presented the Toa's quest only as background information--as the primary story source for that year.[5]

Even though it was not approved by the BIONICLE story team and Greg Farshtey stated that certain elements of the game are non-canon,[6][7][8][9][10] the Mata Nui Online Game proved hugely influential to the BIONICLE storyline. Later media canonized many aspects of the BIONICLE world as presented in the Mata Nui Online Game.

  • The method by which the Toa obtain their Golden Kanohi varied across the 2001 media. In the Mata Nui Online Game, Lewa places his six Kanohi on his Suva at Le-Koro, sinks into it, and rises back up with his Golden Kanohi. When all the Toa arrive at Kini-Nui later in the game, they are wearing their normal masks, which promptly shift to become the Golden Kanohi. Later media clarified the canon version of events: once the Toa found all their Kanohi, they placed them on life-size statues of themselves at Kini-Nui, and their Golden Kanohi appeared in the masks' place.[11]
  • Matoro appears to use the power of his Kanohi Akaku, despite being a Matoran. Later stories clarified that Matoro's mask had a built-in "zoom" feature unrelated to the Akaku's power of X-ray vision.
  • Gali's mental link with Takua is referenced in Takanuva's Blog, which is canon.[12]
  • Similarly, the canon serial Reign of Shadows references the Chronicler's Company, cementing the organization in canon.[13]
  • In the Toa Nuva Blog, Lewa retrieves the Great Sundial intoduced in the Onu-Koro chapter of the game,[14] which is then used by Takanuva in Takanuva's Blog in order to locate the Codrex.[12]
  • In both the 2001 comics and The Legend of Mata Nui, Nuju speaks normally. However, Nuju requires a translator in the Mata Nui Online Game. The latter interpretation endured in future media.

Under certain circumstances, Nokama[15] and Jala[16] will refer to "Papu and Rangi," and Jala mentions that those beings chose the location of Ta-Koro. Jala also refers to "the great Haka-Dance" if spoken to prior to saving Ga-Koro in the German translation.[17] The names Papu, Rangi, and Haka are derived from the Māori language and were most likely excised from later canon due to the Māori lawsuits. While Papu and Rangi were never renamed and therefore remain non-canonical, the great Haka-Dance has been renamed the Great Takara, and this is reflected in all other conversations in the game, including when speaking to Jala after saving Ga-Koro in the German translation.[18] In either version of the German conversation, Jala also mentions some details omitted in the English version, including his role in supporting Vakama during the great Takara and his status in the tribe of Lhii the Surfer.[17][18]


The floating mask

The floating gold Kanohi Hau beneath the Great Sundial was part of a BIONICLE contest run in 2001. The word shown above it is "RAHI." Contestants were to find words both online and in print that were written beneath gold masks in the Matoran script. By decoding these messages, writing them down on an official entry form, and mailing in the form, contestants entered into a sweepstakes to win a 14-karat solid gold Kanohi Hau.


The game was made available for download from in March 2006. The game then featured a more user-friendly interface; while the player could not save their game, they could choose to continue playing from one of nine "chapters" of the game. After these, there was a tenth button that allowed players to access the Book of Chronicles from the menu. Along the bottom of the game's screen were two more buttons: One for a small help window describing the game's most basic features, and the other for switching the game's language to German.

The game itself was mostly unchanged, though the word "Tohunga" was replaced with "Matoran" for continuity's sake (with the exception of the minigame for the Battle for Kini-Nui). However, characters like Jala and Maku were still referred to by their original names (Jala and Maku respectively), as Naming Day had yet to occur in-story. Also, instead of having to acquire a backpack and Lightstone, Takua automatically has them when the game begins. In addition, Tahu's first cutscene on the beach is no longer triggered in-game, though it can still be accessed via the Book of Chronicles.

Along with the re-release, the LEGO Group released a brand-new walkthrough that serves as a step-by-step guide through the game, written by Mark Durham.[19] It is presented in the form of a story supposedly written by Takua himself. Unfortunately, the walkthrough makes some odd decisions as a result of the fact that it is based on the final version of the game - where almost every area is accessible very early on, most notably through the presence of Maku on the beach. While Templar's intent was always that Kapura be the first character the player spoke to, the walkthrough instead has the player travel straight to Ga-Koro and rescuing the villagers there before returning to Ta-Koro - only meeting Kapura after talking to both Jala and Vakama.

With the game originally being released over the course of a year, the story it tells is intended to take place across a similar timeframe - a matter of months, not hours. In his first conversation with the player, Vakama mentions their Lava Board - the Matoran who has it for safekeeping would not be added until after the Ga-Koro update wherein the player obtains the backpack. This leads to an awkward moment in the walkthrough where the player collects the Lava Board before speaking to Vakama, and in the ensuing conversation internally remarks that they already have it.

In the 2006 rerelease, several text files are missing for the journey of the Chronicler's Company to Kini-Nui. As a result, attempting to speak with certain party members at specific landmarks (e.g. speaking with Tamaru at the broken bridge) will result in a blank text box. This is reflected by Mark Durham's otherwise comprehensive walkthrough, which omits any missing dialogue during this chapter.

The game was removed from once again in 2009, but the rereleased version was made available online in 2013 by its creators, Templar Studios. This version is slightly different from the 2006 version, as it retains use of the "Tohunga" term and still has the all the dialogue for the Chronicler's Company.




  • Messages in Matoran script appear throughout the game:
    • The shields in Jala's guard post read "TAKORO" (without a hyphen).
    • Signs in Po-Wahi direct the player between "POKORO," "ONUKORO" and the "QUARRY."
    • The tunnels connecting Ta-Koro, Onu-Koro and Le-Koro are labeled "TA-ONU-LE-KORO" on a large sign above the entrance, with a smaller sign reading "ONU-TA-LE-KORO SUBTRANSECT" on the right-hand side of the entrance. The Onu-Koro caves contain Matoran writing directing the player to Onu-Koro and the other villages accessible from it, as well as to the Great Mine. Additionally, a sign reading "TAXI CRABS" is visible on both ends of the tunnel between Po-Wahi and Onu-Wahi.
    • Huki's box art appears on a leaf in Maku's house. It appears to be signed in Matoran script by Huki himself: "TO MAKU WITH LOTS OF LOVE HUKI." In Huki's hut is an award reading "MVP" (a reference to real-world athletic awards, standing for "Most Valuable Player").
    • A carved stone at the Po-Matoran trader's stall reads: "MY FRIEND WENT TO POWAHI AND ALL I GOT WAS THIS LOUSY ROCK."
    • The stand selling "COMETS" in Po-Koro has a sign which reads "MAKE ME AN OFFER." After the discovery that the Comet balls are infected, a hastily erected sign at the deserted stand reads "GONE FISHING."
    • Onepu has a tin of "USSAL WAX."
    • The entrance to the Cavern of Light is uniquely not in Matoran script, instead reading "CAVERN OF LIGHT" in English (or German, if the player is playing in that mode) letters.
    • There is a rock in Le-Wahi, off to the right as one travels from Le-Koro to the tunnel entrance, with Matoran writing upon it that reads "WAKE ONE AND YOU WAKE THEM ALL."
    • In the fight between Lewa and Onua, the Matoran numbers 0 and 1 rapidly flash behind the characters as Lewa uses his Kanohi Komau to control the mind of a Nui-Kopen.
    • The walls of the Sanctum include packaging information from a LEGO set and a quote from Douglas Adams's Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series: "What do you get if you multiply six by nine?" The translation of the packaging information is "Made by Lego; Produced by CH 6340 Baar Switzerland; Distributed by the Lego Group; DY; 7190 Ailluni Denmark; (c)2001 Lego Group."
    • There is a rock carving in the Wastes inscribed with the text "BEWARE THE SWARM." The player must brush snow off the rock to read the message. The same message briefly appears as the player falls unconscious in the snowstorm, along with the symbol for the Bohrok.
  • Early in development, Templar referred to the player character as either "The Visitor"[20] or "George".[21] This is referenced in Takua's cameo as "George" in the Templar-developed game LEGO Studios Backlot.[22] Saffire also used this name for Takua, as evidenced by the "EvilGeorge" cheat code in BIONICLE: Quest for the Toa.
  • While the carvings at the base of the telescope mostly line up with events in the game, there are a couple of oddities: the carving for the Po-Wahi update has a picture of a bird, while that for Onu-Wahi depicts Onua standing next to a tarakava-like figure.
  • The only named Matoran in the game are the Chronicler's Company and the Matoran released as part of the 2001 McDonalds Happy Meal promotion.
    • Hafu and Taipu's Kanohi were swapped at some point in development, perhaps due to their identical coloration. This was corrected in Mata Nui Online Game II: The Final Chronicle, which included the option to greet Taipu as Hafu as a nod to the error. If Hahli does so, Taipu bemoans the fact that everyone seems to confuse him with Hafu. Taipu's appearance also differs from that of the Saffire games.
    • Various prominent Matoran from the Mata Nui Online Game were named in The Final Chronicle, including Nixie the astrologer and Mamoru the chief prospector. Many of the names introduced in The Final Chronicle were not cleared by LEGO's legal team, although they have entered fan parlance and the canon story Tentacles uses several.
  • In his first conversation with the player, Vakama mentions that he is preparing for the arrival of "another." He is referring to the seventh Toa--not knowing that he is talking to the very Matoran of whom prophecy speaks.[23]
  • Maku's dialogue on the beach seems to imply that Gali has faced the Rahi before, as seen in Deep into Darkness. Maku's own departure from the village--though apparently a regular habit for her--could similarly be explained by her appearance in Challenge of the Rahi. The timescales here roughly make sense in terms of the game as originally released, but not in terms of the timeline presented by the later walkthrough.
  • The unnamed fish in Ga-Koro is the same as that featured in the cancelled BIONICLE: The Legend of Mata Nui.
  • After the removal of the infected balls, the koli fans outside the pitch in Po-Koro chant sporting phrases such as "Who ate all the pies?! Who ate all the pies?!"
  • The Great Mine elevator's lever is occasionally in the wrong position.
  • Templar Studios originally envisioned Onu-Wahi's Rahi problem as being the result of "Wolf Rats," Rahi seen in BIONICLE: The Legend of Mata Nui. At some point, the threat was changed to "Fire Scorpions" (Kofo-Jaga). An entire additional minigame was planned for the Onu-Wahi section of the game, in which the player would have fended off the Kofo-Jaga using throwing disks purchased from various merchants in Onu-Koro. The minigame would led into an animation wherein Onua fought off the Kofo-Jaga. This animation made it as far as the storyboard stage before being scrapped. The same blog post mentions "bad air" as being a problem the player would have to solve in the expanded version of Onu-Wahi.[20]
  • The song played when the Le-Matoran prepare to attack the Nui-Rama Hive is "Ride of the Valkyries" by Richard Wagner. Some other songs in the soundtrack are borrowed from stock music libraries, such as "Predators A" by Dick De Benedictis.
  • On modern computers, the game is not frame-limited, causing certain animations to play very quickly. This is felt most notably in the battle against the Nui-Rama, where the enemies move extremely quickly and are almost impossible to hit. One "trick" to defeating the Rahi is noticing that the Nui-Rama that actually attack only do so along one particular flight path.
  • When Matoro rescues the player in the snowstorm, he hands the player a Vuata Maca fruit. This fruit is a powerup in the Quest for the Toa and in The Legend of Mata Nui; in Mata Nui Online Game, it is depicted with the black and grey color scheme used in The Legend of Mata Nui.
  • Even after the player encounters Matoro in the Drifts and both return to the Sanctum, Jaa's dialogue is not updated to reflect this. Thus, if the player chooses speaks to Jaa again, Jaa will continue to say Matoro is out and Nuju cannot speak to the player until he returns, even though Matoro is visible by Nuju's side in the same room. The player is unable to return to the Drifts after encountering Matoro there due to accumulated snow now blocking the entrance.
  • When it was originally released, the battle at Kini-Nui continued with endless waves of Rahi. The game's next update brought an end to the fight. To keep players interested, Templar designed a complex system of type advantages--as reflected by the dialogue from the Chronicler's Company--but the vast majority of the Rahi were never implemented, with only Nui-Rama, Nui-Jaga, Tarakava and Muaka appearing in the final version of the game.[21]
    • Kapura is strong against Nui-Rama and Muaka, but weak against the rest. Maku has only a slight advantage against Nui-Rama and is just slightly weaker against Muaka and Nui-Jaga. Tamaru is moderately strong against Tarakava and Muaka but weak against Nui-Jaga. Kopeke is strong against Nui-Jaga and slightly so against Tarakava, but weak against Nui-Rama. Hafu is strong against Nui-Rama and slightly so against Tarakava, but is very weak against Muaka. Lastly, Taipu is strong against Tarakava, but weak against Nui-Rama and slightly so against the others.[21]
  • Even if the player does not talk to Onewa after defeating the Nui-Jaga (and thus does not receive the Po-Koro Chisel), Takua still uses it to escape the Bohrok at the end of the game.
  • The animation style of the mini movies made for BIONICLE's 2015 reboot was inspired by that of the Mata Nui Online Game, though the former's art is more stylized whereas the latter's is authentic to the sets.[24]


  1. "Support: Mata Nui Online Game - General." (archived 12 August 2003, on the Wayback Machine)
  2. "Mata Nui Online Game.". (archived 16 March 2006, on the Wayback Machine)
  3. "Games.". (archived 01 August 2003, on the Wayback Machine)
  4. "Mata Nui Online.". (archived 16 March 2006, on the Wayback Machine)
  5. MNOLG Storyboards: Ta-Koro. June 13, 2011.
  6. "Official Greg Discussion", post 6028. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  7. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 30. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  8. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 2260. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  9. "Chat with Greg Farshtey", post 11857814. LEGO Message Boards. (archived on
  10. "Chat with Greg Farshtey", post 14278851. LEGO Message Boards. (archived on
  11. Makuta's Guide to the Universe, p. 21.
  12. Jump up to: 12.0 12.1 Takanuva's Blog.
  13. "Chapter 12." Reign of Shadows.
  14. "Chapter 10." Toa Nuva Blog.
  15. "I think Papu and Rangi have plans for you that are greater than your stature would suggest. Perhaps you are to be a hero like the Toa. I do not know."
  16. "Ta-Koro ist die Stadt im großen Flammensee, die von Papu und Rangi als Ort des Feuers ausgewählt wurde. Von dieser Festung aus wird die Brücke dorthin bewacht. Viele Matoran leben dort. Sicher hast du schon davon gehört?"
  17. Jump up to: 17.0 17.1 "Ich bin Jala, Kommandant der Wache und vom Stamm der Lhii Surfer. Beim großen Haka-Tanz stehe ich Vakama zur Seite. Meine Aufgabe ist es, die Stadt gegen die Rahi zu schützen. Ich merkte schon lange, dass sie immer stärker wurden, aber keiner in der Stadt schenkte mir Glauben - bis die Bestien die Kluft von Tren Krom stürmten."
  18. Jump up to: 18.0 18.1 "Ich bin Jala, Kommandant der Wache und vom Stamm der Lhii Surfer. Beim großen Takara-Tanz stehe ich Vakama zur Seite. Meine Aufgabe ist es, die Stadt gegen die Rahi zu schützen. Ich merkte schon lange, dass sie immer stärker wurden, aber keiner in der Stadt schenkte mir Glauben - bis die Bestien die Kluft von Tren Krom stürmten."
  19. BIONICLE The Official Web Site, March 2006 (archive)
  20. Jump up to: 20.0 20.1 "MNOLG: The Fire Scorpions." TEMPLAR GAMES INC. tumblr, 29 June 2011.
  21. Jump up to: 21.0 21.1 21.2 TEMPLAR GAMES INC. — Program 8: Flight to Kini-Nui, 29 March 2019
  22. Lego Studios Backlot (dead link)
  23. "Chat with Greg Farshtey", post 12615735. LEGO Message Boards. (archived on
  24. "New York Comic Con 2014 Exclusive Bionicle Panel". YouTube.

See also

External links