Voya Nui Online Game

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Shortcut: VNOG/VNOLG
From BIONICLEsector01
Voya Nui Online Game is semi-canon.
The subject of this article has aspects that are not part of the canon BIONICLE storyline. As such some, but not all, information on this page is non-canon. Non-canon information is presented for completeness and should not be removed.

Voya Nui Online Game
Online Game
Developer Ankama Games
Platform Online (BIONICLE.com)
Controls Number buttons
Release Date 2006

The Voya Nui Online Game, informally called VNOG or VNOLG, was a turn-by-turn role-playing game produced by Ankama Games featuring the Toa Inika, Piraka, Matoran Resistance, and various Rahi.

While the story told in the game is non-canonical, there are several aspects of the game, such as Voya Nui's geography or Rahi, which are canonical.[1]


The player arrives on an island called Voya Nui and meets Garan, who speaks about the island, Piraka, and Kanohi Ignika. He also says that the Piraka are enslaving the Matoran with Antidermis and that the player needs to free the Matoran, defeat the Piraka, retrieve the Mask of Life, and bring peace back to Voya Nui. Garan then gives the player various quests, ranging from eradicating Rahi to draining a lake of lava. The player then proceeds to the underground chambers. There, the player must defeat all six Piraka along with Vezon, who is riding Fenrakk. After the player defeats Vezon and his mount, they obtain the Ignika and the game subsequently ends with a preview of Mahri Nui.


Players control one of the six Toa Inika as they venture around the island fighting the Piraka and assisting the Matoran resistance. Players eventually go underneath the island to fight the Piraka and try to obtain the Mask of Life, otherwise known as the Ignika from the depths of the island. Players also try to solve some mysteries that are brought up, and hinder the Piraka by performing tasks such as destroying vats of Antidermis and defeating the Piraka.

Chapter 0/Introduction: Entry of the Lagoon

Here in this chapter, a Toa washes up on the shore of Voya Nui. They meet a Matoran by the name of Garan, who tells the Toa to go and kill some Rahi called Ice Gafna and bring some ice metal. They do so and bring the metal to Garan, who tells them they have to go and slay a Burnak who stole his tools, before the Matoran can make anything. The Toa does so, and they are rewarded with a Kanohi Mask of Power. Garan then asks the Toa to retrieve some metal pieces for him, and following the completion of this task, he asks the Toa to escort him to an island where they can continue. While the Toa is escorting Garan, they find a Blocking Lava Ape guarding the entrance to a log that is acting as a bridge across a small body of water. Once the Toa distracts the Blocking Lava Ape, the Toa and Garan continue on their way across to the hidden island.

Chapter 1: The Matoran Village

Chapter 1: The Matoran Village

After the Toa escorts Garan to a hidden island, the Matoran instructs him/her to go and retrieve three stones from the nearby village. The Toa goes there, and is attacked by a Nektann Guardian. Following this, they retrieve the stones and take them back to Garan, who heard the Nektann alarms and is worried that the Piraka may return to check up. He tells the Toa to go check to see if there are any Nektann after the alarm, and when the Toa reaches the village, they find two Guardians and a Defense Nektann. The Toa dispatches them, and returns to Garan with the results of their search.

Upon hearing that the Guardian was destroyed, Garan asks to Toa to escort him to a Wasteland near the Village to hide. When the Toa and Garan reach the spot, Garan finds out that the Piraka showed up while they were gone, and left some more Nektann. The Toa defeats them all and goes back to Garan, but the two are then attacked by Reidak, who is accompanied by a few Nektann. The Toa defeats the Piraka and the Nektann, and Garan tells them that Reidak will probably tell the other Piraka the Toa is on Voya Nui.

Chapter 2: The Coasts of Voya Nui

Chapter 2: The Coasts of Voya Nui

Following the victory against Reidak, the Toa and Garan converse, and Garan instructs the Toa to investigate some Burnak colonies and destroy the Burnak. The Toa goes and kills the Burnak in the colonies, and after that, they go and report to Garan, who reveals the existence of a Matoran stronghold, and instructs the Toa to go there and make sure everything is still unharmed there, and to talk to the Resistance leader. When the Toa reaches the stronghold and talks to Balta, he divulges that they wish to capture one of the Piraka. He tells the Toa that there is a Gafna infestation where they were planning on trapping Thok, and tells the Toa to go back to Garan and tell him what he said, and he also gives the Toa a weapon to defeat the Gafna.

When the Toa gets back to Garan he says that the weapon can be upgraded, and tells the Toa to retrieve his tool-kit. After the Toa retrieves the tool-kit and brings it back, Garan upgrades the Toa's weapon, but he says that the Toa should have more armor, and tells the Toa to talk to Velika. He tells the Toa to go get five Water Burnak metal pieces and five Water Gafna metal pieces, and bring them back. Once the Toa does so, Velika gives the Toa some armor and a key to a storage box in the Launcher Store, and tell them they might find some more armor in there.

Subsequent to the Toa going to the Launcher Store and looking in the chest, they go back to Velika, who asks the Toa to retrieve his equipment from the village Garan is in. After the Toa returns there, finds the equipment and goes back to the stronghold, Velika tells the Toa to return to Garan while waiting for the Locating Stone to be repaired. When the Toa talks to Garan, he says that they should spend the time by helping to clear out the Rock Ussal in front of the fortress. Upon the Toa defeating all the Rock Ussal, they report back to Garan, who tells the Toa that Thok has been located by the Matoran. The Toa then travels to the Ice Ring and attacks Thok, defeating him and forcing the Piraka into retreat. Following this, the Toa goes to the Matoran Fortress to talk with Balta, who says that the Toa should talk with Garan next.

Chapter 3: The Caves of Voya Nui

Chapter 3: The Caves of Voya Nui

Garan orders the Toa to search the Voya Nui Caves to try to find a way through. They defeat a Nektann garrison outside the entrance, but are forced to turn back when the Lightstones in the caves are revealed to be burnt out. After finding food for Piruk's pet Burnak, on his request, the Toa retrieves a Lightstone and enters the caves, demolishing a Nektann garrison, discovering a Matoran slave. They leave and later return with a Zamor Launcher, releasing the slave. Next, the Toa escorts the Matoran back to the Matoran Stronghold. Subsequent to talking to Garan, the Toa speaks to Piruk and retrieves an invisibility stone from several Stone Burnak. Once they receive metal-eating insects to destroy a drill to delay the Piraka, the Toa talks with Garan. The Toa returns and destroys another set of Nektann, obtaining the keys necessary to reach a teleportation gate. The Toa then finds Thok and Reidak there; after beating them, they return to Garan.

Chapter 4: The Voya Nui Desert

Chapter 4: The Voya Nui Desert

Garan wishes to journey to his hideout on the coast of Voya Nui. Once the Toa takes him through the Nui Caves and finds the location, they are given a weapon, and asked to try it out against the Stone Rahi nearby. Afterwards, Garan asks the Toa to get rid of the nearby Fikou and Ussal, fearing they might be spies for the Piraka in some way. Requiring Protodermis, Garan sends the Toa to find Kazi, in order to retrieve some. Kazi and the Toa fill a container with Protodermis and both deliver it to Garan.

Garan then suggests next that the Toa scope out the black rocks area and locate the Piraka Stronghold, but not attempt any fighting, as the Toa is not strong enough to take on all the Piraka or the Stronghold. Upon going there, the Toa finds an enslaved Matoran in an enclave. Upon the Toa reporting back to Garan, Garan theorizes that the Piraka are using enslaved Matoran to supply their base with Protodermis, stored in a warehouse. Garan tells the Toa to seek out Piruk, who can help them find the warehouse; if the warehouse could be destroyed, then the Piraka's plans could be set back. Talking to Piruk, the Toa gets Destruction Crystals, which can destroy the storage warehouse. After destroying the warehouse, the Toa returns to Garan. Garan tells the Toa that Zaktan has been seen prowling around the Protodermis Lake. Returning to the lake, the Toa defeats Zaktan, and seeks Garan out.

Chapter 5: The Black Rocks

Chapter 5: The Black Rocks

Upon returning to Garan, the group targets the Black Rocks area next. The Toa is first assigned to annihilate four flocks of Hikaki, which have infested the area since the Piraka arrived. Following this, Garan instructs the Toa to speak to Velika to obtain tools to dig through rock. After finding ten pieces of Fikou Metal for Velika, Velika makes the tools for the Toa. Subsequently, the Toa speaks to Garan, who directs them to find the location of three Matoran slaves, and free them; Upon doing so they show them where they each hid a tool for the Piraka, when they were under the influence of Antidermis. Digging through the ground, the Toa uses the tools Velika made them, and recovers the Piraka's items. Following the rescue of each Matoran, the Toa escorts them to Garan's Hideout. Once the Toa finishes the quest, Garan identifies the parts as a weapon. Garan asks the Toa to travel to a small cave and defeat three Ussal Crabs to obtain their shells. He warns the Toa to be cautious though, as these Ussal Crabs are more powerful than the others that the Toa has previously faced.

Upon returning to Garan, the Toa is given the weapon, a Ripper. Next, Garan asks the player to go and steal supplies from a warehouse that Zaktan has, in an effort to undermine the Piraka's team camaraderie. The Toa is sent to find a Matoran who knows three different entrances to the warehouse, and check out the different entrances. After exploring the warehouse/caves, the Toa reports back to Garan, to find that the Matoran Fortress is under attack. The Toa goes to the aid of the inhabitants. After destroying the Nektann invasion, the Toa speaks to Kazi, who presents the Toa with a Water Talon, as a gift of thanks.

Chapter 6: The Piraka's Virus Factory

Chapter 6: The Piraka's Virus Factory

Reporting back to Garan on the status of the Matoran Fortress, Garan tells the Toa it is time to strike the Piraka Stronghold. The Toa is instructed to find the Stronghold and defeat all the enemies guarding the entrance. After eliminating the guards, a special breed of Burnak, Stronghold Guards, the Toa returns to Garan. Subsequent to telling Garan that the front entrance was locked, the Toa searches for another way to enter the Stronghold. Upon inspection, the Toa finds a pipe that leads into the fortress. When the Toa informs Garan of this, Garan hypothesizes that Piruk's pet Burnak could fit in that pipe, and sends the Toa to ask Piruk if they could borrow him.

When the Toa speaks to Piruk, they find that the food they brought to the Burnak earlier caused it to become sick. Piruk says that there is no need to apologize and asks the Toa to find a Lifestone and an energy crystal. The Lifestone can be found among Fire Gafna, in the Black Rocks, and the Energy Crystal can be found with a Lava Ape at the Cape of No Hope. After the Toa deliver the rocks, Piruk tells the Toa that his Burnak has gone missing. He points out a likely location on the Toa's map, and suggests that they look under all the rocks. Consequent to the Toa finding and healing the Burnak, Piruk lends them his Burnak, and the two seek out Garan. Garan tells the Toa to continue their quest, and use the Burnak to open the main door, warning that more Nektann must be on their way. After putting the Burnak into the pipe opening in the Stronghold, the player takes control of the Burnak. Once the door is opened, and the Toa enters the Stronghold, they have a new mission: to find and defeat Avak. Going to the control room, the Toa defeats Avak, and then heads to the Launcher Storeroom, where they defeat Zaktan, along with some Nektann.

Chapter 7: The Chamber of Truth

Chapter 7: The Chamber of Truth

When the Toa returns to Garan, they are informed of the capture of a freed Matoran at the hands of Reidak, and that Vezok is interrogating him. Garan tells the Toa to go to the Teleportation Platform, and use it to teleport to the Chamber of Truth, in hopes that it might work. Finding it broken, the Toa seeks out Balta, who tells them what supplies he needs to repair the teleporter, some fire metal from certain Fire Gafna/Burnak, located at a spot on the map, and an energy stone, which Balta buried long ago. He points out on the map where he believes the stone to be. After the gate is repaired, the Toa passes through, but finds the gate, and backdoor, to the Chamber of Truth, locked. The Toa reports back to Garan, who refers them again to Balta. Balta tells the Toa that before they came, the Matoran attempted to enter the Chamber of Truth, but did not succeed; they did however find a key to the backdoor, and buried it in the jungle in the Cape of No Hope.

Following their recovery of the key, the Toa rescues the Matoran and escorts him to Garan's Hideout. After doing so, the Toa is alerted that Reidak and Vezok have formed an alliance, and that Reidak is scouring the island for other Matoran to interrogate. To stop him, the Toa destroys battalions of Nektann to draw out Reidak. Unfortunately, the Toa is captured by Reidak and is taken to Vezok for interrogation, during which, the Toa manages to get Vezok to distrust all the Piraka. Following the interrogation, the Toa is jailed, but manages to break out with the aid of Piruk's Burnak. They attack and defeat Reidak and Vezok, before escaping the Chamber.

Chapter 8: The Lava Lake and the Chamber of the Mask of Life

Chapter 8: The Lava Lake and the Chamber of the Mask of Life

The Toa returns to Garan, who assigns the Toa to spy on the Piraka in the Black Rocks region of Voya Nui. Observing from High Rock and the Dam Station, the Toa discovers that the Piraka are making the Matoran drain the Lake of Lava, in order to attain the Mask of Life. They go to Dalu to find out more, and is sent to rendezvous with a spy in the Matoran Stronghold. The spy tells them the Piraka's plan, and the Toa returns to Dalu and informs her of their findings. The Toa returns with some a set of Gafna-fire armor and escorts the spy to a sanctuary in the Cape of No Hope. The Toa returns and attempts to break into the dam station using Piruk's Burnak, but fails, unable to find an opening. After opening it, they return, but the Burnak is wounded; using stolen supplies from a Nektann convoy on the ice ring, they heal the Burnak again and succeed. Hakann ambushes the Toa, but is beaten and retreats. The Lake has been drained by this time, and the Toa travels across the island to get the keys for the Chamber of Life. Once they breaks in, they encounter the Piraka (minus Zaktan) and defeat each of them. The Toa presses further and is attacked by Vezon and Fenrakk. They win and claim the Mask of Life. They travel further into the chamber, finding and defeating Zaktan. Victorious, they return to Garan, who congratulates them.

Chapter 9: The End

Chapter 9: The End

The ninth and final chapter has no plot, and serves only as a means for the player to continue battling, collecting items, and improving their stats. When the 'quests' button is pressed, the text box simply has a title of 'Toa Holidays' and tells the player to take a vacation before the next mission.

Game Mechanics

Outside of Battle

  • Create diversion - The player's Toa will draw enemies' attentions to himself or herself.
  • Dig the ground - The player's Toa will dig the ground. If done on a mound of rocks, the player may obtain an item for the Toa.
  • Hide - The player's Toa will become unnoticeable to enemies.


  • Energy - The amount of damage the player's Toa can take before being destroyed and losing Experience Points.
  • Movement Points (MP) - The amount of cells the player's Toa can move.
  • Action Points (AP) - The amount of actions the player's Toa can do.
  • Experience Points - The amount of experience the player's Toa receives from a victory against enemies. If a certain amount is reached, the player can increase their Toa's stats.
  • Range - The maximum amount of spaces between the player's Toa and enemies that the Toa can attack.
  • Initiative Rate - Unknown
  • Dodge Rate - The rate in which the player's Toa will evade attacks.
  • Resistance - Determines how much less damage the player's Toa will take of a particular element.
  • Bonus - Determines how much more damage the player's Toa will do with a weapon of a particular element.


  • Attack - Determines how much more damage the player's Toa can inflict on enemies. Each increase also grants a small amount of hit points.
  • Defense - Determines how much less damage the player's Toa can take from enemies. Each increase also grants a moderate amount of hit points.
  • Technique - Determines the probability of the player's Toa to evade attacks and inflict critical damage. Each increase also grants a high amount of hit points.


The player's Toa can carry two weapons. Weapons are used to inflict damage on enemies.

Picture Name Description
N/A Special Toa (Element) The Toa's basic Elemental attack. It has a chance to reduce the target's action points.
(Element) Claw A weak melee weapon.
(Element) Talon A strong melee weapon.
(Element) Spear A weak, medium range weapon that, in addition to damage, can push over enemies a few cells.
(Element) Harpoon A strong, medium range weapon that, in addition to damage, can pull enemies toward the player.
(Element) Slash A moderately strong melee weapon with limited use that can attack multiple, adjacent enemies.
(Element) Reaver A strong melee weapon with limited use that can attack multiple, adjacent enemies.
(Element) Launcher A moderately strong, medium range weapon with limited use that, in addition to damage, can push over enemies a few cells.
(Element) Power Launcher A strong, medium range weapon with limited use that, in addition to damage, can push over enemies a few cells.
(Element) Ripper A strong melee weapon with limited use.
(Element) Shredder A very strong melee weapon with very limited use.
(Element) Zamor Launcher A weak, long range weapon with limited use.
Enhanced (Element) Zamor Launcher A strong, long range weapon with limited use.
Ion (Element) Launcher A strong, medium range weapon with limited use. The fire variant is called "Lava Launcher."
Enhanced Ion (Element) Launcher A strong, great range weapon with limited use that can attack multiple, adjacent enemies (including the Toa). The fire variant is called "Enhanced Lava Launcher."
Nui Blaster A remarkably powerful weapon that can defeat almost any enemy, including bosses, with one shot. It can only be unlocked by a cheat code and uses the elements Air, Fire, and Water. For some more powerful enemies such as Hakann or Vezon, however, more than one shot may be required, as one does not always suffice. The weapon still has a chance to miss, and will often fail to hit enemies with a high dodge such as Hakann or Guardians.

Support Items

The player's Toa can carry one support item.

  • Life Stone - Gives the player's Toa a small amount of Energy. Unlimited use.
  • Powerful Life Stone - Gives the player's Toa a medium amount of Energy. Unlimited use.
  • Wind Stone - Increases the player's Toa's Movement Points. Three uses per battle.
  • Soul Stone - Gives the player's Toa a great amount of Energy, but only has one use per battle.
  • Powerful Soul Stone - Gives the player's Toa a greater amount of Energy than Soul Stone, but only has one use per battle.
  • Teleport Pack - Enables the player's Toa to teleport to a different square. Three uses per battle.
  • Improved Teleport Pack - Enables the player's Toa to teleport to a different square at a great distance. Four uses per battle.
  • Vision Pack - Increases the player's Toa's Range. Five uses per battle.
  • Improved Vision Pack - Increases the player's Toa's Range by a great amount. Five uses per battle.
  • Range Pack - Decreases the enemy's Range. Unlimited use.
  • Improved Range Pack - Decreases the enemy's Range by a great amount. Unlimited use.
  • Slow Action Pack - Decreases the enemy's Action Points. Unlimited use.
  • Improved Slow Action Pack - Decreases the enemy's Action Points by a great amount. Unlimited use.
  • Slow Motion Pack - Decreases the enemy's Movement Points. One use per battle.
  • Improved Slow Motion Pack - Decreases the enemy's Movement Points by a great amount. Unlimited use.


The player's Toa can carry three different types of equipment: Masks, Armor, and Greaves. Each of these, with exception to the Masks of Life and Vision, are associated with a particular element.


  • Attack - Increases the player's Toa's Bonuses.
  • Defense - Increases the player's Toa's Resistances.


Masks increases the player's Toa's Range.

  • Regular: +1 Range, +5 Bonuses/Resistances, +10 Favored Element Bonuses/Resistances
  • Noble: +2 Range, +10 Bonuses/Resistances, +20 Favored Element Bonuses/Resistances
  • Great: +3 Range, +20 Bonuses/Resistances, +40 Favored Element Bonuses/Resistances
  • Ignika: +3 Range, +50 to all Bonuses and Resistances
  • Vision Mask: +5 Range


Armor increases the player's Toa's Action Points by a small amount, depending on its level.

  • Light: +1 Action Points, +5 Bonuses/Resistances, +10 Favored Element Bonuses/Resistances
  • Medium: +2 Action Points, +10 Bonuses/Resistances, +20 Favored Element Bonuses/Resistances
  • Heavy: +3 Action Points, +20 Bonuses/Resistances, +40 Favored Element Bonuses/Resistances


Greaves increases the player's Toa's Movement Points by a small amount, depending on its level.

  • Light: +1 Movement Points, +5 Bonuses/Resistances, +10 Favored Element Bonuses/Resistances
  • Medium: +2 Movement Points, +10 Bonuses/Resistances, +20 Favored Element Bonuses/Resistances
  • Heavy: +3 Movement Points, +20 Bonuses/Resistances, +40 Favored Element Bonuses/Resistances


Image Description
These are small rodent-like Rahi. They are generally weaker than most of the other enemies. They possess only a short range, elemental melee attack, using their stingers to attack the player.
Air Gafna - Fairly low health (above 70) and quite easy to defeat. Found beyond the blocked log tunnel, mainly in the Desert of Sorrows. Defeating it grants 200 experience points.
Earth Gafna - Low health (above 20) and extremely easy to defeat. Found mainly in the Green Belt. Defeating it awards forty experience points.
Fire Gafna - High health (above 200) and tough to defeat. Found only in and around the Black Rocks region. Very aggressive. Defeating it awards 4500 experience points.
Ice Gafna - Very low health (above 15) and very easy to defeat. Found only in the Ring of Ice (with the exception of two in the Black Rocks). Defeating it awards fifty experience points.
Stone Gafna - Fairly low health (above 50) and easy to defeat. Found beyond the Matoran Stronghold, mainly in the Desert of Sorrows. Defeating it awards 200 experience points.
Water Gafna - Low health (above 15) and very easy to defeat. Found only on the beaches (with the exception of one in the Ring of Ice). Defeating it awards seventy experience points.
These are generally tougher Rahi. They possess both long and short range elemental attacks, and are fairly aggressive.
Air Burnak - Moderate health (above 130). Found beyond the Matoran Stronghold, mainly in the Desert of Sorrows. Defeating it awards 1500 experience points.
Earth Burnak - Low health (above 30) and is the easiest Burnak to defeat. Found beyond the blocked log tunnel, mainly in the Green Belt. Defeating it gives eighty experience points.
Fire Burnak - High health (above 300) and is the toughest Burnak to defeat. Found exclusively in the Black Rocks. Very aggressive. Two "Stronghold Guard" Fire Burnak can be found outside the Piraka Virus Factory; these Burnak have more action and movement points than regular Fire Burnak. Defeating it awards 5000 experience points.
Ice Burnak - Moderate health (above 80) and easy to defeat. Has less movement points than most other Burnak types, but its attacks can reduce the player's movement points. Found beyond the blocked log tunnel, only in the Ring of Ice. Defeating it awards 200 experience points.
Stone Burnak - Moderate health (above 90). Found beyond the Matoran Stronghold, mainly in the Desert of Sorrows. Defeating it awards 1000 experience points.
Water Burnak - High health (above 160) and is quite difficult to defeat. Found beyond the blocked log tunnel, mainly on the beaches. Defeating it awards 2000 experience points.
Protodermis Burnak - Moderate health (above 75) and easy to defeat. Has less movement points than most other Burnak types, but its attacks can reduce the player's range. Water based attacks. Found only at the Protodermis Lake. Defeating it awards 600 experience points.
These are the robotic servants of the Piraka. They are normally faced only during certain quests (exceptions include the Nektann in the village, in the Nui Caves, in the Black Rocks caves, and some Piraka hideouts). Possess various abilities and attacks.
Black Nektann - Moderate health (above 80) and easy to defeat. Launches stone attacks from short range (that push the player back by a few squares). Can also increase its own movement points. Found only during quests. Defeating it awards 500 experience points.
Combat Nektann - High health (above 200) and a tougher Nektann to defeat. Launches fire attacks from both long and short range. Defeating it awards 2000 experience points.
Debuff Nektann - Moderate health (above 100) and easy to defeat. Doesn’t attack, but can decrease the player’s attack points and other attributes. Defeating it awards 1000 experience points.
Defense Nektann - Low health (above 50) and fairly easy to defeat. Can attack from short range, hitting multiple times per attack. Can also use ropes to draw the player closer to it. Low movement points. Most common Nektann in game. Defeating it awards 800 experience points.
Key Master - High health (above 180). A stronger version of the Defense Nektann, that only spawns during certain quests in the Nui Caves. Defeating it awards 2000 experience points.
Guardian Nektann - Very low health (above 10) and very easy to defeat. Can attack from very long range and is somewhat difficult to hit. Fire based attacks. High movement points. Defeating it awards 500 experience points.
Master Nektann- High health (above 400) and is extremely difficult to defeat. Frequently dodges attacks and, in turn, deals a large amount of damage itself (up to 100 points per attack). Found in the Black Rocks caves, and once in the Ring of Ice. Defeating it awards 2000 experience points.
Repair Nektann- Low health (above 50) and easy to defeat. Has no attacks of its own. Low movement points. Repairs the other Nektann and combatants and can also improve their abilities. Defeating it awards 500 experience points.
Scout Nektann - Low health (above 25) and very easy to defeat. Can attack from very long range and is sometimes difficult to hit. Air based attacks. High movement points. Defeating it awards 500 experience points.
The Piraka are the main adversaries in the game. They are fought at certain points in the game and are among the game's toughest opponents. They possess multiple attacks, such as weapon strikes, Zamor Sphere shots, and other special abilities.
Reidak - Very high health (above 600) and very difficult to defeat. Can attack with his Buzz Saw and his Zamor Sphere launcher. His buzz saw can be used from both long and short range and can do a great deal of damage. Faced four times in game, first in the Matoran Village, once at the teleportation pad, the third time in the Chamber of Truth and the last time in the Chamber of Life. Has reduced health and abilities during the first two encounters. Defeating him awards 9000 experience points (2000 in first two encounters). The first time he is found with three Repair Nektann who make the fight much more difficult, as they heal both him and each other.
Thok - High health (above 200), but not difficult to defeat. He can use his Ice Gun at close range and his Zamor Sphere launcher for long-distance attacks. He can also use an ability called "Bring Life". This ability animates objects, which attack the player, such as trees. It can also increase the attack and movement points of his allies. Is fought three times in the game, once in the Ring of Ice, once at the teleportation pad and the once in the Chamber of Life. Defeating him awards 2000 experience points.
Zaktan - Very high health (above 400) and very difficult to defeat. He can use his Zamor Sphere launcher and his Three-Bladed Scissor to attack the player. He also can use a special ability called 'Swarm Will'. In this attack, Zaktan attacks the player multiple times in one turn, decreasing the player's life points while increasing his own. Is fought three times in the game, once near the Protodermis lake, once in the Piraka Stronghold and once in the Chamber of Life. Defeating him awards 6000 experience points (8000 in the second encounter). While he is technically the last boss in the game, he is much easier to defeat then Vezon and Fenrakk. He is also the only Piraka (not including Vezon and Fenrakk) not found in the first room of the Chamber of Life.
Avak - High health (above 400), but not too difficult to defeat. Can use his Zamor Launcher to attack the player (which pushes the player back by a few squares). Can also use his Seismic Pickaxe to attack from short range. Has the highest movement points per turn out of all the Piraka. Fought twice in the game, once in the Piraka Stronghold and the last time in the Chamber of Life. Defeating him awards 8000 experience points.
Vezok - Very high health (above 650) and difficult to defeat. He can use his Water Harpoon to attack the player. He can also absorb the player's elemental abilities, which decreases the player's attack and defense points, while at the same time, increasing his own. Is fought twice in the game, once in the Chamber of Truth and the other time in the Chamber of Life. Defeating him awards 2000 experience points.
Hakann - Extremely high health (above 2000) and is one of toughest enemies in the game. Can use his Lava Launcher for both long and short range attacks. However, his long range attacks will strike all beings within the targeting region. He can also use his mental blasts, which are used periodically and grow in range with each use, striking anything within range. High movement points. Is fought twice in the game, once near the dam station and the other in the Chamber of Life. Defeating him awards 10000 experience points.
Vezon and Fenrakk (called "Seventh Piraka" in-game) - Very high health (above 1200) and one of the toughest enemies in the game. Attacks multiple times per turn and can do great damage. Can also reduce the player’s attack and movement points. Difficult to hit. Defeating him awards 2000 experience points and the Mask of Life. The best way to defeat Vezon is by using two Launchers to move him backwards so that he cannot attack, being out of range.
Other Rahi
Fikou - High health (above 175) and slightly difficult to defeat. These spider-like Rahi have only melee attacks, using their claws to attack the player. Earth based attacks. Can reduce the player’s movement points permanently during a fight. Found beyond the Nui Caves, mainly in the Green Belt and the Cape of No Hope. Defeating it awards 2000 experience points.
Hikaki - High health (above 300) and is difficult to defeat. Found exclusively in the black rocks region. Uses fire attacks and can attack from both short and long range. Can also increase its own movement points. Defeating it awards 6000 experience points
Kofo-Jaga - Moderate health (above 110), but slightly difficult to defeat. These scorpion-like Rahi possess only melee attacks, using their stingers to attack. Fire based attacks. Found beyond the Nui Caves, mainly in the Green Belt and the Cape of No Hope. Defeating it awards 2000 experience points.
Lava Ape - Very high health (above 500) and difficult to defeat. Low movement points. Can attack only from short range and uses earth attacks. Can also use ropes to draw the player closer to it. Most are found in the Cape of no Hope. One is found blocking a bridge in the north; if it is blocking the bridge when it dies, the player cannot cross since it does not respawn. Defeating it awards 8000 experience points.
Rock Ussal - High health (above 200) and quite difficult to defeat. Deals low damage, but quite resistant and frequently dodges attacks. Water based attacks. When its health bar is low, it may significantly increase its resistance to attack. Found only around inland lakes throughout the Green Belt, with the exception of the crabs near the Matoran Stronghold, which the player must defeat a horde of during one stage of the game. Defeating it awards 600 experience points.
Shore Turtle - Very high health (above 600) and difficult to defeat. Attacks do little damage, but can be used from a distance and reduce range points. High resistance to damage. Stone based attacks. Found only on the beaches in the Cape of No Hope. Defeating it awards 9000 experience points.
Ussal Crab - High health (above 250) and difficult to defeat. Attacks multiple times and is very aggressive. Stronger and faster than the Rock Ussal, but cannot boost its resistance. Found exclusively in a cave on the eastern part of Voya Nui. Defeating it awards 1500 experience points.

Cheat Codes

Included in the game was the capability of accessing a control panel through which various cheat codes can be activated. These cheat codes could be used to acquire items not normally available in the game, or to jump around within the game.

To activate the control panel, the player had to press and hold the Ctrl key and '(apostrophe) (on German keyboards: STRG + Ä) at the same time, releasing apostrophe first then releasing Ctrl. Then the player would have to click next to the arrow at the bottom of the window that appears and type in "core". From there, they could type in any one of the following codes:

  • chapter (Number from 0-9 here) - Jump to the specified chapter.
  • gimmy - Gives the player all of the items in the game, including the Mask of Life, Nui Blaster, and the Vision Mask, a special mask that can only be obtained with this code.
  • pieceofcake - Gives the player a Life Stone, the Nui Blaster (the most powerful weapon in the game that cannot be obtained by normal means), one "Thok Key", three "Hidden Caves Keys", a Medium Attack Armor of Air, a Medium Attack Greaves of Air, and a Noble Attack Kanohi of Air.
  • onemorenight - When this cheat code is activated, it allegedly adds a new level to the game, but it in fact does nothing.
  • god - Enemies will not bother the player while they are on a quest. Entering it again will deactivate the cheat.
  • level (Number from 1-50 here, entering no number and pressing "Enter" will crash the game) - Will increase the player's level to the number they choose; It will not decrease the level.
  • fight - Makes enemies attack the player. Entering it again will deactivate the cheat.
  • info - Displays the asset path, the webservice path, and the chapters the player has unlocked.
  • where - Displays the character's name, which map the player is on, which cell of the map they are on, and how many monsters are on the frame.
  • build - Displays the build number (released version) one is playing.
  • anim - Turns moving animations on/off.
  • skin (Number from 1-109 here) - Change the appearance of the Toa the player is playing as. Note this will not change the stats to that character's stats. 1 = Hewkii, 2 = Nuparu, 3 = Hahli, 4 = Matoro, 5 = Jaller, 6= Kongu, 10 = Avak, 11 = Hakann, 12 = Reidak, 13 = Thok, 14 = Vezok, 15 = Zaktan, 16 = Water Gafna, 17 = Defense Nektann, 18 = Tamed Burnak, 19 = Lava Ape, 20 = Shore Turtle, 21 = Fikou, 22 = Kofo Jaga, 23 = Rock Ussal, 24 = Guardian Nektann, 25 = Vezon & Fenrakk, 26 = Hikaki, 27 = Hoto Bug, 28 = Frozen Tree, 101 = Velika, 102 = Garan, 103 = Dalu, 104 = Kazi, 105 = Balta, 106 = Piruk, 107 = Storage Box, 108 = Matoran Slave, 109 = Frozen Tree. Any other number will make the player invisible.
  • nextstep - Skip to the next quest.
  • step (1-107) - Move to corresponding quest. (Not numbers 25, 26, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 84, or 93.)
  • scripts - Unknown.
  • cancel - Used in battle, another way to "Abandon fight".
  • move (Number 1-532) - Move to the map with the corresponding number. (Not numbers 23, 33, 331, 476, 490, 492, 493, 516, 517, or 518). Note that the Toa may become frozen on the frame they appear; to rectify this, the blue star should be clicked on, selecting back to home and then clicking on continue. Also a few frames result in the Toa standing on places where they could not normally, preventing movement.
  • random # # - Causes the text "random undefined-undefined :NaN" to appear if there are not numbers instead of # entered. If two numbers are entered, it causes a random number between those two numbers to appear.
  • itemlist - Unknown purpose. When used without any items, it will cause the numbers 0-5 to appear before the word undefined. When used with items, it causes the game to become unresponsive and start giving error messages. It will also start to say some strange things.
  • equip # - Gives the Toa equipment, weapons or resources if the numbers from 2 to 291 are entered, except 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 27, 29, 32, 34, 203, 204, 205, 209, 210, 211, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 240 and 248. When used during battle a message is received saying, "Item movement forbidden You can't change your equipment during fight".
  • spell (Number 1-4, Number 1-182) - If no numbers are entered, displays the weapons the player are carrying. Will say "sort actuel:" and then the items in the tray. Any empty spaces are called "undefined". If one number is entered, will display info about the weapon in that slot. If two numbers are entered, will replace that item with a different move. Moves normally accessed only by enemies can be accessed this way, but many do not have icons.
  • makemerich - Will give the player 10 of each of the stone, earth, water, ice, fire, and air shards.

Additionally, the codes 'ui', 'audio' and 'worker' could be typed in instead of 'core'.


  • The Voya Nui Online Game was supposed to be released at the end of the year 2005,[citation needed] but was released on 20 September 2006, almost one year later.[2] On 9 February 2009, it was removed from the LEGO website entirely.[3]
  • In version 1.0.0, the Kanohi Ignika used a different sprite in the inventory. The Ignika's appearance was later replaced with the current image in version 1.0.2, while the original sprite was reused for the Mask of Vision.[4]
  • The game contains unused sprites and graphics, including a Matoran that combines traits of Garan and Balta; an Ash Hoto enemy; and a prototype of Toa Inika Hahli.[4]
  • The game showed a first official sneak preview at 2007, with its final cutscene including promotional Mahri Nui artwork.
  • The game's script contains several typos and errors. For example, Dalu is sometimes misinterpreted as a male; Kazi is sometimes misinterpreted as a female; the game often states individuals (e.g. Thok) as "a" something (e.g. "a Thok") or incorrectly uses "a" instead of "an" (e.g. "a Ice Gafna"); and the elements of Stone and Earth have been confused with each other (e.g. Hewkii's Attack is "Special Toa of Earth", and the Rahi names have likewise been affected as well).
  • In Chapter 5, after the Toa defeats the four Hikaki flocks, the tasks menu refers to them as Husis.


  1. "Official Greg Discussion", post 7165. BZPower Forums. (archived on greg.thegreatarchives.com)
  2. Voya Nui Online Game: ONLINE - BZPower, 20 September 2006
  3. Say Farewell to the Old Bionicle Games - BZPower, 7 February 2009
  4. 4.0 4.1 Voya Nui Online Game - The Cutting Room Floor, 1 March 2017

See also

External links