BIONICLE: Guard the Secret

This page features content from BIONICLE Generation 1
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Guard the Secret
Author Collective of authors
Publisher Harper Collins Children's Books
ISBN 0-00-723186-5

Guard the Secret is a 32-page activity book released in 2006 as a part of a series by Harper Collins Children's Books and it contains various activities and information on the 2006 story.


The book starts with a Matoran alphabet and the recommendation to use it to uncover secrets hidden throughout the book. Several pages contain messages written in Matoran language, which provide extra information. The first activities include a Piraka name unscramble, a maze and a line connect between Piraka and Zamor Spheres. These activities also provide information on the Skakdi gang, the Zamor and the virus contained within. There is also a two page map of Voya Nui with a description of its various landscape features. Next are Matoran Resistance color-in pages and a wordsearch. After a Reidak 'spot a difference' and Hakann 'copy a picture' activities, the book presents a "Truth and Lies" quiz about the 2006 storyline. A poster of all the Piraka is located on the central pages of the book. Remaining activities include a color-in of Axonn, navigating through a maze as Velika, picture matching of Dalu and a 'complete the picture' of Kazi. Pages dedicated to Toa Inika have the reader connect the dots to give Toa Jaller his weapon and color-in their silhouettes. The final pages are dedicated to translating three major truths about the Ignika's resting place. There are also solutions to all of the activities in the book, save for the interspersed secrets. In addition, the book includes an exclusive Kanoka Club code.

There are a total of five secrets hidden throughout the activity book.

pages 4-5: The Piraka are searching for the Mask of Life.

pages 6-7: The Piraka did not create the virus, it just appeared.

pages 12-13: The Piraka are infected by the virus themselves.

pages 14-15: The Mask of Life is not on the beach.

pages 20-21: Brutaka is working with the Piraka.



  • Zaktan's teeth on the cover glow in the dark.
  • The title of the book has a deeper meaning, because Guard the Secret was a key tag line for the first half of 2006, as evidenced by 2006 style guide and the selling-in video.
  • Page numbers for pages 11, 19 and 31 are missing.
  • Pages 21 and 31 still show some of the Piraka in their prototype form.
  • Based on several indications, it can be discerned that the Toa Inika silhouettes were originally based off of their prototypes and were later replaced by their finalized versions. Some artifacts from this exchange remain: Toa Inika's poses; Jaller has a holdover prototype jet pack and part of his crossguard; Hahli's armor plate on her right leg being upside down; Kongu, Matoro and Hewkii still have their prototype's shadows.
  • The silhouette of Axonn is also derived from a prototype model, as can be discerned from his pose.