BIONICLE: Island of Hope... Island of Doom

This page features content from BIONICLE Generation 1
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Island of Hope... Island of Doom
Author Collective of authors
Publisher Harper Collins Children's Books
ISBN-10: 0-00-723187-3

Island of Hope... Island of Doom is a 24-page poster book released on 7th of August, 2006 as a part of a series by Harper Collins Children's Books.


The publication is produced entirely in black and white, and it serves as a coloring book for various characters from the 2006 storyline. The reader is encouraged to visit and color-in the characters. The book provides information on the Piraka as a group and on all of its members, followed by details on Axonn and Brutaka. Next pages describe the Toa Inika, their mission and abilities, as well as the Matoran Resistance members. The penultimate page contains an exclusive Kanoka Club code and shows Kongu and Thok facing off with the island of Voya Nui in the middle, with a caption: '"And so the battle for Voya Nui begins..."'. The last page advertises the other 2006 BIONICLE publications by Harper Collins Children's Books, including the UK release of the Chronicles series.



  • Reidak's teeth on the cover glow in the dark.
  • The color-in silhouettes of the Piraka are based on their late prototype models, which is most noticable on their zamor launchers and Avak's spine. The zamor spheres themselves also lack a shadow.
    The alternate front cover
  • Based on several indications, it can be discerned that the Toa Inika silhouettes were originally based off of their prototypes and were later replaced by their finalized versions. Some artifacts from this exchange remain: Toa Inika's poses; Jaller has a holdover prototype jet pack and part of his crossguard; Hahli's armor plate on her right leg being upside down; Jaller, Kongu, Matoro, Hewkii and Hahli still have their prototype's shadows.
  • The silhouettes of Axonn and Brutaka are also derived from their prototype models, as can be discerned from their poses.
  • Unlike the rest of the books, the poster book lacks numbered pages.
  • An alternate digital cover with slightly different text layout was circulated and used for the marketing of the book.