From BIONICLEsector01
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Matoran in Metru Nui
Two "repaired" Matoran on Voya Nui
Matoran in the Mountain Hideaway
Matoran near a body of water
Two Matoran
A pair of unknown Matoran
A Matoran on Voya Nui infected with Antidermis
An unknown, "repaired" Matoran in Karzahni
A pair of Matoran of Artakha
Several Matoran with the giant Hau statue in Artakha
A group of Matoran celebrating Mata Nui being brought back to life
Matoran under the control of infected Kanohi
Matoran in Karzahni
Matoran and Toa working inside the Matoran Universe
Matoran in the The Legend Reborn
Matoran inside the Great Spirit Robot
Matoran activating the Akilini Field in Metru Nui
Matoran summoned by a disguised Teridax to the Coliseum
Promotional art of the Matoran Resistance
Promotional art of Matoran fighting in Karda Nui
Matoran Disk Surfing
A Matoran being located by a Rorzakh's Staff of Presence
A Matoran Kaita
A Matoran Nui in the comics
A crowd of Matoran
A Matoran statue
A group of Matoran listening to Turaga Nokama's stories
Traders on Mata Nui
Matoran playing koli
Matoran playing Huai Snowball Sling
Matoran playing Ignalu Lava Surfing
Matoran playing Kewa Bird Riding
Matoran playing Ngalawa Boat Racing
Matoran playing Great Ussal Race
Nui-Rama attacking a small group of Matoran
The Chronicler's Company in action
The Matoran Resistance as seen in Matoran Escape
Matoran digging a trench
A group of Matoran in BIONICLE: The Game
One of the Piraka's Matoran slaves in the Voya Nui Online Game
A Matoran slave in Inika Island Assault
A Matoran slave in Matoran Escape
Concept art of a Matoran in the Mata Nui Online Game
Concept art of running Matoran
Concept art of Matoran
Concept art of Matoran and props
A Protocairn, a Matoran rumoured to have been transformed by Energized Protodermis
Set Protocairn
Ta-Matoran firing Kanoka Launchers
Several Ta-Matoran in Ta-Koro in the Mata Nui Online Game
A crowd of Ta-Matoran
Ta-Matoran going to work on Metru Nui
Ta-Matoran Lava Farmers on Mata Nui
A Ta-Matoran in BIONICLE: The Game
Agni in the Mata Nui Online Game
Agni after being rebuilt
Promotional art of Balta
Balta as a set
Balta as a set
Balta as seen in the Voya Nui Online Animations
Balta in Matoran Escape
Balta in the Voya Nui Online Game
Balta in Inika Island Assault
Balta in Piraka Attack
A promotional symbol for Balta
Brander before having his size decreased by a Matoran Sphere
Brander with Vakama in Vakama's Toa Metru Mini Promo CD
Brander after being rebuilt
Firedracax, transformed by Energized Protodermis
Jaller as seen in the Mata Nui Online Game
Jaller in the Mata Nui Online Animations
Shrunken Jaller in set form
Jaller after having his size decreased by a Matoran Sphere
Rebuilt Jaller in set form
Promo art of Jaller riding a Gukko
Jaller as seen in the Mata Nui Online Game II: The Final Chronicle
Jaller as seen in Mask of Light
Jaller with his kolhii equipment
Jaller being killed by a Turahk
Kapura before having his size decreased by a Matoran Sphere
Kapura with Vakama in Vakama's Toa Metru Mini Promo CD
Kapura in the Charred Jungle
Kapura as seen in the Mata Nui Online Game
Kapura in the Mata Nui Online Animations
Kapura after having his size decreased by a Matoran Sphere
Kapura in The Legend of Mata Nui alpha v0.006
Kapura in The Legend of Mata Nui beta
Kapura in The Legend of Mata Nui cutscene
Kapura after being rebuilt
Kalama before having his size decreased by a Matoran Sphere
Tahnok-Kal electrocuting Kalama
Kalama after having his size decreased by a Matoran Sphere as he is being zapped with electricity
Kalama getting zapped
Kalama after being rebuilt
Keahi in the Mata Nui Online Animations
Keahi after being rebuilt
Maglya in the Mata Nui Online Game
Maglya after being rebuilt
Nuhrii before having his size decreased by a Matoran Sphere
Nuhrii buried under rubble
Vakama and Nuhrii in the Fire Pits
Vakama and Nuhrii escaping the Fire Pits
Nuhrii as seen in Vakama's Toa Metru Mini Promo CD
Nuhrii in the opening of Vakama's Toa Metru Mini Promo CD
Nuhrii buried under rubble in Vakama's Toa Metru Mini Promo CD
Nuhrii as a set
Nuhrii after having his size decreased by a Matoran Sphere
Nuhrii after being rebuilt
Sarda in set form
Vakama with his fire drone
Vohon inside his shop
A deceased Ta-Matoran who saved Hahli
A Ta-Matoran from The Legend Continues
A Ta-Matoran from The Legend Continues
A Ta-Koro Guard in Mata Nui Online Game
Ta-Koro Guards at the city gate
The Cablecar Guard
Guard to an Onu-Koro Highway
A Shrine Cleaner
Takara Dancers
A Torch Vendor in Onu-Koro
The Ta-Koro Guard marching in the Mata Nui Online Game
The Ta-Koro Guard
The Ta-Koro Guard as seen in Mask of Light
A Ta-Matoran Guard
A rebuilt Ta-Matoran Guard
Ga-Matoran smugglers in Ga-Metru
A crowd of Ga-Matoran as seen in Mask of Light
Gali looking down on several Ga-Matoran
A Ga-Matoran in BIONICLE: The Game
Amaya in Ga-Metru
Amaya after having her size decreased by a Matoran Sphere
Amaya as seen in the Mata Nui Online Animations
Amaya after being rebuilt
Promotional art of Dalu
Dalu as seen in Matoran Escape
Dalu in the Voya Nui Online Game
Dalu in set form
Dalu in set form
Dalu in Inika Island Assault
Dalu in Piraka Attack
A promotional symbol of Dalu
Hahli after having her size decreased by a Matoran Sphere
Hahli as seen in the Mata Nui Online Animations
Hahli and another Ga-Matoran fighting a Pahrak
Hahli after being rebuilt
Hahli as seen in the Mata Nui Online Game II: The Final Chronicle
Hahli solving the puzzle at the rock formation
Hahli searching through her bag
Hahli in the East Garden
Side view of Hahli
Hahli as seen in Mask of Light
Idris in set form
Kai after having her size decreased by a Matoran Sphere
Kai after being rebuilt
Kailani crafting
Kotu after having her size decreased by a Matoran Sphere
Kotu as seen in the Mata Nui Online Game
Kotu as seen in the Mata Nui Online Animations
Kotu after being rebuilt
Macku as seen in Legends of Metru Nui
Macku after having her size decreased by a Matoran Sphere
Shrunken Macku in set form
Gali and Macku in set form
Shrunken Macku as seen in the Mata Nui Online Game
Macku as seen in the Mata Nui Online Animations
Macku being attacked by a Pahrak
Macku after being rebuilt
Macku as seen in the Mata Nui Online Game II: The Final Chronicle
Macku as seen in Mask of Light
A Macku doll in Mata Nui Online Game II: The Final Chronicle
Side view of Macku
Marka before having her size decreased by a Matoran Sphere
Marka after having her size decreased by a Matoran Sphere
Marka after being rebuilt
Nireta before having her size decreased by a Matoran Sphere
Nireta after being rebuilt
Nixie after having her size decreased by a Matoran Sphere
Nixie after being rebuilt
Nokama with her Toa Stone in Legends of Metru Nui
Shasa after having her size decreased by a Matoran Sphere
Shasa after being rebuilt
Vhisola as seen in the Comics
Vhisola rescued by Nokama
Vhisola in set form
A Weaver
A Fish Vendor in Onu-Koro
Ga-Matoran villagers
Unidentified Ga-Matoran Guard
An unidentified Ga-Matoran from Quest for the Toa
Several Le-Matoran in Le-Koro
The Le-Matoran in Le-Koro
The Gukko Bird Force taking off in the Mata Nui Online Game
The Krana-possessed Turaga Matau and Matoran of Le-Koro
A Le-Matoran in BIONICLE: The Game
Afa in the Mata Nui Online Game
Afa after being rebuilt
Boreas in the Mata Nui Online Game
Boreas after the Battle of Le-Wahi
Boreas playing chimes
Boreas after being rebuilt
Pridak interrogating Defilak
Defilak speaking to the Toa Mahri
Defilak in set form
Nidhiki questioning Kongu in Legends of Metru Nui
Kongu after having his size decreased by a Matoran Sphere
Shrunken Kongu in set form
Kongu as seen in the Mata Nui Online Game
Kongu after being rebuilt
Kumo in the Mata Nui Online Game
Kumo after being rebuilt
Makani in the Mata Nui Online Game
Makani after being rebuilt
Matau in Legends of Metru Nui
Matau and Vakama
Orkahm trapped in a Chute
Orkahm as seen in Matau's Toa Metru Mini Promo CD
Orkahm in set form
Orkahm after being rebuilt
Piruk captured by the Piraka
Piruk in the Voya Nui Online Game
Piruk in set form
Piruk in set form
Piruk in Inika Island Assault
Piruk in Piraka Attack
A promotional symbol of Piruk
Sanso in the Mata Nui Online Game
Sanso after being rebuilt
Tamaru after having his size decreased by a Matoran Sphere
Tamaru as seen in the Mata Nui Online Game
Tamaru after being rebuilt
Tuuli before having his size decreased by a Matoran Sphere
Tuuli in the Mata Nui Online Game
Tuuli after being rebuilt
Tuuli in his shop
Vira before having his size decreased by a Matoran Sphere
Vira in the Mata Nui Online Game
Vira after being rebuilt
A Le-Matoran Flute Musician
The liberated Flute Musician
Le-Matoran Musicians in performance
A Gukko Pilot
An unnamed Gukko Pilot
A captured Gukko Pilot
A captured Gukko Pilot
Captured Gukko Pilots
A liberated Gukko Pilot
A captured Le-Koro villager
A liberated Le-Koro villager
A Krana-possessed Le-Matoran
A Krana-possessed Le-Matoran
A Krana-possessed Le-Matoran
The Po-Koro Guard defending Po-Koro
A Po-Matoran in BIONICLE: The Game
Ally and Piatra
Hewkii and Hafu, Po-Koro's former kolhii team
Ahkmou striking a deal with another Po-Matoran
Po-Matoran working
Po-Matoran listening to Turaga Onewa's story
A crowd of Po-Matoran
Two Po-Matoran fleeing the Morbuzakh
Ahkmou before having his size decreased by a Matoran Sphere
Onewa confronting Ahkmou
Ahkmou pretending to be trapped on a tower
Ahkmou as seen in Onewa's Toa Metru Mini Promo CD
Ahkmou's original form as a set
Ahkmou as seen in the Mata Nui Online Game
Ahkmou after being rebuilt
Ahkmou in his shop
Ally after having his size decreased by a Matoran Sphere
Ally after being rebuilt
Dekar being threatened by Kalmah
Dekar in Creeps From the Deep
Dekar with the Ignika
Pridak takes the Ignika from Dekar.
Promotional art of Dekar
Dekar in set form
Dekar in set form
Epena after having his size decreased by a Matoran Sphere
Epena after being rebuilt
Gadjati in the Mata Nui Online Game
Gadjati after being rebuilt
Hafu before having his size decreased by a Matoran Sphere
Hafu after having his size decreased by a Matoran Sphere
Hafu as seen in the Mata Nui Online Game
Hafu after carving a statue of himself
Hafu as he appears in the Mata Nui online Animations Episode 1
Hafu as he appears after the Mata Nui Online Animations Episode 3
Hafu as seen in the Mata Nui Online Game II: The Final Chronicle
Hafu after being rebuilt
The side view of Hafu
Hafu as seen in Mask of Light
Hewkii after having his size decreased by a Matoran Sphere
Shrunken Hewkii in set form
Hewkii as seen in the Mata Nui Online Game
Hewkii infected with the Po-Koro Epidemic
Hewkii after being rebuilt
Hewkii as seen in the Mata Nui Online Game II: The Final Chronicle
Hewkii as seen in Mask of Light
Side view of Hewkii
A Hewkii plush doll in Mata Nui Online Game II: The Final Chronicle
Kivi before having his size decreased by a Matoran Sphere
Kivi after being rebuilt
A close-up of Onewa in Legends of Metru Nui
Pekka after having his size decreased by a Matoran Sphere
Pekka after being rebuilt
Piatra after having his size decreased by a Matoran Sphere
Piatra after being rebuilt
Velika as seen in Matoran Escape
Velika in the Voya Nui Online Game
Velika in Inika Island Assault
Velika in Piraka Attack
Velika in set form
Velika in set form
A promotional symbol for Velika
A Po-Matoran seller
Po-Matoran Traders
A Po-Matoran Comet customer
Po-Matoran Comet customers
A Koli Game
Koli Athletes
A Koli Athlete
A Koli Fan
Koli Fans
A Statue Vendor in Onu-Koro
Po-Matoran barricaded in Po-Koro during the Bohrok invasion
Po-Koro villagers
A Po-Matoran sentry on top of a cliff
The same Po-Matoran sentry
The same Po-Matoran sentry
A Po-Matoran Guard
Po-Matoran traveling to Ga-Koro
Po-Matoran refugees
Kolhii players
Several Onu-Matoran in Boxors
Onu-Matoran working on a Boxor
Striking Onu-Matoran
The Morbuzakh capturing a pair of Onu-Matoran
The Ussalry charging in the Mata Nui Online Game
A group of Onu-Matoran as seen in Mask of Light
Onu-Matoran in the tunnels of Onu-Wahi
Onu-Matoran guildmasters in Whenua's hut
Onu-Matoran in the Great Mine
Onu-Matoran on the bottom of the Great Mine
Onu-Matoran in the Marn Tunnels
Onu-Matoran in the Cavern of Light
Onu-Koro guards as seen in Mask of Light
Onu-Matoran at an entrance to the Le-Koro Highway
Onu-Matoran at the entry of the Le-Koro Highway
An Onu-Matoran in BIONICLE: The Game
Aiyetoro after having his size decreased by a Matoran Sphere
Aiyetoro as seen in the Mata Nui Online Animations
Aiyetoro after being rebuilt
Damek before having his size decreased by a Matoran Sphere
Damek in the Mata Nui Online Game
Damek piloting a Boxor
Damek after being rebuilt
Garan in set form
Garan in set form
Promotional art of Garan
Garan in the Voya Nui Online Game
Garan in Inika Island Assault
Garan in Piraka Attack
A promotional symbol of Garan
"Gatherer," modified by the Dark Hunters
Kaj in the Mata Nui Online Game
Kaj after being rebuilt
Mamoru after having his size decreased by a Matoran Sphere
Mamoru after being rebuilt
Midak near his hut in the Mata Nui Online Game
Nuparu before having his size decreased by a Matoran Sphere
Nuparu after having his size decreased by a Matoran Sphere
Nuparu as seen in the Mata Nui Online Animations
Nuparu creating the first Boxor
Nuparu piloting a Boxor in set form
Nuparu piloting a Boxor in the Mata Nui Online Animations
Nuparu after being rebuilt
Onepu after having his size decreased by a Matoran Sphere
Onepu as seen in the Mata Nui Online Game
Onepu inside an Ussal Crab Stable
Shrunken Onepu as a set
Onepu and Onua in set form
Onepu as seen in The Legend of Mata Nui alpha v0.006
Onepu as seen in the Mata Nui Online Animations
Onepu after being rebuilt
"Subterranean," after his mutation
Taipu after having his size decreased by a Matoran Sphere
Taipu as seen in the Mata Nui Online Game
Concept art of Taipu mining animations
Taipu after being rebuilt
Tehutti before having his size decreased by a Matoran Sphere
Tehutti about to be attacked by a Rahkshi
Tehutti as seen in Whenua's Toa Metru Mini Promo CD
Tehutti in the opening of Whenua's Toa Metru Mini Promo CD
Tehutti trapped in Whenua's Toa Metru Mini Promo CD
Tehutti being rescued by Whenua in Whenua's Toa Metru Mini Promo CD
Tehutti as a set
Tehutti after having his size decreased by a Matoran Sphere
Tehutti after being rebuilt
A close-up of Whenua in Legends of Metru Nui
Whenua in the Archives
Zemya in the Mata Nui Online Game
Zemya after being rebuilt
Zemya in his shop
An Onu-Matoran prospector observing the Great Sundial
The Mining Captain at Whenua's meeting
The Foreman at Whenua's meeting
The Foreman fleeing from the Bohrok
An Ussalry Tunnel Guard
The Tunnel Guard fleeing from the Bohrok
An Ussal Driver
The Ussal Driver
Lightstone Miners
A Lightstone Miner
A Lightstone Miner and Planner
A Lightstone Miner
A Lightstone miner fleeing from the Bohrok
An Miner fleeing from the Bohrok
Highway Miners on strike
A Highway Ussal Operator
A Highway Planner
A Highway Planner
A Highway Miner
The Highway Miner
Highway Miners at the tunnel mouth
The Ussalry
A Boxor Pilot
Ko-Matoran in Ko-Metru
Some Ko-Matoran in a Knowledge Tower
Ko-Matoran at a Ko-Metru Chute Station
Ko-Matoran in the Sanctum
The Sanctum Guard
The Sanctum Guard covered in snow
A Ko-Matoran in BIONICLE: The Game
An unknown Ko-Matoran from Voya Nui
Ehrye trapped in Ice.
Ehrye as seen in Nuju's Toa Metru Mini Promo CD
Ehrye in set form
Jaa before having his size decreased by a Matoran Sphere
Jaa in the Mata Nui Online Game
Jaa after being rebuilt
Promotional art of Kazi
Kazi in Matoran Escape
Kazi in the Voya Nui Online Game
Kazi in Inika Island Assault
Kazi in Piraka Attack
Kazi in set form
Kazi in set form
A promotional symbol of Kazi
Kokkan in his shop
A Matoran on Metru Nui resembling Kopeke
Kopeke after having his size decreased by a Matoran Sphere
Kopeke holding a key for the Gate of Ice
Kopeke as seen in the Mata Nui Online Game
Kopeke after being rebuilt
Kopeke as seen in the Mata Nui Online Game II: The Final Chronicle
Side view of Kopeke
Lumi in the Mata Nui Online Game
Lumi after being rebuilt
Matoro after having his size decreased by a Matoran Sphere
Shrunken Matoro in set form
Matoro as seen in the Mata Nui Online Game
Matoro after being rebuilt
Matoro as seen in the Mata Nui Online Game II: The Final Chronicle
Side view of Matoro
Mazeka piloting his Swamp Strider
Mazeka in set form
Promotional art of Mazeka riding the Swamp Strider
Mazeka in BIONICLE: Mistika
Nuju and his telescope
A close-up of Nuju in Legends of Metru Nui
Nuju in his observatory
Pakastaa in the Mata Nui Online Game
Pakastaa after being rebuilt
A close-up of Talvi before having his size decreased by a Matoran Sphere
Talvi in the Mata Nui Online Game
Talvi after being rebuilt
Photok and Solek working on a hut
An Av-Matoran on Spherus Magna working on the Great Spirit Robot
Promotional art of Photok from the LEGO Club Magazine
Promotional art of Photok
Photok and Pohatu
Photok and Onua
Photok and Pohatu as seen in Battle for Power
Photok in set form
Photok as portrayed in building instruction manual art
Promotional art of Photok and Pohatu
Promotional art of Solek
Solek and Kopaka
Solek and Tahu
Solek and Kopaka as seen in Battle for Power
Solek in set form
Solek as portrayed in building instruction manual art
Promotional art of Solek and Kopaka
Prototype sets for Solek and Kopaka
Takua after having his size decreased by a Matoran Sphere
Takua in the Mata Nui Online Game
Takua flying from the Mangai Volcano
Takua crash landing on a beach
Takua as seen in the Mata Nui Online Animations
Rebuilt Takua in set form
Takua after being rebuilt
Takua in front of the Wall of History
Takua carving
Takua as seen in Mask of Light
A close-up of Takua in Mask of Light
Takua and Tahu in Mask of Light
Takua and a Kurahk in Mask of Light
Takua wearing the Kanohi Avohkii
Takua as seen in BIONICLE: The Game
Tanma destroying a Shadow Leech
Tanma saving Lewa from a Shadow Leech
Stylized promotional art of Tanma
Tanma as seen in the Phantoka Promo Animation
Tanma linking with Lewa
Promotional art of Tanma
Tanma and Lewa
Lewa and Tanma in flight
Tanma and Gali
Tanma and Lewa as seen in Battle for Power
Tanma's symbol in Battle for Power
Tanma in set form
Tanma as portrayed in building instruction manual art
Promotional art of Tanma and Lewa
Shadow Matoran
Gavla after being drained
Promotional art of Gavla
Gavla and Vamprah
Promotional art of Gavla and Vamprah
Gavla and Bitil
Mutant Gavla in set form
Gavla as portrayed in building instruction manual art
Gavla and Vamprah in Battle for Power
Kirop after being drained
Kirop being restored to an Av-Matoran
Promotional art of Kirop
Kirop and Chirox
Chirox and Kirop in flight
Promotional art of Kirop and Chirox
Kirop and Krika
Mutant Kirop in set form
Kirop as portrayed in building instruction manual art
Kirop and Chriox in Battle for Power
Radiak after being drained
Stylized promotional art of Radiak
The Radiak set
Radiak and Antroz
Promotional art of Radiak and Antroz
Radiak and Gorast
Mutant Radiak in set form
Radiak as portrayed in building instruction manual art
Radiak and Antroz in Battle for Power
Radiak in Karda Nui
Vican after being mutated
Mutant Vican in set form
Mutant Vican in his instruction booklet
Vican and Mutran
Vultraz, the last remaining Shadow Matoran
Vultraz piloting his Skyfighter
Vultraz in Karda Nui
Vultraz in set form
Vultraz piloting his Skyfighter in BIONICLE: Mistika
An enemy Shadow Matoran with wings from BIONICLE: Mistika