
This page features content from BIONICLE Generation 1

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From BIONICLEsector01

Occupation Guard
Kanohi Ruru
Status Alive
Location Spherus Magna

Ally is a Po-Matoran native to Metru Nui.


Metru Nui

On Metru Nui, Ally lived and worked in Po-Metru before the Great Cataclysm. Ally was ordered to the Coliseum by the Vahki under the command of Makuta Teridax, disguised as Turaga Dume. He was then forced into a Matoran Sphere, but was later rescued by the Toa Metru and awakened on the shores of Naho Bay on the island of Mata Nui.[2][3]

Mata Nui

Ally's body was diminished in size and strength and he lost his memories of Metru Nui, caused by his time in a Matoran Sphere. He helped in building Po-Koro under Turaga Onewa, using pieces from the Airships that the Toa used to transport the Matoran to Mata Nui.[4]

In Po-Koro, Ally became a member of the Po-Koro Guard.[5] When the Bohrok invaded Mata Nui, he was among the Po-Matoran that evacuated to Ga-Koro after the Tahnok swarms overwhelmed Po-Koro. After the Pahrak swarms cornered the Matoran, Ally took a final stand against them before the Bohrok were deactivated by the Toa Mata.[6][7][8] He later returned to Po-Koro. Following the defeat of the Bohrok-Kal, Ally was rebuilt into a more physically powerful form.[9]

Return to Metru Nui

When the city was rediscovered, Ally helped in the construction of boats to return to Metru Nui.[10] There, he joined the other Matoran in reconstruction work, necessitated by the effects of the Great Cataclysm on Metru Nui. He temporarily stopped his work of reconstruction on order of Jaller, to force the Turaga to reveal where the Toa Nuva had gone, but he eventually got back to work.[11]

After Teridax was defeated, Ally and the other Matoran of Metru Nui evacuated to the surface of Spherus Magna.[12][13]


  • Ally is a Celtic name meaning "Harmony, stone, or noble."[14]


Online Multimedia


Online Games


  1. "Chat with Greg Farshtey", post 11692448. LEGO Message Boards. (archived on
  2. Legends of Metru Nui. BIONICLE Adventures 4.
  3. BIONICLE 2: Legends of Metru Nui.
  4. "Chapter 5: Mata Nui." "History." World, pp. 41-42.
  5. "Episode 1: Tahnok Surround Po-Koro, Matoran lost in fray." Mata Nui Online Animations.
  6. "Episode 5: Last Minute Save!" Mata Nui Online Animations.
  7. "Episode 6: Disaster in Ga-Koro!" Mata Nui Online Animations.
  8. "Episode 7: After the Storm." Mata Nui Online Animations.
  9. "Episode 10: Defeat of the Bohrok-Kal." Mata Nui Online Animations.
  10. Mystery of Metru Nui. BIONICLE Adventures 1.
  11. Island of Doom. BIONICLE Legends 1.
  12. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 11800. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  13. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 11859. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  14. "Ally: Name Meaning and Origin". SheKnows.