Prepare for Battle

This page features content from BIONICLE Generation 1
This page features non-canon content
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From BIONICLEsector01

Prepare for Battle is non-canon.
The subject of this article is not part of the canon BIONICLE storyline. The information on this page was not approved by the BIONICLE Story Team. Further, it either contradicts canon events or was never referenced in canon media.

Prepare for Battle
Online Game
Platform Computer
Controls Keyboard
Release Date September 8, 2009

Prepare for Battle is an augmented reality game released on on September 8, 2009. It allows the player to control Mata Nui.


The stylized Ignika appearing in the game

The game is initiated by activating a webcam, and showing it a printout of a marker provided on the site. Once the webcam clearly recognizes the marker, the main field will appear on screen. Depending on how the printout is shown to the webcam, the game can be seen and played from different perspectives or distances.

After starting the game, the player is placed in control of Mata Nui, armed with a Thornax Launcher to fire at enemies.


  • Up - Aim
  • Space Bar - Fire Thornax Launcher
  • Left - Ninety degree rotation left
  • Right - Ninety degree rotation right
  • Down - One hundred eighty degree rotation

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