Sands of Time

This page features content from BIONICLE Generation 1
This page features non-canon content
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From BIONICLEsector01

Sands of Time is non-canon.
The subject of this article is not part of the canon BIONICLE storyline. The information on this page was not approved by the BIONICLE Story Team. Further, it either contradicts canon events or was never referenced in canon media.

Sands of Time
Online Game
Platform Online
Controls Keyboard

Sands of Time is a promotional game on


  • Left/Right - Move left and right respectively
  • Space Bar - Jump; once in the air, repeatedly hit the space bar to fly upwards


The player takes control of the Glatorian Gresh while trying to defeat three different warriors, Malum, Strakk and a Skrall by jumping on them. Multiple copies of each warrior appear throughout the level.

There are six levels in the game, two for each background style.

If a player completes a level without having their shield eliminated, they receive a bonus for the next level.


  • Gresh
  • Malum
  • Strakk
  • Skrall


See also

External links