
This page features content from BIONICLE Generation 1
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From BIONICLEsector01

"Turaga Nuju's village is called Ko-Koro. It's tucked away under a huge, solid ice block dividing two glaciers, safe from dangerous avalanches and icy storms. In the snow-covered mountains surrounding the village, deadly glacier crevasse can swallow the unwary. It's a cold, dangerous region. Kopaka makes his home in the area surrounding the village."

Status Destroyed
Inhabitants Ko-Matoran
Toa Kopaka
Turaga Nuju (all formerly)
Population None
Position Ko-Wahi
Pronunciation KOE-koar-OH[1]

Ko-Koro was the village of Ice on the island of Mata Nui. It was north of Le-Koro, south of Po-Koro, and west of Ta-Koro.


Ko-Koro in the Mata Nui Online Game

Ko-Koro's location was originally chosen by Toa Nuju after the events of the Great Cataclysm, during which the Toa Metru came with the Matoran of Metru Nui to the island of Mata Nui. After arriving on Mata Nui, the Toa went to explore the island. Toa Nuju climbed atop a great mountain, which he would name Ihu, in honor of his deceased mentor. The village of Ice would later be established on this mountain. After the Ko-Matoran were brought to the island and reawakened, they helped construct the village, under their Turaga, Nuju's supervision, taking materials from Airships used in the Great Rescue.[2][3]

After the first anniversary of their settlement, the village began to suffer from infected Rahi attacks. Teridax's harassment would continue for centuries until the coming of Toa Kopaka.

The village remained largely isolated from the rest of the island during the thousand years that followed, rarely contacting the other villages or being contacted in turn. Nevertheless, the Ko-Matoran played a large part in the Great War, having learned to be master trackers and hunters. When Toa Mata Kopaka arrived on the island, the Ko-Suva was used to house the Kanohi masks he collected. Shortly after the Matoran Takua visited the village, Ko-Koro came under attack by huge numbers of infected Rahi that appeared out of the Drifts. They managed to fight off the waves of Rahi, and when the attacks suddenly stopped, Turaga Nuju sent Ko-Matoran to reinforce the defense of Kini-Nui.

The reconstruction of Ko-Koro after the defeat the Bohrok swarms

Ko-Koro was also damaged during the strike of the Bohrok Tahnok, but was repaired with the help of the krana-less machines and Bohrok Va. The village was later raided by Nuhvok-Kal and Kohrak-Kal, who stole Kopaka's Nuva Symbol. It was later recovered following the defeat of the Bohrok-Kal, and placed in a secret location near the village. Ko-Koro later played host to the Ga-Koro/Ko-Koro kolhii game of the kolhii tournament, with Ga-Koro proving the victors, something that Turaga Nuju had apparently predicted. Soon after, the village was partially destroyed by the Rahkshi.[4] Shortly after, the village was deserted as all the Matoran returned to Metru Nui.

When the Toa Nuva freed the Bahrag queens, and awakened the Bohrok once more, Ko-Koro was completely destroyed by the swarms. The location was later wiped from existence by Mata Nui's awakening.


Ko-Koro in BIONICLE: The Game

Ko-Koro was located in Ko-Wahi, hidden beneath a giant block of ice that separated two glaciers and surrounded by huge crevasses. The village itself had a single gate facing a massive crevasse, which was guarded at all times by the Sanctum Guard. The only other known entrance was a tunnel that led from the Sanctum to the Drifts. Inside the village, the Matoran lived in either huts made of ice on the ground, or in rooms carved into the glaciers that surrounded the village.

The most famous location in Ko-Koro was the Sanctum, which contained the Wall of Prophecy.


Ko-Koro as seen in a Mata Nui Explorer game in 2002


The Ko-Matoran were the primary residents of Ko-Koro. Here, they attended to day-to-day activities such as making prophesies or meditating, in addition to being master Rahi hunters and trap-builders. Due to the Ko-Matoran's resistance to cold weather, they were the only Matoran able to establish permanent settlements here.

Notable Former Inhabitants


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  1. "Ko-Koro." Encyclopedia Updated, p. 58.
  2. World.
  3. "Chapter 7: A Patrol is Lost • Ko-Koro • Kopaka • Nuju's Letter." Mata Nui Online Game.
  4. Mask of Light, p. 89.