
This page features content from BIONICLE Generation 1
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From BIONICLEsector01

"When I first arrived here, I walked on the long bridge and looked down at the massive amounts of flowing sand rushing over the cliffs like a giant waterfall. It is perhaps one of the most spectacular sights I have ever seen."
Tarduk, Glatorian Arena

Status Destroyed
Position Bara Magna
Pronunciation Ah-TARE-oh

Atero was a city which housed the main competition facility on Bara Magna, the Arena Magna.


Atero after being attacked by the Skrall

During the Core War, Atero was made a neutral area, free of raids or attacks. After the Shattering it remained a symbol of hope for the Agori. However, the area eventually fell prey to Bone Hunter raids.

Few Agori lived in the city, and were only there to maintain the Arena Magna. Glatorian traveled here once a year for an annual tournament to determine the best fighter.

During the most recent tournament, the Skrall failed to appear, puzzling Metus, Berix, and Raanu, although Metus was faking his confusion. Leaving to investigate, they noticed a sandstorm brewing. It soon became apparent that it was actually an army of Skrall warriors advancing towards the arena, who quickly attacked, took control of and destroyed Atero.

After Spherus Magna was reformed, Tahu and Gali started looking for a suitable location for New Atero.


Atero was situated on a strip of land atop the Magna Falls[1][2] in the Skrall River. Visitors could enter by a bridge spanning the river's eastern side. In time, the river dried up until it consisted mostly of flowing sand. As a result visitors could approach the arena from other directions as well.[3]


Atero was situated in between Vulcanus, the village of the Fire Tribe, and the Black Spike Mountains.


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  1. BIONICLE: Glatorian II. BIONICLE Games and Activities 12, p. 2.
  2. BIONICLE: Glatorian II. BIONICLE Games and Activities 12, p. 22.
  3. "Arena Magna." Mata Nui's Guide to Bara Magna, p. 19.

See also