My LEGO Network BIONICLE Campaign Walkthrough

The My LEGO Network BIONICLE Campaign Walkthrough on the BIONICLEsector01 Wiki is an online resource created to guide players through the story and gameplay of the 2009 My LEGO Network online BIONICLE campaign game. It is a Saga Guide of sorts within itself. This is an in-depth, posting of the game, designed to help you figure out where to go or what to do, or to re-read the adventure of the Hero Agori's adventures on Bara Magna.

I try to approach Raanu. However, he says to me, “I cannot speak with you if you do not possess the Vulcanus Torch.”
After searching, I finally come into possession of a Vulcanus Torch.[1]
While I am still making my way back, I receive a message from Raanu that says, “I am not one to believe in prophecies. I am not one to place my hope in strangers. But, at this point, you may be the only hope that my people have. Allow me to explain. My name is Raanu, I am the leader of the Agori tribe of Vulcanus. We are the fire people and pride ourselves as being independent and fierce - just like the wild flames themselves. But the mighty Vulcanus flames are in danger of being snuffed out. I will be direct - I need your help. Take this sacred flame from the Vulcanus Torch and seek me out - my people will be forever indepted to you. Please, come soon.”
It seems that the letter includes an attachment for the Vulcanus Torch. I collect the Vulcanus Torch Flame and I immediately go to visit Raanu. Raanu is the leader of the village of Vulcanus. He is a disciplined chief that uses his keen sense of strategy to guide the members of the fire tribe to victory. Raanu’s favorite weapons include his amazing fire blade and shield.
I finally encounter Raanu. He says to me, “For a long time I have accepted that life for me and my people must be the way of toil and trial. But I dream of a better world…”

He then continues to explain the task that I must do. “You have come! Thank the flames! Vulcanus has been suffering under the daily raids of the Bone Hunters - a primitive and savage group that roams the wastelands of Bara Magna trying to seize every resource they can. I began to accept that our lot in life was to suffer these raids and eventually surrender. But I have hoped that someday, someone would help my people out of this bleak future. As you know, we Agori solve most of our problems in the area with mighty Glatorian fighting on our behalf. One of our champions was named Malum. His brutality was uncontrollable - and that was the reason for his exile. We need to find him and convince him to fight for Vulcanus once more. I cannot spare a single Agori to search for him. Could you track him down?”
Of course, in a world like Bara Magna, you need items to trade, and I have next to none. I ask Raanu for help. Raanu says, “Thank you for your generosity in helping my village. We really need you to acquire Thornax plants to defend Vulcanus.” Raanu then trades with me a Thornax plant module, which will allow me to grow my own Thornax, which will be very helpful in my upcoming journey. Thus, I begun my search for Malum out in the barren wastelands.
The Wastelands

I finally come across Malum. Malum was exiled from Vulcanus for acts of brutality in the arena. He now wanders the wastelands looking to pick a fight - a fight he will most certainly win thanks to his fire claws and spiky Thornax Launcher. Malum begins to speak to me, “So you’ve tracked me down. Am I supposed to be impressed? Do you think that means I’ll spare you from my claws?”
I explain the situation to him and he says, “So… Vulcanus needs me now, is that it? And they send you? Pathetic. Well, I will do nothing to help Raanu or any of those other Agori weaklings. However - if you could find me some ammo I might be able to figure something out.”
I consider that maybe the Zesk or Vorox could be of assistance to me at this moment, seeing as they are friends of Malum. That was not the case, however. I spotted a Zesk as it emerges from the sands to attack. As I raise my Vulcanus Torch in defense, it howls at the burning desert sun and tunnels back under the hot Bara Magna sands. Perhaps it would be better to come back when I can offer it something to eat.
My encounter with the Vorox is even worse. I enter the bone-lined desert cavern in search of the horrid Vorox and I hear a small crunching noise coming from behind me. As I turn to see where the noise is coming from, I find myself face to face with the ferocious Vorox. It bends down and sweeps me up, all while flaring its nostrils. It seems it thinks I’m its next meal! As the Vorox opens its jaws, I manage to wave my Vulcanus Torch in its face. The beast drops me and scampers off into the darkness. I was lucky this time… perhaps next time I should return with the right scent for the job.

I figure that my best choice is to give Malum one of the Thornax fruits that I have grown from the module that Raanu gave me. As Malum receives it, he says, “Ahh… Lock and load - Thornax launcher is ready to go now. Ok… well thanks, I guess. Look a deal’s a deal. Here’s what I think you could do to solve Raanu’s little raider issue, at least for a bit. You know they bone hunters… they are a simple bunch. I bet if you feed ’em a good meal they might not be so agitated. Why don’t you make them some of this little stew? But if you make it wrong, well, you won’t live long enough to regret it, so you should probably test it first. Try giving to a Zesk, they’ll eat anything. Just be careful, though -- they might mistake you for lunch - but I guess that’s what you get for being a nice person. If the Zesks like it, try telling him the bone hunters have a lot more. The Zesk might get the Vorox to raid the bone hunter camps looking for it, which will tie the hunters up for a while.”
Malum gives me a recipe on how to make Thornax Stew. According to the blueprint, it requires 5 Thornax and 1 Rock Salt. I trade with Malum ten of my Thornax just for one batch of Rock Salt. I manage to cook up one batch of Thornax Stew; now all I need to do is feed it to some Zesk.
The bestial Zesk lurk beneath the sands of the Bara Magna wastelands, ready to attack anyone who passes by. This task that Raanu sent me on is a vigorous one, but this is just how it has to be. I must risk my life interacting with the Sand Tribe if I want to help Vulcanus.
I hear a noise from behind me, “Zzccckkk…”
I encounter the Zesk as it emerges from the sands to attack. It looks hungry. Perhaps I should give it something else to consider for his lunch?
I give the Zesk a batch of the Thornax Stew that I made earlier. The Zesk likes it. The disgusting beast slurps down the Thornax Stew and stares coldly. It then spits a smelly slime from its mouth that covers every part of my body. I now have the Musk of the Vorox. This will discourage the Vorox from eating me. Now, if I can get some more Thornax Stew to some Vorox, this may earn their trust in fighting the bone hunters.
The primitive Vorox ambushes his foes with his stinger tail, sword and spiky Thornax Launcher. His fury makes him a fierce enemy of any Glatorian that dares to cross his path.
As I enter the bone-lined desert cavern in search of the horrid Vorox, I hear a small crunching sound coming from behind me. “Grrrzzzzcckk…”
As I turn to see where the noise is coming from, I find myself face to face with the ferocious Vorox. The creature bends down and sweeps me up all the while flaring its nostrils. It seems I have gotten the right scent, as the Vorox places me firmly back onto the ground. Best to act now, before he changed his mind.
I give 5 batches of Thornax Stew to the Vorox, and in return, it gives me a Stinger Oath.
Malum approaches and says, “Nicely played. Take that back to Raanu and the bone hunters should stop their raids on Vulcanus, for now atleast. Oh, one more thing, tell Raanu to never bother me again.”
I return to Raanu with the news and he says, “Malum did it - this stinger oath is a close as the bone hunters come to a peace treaty… He must have had to face the beasts in their own lair. Perhaps he’s not so bad… What’s that? You did this? But… you are no Glatorian! Well I should have known Malum would not go to such great risks for us. Your courage has surprised me. Here take this badge and wear it so that all of Bara Magna may know of your deeds. I hate to ask more of you, but I regret to say this is only a temporary solution. Perhaps, if you still have more bravery in your heart I could convince you to seek out another hero. Head deep into the jungles near Tesara and seek out Tarduk. He and his Glatorian champion, Gresh, may have some idea of how to save Vulcanus.”
I build my Rank 1 Agori Honor Badge, and I leave to seek out Tarduk.

Tarduk knows life is hard for his Jungle Tribe, but he just sees this a challenge to overcome. He is obsessed with discovering the secrets of ancient artifacts found in his tropical home. Walking on all fours, he uses his powerful claws and spikes to climb and defend himself.
I eventually locate Tarduk. He says to me, “Not many people know how we manage to carve out a living in the jungle. It’s true, there aren’t many nights that we are dry or well fed - but it’s all worth it when we recover some clue or artifact as to how our ancient ancestors lived. This knowledge means everything to me.”
I explain to him my situation and he answers back, “Ah, of course, you’ve come to me seeking our great Glatorian hero, Gresh. Yes, I would be more than happy to make the introduction. But it would be irresponsible for me to send you any deeper into the undergrowth to find Gresh without making sure you’re tough enough to endure. I’ll give you a little test. The jungles that both Gresh and I live in are filled with ancient artifact. If you can bring me back an ancient scroll, I’ll point you the way to Gresh. Deal?”
I agree with his offer. There are only two things that stand in my way of finding an Ancient Scroll. First, I must find a Jungle Adventure location to begin searching for it, and second, I must have the luck to find and retrieve the scroll.
I trade with Tarduk 10 Thornax fruits for 1 blueprint, which will allow me to build my own Jungle Adventure location. It seems to be a better way to grow more Thornax, alongside helping others find their own Ancient Scrolls.
After a long search, I find a Jungle Adventure location.[2]
With some luck, I finally acquire an Ancient Scroll. I then take it to Tarduk.
“You’ve done it!” Tarduk says. “Thank you! It will take me quite some time to decipher the meaning of this scroll. I hope it will provide insight into our ancient past. Please accept this - it will show that your standing with the Agori has improved. You may now go find Gresh…. I told him of your courage. Best of luck.”
He adds another piece to my Agori Honor Badge, which is now an Agori Honor Badge Rank 2.
I move on to look for Gresh, and eventually meet up with him.
Gresh is a Glatorian who fights for the Jungle Tribe. Gresh combines incredible speed and agility with surprising strength in the arena. Although relatively new to the world of Glatorian, he has already proven himself to be a great fighter.
Gresh says, “It’s not enough to think you’re going to win in the arena. You have to know you’re going to win.”
Wise words, indeed. I tell him about my current issue. He replies to me, “You’ve had quite a time getting this far, haven’t you? And all to help the fire tribe, who are pretty much strangers to you. You know, Bara Magna doesn’t see a lot of your type, people who do things just because it’s the right thing to do. We Glatorian see things in more practical terms - we fight who we’re paid to fight. Maybe that’s it? Perhaps we can solve Raanu’s problem not by appealing to the Glatorian’s sense of good, but simply getting them contracted to help. If you wouldn’t mind sending me a Thornax, I can extract the nectar for the ink for a contract and we can get started.”
I give Gresh the Thornax to use for the ink. Gresh says, “There it is. What you need to do is get the seals of Tarix of Tajun, the water village, Strakk of Iconox, the ice village, and yes, even a Skrall of Roxtus, the rock village. These are some very nasty characters. I’m not sure what they will ask for in return but be prepared to work hard to win their favor. You can get my seal for a small fee on my page. Good luck.”
Gresh is honest indeed. He only asks for 1 Thornax for Gresh’s Seal and another 1 Thornax for the blueprint for the contract being made.
I already have Gresh’s seal, but I know getting the other three won’t be an easy task.

I check up on Gresh’s friends in the Water Tribe, and I decide to ask Berix if he knows how I can get in contact with Tarix.
Berix is an eccentric outsider who has gotten by salvaging bits of scraps from around Bara Magna. Though knowledge of repair makes him a very powerful figure, the other Agori generally distrust him and think him to be a thief.
I approach Berix, and he begins to talk. “This shield? I’m telling you I found it! For the last time, I am not a thief. I find things and repair them. Why won’t anyone believe me?”
Berix probably assumed I was here to question him about his shield. He continues to speak. “Look. I know we don’t know each other very well and I’m not sure what you’ve heard about me but none of it is true. Everything I have, I’ve salvaged. I never have stolen anything from the Atero Trophy offering. I’ve never even seen it! I can convince everybody from Tajun to pitch in and help Vulcanus, including Tarix, but I’m not sure Raanu would even want our help until my name is cleared. If you could find a means of making another Ancient Spear, we could prove to the rest of the tribes that I’m not what they think I am. When you have it, send it to Tarix. He’ll sort things out, then I’m sure he’ll help you anyway he can.”
I follow Berix as he speaks, and he trades with me a blueprint that could create the Ancient Spear. He only asks for 1 Thornax in return.
I look at the blueprint and I see that it requires 2 Quick Silver Flux, Ancient Spear Fragment 1, Ancient Spear Fragment 2, and Ancient Spear Fragment 3. I know that Berix has several Quick Silver Flux for trade, but I have no Red Pearls to trade him for it. That is my first step in completing the Ancient Spear, so I set out to look for an area[3] in Tajun[4] where I can find some.
I finally find an area in Tajun where I can obtain Red Pearls.
“Salvaged!” Berix says. “Look what you’ve discovered! If you still need more pieces to complete your Ancient Spear, keep checking back for another chance. Remember you can always trade with friends to complete your task.”
I trade my Red Pearl to Berix for 1 Quick Silver Flux. In the meanwhile, I go and see where I can find those other pieces I need. I also meet with Tarix.
It is easy to underestimate Tarix in the arena. Behind his calm, non-nonsense style is a fierce, experienced fighter that has bested many other more flashy Glatorian. Tarix is a master of his twin water blades.
As I walk towards Tarix, he says, “I’ve learned a lot in my time in the arena and I can tell you that what makes a champion isn’t their brute strength but their focus.”
He continues. “As you might have heard from my friend Berix, Tajun, through no faults of it’s own, has gotten a bit of a bad name for itself. It seems our fellow Agori don’t trust that all of our salvaged treasure and weaponry from a recently discovered site are actually repaired and not, as they suspect, stolen. If you could help Berix and the rest of the Water Tribe clear our name by recovering another Ancient Spear, I will give you my seal for your contract and assist Vulcanus with its current bone hunter problem.”
I continue going back to the location in Tajun where I found the Red Pearls every six hours. I eventually find more Red Pearls and the other Ancient Spear Fragments. I trade with Berix for another Quick Silver Flux, and build another Ancient Spear.
I immediately gave the Ancient Spear to Tarix. He says to me, “You’ve done it. I’m going to bring this around to the other Glatorian as proof we didn’t steal it from the Atero offering. If they have any doubts, they can unseal the vaults and see the original right in there in the offering coffers! Of course, you have my support, seal and my thanks.”
Tarix gives me his seal and also traded me another piece for my Agori Honor badge for one set of Red Pearls. I now have an Agori Honor Badge Rank 3.

I continue my journey to collect the seals of the Glatorian. I decide to collect Strakk’s seal. Ruthless and ambitious, Strakk of the ice tribe will do whatever he must to be named champion of the arena. His ice axe is one of the most feared weapons on Bara Magna.
Earlier in my journey, when I had set up my Jungle Adventure location, I had received a letter from Strakk. I was unsure of what it was at the time since that was before I had met up with Gresh, but now it makes sense. The letter read:
“Cut out the middleman
Metus - that guy. Who does he think he is? I don’t report to him. Listen - if you wouldn’t mind betraying a few of your friends, go ahead and build this ambush module. It may lose you a friend or two - but it will get you Iconox’s Favor a lot quicker - and more importantly teach Metus a lesson. By the way - I’m going to act like I never met you - no matter what. So don’t even think about snitching on me.”
His mail included a blueprint for a Desert Ambush module. Apparently, if I trick 5 individuals into using this module and getting attacked by ambush in the desert by the Zesk, I will gain Iconox’s Favor. But is that really a good thing to do, just to cut out the middleman?
I try to talk to Strakk in person but he says to me, “Show me where you stand. Despite what I may have said to you, you need Iconox’s Favor for us to speak any further.”
I decide to seek out Metus, an Agori of the Ice Tribe. For some odd reason, he is affiliated with a Rock Tribe Agori named Atakus. Fast-talking and smart, Metus is a promoter for Glatorian matches. He has a natural talent for spotting a Glatorian’s strengths and weaknesses. He is constantly imagining and calculating the potential fights between Glatorian, scoring them for entertainment value.
Metus begins to speak, “There’s not an arena match on Bara Magna that I haven’t set up or at least had the best odds on. If you want to know about any Glatorian, you come to me.” He continues, “Well, well… You stepping in on my business? I’ve heard from a number of Glatorian about you. Surprised it took you long to come my way. So, I’ve heard you’re looking to get some buy in on a plan to save Vulcanus? That’s real sweat and all, but what’s in it for you? There’s gotta be something. Okay, check it out, your last two seals are going to be nearly impossible without me. So here’s the deal. I need you to help me track down a certain piece of real estate: a Desert Spring. I want to claim it for its water and the valuable plants that grow around it.”
He appears to be trading a blueprint for a Desert Adventure area, so I decide to buy it for 10 Thornax fruits. I then set out to find the Desert Adventure area.
I end up finally locating the Desert Adventure area that I seek.[5] Now that I have located the area, all I need to do now is to try my luck in finding the location of this real estate. I eventually find a map detailing the location of the Desert Spring.
I give the Desert Spring location to Metus. He says, “Great. Deal’s done. Here, take this and go see Strakk. And then he’ll get you in with the Roxtus bunch, Atakus and Skrall. They are a nasty group of guys, so watch your back. Take care and see you at the arena.” I collect the Iconox’s Favor from Metus.
I return to find Strakk, who previously refused to talk to me. I now have Iconox’s Favor so he should have no qualms about speaking to me.
Strakk begins to speak, “It’s them or me. It’s that simple. I will do anything I can to win - do you think my opponents see it any differently? Don’t be foolish.” He continues, “If your good with Iconox, you’re good with me. I see you got Iconox’s Favor. That couldn’t have been easy. You must have had to bend the rules a bit to get to me. I like that. Sure, you can have my support in your campaign against the bone hunters - if anything, it will allow me to show off my new moves to the other Glatorian. Or maybe I’ll pretend to fight poorly so they underestimate me next time I face them in the arena. Oh, I am good. If you keep quiet about my little plan, you can trade with me for an upgrade to your Agori badge and that should get you the respect of the Rock Tribe, and Skrall’s seal.”
Strakk charges the most hefty fee of all the Glatorian so far. He demanded 25 Thornax fruits for his seal, and another 5 Thornax Fruits for an upgrade to my Agori Honor Badge. I grow more Thornax and then return to him to complete the trades.
I now have Strakk’s seal and I have upgraded my Agori Honor Badge to Rank 4. It seems complete, in shape at least, but I still have one final task to complete before I finish the Glatorian Contract. I must risk everything and enter the grounds of the vicious Rock Tribe, home of Atakus, and the ruthless Skrall.

Following Strakk’s words I end up finding Atakus, an Agori of the Rock Tribe. Although Atakus is small in stature, he is extremely strong and savage. He serves the brutal rock tribe of Roxtus. Atakus knows that his tribe is the toughest and sometimes he underestimates his foes.
I walk towards Atakus and he begins to speak, “The Skrall will lay siege to all that stand in our way!” He continues, “We here in the Rock Tribe have watched from a distance, with some amusement, as you’ve gone from tribe to tribe trying to gain their trust. Unlike the other Agori, the Skrall are direct: our loyalty is temporary and for sale. You pay me, I’ll get you to Skrall. You pay him and he’ll pledge to fight with his seal. It’s that easy.”
Atakus is telling me that I must buy this ‘Atakus’ Mark’ from him before the Skrall will even think of speaking to me. Since I do not have enough Thornax grown as of yet, I try to speak to the Skrall to see if this is true.
It seems Atakus was right, the Skrall says to me, “Come back later. You must have more honor with the Agori before gaining an audience with the Skrall.”
So I wait until my Thornax module grows enough fruits for trade and I return to Atakus. I eventually gather 50 Thornax Fruits to trade for Atakus’ Mark.
The Skrall will now allow me to speak with them. The Skrall are many. As custom, Skrall are not named until they achieve great standing in the Roxtus Tribe. This Skrall is like many of his brothers - vicious, cruel and nearly unbeatable in the arena.
He says, “We are Skrall, for we are many. We will never surrender.” He continues, “Pay me and you’ll have my seal. There is nothing more to say that does not end in your defeat.”
I hear what he wants for his seal. Oddly, it costs less than Atakus’ Mark. He asks for 25 Thornax Fruits, but I must wait for my module to grow more.
I finally grow enough Thornax to buy the seal. Now I have all the seals of the Glatorian I need, and at last I can finally complete the Glatorian Contract. Gresh quickly sends word, telling me, “I can’t believe it! You’ve managed to bring the Agori tribes together in action. Amazing. Go quickly - Take the completed contract to Raanu.”
I hurry to Raanu. I give the contract to Raanu and he says, “By the flames, you’ve done it. You’ve managed to do what no Agori has done since… since… well perhaps ever, you’ve gotten the tribes to pledge to work together. Unbelievable. The bone hunters would be foolish to attack us now. Vulcanus is safe, thanks to you. Take this - it’s the highest honor we Agori can bestow on a hero like yourself. Thank you.”
My journey comes to a close. I finally brought together the tribes on a contract to protect Vulcanus from the Bone Hunter raids. I collect my final Agori Honor upgrade, and my badge turns to a shimmering gold.
Raanu encounters me again and says, “((Player Name)), hero of the Agori, it has a good sound to it, doesn’t it? I wanted to ask you one last favor. While you wander the sands of Bara Magna - if you wouldn’t mind setting a few traps for the bone hunters that haven’t heard of your great Glatorian pledge. You can take their Bone Hunter blades once you trap them. They are a symbol of great pride on Bara Magna.”
Raanu gives me a blueprint which will teach me how to trap bone hunters in the desert. I build a trap out of the few materials I had from before I began my quest. At last, my journey has come to an end.
Misc. Information and Extras

Post-Game Story

I check back to the area[6] where I had set up my Bone Hunter Trap. It seems that the trap I had set up with the help of Raanu has yielded me several Bone Hunter Blades. I finally trap enough Bone Hunters to gather 5 blades, and I trade them to Raanu to get an Agori Trophy Module Blueprint.
- Although not part of the BIONICLE Campaign on My LEGO Network, if the player was once part of the Kanoka Club and has recieved the Kanoka Club Badge, they would be able to befriend Turaga Whenua. Whenua's networker page features 'Loop 2' for purchase, which is a small extract from the Cryoshell song, Creeping in My Soul. There is also an aerial view of Mata Nui Island featured on his page. His networker text module reads, "Turaga of Earth and guardian of Onu-Metru, Whenua spends much of his time in the vast archives beneath Metru Nui. Whenua provides former members of the Kanoka Club with a special badge.". His other networker text module reads, "It serves no purpose to be false, for the earth cannot be deceived." When befriending him, he says, “It’s not heroism you lack. I can see you are a great hero. But my place here is to honor those from the Kanoka Club. Don’t despair, many of the great Toa heroes will join the network in good time.” He also has for trade in his Sticker Shoppe three stickers, which go under the name "Old Bionicle". These stickers are Nuhrii holding a Kanoka launcher, a Visorak Oohnorak, and a Kavinika.
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