Mata Nui Online Game II Walkthrough/Chapter 2

Turaga Nokama
“Matoran of Ga-Koro hear me!” Nokama proclaims. “I have returned with great news. The Turaga of Mata Nui have been in conference in Kini-Nui, pondering the Great Thoughts. The swarms are gone, and the evil plot of the Bohrok-Kal is defeated. A time of Peace is upon us. We sought a way to honor this new prosperity. Therefore, we have decreed a great Kolhii Tournament. Matches will be played all across Mata Nui, and the Championship will be held at the season’s end in the newly built Kolhii Stadium in Ta-Koro. Each Turaga need choose two champions to represent their village. It was a hard decision, and it may surprise some of you. I’ve chosen Macku! And… Hahli.”
As everyone looks with surprise at Hahli, Nokama goes to her hut. Hahli follows, taking the northern pathway. Inside Nokama’s massive hut, which is bigger then the others, there is a giant flower and Lightfish in a glass containers to provide illumination. Nokama is standing in front of it.
“Welcome, Hahli. You have been chosen as Kolhii Champion of Ga-Koro, and that is a grand honor. It also means grand responsibility,” Nokama greets her.[note 1]
“What is Kolhii?” inquires Hahli.
Nokama tilts her head at Hahli’s seeming ignorance. “Kolhii is the Great Sport of Mata Nui. Some think it a simple game, but it is much more than that. The principles of Kolhii reflect the virtues of our society.”
“Long ago, the Great Spirit Mata Nui illuminated the three Virtues: Unity, Duty, and Destiny. We embraced these gifts, and, by combining them in different ways, each village derived from them the six Principles.”
“In Ga-Koro we embrace the Virtue of Unity, and the Wall of Stars is our guide. The Weaver, Shasa, spends much time contemplating Unity. You would do well to visit with her, as she might help you to learn more.”
“Turaga Vakama and the Ta-Matoran pursue the Virtue of Duty in the shadow of the Wall of History. If you seek insight to that Virtue, you should do so in Ta-Koro.”
“In the temples of Ko-Koro, on the slopes of Mount Ihu, stands the Wall of Prophesy. There, adepts meditate on the Virtue of Destiny.”
“We must honor and protect them: they are our vessel in the wild sea of the world, and with Principle in our heart we can face down great evil. Kolhii is one way to learn them. The more you understand, the better you will be at it. In Ga-Koro we focus on the Principle of Purity.”
“Marka, the Shipwright, studies Purity, the Principle by which Ga-Koro thrives. Speak with her and she may impart some of her knowledge…”
Hahli nods. Nokama said she would have to take the virtue to heart if she would face down great evil. But what did she mean? “Evil?” She asks.
“In the Dark Time, even before the Swarms came, the Makuta infected the Rahi-beasts, and poisoned the waters around Ga-Koro. Kotu remembers this time well, for it was she that tamed the Tarakava. She knows of Poison, and may speak of it.”
“Can you tell me more of these principles?”
“There are many wise Matoran in this village and throughout Mata Nui. They can help you understand more.”
There is one question left burning on Hahli’s mind. “Why did you choose me?” asks the Ga-Matoran.
“The choice was not mine to make. If it had been, I would have chosen Kotu, as everyone expected,” Nokama says bluntly, shrugging.
This is not the answer Hahli expects. “If you did not choose me, who did?”
“I consulted the Sacred Waters. They offer me much wisdom… but it is a precious gift, and one that is not lightly granted,” answers Nokama enigmatically.
“The Water chose me?”
“The image was cloudy but unmistakable. I confess it was a little strange for it to advise me on what I thought so small a matter as Kolhii… but it is done. I suspect that both you and I, and indeed all of Mata Nui, will come to know why you were chosen… in time.”
Hahli nods pensively. Nokama’s response doesn’t give much in the way of answers. “What should I do now?”
“You are untrained in Kolhii, and must improve your skills if you are to win the Championship. Talk to Macku, for she is skilled, and can help you to learn the game. When you are ready to play the match against Onu-Koro, come speak with me, and I will arrange it,” answers the Turaga.
Hahli nods, then tells the Turaga, “Thank you. Goodbye.”
“When you feel you are ready to face the team from Onu-Koro, tell me and I will announce the match. Farewell, Hahli. May Gali’s wisdom guide you,” Nokama replies.[note 2]
As she is leaving, Hahli notices a golden key beside Nokama. She picks it up.

The first thing she does is run home to Amaya in amazement. The Ga-Matoran is jumping up and down by the time she arrives. “Hahli! I can’t believe it! You’re going to be our Kolhii champion along with Macku! It’s unbelievable!”
“Kolhii champion?” Hahli asks, still in a daze.
“You’re going to have to train hard if you’re going to win! Kolhii players need to be very fast!”
“Ga-Matoran are famous for their speed. Kai, the Sailor, is very quick. Maybe you should ask her!”
Hahli hurries to find Macku, and her new team-mate greets her warmly.[note 3]
“Hi Hahli. I guess we’re team-mates now! I know you’ve never played Kolhii before, but I trust Turaga Nokama. I can help you with your game. Just ask!” offers Macku.
“How can I get better at Kolhii?”
“We Ga-Matoran believe that Speed is the way to victory. If you can learn the secret of Speed, you can win! There might be some around Ga-Koro that can help you to get faster. And don’t forget to teach me any tricks you learn!”
“Can I practice?”
“To be great at Kolhii, you need to improve all six of your skills. It is rumored that masters can be found in the wildernesses of Mata Nui, but I don’t know where. If you find them, maybe they can teach you.”
“I’d like to practice,” says Hahli.
“If you’re going to get good at Kolhii, you need to train in all of your skills. I’ve heard of a Ga-Matoran that knows about Speed… you should look around, maybe you can find her.”
“I want to know more about Kolhii,” says Hahli.
“I’ll help in any way I can! Ask away,” says Macku.
“What are the rules of Kolhii?”
“The rules are simple: get the ball, and get it in the enemy’s team goal using your Kolhii stick, feet, head, or body… the only thing you can’t use are your hands,” states Macku.
“How many teams are there?”
“All the Tournament matches are played with two teams and two goals, but the Championship will be played by three teams and three goals. That’s harder, but it’s not for a long time, so you don’t have to worry about that yet,” answers Macku.
“How many players are on each team?”
“There can be any number of players – as long as the teams are even. All the Tournament matches have two players per team.”
“What positions are there?” asks Hahli.
“I’m goal-keeper, and you’re forward.”
“How do we win?”
“There’s four quarters. The team that has the most goals by the end of the fourth quarter is the winner! If it’s tied, though, it can go into overtime.”
“Do I need any equipment?”
“We use the Kolhii stick to play, now… it’s kind of a new thing. It’s important to have a good Kolhii stick. Kailani can make a new one for you if you give her the materials. Some wood is better than others!”
“Kailani?” asks Hahli.
“Kailani makes all kinds of things. Her hut is in the town square,” says Macku.
“Wood?” asks Hahli.
“You should ask around to find out what the best materials are for a Kolhii stick,” says Macku.
“Who do we play?” asks Hahli.
“Onepu and Taipu, the team from Onu-Koro, are here to play a match. They’re camped near the beach,” answers the goal-keeper.
“Where do we play?”
“We play at the Kolhii Pad, south of the Town Square.”
“When do we play?”
“When you’re ready, go tell Turaga Nokama. She will send word to the Onu-Matoran Team to meet us at the Kolhii Pad. I’m ready whenever you are!”
“Do you have any advice?”
“Onu-Matoran have incredible Stamina. They can play for hours without ever getting tired. But they are slow!” says Macku.
“How do you know so much about Kolhii?” Hahli finally asks.
“I visit Hewkii of Po-Koro every now and then. He’s the best Kolhii player in all of Mata Nui! We spend a lot of time together… playing Kolhii of course!” states Macku.
With nothing more to ask, Hahli tells Macku, “Goodbye.”
“I’ll be in my hut or with Turaga Nokama if you need me,” Macku replies.[note 4]
In the town square, Hahli notices a hut she had not seen before and heads toward it.
There’s a sign that says, ‘Do Not Disturb’, but Hahli ignores it. The hut is locked, but once she tries the key she found at Nokama’s, it opens.
As she enters, she notices a Matoran.
“Gali save us! Uh? Who? What are you doing in my laboratory?” the Matoran demands.[note 5]
“Who are you?”
“I’m Nixie! This is my private astrolaboratory. I am very busy studying the Wall of Stars! Who do you think you are?” the Matoran snaps.
“I’m Hahli,” she answers.
“Hahli… the assistant flax-maker? Now, where have I seen that name before?” mutters Nixie to herself.
“My name?” asks Hahli.
“Oh! I know! Hm…” Nixie exclaims.

“What are you doing?” Hahli questions.
“I’m working on the Formula… Something is stirring… I don’t know what, but the Stars are making strange patterns, and there are storms, like in the old days…” says Nixie, more to herself than to Hahli.
“Formula?” asks Hahli.
“The Stars are very precise. The first part is easy: the first letter of the patron Toa of Unity. The second part is harder. Start by multiplying the villages by the Principles they follow. Add the Great Spirit and his banished Brother, and also the Toa Kaita… finally, add the Virtues. Subtract one for the Chronicler, divide by the number of Toa…” Nixie relates.
“What does it mean?” asks Hahli.
“I don’t know… it’s very strange.”
Wishing to leave, Hahli tells the astrologer, “Goodbye.”
“Hm…” Nixie muses, barely noticing her exit.
Recalling that Shasa mentioned Unity in her speeches, Hahli goes down to her hut.
As she enters, Shasa says, “I am glad you were chosen to be Kolhii Champion, Hahli. I am sure you will honor Ga-Koro and Mata Nui. Did you want some weaving?”
“Weaving?” repeats Hahli.
“Sailcloth, nets, that sort of thing. Weaving teaches a lot about Unity,” states Shasa.
“Unity?” inquires Hahli.
“Unity is what makes a Fishing Net strong! Unity is what we strive for in Ga-Koro. We depend on it to do our work. If the Weaver’s reeds are not united, the cloth is weak. If the Sailor’s flax is not united, the rope is frayed. And only united together, can the people of Ga-Koro speed their works on Purity,” says Shasa.
“Work?” asks Hahli.

“The Great Spirit charges us with the task of keeping the Waters pure. But the sea is boundless, and the lakes and rivers flow endlessly. Alone, I can’t do what it is asked. But united, we can do it! Here, take this charm. I have carried it a long time. Let it always remind you of the Virtue of Unity!” says Shasa, handing Hahli a small circular stone with a symbol on it.
“Pure?” says Hahli.
“From Unity comes Purity! Marka the Shipwright knows more about Purity, if you’re interested.”
“Goodbye,” says Hahli.
“Gali’s Wisdom be with you,” replies Shasa.
Hahli hurries back down to the docks.
“So you’re our new Kolhii Champion, eh?” says Marka as she sees her “Well, stranger things have happened. Best of luck. I suppose that now you’ve got Kolhii to train for you won’t be off fetching supplies for my shipyard.”
“Supplies?” asks Hahli.
“Rope, sailcloth, rigging, you name it! I’ll trade widgets for any you can bring me,” assures Marka.
“Boat?” repeats Hahli.
“Good ship-building is an art! Maybe someday I’ll make you one.”
“These boats are built for speed! They are made from very Pure materials,” says Marka.
“Unity grants Purity. Purity is what we strive for in Ga-Koro. It’s our job to keep the waters Pure. If your mind is Pure, you can have Visions, like Turaga Nokama and Toa Gali. And most of all, Purity grants Ga-Matoran great Speed!” exclaims Marka. “Here! Since you’re so interested in Purity, take this stone. It bears the symbol of Purity. I found it once, a long time ago, while cutting some wood near the falls. Maybe it can help you, somehow.” While speaking, she hands Hahli a stone like Shasa’s charm, but with a different symbol.

“Speed comes from Purity. I use only the purest wood and seaweed in my boats. If you want to know more about Speed, you should talk to Kai, the Sailor,” answers Marka.
Hahli nods and goes immediately to Kai’s house.
“Hello Hahli, our new Kolhii champion! What an honor! I’m making Rope as fast as I can. Maybe you can help!” says Kai as Hahli enters.
“Fast?” asks Hahli.
“If you want to improve your Speed, you should talk to me. Sailors are very speedy!” says Kai.
“Ga-Matoran are famous for their Speed! When the water’s Pure, you can go very fast in the open sea. From Purity comes Speed. Here, take my charm! It represents Speed. It’s very old. Maybe it will bring you luck!” Hahli takes the charm which looks similar to the others she already has.
“Speed?” inquires Hahli.
“The fastest thing I ever saw was the Takea Shark, deep beneath the sea. It’s terribly dangerous, but legend has it that the Takea will teach its Speed to anyone that can catch it!”
“Catch it?” asks Hahli.
“You can find it at coordinates C9 way out at sea. I bet Pelagia can take you there,” says Kai.
The Onu-Matoran Team
As Hahli is walking toward the village, she decides to take the walkway leading to the beach. After passing the gate, she finds herself on the beach. She decides to turn right and sees two Matoran camped on the beach. But they are not Ga-Matoran, as one is an Onu-Matoran, and the other seems to be Hafu, a Po-Matoran.
As Hafu sees her, he says: “Hello. Is it always so bright here by the sea? The waves are so loud! It is very pretty though. Do you have any thing for a headache?”
“Hello, Hafu!” greets Hahli cheerfully.
“I am not Hafu! I am Taipu! Why does everyone think I am Hafu, and he is me? We’re not even from the same village!” the irritated Matoran exclaims.
“Headache?” asks Hahli.
“When we left Onu-Koro, Turaga Whenua said we can win if we use our heads. When the ball is headed for the goal, it is my job to stop it, so I use my head! Onepu says that is not what he meant. We have been practicing a lot,” says Taipu.
“Goodbye,” Hahli says.
“Goodbye!” Taipu replies.
Meanwhile the other Matoran has caught sight of her, “Look, Taipu. It is one of Toa Gali’s water-maidens. Good day to you, Ga-Matoran! I hope you are well!”
“Who are you?” asks Hahli.
“I’m Onepu, High Commander of the Ussalry, Veteran of the Makuta Wars, Right Hand of Turaga Whenua, and Champion Kolhii Forward of Onu-Koro. At your service, my Lady,” says Onepu.
“What are you doing here?” asks Hahli, gesturing to the shabby shack the two Onu-Matoran are camped out in.
“Ah, you have noticed that our humble accommodations do not suit my station. Do not fret, good Lady! I am as rugged as any Onu-Matoran. Besides, we remain only until we have won the Kolhii match for Onu-Koro. Then we shall journey home, to receive accolades befitting a returning champion,” says Onepu.
“Goodbye,” Hahli says.
“Farewell!” Onepu says with a flourish. “Perhaps we shall meet again one day, in the halls of great Onu-Koro!”
Before leaving, Hahli takes a look at the krana Pit, which is marked by a sign that reads, ‘Beware’, with a picture of a krana. She also admires the Naho Falls, rushing out of a statue of the great Kaukau Nuva.

On her way back to the town square, Hahli stops at the Barter Shop, where a sign reads, ‘Okoth’s Bargain Barter’, and beneath it, the words: ‘You want it… We got it! (And vice versa)’. Inside, there’s a Ga-Matoran.
“If you’re looking to barter, stocks are a bit low until the merchants can get into town,” she says.
“Who are you?” asks Hahli.
“I’m Okoth, the Trader. If you’re looking to barter, this is the place!” Okoth answers.
“I trade for widgets.”
“Haven’t you got any? They’re very useful! You can trade widgets for lots of things.”
“Will you trade with me?”
“All I can trade now are Air Bladders, for swimming. They’re five widgets each. I’m afraid I’ve got nothing else to trade until the merchants get back into town,” says Okoth.[note 6]
Hahli nods and agrees to purchase an Air Bladder. Okoth smiles and retrieves one, saying, “Here you go! Come back soon!”
As Hahli is about to leave, she realizes that to practice speed she will have to stay underwater for a long time. Turning around, Hahli decides to buy as many Air Bladders as she can. “Great, a bulk sale! Let me know if you need any more!” the Trader exclaims.[note 7]
To get more Air Bladders as well as a Kolhii stick, Hahli will need more widgets. To get more widgets, Hahli will have to sell supplies to Marka. Hahli immediately gets to work.
Hahli collects a great amount of Harakeke, Cowrie Shells, Bamboo Wood, and Seaweed. Then she goes to Amaya’s hut.
“Hi again!” says the Ga-Matoran “If you’re not too tired from your Kolhii training, I could sure use help making Flax for Kai. I’ve never had a Kolhii champion help me make Flax, though. It’s unbelievable!”[note 8]
“Unbelievable?” repeats Hahli.
“Well, you’ve never played Kolhii before! And Kotu is our best player. But Nokama chose you. Strange, isn’t it?” says Amaya.
Hahli then gives Amaya the plants and shells needed, getting a quantity of Flax in return. “Okay! Here you go,” Amaya says, handing it over.
The next stop is Kai’s house. There, Hahli says, “I’d like some Rope.”
“Sure. I need 5 String for each Rope,” Kai replies.
Hahli gives all her Flax to the sailor, who looks skeptically at her. “Sure, bucko. It’s heavy!” True to her word, however, she makes String and Rope out of all of it and gives these to Hahli. The more she makes, the greater her incredulity grows. “Blimey, that’s a lot of rope!” she mutters.
Going back on her way, Hahli stops at Shasa’s house. There, she hands over the String and Rope.
“I’d like a Sailcloth,” she explains.
“Going sailing? Okay!” Shasa says, moving quickly. “Here you go.”
“I’d like Rigging,” Hahli adds.
Shasa smiles knowingly. “Building a boat, eh? Sure.” Again, she wastes no time. “Here! Careful, it’s heavy!”
Hahli is almost ready, but first she needs to get a Kolhii stick of her own. She stops at Kotu’s house to obtain a Bamboo Pole from her Wood. Kotu is still stunned and dejected.[note 9]
“Hello, Hahli. I guess you’re our champion forward, after all. You may be as skilled as I am, one day. But you must beware. Fear and doubt can poison your mind, and your skill,” she advises.
“Poison?” Hahli asks.
“Poison is the opposite of Purity,” Kotu replies, handing her the Bamboo Pole.
Then Hahli goes to Kailani, who greets her warmly. “Hello, Hahli! What’s it like to be our new Kolhii champion? Can you believe Nokama chose you? You’ll have to train hard. I’m happy to make a Kolhii Stick for you if you need one.”
Hahli reaches into her bag to grab the necessary materials, telling Kailani, “I’d like a Kolhii Stick.”
This time Kailani’s response is quite different from when Hahli asked on behalf of Macku. “Of course, of course, Champion! One moment… Here you go!” To Hahli's surprise, Kailani refuses to take any of the materials Hahli had collected, instead using her own supplies.
Finally, Hahli returns to the docks.
“I have some supplies to trade,” she informs Marka.
“No kidding? Great! I’ll barter one widget for a Rope or Sailcloth. Rigging is worth 30 per,” replies Marka.
As Hahli trades the Rigging for the widgets, Marka remarks, “Great! I need all the rigging I can get.” As Hahli trades the Rope, the Shipwright adds, “It’s a deal! When the docks open I’ll be all set to fill these orders.” And as Hahli pulls out the Sailcloth, Marka’s eyes widen. “Sailcloth, eh? You’ve got Shasa working hard, I see. Deal!”
After trading most of her supplies, Hahli sets off for Okoth’s shop, where she buys as many Air Bladders as she can.
Hoping to find someone who will take her to C9, to catch Takea, Hahli returns to the docks. Reaching the dock where she previously found Bamboo, she now finds a Ga-Matoran, and behind her a docked boat.
“Hello, Hahli. Can I take you somewhere?” the Matoran asks.
“Who are you?” asks Hahli.

“I am Pelagia. I run the Ferry,” answers Pelagia.
“Ferry?” asks Hahli.
“I can’t take you to any of the other villages right now, on account of the storms. The sea has been angry lately. I do not know why. But I can take you deep-sea diving, if you wish,” answers Pelagia.
“Deep-sea diving?” repeats Hahli.
“Sometimes Toa Gali swims there, to care for it and keep it Pure. And there are… things… in the darkness of the Deep. If you wish to dive, I suggest you take some Air Bladders with you.”
“Air Bladders?”
“Even Ga-Matoran can run out of air, if they dive down deep,” explains Pelagia. “Okoth has some for trade if you wish. If you have great stamina, you can hold your breath for longer.”

Her curiosity satisfied, Hahli asks, “Will you take me somewhere?”
“Ferry service costs 1 widget. Point out on my Sea Chart where you would like to go. Agreed?”
Hahli nods. “Okay.”
“Hold on, let me get out my Sea Chart.”[note 10]
Hahli pays Pelagia, and the two quickly embark. Once at the right coordinates, Hahli dives. Reaching deeper waters, she sees a Takea Shark swimming between some seaweed. She swims toward it and tries to match its pace by swimming along with it. After catching up to it four times, Hahli becomes much faster, gaining speed.
After practicing her speed, Hahli resurfaces. Pelagia sits upright from where she is relaxing. “Ready to head back to port?”
“Yes.”[note 11]
“Okay. Batten down the hatches!” she declares.[note 12]
The boat cuts through the ocean like a knife, and before long the boat pulls back into the harbor.
“Goodbye,” Hahli says, waving as she heads out.
“May Gali protect you,” Pelagia replies over her shoulder.

The Onu-Koro Match
Once back in Ga-Koro, Hahli goes to Nokama’s hut.
“I am ready to face the team from Onu-Koro,” Hahli says.
“Very well. I shall inform Turaga Whenua. You may report to the Kolhii Field. Good luck, Champion,” Nokama returns.
Hahli heads for the field on the Kolhii Pad and a match between the Ga-Matoran and Onu-Matoran ensues. Making use of the Speed gained from her training, Hahli is able to sprint around the Onu-Matoran to score goals. To the shock of all watching, she and Macku emerge victorious.
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