Mata Nui Online Game II Walkthrough/Chapter 1

It is dark, with only a patch of dim blue light on the ground. Hahli walks into the patch of light and looks around before a bright white light engulfs her.
The Ga-Matoran awakes in a Ga-Koro hut looking out on Naho Bay. There is a hole in the roof of the hut through which water is leaking in. A Lightfish in a glass container provides illumination to the room.
Hahli walks over to a note on the wall of the hut that reads “Things to do Today: Make Flax!” She then leaves the hut and takes a path to the right, to another hut, which she enters to find another Ga-Matoran working at a loom, who turns to speak to her.
“Thank the Spirit you’re awake!” the Matoran exclaims. “I thought you were going to sleep all day. Did the storm keep you up last night?”
“Who are you?” Hahli asks.
“What a question! I’m Amaya, silly. You must still be asleep!” the Ga-Matoran replies.
“There was a storm?” Hahli inquires.
“It passed out to sea this morning. It made a big mess, and we don’t have much time!” Amaya says back. “There’s a lot of chores to do.”
“Time? For what?” Hahli questions.
“Haven’t you heard? When Turaga Nokama returns, she’s going to make some big announcement. There’s a lot of rumors going around…”
“The word is, Nokama’s going to pick Macku and Kotu to represent Ga-Koro in the Great Kolhii Tournament. They’re the best players we’ve got! It’s a great honor, and I’m sure there will be a big party.”
“Turaga Nokama is out of town, meeting with the other Turaga about a Tournament. Everyone thinks that when she returns, there will be a big ceremony in the town square. But the storm knocked out the bridge -- we can’t get there until it’s fixed.”
“Kolhii Tournament?”
“I don’t know much about it, just rumors. That’s why we need to fix the bridge before she gets back!”
“Macku and Kotu?”
“They’re the best Kolhii players we’ve got. They’re heroes! Why wouldn’t she pick them? She certainly wouldn’t pick someone like you or I. We’ve never played Kolhii in our lives!”
“What mess?”
“Well, there’s a hole in your roof, and the bridge into town is broken. And I still have to make some Flax for Kai.”
“To make it, I scrape Harakeke Plants with Cowrie Shells to extract the fibre. If you bring some to me I can make more Flax.”
“Cowrie Shells?”
“There’s lots of different kinds of seashells around Ga-Koro. You can often find small ones in the East Garden.”
“Harakeke Plants?”
“You can find Harakeke Plants growing around town, mostly, and along the beach. They are strong, though so you need a Sickle to cut them, unless you’re lucky enough to find some that’s already been cut. They don’t take very long to grow back.”
“A Sickle?”
“If you don’t have one, I’m sure someone in Ga-Koro can make it for you, if you have some bamboo and spare Cowrie Shells.”
“A hole?”
“Yes, the storm knocked it in. You can fix it easily with some Seaweed, probably.”
“I’m sure there’s some growing in the East Garden. Collect some and put it in your satchel. Once you’ve gotten onto your roof just lay it onto the hole there.”
“The bridge?”
“We can’t get into town until it’s fixed. It looks like the counterweight got snagged. It’s high up but if we could hit it with something, it will probably come loose. Also the waterwheel looks broken.”
“Hit it? How?”
“A Throwing Disc would be perfect for that. If you need one, you can borrow mine, but I’d have to find it. Maybe I can look for it after I get this Flax done.”
“Yes, I think some of its flanges were broken in the storm. If you can find some Large Seashells they should be easy to replace.”
“Large Seashells?”
“Last time I was at your hut I think I saw some there. I’m not surprised you can’t find them, though -- your place must be a mess with all that rain pouring through the hole in your roof! I bet that if you fixed the hole and let it dry out in there, you might be able to find things!”
“You know, the Sailor. She’s so proud of the Rope and String she makes… but you and I know it’s only strong because she uses our Flax to make it!”
“Chores? I don’t want to do any chores!”
“We have to do our chores, Hahli, it’s our duty. Not everyone can go running around Mata-Nui like that Takua from Ta-Koro, having adventures.”
“My duty?”
“Everyone in Ga-Koro has a duty. You and I make Flax, that’s what we do. Maybe it isn’t as exciting as what Macku and Kotu are going to do, but it’s still important.”
“I’ve got to go. Goodbye!” Hahli says.
“Goodbye! Come see me again if you need any help,” Amaya replies as she turns back to her work.[note 1]

Just outside Amaya’s hut is a path that leads off to the right. Hahli Follows it and arrives at a lone lily pad with a wide view of the ocean. Bamboo poles stick up out of the water, and affixed to one of them is a note that reads, “Blue sea… A Ruki leaps …The sound of water”.
Hahli returns to her hut’s lily pad goes further down. There a hut and a grove of bamboo trees are present, with cut Harakeke. She collects the Harakeke and enters the hut, which bears a sign saying ‘East Garden’, to see a pool in the center. She dives into the pool, and starts gathering Cowrie Shells and Seaweed from the water. Once she finishes, she swims back to the surface and leaves the hut.
Hahli returns to her house and then ascends a ladder leaning against it. She takes the Seaweed out of her satchel and places it onto the hole in her hut’s roof. Hahli then climbs back down and enters her hut to find a Large Seashell lying in a puddle, which she picks up and places in her satchel. She walks back to Amaya’s hut.
“I have Harakeke and Cowrie Shells,” Hahli informs her.
“Great! Thanks! Just give me a moment…” Amaya returns. “There, done. Here’s some Flax to bring to Kai. Oh, and while you were out, I found my Throwing Disc. Maybe you can use it to hit the bridge counterweight loose.”
Hahli then leaves and walks back to the East Garden. Turning left, she finds the bridge waterwheel, with a shell missing. She takes out the Large Shell from her bag and uses it to repair the waterwheel which begins spinning briskly. Hahli turns back and climbs onto the bridge platform, taking out the disk which she uses to knock the bridge counterweight free. By pressing a lever, the bridge springs across, connecting the platform to the town square.

Hahli wanders south through the square, and then across a causeway to a lilypad with a large gate marked ‘Ga-Koro Kolhii Field’, and right in front of it she sees a scrap from a document marked “The History of Kolhii Part 1”. It reads:
The first game of Kolhii on Mata Nui was Turaga Onewa and Turaga Whenua’s idea. It was intended to settle a dispute between Onu-Matoran miners and Po-Matoran carvers, after a comment from one of the miners about the quality of certain carvings.
Hahli crosses the causeway opposite the gate to another pad, with a single hut. She turns and crosses the causeway to the left, arriving at a hut with a small garden of Harakeke next to it, and hidden in the garden, to her surprise, is another scrap of a document, this one appearing to be “The History of Kolhii Part 4”. It reads:
During the time of the Bohrok swarms, the game evolved into what is now called Kolhii. Many attribute this changing of the game to an incident that occurred during the Pahrak invasion of Ga-Koro, when Hewkii used a Ga-Matoran fishing staff to save Macku from a falling rock. Since then, Players have adopted the use of the Kolhii Stick and the rules have been changed to accommodate it.
Hahli enters the hut beside the garden to find another Ga-Matoran spinning a ship’s wheel.
“Ahoy, Matey!” the other Matoran says. “Did Amaya make some Flax for me?”
“I have some Flax for you,” Hahli replies.
“Thanks! Here’s some Widgets!” the Matoran says, gratefully.
“Widgets?” Hahli asks.
“Sure! You can use Widgets to barter for things.”
“You know, trade,” says the other. “You can usually get them from plants and animals and things, around the beach. But you can trade for them in town, until the gate is unlocked. Everyone wants them!”
“The beach?” Hahli inquires.
“Macku and Kotu locked the gate until Turaga Nokama gets back. It’s safer that way!”
“Who are you?” asks Hahli.
“I’m Kai the Sailor! As everyone knows, sailors make the best rope!”
“And string, too,” Kai replies. “Good rope is hard to find! If you’ve got any flax, I can make us some. Strong and light, no sailor should slip port without it!”
“Goodbye,” Hahli says.
“Come and see me again if you make some flax!” Kai says.[note 2]
Hahli leaves the hut and wanders over to the Ga-Koro gate, interested in what Kai mentioned about Macku and Kai locking it. As she is walking up to it, she happens to run into another Ga-Matoran who’s studying it closely. On the gate is a sign that says, ‘Access to mainland temporarily closed’ and beneath it, the words: “(Awaiting Turaga Nokama’s return)”
“Hm… the gate’s secure… got to check on that causeway,” the Matoran murmurs. “Maybe I should make some more poles…”[note 3]
“Who are you?” Hahli asks.
The Ga-Matoran turns and eyes Hahli quizzically. “I’m Kotu!”
“What are you doing?”
“Making sure the gate is locked,” Kotu turns and starts back for the village, and Hahli hurries after her.
Kotu nods. “When Nokama went away she told me to keep the town gate locked. The Dark Times are over, so there’s no real danger any more… but she wants to be safe.”
“What was that about poles?”
“I do a lot of carving. If you’ve got 15 Bamboo wood, I can make one for you.”
Hahli appreciates the offer, but she isn’t sure what she would need poles for. She bids Kotu farewell.
Hahli quickly returns to the north area of the square, and enters the hut to the northeast. She finds another Ga-Matoran there, as well as a third scrap of a document, this one titled “The History of Kolhii Part 2”. Continuing the narrative from the first document she found, it reads:
The Po-Matoran took exception to the remark and blamed the miners for poor quality stone. The disagreement escalated until rocks, shovels, and hammers started flying between the two camps, forcing the Turaga to step in and put a stop to the conflict.
“Hi Hahli! Are you here to help?” the other Matoran asks.
“Help?” Hahli inquires.
“Kotu and I are in charge until Nokama gets back. We have a lot of important errands to do!” the other replies.
Hahli figures this must be the Matoran Amaya told her about earlier. “Nokama?” she asks.
“She’s been away at the Kini-Nui, meeting with Turaga from all the other villages,” Macku replies. “I think they’re talking about a Kolhii tournament! It’s very exciting!”
“Kini-Nui?” Hahli asks.
“The great temple in the center of the island, past the Gate of Ice,” Macku replies. “I was there once, a long time ago, with Takua.”
“Takua?” Hahli asks, remembering that Amaya mentioned him before.
“Takua the Chronicler!” Macku says. “Er, it’s a long story.”
“Important errands?” Hahli says.
“Kotu and I are in charge of everything while she’s gone, and it’s a lot of work!” Macku says, referring to Nokama.
“Can I help?” Hahli asks.
“Well, if there’s going to be a tournament, I’ll need a new Kolhii stick!” Macku says. “I’ve been trying to make one, but I could really use some help. If you have one, I’ll give you a lot of widgets for it!”
“When is she coming back?” Hahli asks, referring again to Nokama.
“Oh, it will probably be a full moon before she’s back again,” Macku says. “The Kini-Nui is very far away!”
“Goodbye,” Hahli says.
“See you later!” Macku replies.[note 4]
Hahli enters the hut opposite Macku’s. Inside, she finds another Ga-Matoran in a room full of maps, such as a giant one of Mata Nui dominating the far wall, as well as yet another document scrap titled “The History of Kolhii Part 5”. It reads:
Kolhii has become a staple of Matoran life, and a great occasion for celebration. Many believe it to be a fitting representation of the Three Virtues of Unity, Duty, and Destiny. It is particularly important to the Po-Matoran that have become undisputed champions season after season. Pohatu, the Toa of Po-Koro, is the Patron Toa of Kolhii.
“Hm… Latitude 15, Longitude… hmm…” the Matoran mumbles. “Eh?” she asks, noticing Hahli.
“Who are you?” Hahli asks.
“I’m Nireta, the Navigator,” she replies. “I make maps and charts.”
“Navigator?” Hahli asks.
“The Wall of Stars is my guide at sea. That is, if I have a chart!” Nireta says.
“Wall of Stars?” says Hahli.
“In Ta-Koro stands the Wall of History. In Ko-Koro, the Wall of Prophecy. In Ga-Koro, our Wall is above us… the Great Blanket of Stars that stretches over Mata Nui, floating in the endless sea.”
“Chart?” Hahli asks.
“I make maps and charts!” Nireta says. “If you’ve ever been sailing, I’m sure you’d find them handy. We know very little of what lies beyond the shores of Mata Nui…”
“I’d like a map of Ga-Koro,” Hahli says.
“Well, I’ve only got a few…” Nireta says. “I’ll part with one for, say, 5 widgets.”
“I’ll take it,” Hahli says.[note 5]

“Here you go!” Nireta says, handing Hahli the map. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a lot of work to do…”
“Goodbye,” Hahli says.
“Goodbye,” Nireta replies.[note 6]
When she is back outside, Hahli takes a look at the map. It not only shows how to get around the Koro, but also who live where, something Hahli finds especially useful. On the far end of the map is a hut marked, “Turaga Nokama”, and she decides to head over, taking the northern pathway. Just outside the hut, she spots one of the many document scraps she has seen around the village. This one is titled “The History of Kolhii Part 3”. It reads:
To resolve it, they devised a competition, according to 10 simple rules. The 11th rule, or so-called “new rule,” was established when some fields began to suffer pitch invasions by dangerous Rahi. The rule was further expanded with the Onu-Koro addendum after an incident involving the local Ussalry during a mounted crab match.
Turaga Nokama is not home, unfortunately. Hahli studies the map briefly and then decides to go to Kailani the Crafter. Using the map, she locates Kailani’s hut and enters.
“Hi, Hahli. How are things?” a Ga-Matoran in the middle of the room says.
“Who are you?” Hahli asks. Although this is probably Kailani, she wants to make sure.
“I’m Kailani, the Craftswoman,” the other Ga-Matoran says. “I can make all kinds of tools for you, if you bring me the materials.”
“What tools?”
“Fishhooks, Sickles, Hatchets, Kolhii Sticks…”
“They’re good for a lot of things…” Kailani says. “Including fishing, of course. To make one, all I need is a Cowrie Shell.”
“You can use Sickles to cut Harakeke and other plants,” Kailani replies. “To make one I need 20 Bamboo Wood and 5 Cowrie Shells.”
“Hatchets are good for cutting wood!” Kailani says. “To make one I need 10 Bamboo and 10 Cowrie Shells.”
“Kolhii Sticks?” Hahli asks, remembering that this is what Macku asked for.
“For playing Kolhii, of course!” Kailani says. “To make one, I need a Bamboo Pole, a Net, and a Fishhook.”
“Can you make something for me?” Hahli asks.
“Sure!” replies Kailani. “I need one Cowrie Shell per Fishhook, 20 Bamboo Wood and 5 Cowrie Shells for a Sickle, and 10 Bamboo Wood and 10 Cowrie Shells for a Hatchet. For a Kolhii Stick I need a Bamboo Pole, a Net, and 2 Fishhooks.”
Hahli checks her bag and sees that all she has enough supplies for are Fishhooks. She decides to save for a Hatchet, since she needs Bamboo for a Kolhii Stick.
“Goodbye,” Hahli says as she leaves the hut.
“Goodbye,” says Kailani.[note 7]
Hahli heads to the path west of Nireta’s hut, past an empty hut and a sign that reads ‘Ga-Koro Shipyard’. As she heads through the shipyards, and encounters a Ga-Matoran working on a boat.
“Watch your step!” she barks. “This is a shipyard, not a playground! Have you got any supplies?”
“Who are you?” asks Hahli.
“I’m Marka, the Shipwright! If you need a boat, I’m your girl! But don’t ask me about it now. I’m trying to get ahold of some supplies.”
Her stern tone leaves no room for negotiation, so Hahli says, “Goodbye.”
Marka says something, but she’s already back to work. “*Grunt*”[note 8]
Beside her, Hahli happens to see a sign that reads, ‘Ga-Koro Ferrylines’. Underneath it, are two more signs reading, ‘Ferry to Po-Wahi – Closed’ and “Ferry to Ta-Wahi – Closed”. Fortunately, she does not think she will need those, at least not yet.
Hahli continues to the end of the dock. There, all she finds is a pile of Bamboo, and picks it up, planning to use it for a Hatchet. She then goes back to the East Garden and collects enough Cowrie Shells for a Hatchet. Once she emerges, she makes her way back to Kailani.[note 9]
“I’d like a Hatchet,” Hahli asks.
“No problem!” says Kailani, handing Hahli the newly crafted Hatchet. “There you are, a Bamboo Hatchet. Careful with that, it’s sharp!”
“Goodbye,” Hahli says gratefully.
“Goodbye,” Kailani says.
Kotu’s Assignment
Hahli goes across to the hut opposite Kailani’s. On the map, this hut is marked as belonging to Kotu, Nokama’s attendant whom she has just spoken to near the gate. Hahli enters to find the Ga-Matoran in the middle of the room. Beside her is a collection of documents that Hahli can flip through. Each page has a different rule, and they read as follows:
- Kolhii Rule Number 1
Teams number more than one but no more than six. - Kolhii Rule Number 2
Teams may include any number of players greater than one, but no team will have more players than any other team. - Kolhii Rule Number 3
All teams agree to the number of goals needed for victory. - Kolhii Rule Number 4
The first team to reach the number of goals agreed is the winner. - Kolhii Rule Number 5
All goals are good goals provided they are not own goals, as own goals are not goals. - Kolhii Rule Number 6
Each team is allowed one defender who may carry a shield, but no other player may use that shield (Other than in cases of 11th rule). - Kolhii Rule Number 7
All players may carry one Kolhii staff, and one only! - Kolhii Rule Number 8
Any number of Kolhii balls may be played, but bulls in play must number less than either the number of teams, or the number of players per team, whichever is the smaller number. - Kolhii Rule Number 9
Any player who strikes another player did not play well. Shield and staff strikes are excluded from this rule as these indicate the players are playing well. - Kolhii Rule Number 10
Any player who does not play well brings dishonor to their village. - Kolhii Rule Number 11
Any pitch invasion by Rahi, or other beasts, postpones the completion of the game until the problem is dealt with.[note 10]
“Hello, Hahli. Are you busy?” Kotu asks, looking up.
“No,” Hahli replies.[note 11]
“Good! I need your help,” she says. “Nokama’s been at a conference with the other Turaga and I think they are deciding on a great Kolhii tournament!”
“Kolhii tournament?” Hahli asks.
“Yes!” Kotu says excitedly. “When she comes back I’m sure she’s going to pick me to play in it. If that happens someone is going to have to take over my work!”
“Work?” Hahli asks.
“As Nokama’s attendant I help her take care of the town,” Kotu says. “Which means I have to help everyone do their job!”
“Job?” Hahli asks.
“Yes! Amaya makes flax, Shasa does the weaving, Marka builds ships…” Kotu says. “I usually help gather supplies, and take care of the tame Rahi. If I’m training for Kolhii all the time, I’ll need you to do that for me!”
“What should I do now?” Hahli asks.
“Well, you won’t officially start until Nokama comes back and tells everyone that I’m Ga-Koro’s champion forward,” Kotu says confidently. “But until then, you can practice getting supplies and bringing them to people around town.”
“Goodbye,” Hahli says, going out the door.
“Goodbye!” says Kotu.
Hahli then starts exploring Ga-Koro in search of Bamboo Wood. Once she has gathered enough for a sickle, she returns to the East Garden for more Cowrie Shells. Eventually, she gathers enough supplies for a sickle, and returns to Kailani.
“I’d like a Sickle,” says Hahli.
“One Sickle, coming up!” says Kailani. Moments later she hands the tool over to Hahli and says “Here you go! One Bamboo Sickle.”
“Goodbye,” Hahli says.
“Goodbye,” Kailani replies.

Hahli then leaves and gathers up as much Harakeke as she can with her new sickle. Eventually, she has 300 Harakeke plants, enough for 50 Flax. She returns to the East Garden, and gathers up 52 Cowrie Shells. Now that she has enough supplies for 50 Flax, she returns to Amaya.
“Hi again, Hahli,” Amaya says. “If you’re not busy, I could sure use some help making more Flax. We should bring as much as we can to Kai, so she can make Rope.”
“Can I help you make Flax?” Hahli asks.
“Sure!” says Amaya. “If you give me Harakeke plants and Cowrie Shells, I will give you Flax.”
Hahli then gives Amaya some Harakeke and Cowrie Shells, and they get to work, making enough flax for 10 balls of String.[note 12] Once they are done, Hahli goes to Kai’s hut.
“Ahoy, matey!” Kai says cheerfully. “Hope you’ve brought some Flax. I could sure use some help making Rope!”
“Can I help with anything?” Hahli asks.
“Sure!” Kai says. “If you give me Flax, I can make us some String. With String, I can make Rope. Which will it be?”
“I’d like some String,” Hahli says.
“Okay. I need 5 Flax for each String,” Kai replies.
Hahli trades 50 Flax for 10 Strings—just enough for a Net from Shasa.[note 13]
“Here you go!” says Kai.
“Goodbye,” Hahli says as she leaves.
“See you!”
Hahli walks down the causeway to the hut marked on the map as belonging to Shasa, the Weaver.
“Isn’t it wonderful how everyone here works together?” asks a Ga-Matoran by a loom, whom she supposes to be Shasa.
“Works together?” Hahli asks.
“As I sit and do my weaving,” the Matoran explains, “I can feel the Great Spirit smiling in his sleep.”
“Smiling?” Hahli asks.
“Unity makes Mata Nui smile,” the Matoran continues. “Like the unity in this cloth I weave… and the unity of the Ga-Matoran. From Unity comes Purity!”
“Who are you?” Hahli asks, just to make sure this is Shasa.
“I’m Shasa, the Weaver,” she says.
“What do you work on?” Hahli asks.
“I weave Nets, Sailcloth, and Rigging,” Shasa says. “I could use help making them! I need 10 String for a Net, and 20 Seaweed for a Sailcloth. For Rigging I need 10 Rope, 20 Bamboo Wood, and 5 Nets.”
“I’d like a Net,” Hahli asks, remembering that it is one of the materials needed for Macku’s Kolhii Stick.
“No problem!” Shasa says, getting right to work. In a short while, she is finished, and hands the Net to Hahli. “Here you go.”
“Goodbye,” Hahli says, accepting the Net.
“Gali’s Wisdom go with you,” says Shasa.[note 14]
The Kolhii Stick
Hahli hurries back to Kotu, for the Kolhii Stick’s Bamboo Pole.
“Will you trade with me?” Hahli asks Kotu when she enters.
“I can carve you a pole, if you want,” Kotu replies. “All I need is 15 Bamboo Wood.”
“Here’s 15 Bamboo wood for a Bamboo pole,” Hahli says, handing Kotu the Bamboo.
“No problem…” says Kotu as she starts to carve. When she is done, she hands the pole over to Hahli. “Here you go, one Bamboo pole.”
Hahli takes it gratefully and then leaves for Kailani’s hut, which she hopes will be her last stop before delivering the Kolhii Stick. When she arrives, she tells Kailani, “I’d like a Fishhook.”
“Sure thing,” Kailani says. “Here it is. I hope it brings you luck!”
But Hahli’s next request surprises her. “I’d like a Kolhii Stick.”
“Really?” Kailani asks Hahli. “Whatever for?”
“To play Kolhii,” Hahli teases, winking. Technically it’s true. It’s just that she isn’t the one who’s playing Kolhii.
“If you say so…” Kailani says as she gets to work. As she works, her eyes lights up. “Oh, I see. It’s a present for Macku or Kotu! Very well. One moment…”
Kailani finally finishes and hands over the Stick to Hahli. “Here you go!”
Hahli takes it and says goodbye, making her way to Macku’s home.
“I have a Kolhii Stick for you,” Hahli says as she enters.
“Great job, Hahli!” Macku says with delight. “Making this had to be a lot of work. This is going to come in handy when Kotu and I have to train for Kolhii! Here, take these widgets! You’ll find them useful when Nokama opens the town back up.”[note 15]
Hahli leaves the Kolhii Stick with Macku and exits. She now decides to focus on gathering supplies for the Ga-Matoran, preparing for her assumption of Kotu’s responsibilities, and also to continue helping Amaya make and deliver Flax.
However, as she does so, a bell starts ringing from the square. As Hahli looks for the source of the bell, she encounters Amaya,[note 16] Kai,[note 17] Macku,[note 18] Kailani,[note 19] Kotu,[note 20] Shasa,[note 21] and Marka[note 22] who explain that the noise heralds the return of the Turaga. She follows the other Ga-Matoran to the center of the Koro, where Nokama has finally arrived.
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