Quest for the Toa Walkthrough/Chapter 3

Realm of Stone

The village of Po-Koro was located in the desert of the far north of the island of Mata Nui. Despite the fact Po-Wahi technically neighbored Ga-Wahi, Takua’s trip still turned out to be much longer and harder than anticipated. Deserts, it turned out, were much bigger in person.
Takua hasn’t been in the region long when he passes someone on the road, who seems to be looking for good boulders to work with. The two exchange courteous nods, and the traveler continues along, descending into a valley. There he finds something he hadn’t expected to come across, not least in such a vast desert as this: a staff recognizable as the Drill of Whenua.
He turns the tool over his his hands. How such a tool could have ended up here is beyond him. His first inclination is that someone from Po-Koro has stolen it and brought it here, but he rejects the idea - surely there is no way a Matoran would commit something so outrageous… right? Nevertheless, he keeps it for the next time he encounters the elder.
He wonders if the Po-Matoran he passed on the road might have some idea, but when he returns to the Po-Matoran, he seems clueless. Still, he offers some helpful advice. He says, “You can use the drill to dig under some enemies and knock them over or to dig under walls like this one. Giant scorpions can be distracted with a boulder.” He gestures to a large pile of boulders beside him.
Takua thanks him for the tip and hurries on.
Like Ga-Wahi, the path is swarming with Rahi. On top of the Electric Spiders and Fikou he has faced previously, he is also assailed by aggressive scorpions and birds. As he fends them off, he reflects on the Po-Matoran he met on the Papa Nihu Reef, wondering if he and other Po-Matoran became so good at throwing things because of all the Rahi they encounter in the desert.
When he nears the outskirts, he comes upon two Po-Matoran outside the village limits. One is stuck under a pile of stones, leaving his Kanohi, hands, and feet the only things left visible. Spotting Takua cresting the path, the free Matoran starts waving his hands and pointing, calling, “Help! My friend is trapped under these rocks!”
Takua rushes over and begins helping to remove the stones, too heavy for one Matoran, even with the enhanced strength of a Po-Matoran. The Matoran adds, “We were practicing Koli when a wild kick smashed those boulders over there… Will you help us?”
As Takua pushes the last of the boulders off, the liberated Matoran picks himself up and dusts himself up. “Thank you for saving Podu!” his friend says, turning to Takua. “I couldn’t have done it without you!” He shoots a glare at Podu who grins sheepishly and nods.
“Unnh, thanks. You can take this Amana Volo. I’m not using it.”
His friend punches him in the shoulder playfully, only for the latter to push him away. “I’m sore all over.”
Takua takes the gift, and when he explains he is traveling to Po-Koro, the Matoran helpfully point him in the right direction. Making his way north along a winding canyon, he soon finds the Path of Prophecies.
Takua is stopped on the threshold of the village by a pair of guards.
“Stop!” the first one barks. “Who are you!”
“What do you want!” barks the second.
“Why are you here!” demands the first.
“How do we know you aren’t an ally of Makuta?” demands the second.
“What’s the password?” shouts the first.
“There isn’t a password!” asserts the second.
“That’s right. Ok, you can pass,” shrugs the first.
“I already live here!” the second says, turning to him.
Takua takes the opportunity to pass before the confused guards change their mind.
As he passes the vendors and village square, he inquires the whereabouts of the Turaga, Onewa. In response, several Po-Matoran try to offer tips, though the conversation rapidly goes off-track.
“Onewa often meets with Whenua -- I think they’re good friends.”
“Did you know that Turaga Onewa is known as The Referee?”
“If you win all the village games, you get the Copper Mask!”
“Huki is an incredible athlete. He is skilled in both disc throwing and Koli playing!”[note 1]
“Huki likes to crush boulders with his feet and his head. Ouch!”
On hearing the mention of sports, one particularly athletic Matoran wanders over, spinning a rock as he comes. “I am the village Koli champion!” he grins at Takua. “Let’s play! Kick as many rocks into your opponents’ goals as possible, while defending your own. The player who makes the most goals wins!”[note 2]
Before he can say anything, cheers erupt and the crowd surges forward to the field. Before he knows it, Takua has been outfitted with Koli gear and situated on the field where the athlete and two others are taking positions.
The first round, Takua holds his own better than he expects, although he takes third place. The athlete immediately meets him after the game, saying, “I love Koli Football. Let’s play another match!”
The second round sees each team play with pairs. The skilled athlete pairs with Takua, and together they manage to squeeze out a first-place win. Takua isn’t the best at the sport, but finds that he still enjoys himself, perhaps the most out of any village game he has ever played. By the end of the night, he is exhausted, almost as equally from Koli as from his exploits in helping the villages and fighting Rahi. The stone bed isn’t what he prefers, but as fatigued as he is, it barely makes a difference.
Finding Onewa
Takua awakes the next morning with a start. In the excitement the previous night, he almost completely forgot the reason he’d come.
He wastes no time collecting his equipment and pursuing the directions he’d failed to get the previous day. Wandering around town, he learns no new information on Onewa’s whereabouts, but at the Vuata Maca Tree, he finds a familiar dire situation.
“Someone has damaged the Vuata Maca Tree for our village,” the Treekeeper explains in a panic, “and we need two Vuata Maca crystals to heal the tree. Please find the Vuata Maca crystals and return them to me.”
Around the outskirts of town, Takua discovers a few paths into the canyons from the village. The athlete and another villager stand near the northwest passage, and Takua knows that if he goes over to them they’ll be eager to play another round. Much as he loved Koli, he can’t afford the temptation. At any rate, the athlete is looking a little ill this morning. Perhaps he is coming down with something.
That leaves a western and a southern passage. Takua starts down the southern path, but he doesn’t get far before a large canyon cave-in blocks the rest of the way. With no ability to move the boulders, he heads back into town and heads along the western path instead.

He is instantly glad he did. Not far up the second path he finds his first clue as to Onewa’s whereabouts. Thrown to the side of the path, either deliberately or accidentally, is Turaga Onewa’s Stone Hammer. Takua tries out the Hammer and brings it down hard on some large boulders nearby. To his pleasant surprise, the Hammer breaks the large, bulky rocks into small, wieldy stones. Knowing they’ll likely come in handy later, he bags them.
The region of Po-Wahi is lined by fissures and gaping chasms. More than once he finds himself jumping from one narrow ledge to another, all while fending off the relentless assaults of the Rahi. The Volo Lutu Launcher is also so handy that he cannot imagine how Matoran navigate the land without it.
As he travels northward, he comes to a chasm so long and deep that there was a long bridge constructed. Crossing it and smashing open the boulders that block his way, he discovers the first Vuata Maca crystal. Crossing another chasm with his Vuata Maca Launcher, he arrives at a large archway.

As he passes into a large canyon, he is surprised to see the second Vuata Maca crystal lying not far from the path. Moreover, a Po-Matoran stands there, next to a collapsed pile of rocks. Takua’s bright blue and red armor must show clearly against the tan realm, for the Matoran seems to notice him immediately. He looks at Takua and the Stone Hammer he carries helplessly.
“Help!” he cries. “My Moa Bird is trapped behind those two boulders and neither of them will move!”
Takua scrambles over. Raising the heavy Hammer, he brings it down hard, splitting open the rocks and allowing the trapped bird to escape.
The Po-Matoran beams. Tossing Takua an Amana Volo Sphere, he says, “Thanks for helping me get my Moa Bird out.”
Takua is about to ask the Matoran for directions or clues when he spies a giant pillar with a Kanohi Miru engraved on it in the rock wall. It’s a private enclosure, he realizes. But whose?
There is no doorknob, nor any platform he can roll boulders on. But as he searches along the ground, he discovers two small dirt mounds. Activating his drill, he burrows into the earth beneath them, bumping into two hidden mechanisms. When Takua triggers them both, the pillar descended into the earth, presenting a narrow path in a hidden bowl-like rocky encroachment. A narrow path along its side led directly to… Turaga Onewa, imprisoned and surrounded by dozens of bug Rahi that burrowed in and out of the ground.

It could be worse, Takua realizes. This journey has already seen him ward off dozens of such bugs without much thought. Charging in, he throws rocks and Madu at the Rahi when they surface. They screech in irritation at the newcomer in their midst and charge at him.
The Turaga shouts a warning, and Takua turned just in time to see one surfacing behind him and throws a fruit at it. The projectile hits the bug so hard the creature is thrown into the canyon wall where it falls motionless. The Matoran turns back to the other Rahi, which flee in fear.
That solves one issue, but a bigger one remains. The cage is not suspended as Whenua’s had been, but it is surrounded by five pillars like the ones he’d just seen earlier.
Looking around, he notices more dirt mounds like the ones he’d seen in front of the original pillar. Activating his drill, he burrows into the earth and triggers the mechanisms beneath the five mounds, causing each column to lower in succession. As the last pillar falls, the cage doors fall open.
Onewa climbs out and starts walking to the path Takua had been following, adding over his shoulder, “It was so hot in that cage! Let’s go back to the village, it’s much cooler there.”
In the Village
By the time they approached the village, Onewa had his arm slung around Takua’s shoulder.
“You’re the best, Takua!” he was saying, giving the Matoran an Amana Volo Sphere. “The desert just won’t be the same when you’re gone.”
Though he’ll miss Po-Koro and Koli, Takua knows he won’t miss the hazards of the desert. Still, his work is far from over. The Toa Pohatu Stone, he’s been told, is missing. Fortunately, he has already found both Vuata Maca crystals.
He has one of the crystals in hand as he arrives at the Treekeeper.
“Excellent work!” the Treekeeper says. Somewhat unsurprisingly, he adds, “You’ve recovered the first half of the Vuata Maca Tree crystal. There is still one more you must find.”
That’s when Takua produces the second, looking forward to the Treekeeper’s reaction. The latter does not disappoint, dancing for joy. “Long live Pohatu! You’ve recovered both of the Vuata Maca Tree crystals that we need to survive!”
The Treekeeper wastes no time in restoring the crystals to their position. The Vuata Maca Tree absorbs the energies of the crystals and is at once revitalized.
As he heads back through the village, Takua picks up on a few more snippets of conversation that surprise him.
“I can’t take dry heat! I’d much rather live in a more humid climate…”
“I’m tired of all the dust and boulders here. Why couldn’t I live in Ga-Koro?”
“All this sand and dust is making my mask itchy!”
Although he dislikes the desert as well, he found it was more the terrain and the wildlife that he disliked. Still, he can understand why the climate could be off-putting.
Along the way, he also hears some remarks that he can agree with.
“The Vuata Maca Fruit on every level will help you recharge your energy.”
“I wish I had elemental powers at my command like the Toa!”
Takua wishes he could have elemental powers as well, though he as he thinks about it, he realizes he can’t choose which of the six elements he would prefer. Presumably he should naturally prefer Fire given it was the element he hailed from, but he can see the appeal of the other five too. No, he decides, if he were endowed with elemental powers, he would want it to be something altogether unheard of.
The Toa Pohatu Stone

With Onewa’s Hammer in hand, he can now proceed along the southern path. Wielding the powerful tool, he makes short work of the rubble that blocked his entry before. As he is collecting throwable stones out of the remnants, he spots something that almost makes him drop them. Bagging the stones, he hurries up the path slightly where he spies a Matoran bamboo disc.
The disc is buried in dirt and apparently forgotten. But as he pulls it out and dusts it off, he tests the balance. He throws it, and per its design, it flies out and returns to his hand. It’s as good as new.
The bamboo disc is an incredible find, and Takua wields it expertly, bouncing it off of multiple Rahi at a time and defeating them skillfully. The Madu fruits are old news. This is what he needs.
Along this path, he is pleased to find far less chasms, but it winds around in a long spiral. Takua is so distracted by the easy path and the scenery that when the trail bottoms out he finds himself face to face with something that sends chills up his spine.
Already among the most fearsome Rahi, Kofo-Jaga are diminutive fire-scorpions that in tandem can fell beasts or Matoran many times their size, their bites and stings of the scorpion searing like the heat they commonly basked in. Kofo-Jaga are normally swarm creatures, but here Takua is faced with only one. That alone would be a relief if not for one simple fact: the scorpion has been enlarged to ten or twenty times its natural size. The Kofo-Jaga is about as large as the Matoran was, and while it would be far more deadly, its movements appear awkward and ungainly, as if it is still unused to its unnatural growth.
Dimly, Takua seems to recall hearing about such an enlarged Kofo-Jaga. At the time, the scorpion had been described fearfully: The King Scorpion.
Now, the Rahi notices Takua and charged. The six-legged creature snaps its pincers and screeches in aggression. Reflexively, Takua opens by throwing rocks, Madu, and his disc at it, but none seem to have an effect on the Rahi, although they’re enough to ward off smaller scorpions that are attacking as well. He tries the Firestaff and Hammer next, but still no effect. That leaves the Drill.
But that’s not a weapon, Takua thinks, jumping behind a large stone column as he evades another strike from the creature’s stinger tail. He scrambles away as the blow smashes the column to fragments.
But maybe it still can be…
Remembering what the Po-Matoran had told him when he first discovered the Drill, Takua backs up against a wall of the valley, readying the tool. The Kofo-Jaga advances slowly, then lashes out with its stinger. Takua burrows out of the way and underground, causing the stinger to hit the rock wall with full force, damaging its tip. The creature rears back in pain.
Every little bit counts, Takua knows. As he waits underground, he hears the footsteps of its insectoid legs. He positions himself under the center of its body and springs up from under the rock and sand. The force of his exit combined with the creature’s already lowered guard is enough to flip the creature onto its back, leaving its legs waving in the air. With the scorpion lying in too much pain to right itself, Takua knows he’s earned himself some time.
He looks around, trying to find the stone. He turns back to where the Kofo-Jaga lies. Already, it is starting to right itself. That’s when he spots something tucked in the armor of the scorpion.
Fearfully, he approaches the scorpion, careful to avoid its swinging legs and tail. Pulling the object out of its armor, he reveals the Toa Pohatu Stone. It glows with a soft bronze color.
Smiling, Takua quickly leaves the area to return to the village of stone.
Twilight brings Takua back to Onewa’s village, where he hands over the Toa Stone. Onewa smiles warmly.
“Thank you for getting our Toa Stone back! You are now free to go to the next village.”
The northwest passage is now open for him. He takes it, unsure of where it will lead next.
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