Meta:Cut Content

From BIONICLEsector01

During the first run of the BIONICLE saga several pieces of content were cut or repurposed.

Generation 1

2001 and Before

  • The Toa Mata were initially named Axe, Blade, Flame, Kick, Hook and Claw.
  • Six promotional sets--1394, 1395, 1396, 1397, 1398, and 1399--were at one point planned to be released,[1] but were scrapped. The set numbers have not been reused since. While no source directly attributes these to the BIONICLE line, they follow in sequence after the McDonald's "Tohunga" sets. As indicated by the 2000's Story Bible, these may have been planned to depict Kapura, Kotu, Tamaru, Kopeke, Hafu, and Taipu.[2]
  • 8532 Onua was originally supposed to have a glow in the dark eyestalk, as seen in prototypes and the instructions for Toa Kaita Akamai.[3][4][1] At some point, this was exchanged for a transparent green eyestalk, making Onua the only Toa Mata set with an eyestalk that does not glow (the other five having fluorescent colors).
  • 8530 BIONICLE Masks was originally intended to include a different selection of 42 masks, rather than the 73 of the final product. Due to miscommunication, the first wave, released in February of 2001, were erroneously produce with masks according to the original plan, though this was fixed by the following month.[5][6][7]
  • The game PC, BIONICLE: The Legend of Mata Nui was originally planned to be released during the fall of 2001, but was eventually cancelled. Since then two builds of the game have surfaced: Version 0.006 (dated July 21) and a later build dated October 23. As a result of the cancellation, other media such as the Mata Nui Online Game had to move to fill in the story.
    • The Shadow Toa were originally going to appear in The Legend of Mata Nui.[8] After the game was cancelled, the Shadow Toa were referenced in The Bohrok Awake and made their first appearance in Tale of the Toa.
    • The rusted Kanohi Vahi was originally planned to be released alongside the game, but with the game's cancellation, the mask was instead released through promotions during 2002.
  • Chapter 5 of the Mata Nui Online Game was originally intended to introduce Onua, featuring a sequence fighting Wolf Rats (seen in the The Legend of Mata Nui), which were later changed to Kofo-Jaga. Ultimately, the sequence was cut in its entirely.[9]
  • Nui-Kopen, Kahu, Kofo-Jaga, Sand Tarakava, Tarakava Nui, Kane-Ra, and Kuma-Nui were planned to appear as enemies in the Kini-Nui Defense minigame during Chapter 8 of the Mata Nui Online Game.[10] Some of these Rahi are still referenced in dialogue, but they do not appear in the final game.
  • The militaries of Ko-Koro, Po-Koro, and Ga-Koro, lead by Matoro, Hewkii, and Kotu respectively, were supposed to participate in the Battle of Kini-Nui during Chapter 9 of the Mata Nui Online Game, but were ultimately cut.[11] However, Matoro and Hewkii are still present during the aftermath of the battle.


  • Following the end of the 2001 story, it was suggested that a new island would appear in the ocean, called the "3-finger Island"--in reality, one of the hands of the Mata Nui Robot. This would also have caused a quake from which the Bohrok would have emerged.[12]
  • According to a 2002 story document, the Tohrok, a lost tribe of Matoran, would have possibly shown up in the story at some point.
  • The Exo-Toa were planned to play a bigger role, though this role was never determined in detail before it was decided to diminish their role.[13]


  • The second half of the Mata Nui Online Game II: The Final Chronicle was originally intended to have a greater scope. Following budget cuts and waning support from LEGO, the implementation of the villages of Le-Koro, Ta-Koro, Po-Koro were scaled back, with for instance the villagers not having designated workstations and homes, and many sharing the same dialogue, and in the case of Le-Koro, many Matoran not being present outside of dialogue (or at all, in the case of Afa). Additionally, there would have been a whole second half to the game where the Kolhii mechanic would evolve into fighting Rahkshi in the villages, with the Crystals aiding the player in these battles. The player would have sought out the Matoran of each village and lead them to the Kini-Nui.[14]
  • BIONICLE: Mask of Light had several scenes that did not make it into the final movie, some of which were included on as a bonus feature on the DVD. These include:
    • A scene set during the Kolhii game, where Takua's mask falls off.
    • A scene of Makuta Teridax recapping his past attempts to at using Rahi and Bohrok to oppose the Toa.



  • In early concepts for the 2005 storyline, the Toa Hordika were part Visorak. However, this idea was scrapped.[15][16]
  • The winner of the Toa Building Challenge was originally supposed to be one of the Toa from Lhikan's team, who had vanished on dangerous missions.[17] However, the finalized story for the winner, Krakua ended up not being related to Lhikan's team or Metru Nui, nor was he from the past but the future.[18][19]
  • The Rock Lion, one of the winners of the Rahi Building Challenge, was picked to be included in BIONICLE: Rahi Beasts, but the builder did not submit the model for an official photo, so it was reduced to a mention in said book.[20]
  • 7216 "Gold Good Guy" was originally intended as a promotional set depicting Turaga Lhikan for release in the US.[21][22][23][24][25] As evidenced by the prototype packaging and the parts used, the set was likely intended for release during 2005 prior to being cancelled, repurposed, and released through Duracell in Europe during 2006.



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  • The BIONICLE story team idly considered transforming Ahkmou into a Toa of Shadow to play a large story role in 2008. Although this plan did not come to fruition, in the final story, Makuta Icarax did travel to Metru Nui to drain Ahkmou's light. However, when the Makuta arrived, he seized an opportunity and attacked Takanuva rather than Ahkmou.[30]
  • Originally, Mutran was going to wear the Kanohi "Artidax, the Mask of Mutation."[31][note 1] However, the idea was scrapped to avoid confusion after Greg Farshtey saw that the set wore a Shelek.[32][33] Artidax has become the name of the island where Miserix was held, and the mask power itself was assigned to Miserix.
  • In early plans for the 2008 story, the Av-Matoran could access Kanohi powers. This was one reason that the sets featured unique masks, unlike prior Matoran sets, alongside increasing the sets' value. This idea was later scrapped, and their mask powers were reworked into the abilities the Matoran are able to use when in contact with Toa or Makuta.[34][35] The masks would later be canonized as Noble versions of other masks.[36]
  • The Swamp Strider was initially known as the Helryx Swamp Strider, as indicated by its LEGO Shop descriptions[37] and its name in BIONICLE: Mistika. In the story, this name was instead used for the leader of the Order of Mata Nui, who built the Swamp Strider.


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2010 and After

  • Kelly McKiernan suggested the name "Zirahk" for Stars set 7138 Rahkshi and the Rahkshi of Heat Vision. While the name was well-received, it was ultimately decided to use generic species names for the bad guys. The name is not known to have been approved by the legal team.[38]
  • Greg Farshtey's intended destiny for Takanuva was for him to play a crucial role in a civil war between the Great Beings and Velika.[39][40] Since the BIONICLE story was discontinued, this destiny never came to pass.

Generation 2


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  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 "bionicle_elements.xlsx". Google Sheets.
  2. "Bionicle_2000_Story_Bible_-_The_Legends_of_Mata_Nui.pdf". Mask of Destiny.
  3. "This is the video that started Bionicle". YouTube.
  4. "Onua-Website.jpg". BioMedia Project.
  5. "LEGOs dirty trick: making money by not producing all masks as announced.". LUGNET.
  6. "Corrected distribution of Kanohi Masks (8530)". LUGNET.
  7. "The Misprints". BZPower News.
  8. "Official Greg Discussion", post 121. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  9. "TEMPLAR GAMES INC. — MNOLG: The Fire Scorpions". tumblr.
  10. "TEMPLAR GAMES INC. — Program 8: Flight to Kini-Nui". tumblr.
  11. "TEMPLAR GAMES INC. — Program 9: The Light of Victory, and its Shadow, Part 1". tumblr.
  12. "The 3-finger island and The big Earthquake". Faber Files.
  13. "Official Greg Discussion", post 3082. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  14. "8/10/23 – M&L Interviews PETER MACK and CATHY HAPKA". Mask of Destiny.
  15. "It Appears That The "beta" Script Of 05 Is Good". BZPower.
  16. "Official Greg Discussion", post 3227. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  17. "Your Toa Could Appear in a BIONICLE Novel!" LEGO Magazine Brickmaster Edition January/February 2005, p.14.
  18. "Toa Building Contest Winner" LEGO Magazine Brickmaster Edition May/June 2005, p.14.
  19. "Chapter 5." Time Trap. BIONICLE Adventures 10, pp. 60-67.
  20. "Official Greg Discussion", post 4136. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  21. "Official Greg Discussion", post 2446. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  22. "Official Greg Discussion", post 3105. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  23. "Official Greg Discussion", post 6430. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  24. "Official Greg Discussion", post 8194. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  25. "Re:Promo Puppets". Brickshelf Gallery.
  26. [Media:Dark Hunter Building Challenge.jpg|"Enter the BIONICLE Dark Hunter Building Challenge!"] LEGO Magazine.
  27. "BIONICLE Builder Showcase!" LEGO BrickMaster Magazine May-June 2007, p.14.
  28. "The Dark Hunter Files". LEGO BrickMaster Magazine May-June 2006, p.14.
  29. "BIONICLE Builder Showcase" LEGO BrickMaster Magazine Jan-Feb 2007, p.18.
  30. "Why were the plans to make Ahkmou into a Toa scrapped?". The TTV Message Boards.
  31. "Ki-Kicsoda - Mutran and Vican". (archived on
  32. "Official Greg Discussion", post 11959. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  33. "Official Greg Discussion", post 11963. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  34. "Official Greg Discussion", post 9996. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  35. "Official Greg Discussion", post 11704. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  36. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 7934. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  37. "Mazeka | Warriors". LEGO Shop. (archived on
  38. "Bionicle-2010? - Page 68". Eurobricks.
  39. "Chat with Greg Farshtey", post 9624177. LEGO Message Boards. (archived on
  40. "Chat with Greg Farshtey", post 14536283. LEGO Message Boards. (archived on
  41. "The FINAL MakutaFest - Exclusive BIONICLE Art Book & Ultimate Makuta Giveaway Event!". YouTube.
  42. "The Eljay Johnsen Show | Discussing LEGO Set Design with Nick Vas and Toothdominoes". YouTube.


  1. The Hungarian website was never updated to list the changed name for Mutran's mask.