List of Publications

From BIONICLEsector01

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The following is a list of print publications featuring BIONICLE from officially licensed sources. Click to sort by category. All information - including cover art, publishers, and release dates - refer to U.S. availability unless otherwise noted.

Cover Series Name/Title Author Publisher Date Notes
LEGO Mania Magazine
  • Enter the World of BIONICLE
Unknown LEGO March 1, 2001[1] Page 16; special Shop@Home offer on Set:KC301.
LEGO Mania Magazine Unknown LEGO May 1, 2001[2] Pages 8-9; special Shop@Home offer on Set:KC501
LEGO Mania Magazine Unknown LEGO July 1, 2001[3] Pages 10/11; issue also features Golden Kanohi hunt with special code.
LEGO Mania Magazine
  • Catch the Awesome Rahi Action
Unknown LEGO September 1, 2001[4] Pages 14-15; advertisement for Manas battle event at Toys 'R' Us and the Find The Power tour (p.27); special offers for TS17 and TS18 (p.30)
LEGO Mania Magazine
  • Tips - Cheat Codes

  • BIONICLE Crossword
Unknown LEGO November 1, 2001[5] Pages 17/21.
LEGO Mania Magazine Unknown LEGO January 1, 2002[6] Page 11.
LEGO Mania Magazine
  • Bohrok Kaita

  • The Bohrok Have Arrived
Unknown LEGO March 1, 2002[7] Page 19/20.
LEGO Magazine Unknown LEGO May 1, 2002[8] Page 9; special Shop@Home offer on Set:10023 (p.36)
LEGO Magazine
  • X-Games Champion Andy Mcdonald rides for BIONICLE
Unknown LEGO July 1, 2002[9] Includes an offer for Set:K8566 (p.31)
LEGO Magazine
Wild Creatures!!
Unknown LEGO September-October 2002[10][11] Page 4; video game news on BIONICLE: Matoran Adventures (p.18); German version includes additional promotion for online combiner models (p.24).
LEGO Magazine "Bigger Badder Bohrok" Unknown LEGO March-April 2003[12] Page 9; also includes an offer for Set:K8578 (p.27)
LEGO Magazine Unknown LEGO July 01, 2003[13] Page 1; also includes an offer for Set:K8588 (p.13).
LEGO Magazine Unknown LEGO September 01, 2003[14] Page 1/13; special offer for Set:K8586 (p.14). Also features a Search For The Seventh Toa Kanohi locator minigame throughout the issue.
LEGO Magazine
  • Become the Toa
Unknown LEGO November 1, 2003[15] Page 14.
LEGO Magazine Metru Nui: Enter the City - Reveal the Mystery Unknown LEGO January-February 2004[16] Pages 11/12.
LEGO Magazine Unknown LEGO March 1, 2004[17] Pages 2/3.
LEGO Magazine N/A Unknown LEGO May 1, 2004[18] Advertisement for combiners on and Lunchables comics (p.13).
LEGO Magazine Unknown LEGO July 1, 2004[19] Page 1; advertisement for BIONICLE 2: Legends of Metru Nui (p.2) and Comic-Con booth (p.17).
LEGO Magazine Unknown LEGO September 1, 2004[20] Page 10-11.
LEGO Magazine
  • Create Your Own BIONICLE Movie Scene!

Unknown LEGO November 1, 2004[21][22] Page 22/26.
LEGO Magazine
Creatures of Metru Nui Unleashed! (extended version)
Toa Building Challenge
Unknown LEGO January 01, 2005[23] Page 6-7/17-20/23.
LEGO Magazine
BIONICLE Based Creature Creations!
Inside The LEGO Lab!
BIONICLE 2005 Top 5
Unknown LEGO March 1, 2005[24][25] Page 14-15/??/??/??.
LEGO Magazine Toa Building Challenge Winner
Creatures of Metru Nui Unleashed!
Unknown LEGO May 1, 2005[26][27] Page 14/15.
LEGO Magazine
  • LEGO Lab R.A.T.S.

Inside The LEGO Lab
The Monstrous Zivon
Unknown LEGO July 1, 2005[28] Page 7/15/24-25;
LEGO Magazine
Inside the Web of Shadows
Unknown LEGO September 1, 2005[29][30] Page 1-2/6-7/15; advertisement for Rhotuka Spinner game on (p.9); advertisement for BIONICLE comics collection in Brickmaster offer (p.17).
LEGO Magazine Unknown LEGO November 1, 2005[31][32] Page 12; advertisement for BIONICLE comics collection in Brickmaster offer (p.17) and offer for Set:K8725 (p.19).
LEGO Magazine
Heroes of Voya Nui!
Unknown LEGO January 1, 2006[33] Page 7-8/9/19/24
LEGO Magazine
  • Piraka Power!

  • Search For The Matoran!

Building A Giant Piraka Is A Big Job!
Unknown LEGO March 1, 2006[34] Page 6/12-13/28-29; advertisement for BIONICLE comics collection and sets in Brickmaster offer (p.18) and offer for Set:K8761 (p.19).
LEGO Magazine
Protodax (extended ver.)
The Dark Hunter Files - Silence
Unknown LEGO May 1, 2006[35] Page 6/14; winners of the Piraka Fusion Building Challenge (p.13)
LEGO Magazine Unknown LEGO July 1, 2006[36] Page 1-2/3/4/5-6
LEGO Magazine
Caravan Crawler
Unknown LEGO September 1, 2006[37] Page 3-4/9-10/27 (special sample issue of Brickmaster sent to all magazine subscribers)
LEGO Magazine Unknown LEGO November 1, 2006[38] Page 6/8-9; advertisement for BIONICLE Heroes (p.7), winners of the Super Stronghold Building Challenge (pp.16-17)
LEGO Magazine
Pit War Tortoise
Unknown LEGO January 1, 2007[39] Page 18/32-33; advertisement for the Barraki (p.16)
LEGO Magazine
History of the BIONICLE Universe!
Prisoners of the Pit Building Challenge
Build the Zyglak!
Unknown LEGO March 1, 2007[40] Page 1-2/3/2/22-23
LEGO Magazine BIONICLE Builder Showcase - Devastator Unknown LEGO May 1, 2007[41] Page 14
LEGO Magazine
Prisoners of the Pit Building Challenge Winners!
Unknown LEGO July 1, 2007[42] Page 8/9
LEGO Magazine Unknown LEGO September 1, 2007[43] Page 12-13/14-15
LEGO Magazine Unknown LEGO November 1, 2007[44] Page 13-14; three-page poster and advertisement of the upcoming 2008 sets.
LEGO Magazine
Toa Ignika!
Rise of the Makuta!
Makuta Building Challenge!
Unknown LEGO January 1, 2008[45] Page 4-5/6/17-20/28
LEGO Magazine Unknown LEGO March 1, 2008[46] Page 12-13
LEGO Club Magazine Makuta Contest Winners
BIONICLE Building Steps! - Niazesk
Unknown LEGO May 1, 2008[47] Page 23/32-33
LEGO Club Magazine
Servant of Shadow!
Unknown LEGO July 1, 2008[48] Page 14-15/15/18; advertisement for Set:20005 available in September-October 2008 Brickmaster
LEGO Club Magazine Unknown LEGO September 1, 2008[49] Page 8/9/19; advertisement BIONICLE products including books, graphic novels, gear (p.19); advertisement for Set:20005 available in September-October 2008 Brickmaster
LEGO Club Magazine Unknown LEGO November 1, 2008[50][51][note 2] Page 4-5/24; Brickmaster edition included a pull-out poster of Mata Nui.
LEGO Club Magazine
Fero and Skirmix!
Glatorian - BIONICLE
Unknown LEGO January 1, 2009[52] Page 3/4-5/16/17-20
LEGO Club Magazine
Build a Sand Stalker!
Unknown LEGO March 1, 2009[53] Page 10; also included an insert of a cut out checklist for the 1HY2009 products.
LEGO Club Magazine Unknown LEGO May-June 2009[54] Page 3; advertisement for upcoming Brickmaster exclusive Set:20012
LEGO Club Magazine Unknown LEGO July-August 2009[55] Page 8-9
LEGO Club Magazine Unknown LEGO September-October 2009[56] Page 3/4-5; Brickmaster edition included a pull-out poster of Mata Nui.
LEGO Club Magazine Unknown LEGO November 1, 2009[57] Page 8
LEGO Club Magazine Unknown LEGO January 1, 2010[58] Page 3/21*
LEGO Club Magazine
  • Birth Of A BIONICLE Stars Video!
Unknown LEGO March 1, 2010[59] Page 10-11
LEGO Club Magazine - Red Brick
  • Battle For The Masks Of Power!
Unknown LEGO November 01, 2014[60] Page 42
LEGO Club Magazine - Red Brick Unknown LEGO January 01, 2015[61] Page 10-11; included a copy of The Journey Begins[62]
LEGO Club Magazine - Red Brick Tahu, Master of Fire, Claims His Golden Mask! Unknown LEGO March 1, 2015[63] Page 20-21
LEGO Club Magazine - Red Brick Who Can Defeat The Lord Of Skull Spiders!
Enter The World Of BIONICLE!
Unknown LEGO May 1, 2015[64] Page 12-13/32-33
LEGO Club Magazine - Red Brick Ambushed In The Forge! Unknown LEGO July 1, 2015[65] Page 18-19
LEGO Club Magazine - Red Brick Army Of The Undead! Unknown LEGO September 1, 2015[66] Page 18-19
LEGO Club Magazine - Red Brick Watch The Shadows! Unknown LEGO November 1, 2015[67] Page 12-13
LEGO Club Magazine - Red Brick Unite The Fusion Masks!
A New Quest Written Into The Walls!
Unknown LEGO January 1, 2016[68] Page 25/26-27
LEGO Club Magazine - Red Brick Shadow Ambush! Unknown LEGO March 1, 2016[69] Page 33
Chronicles BIONICLE Chronicles 1: Tale of the Toa Cathy Hapka Scholastic
Puffin Books(UK)
July 20, 2003[70] UK 2006 reprint includes a Kanoka code.
Chronicles BIONICLE Chronicles 2: Beware the Bohrok Cathy Hapka Scholastic July 20, 2003[70] UK 2006 reprint includes a Kanoka code.
Chronicles BIONICLE Chronicles 3: Makuta's Revenge Cathy Hapka Scholastic July 20, 2003[70] UK 2006 reprint includes a Kanoka code.
Guides The Official Guide to BIONICLE Greg Farshtey Scholastic
Puffin Books(UK)
July 20, 2003[70]
Chronicles[note 3] BIONICLE: Mask of Light Cathy Hapka Scholastic September 1, 2003
Activity Books BIONICLE: Collector's Sticker Book Greg Farshtey Scholastic September 1, 2003[71]
Chronicles BIONICLE Chronicles 4: Tales of the Masks Greg Farshtey Scholastic November 18, 2003[72] UK 2006 reprint includes a Kanoka code.
Adventures BIONICLE Adventures 1: Mystery of Metru Nui Greg Farshtey Scholastic January 8, 2004[73]
Adventures BIONICLE Adventures 2: Trial by Fire Greg Farshtey Scholastic March 3, 2004[74]
Adventures BIONICLE Adventures 3: The Darkness Below Greg Farshtey Scholastic April 30, 2004[75]
Guides BIONICLE: Metru Nui - City of Legends Greg Farshtey Scholastic July 28, 2004[76] Includes a Kanoka code.
Adventures BIONICLE Adventures 4: Legends of Metru Nui Greg Farshtey Scholastic August 13, 2004[77]
Adventures BIONICLE Adventures 5: Voyage of Fear Greg Farshtey Scholastic October 1, 2004 [78]
Adventures BIONICLE Adventures Sampler Greg Farshtey Scholastic 2004[79] Contains excerts of the first four Adventures books.
Adventures BIONICLE Adventures 6: Maze of Shadows Greg Farshtey Scholastic December 1, 2004 [78]
Adventures BIONICLE Adventures 7: Web of the Visorak Greg Farshtey Scholastic February 1, 2005[80]
Chronicles BIONICLE Chronicles Collection Cathy Hapka & Greg Farshtey Scholastic March 13, 2005 Contains the four Chronicles books.
Adventures BIONICLE Adventures 8: Challenge of the Hordika Greg Farshtey Scholastic April 1, 2005[78]
Guides BIONICLE: Rahi Beasts Greg Farshtey
Jeff James
Scholastic June 7, 2005[81]
Adventures BIONICLE Adventures 9: Web of Shadows Greg Farshtey Scholastic July 8, 2005[82]
Guides BIONICLE: Encyclopedia Greg Farshtey Scholastic September 12 2005[83]
Adventures BIONICLE Adventures 10: Time Trap Greg Farshtey Scholastic September 13, 2005[84]
Legends BIONICLE Legends 1: Island of Doom Greg Farshtey Scholastic January 8, 2006[85]
Adventures BIONICLE Adventures: Volume 1 Greg Farshtey Scholastic February 1, 2006[86] Contains the first three Adventures books.
Legends BIONICLE Legends 2: Dark Destiny Greg Farshtey Scholastic February 28, 2006[87]
Legends BIONICLE Legends 3: Power Play Greg Farshtey Scholastic May 31, 2006[88]
Guides BIONICLE: Dark Hunters Greg Farshtey Scholastic June 1, 2006
Legends BIONICLE Legends 4: Legacy of Evil Greg Farshtey Scholastic August 30, 2006[89]
Legends BIONICLE Legends 5: Inferno Greg Farshtey Scholastic November 3, 2006[90]
Legends BIONICLE Legends 6: City of the Lost Greg Farshtey Scholastic January 6, 2007[91]
Guides BIONICLE: World Greg Farshtey Scholastic March 2, 2007[92]
Legends BIONICLE Legends 7: Prisoners of the Pit Greg Farshtey Scholastic June 1, 2007[93]
Guides BIONICLE: Encyclopedia Updated Greg Farshtey Scholastic September 7, 2007[94]
Legends BIONICLE Legends 8: Downfall Greg Farshtey Scholastic December 9, 2007[95]
Legends BIONICLE Legends 9: Shadows in the Sky Greg Farshtey Scholastic March 1, 2008[96]
Legends BIONICLE Legends 10: Swamp of Secrets Greg Farshtey Scholastic May 24, 2008[97] Includes a Kanoka code.
Young Readers BIONICLE: Journey of Takanuva Greg Farshtey Scholastic August 4, 2008 [98]
Legends BIONICLE Legends 11: The Final Battle Greg Farshtey Scholastic November 1, 2008[99]
Young Readers BIONICLE: The Secret of Certavus Greg Farshtey Scholastic March 1, 2009
Young Readers BIONICLE: Desert of Danger Greg Farshtey Scholastic April 15, 2009
Guides BIONICLE: Makuta's Guide to the Universe Greg Farshtey AMEET
April 15, 2009[100]
Guides BIONICLE: Mata Nui's Guide to Bara Magna Greg Farshtey AMEET
April 30, 2010[101]
Super Chapter Books BIONICLE: Raid on Vulcanus Greg Farshtey Scholastic June 26, 2009[102]
Super Chapter Books BIONICLE: The Legend Reborn Greg Farshtey Scholastic November 1, 2009
Young Readers BIONICLE: Challenge of Mata Nui Greg Farshtey Scholastic November 1, 2009
Super Chapter Books BIONICLE: Journey's End (Polish) Greg Farshtey AMEET October 25, 2010
Chapter Books BIONICLE: Island of Lost Masks Ryder Windham Little, Brown August 25, 2015
Activity Books BIONICLE: Quest for the Masks of Power AMEET Scholastic November 24, 2015
Graphic Novels BIONICLE 1: Gathering of the Toa Ryder Windham Little, Brown December 29, 2015
Chapter Books BIONICLE: Revenge of the Skull Spiders Ryder Windham Little, Brown December 29, 2015
Graphic Novels BIONICLE 2: Battle of the Mask Makers Ryder Windham Little, Brown April 26, 2016
Chapter Books BIONICLE: Escape from the Underworld Ryder Windham Little, Brown June 28, 2016
BIONICLE Magazine BIONICLE #1 "The Masters go to Battle!" Summer 2016 Included set 601601 Skull Scorpion. Only released in Europe.
BIONICLE Magazine BIONICLE #2 "Hero Time!" Fall 2016 Included set 601602 Ekimu's Hawk. Only released in Europe.
BIONICLE Magazine BIONICLE #3 "Heroes United!" 2016 Included sets 601601 Skull Scorpion and 601602 Ekimu's Hawk. Only released in Europe.
AMEET Activity Books BIONICLE: Piraka AMEET 2006 Book 1. Only released in Europe.
AMEET Activity Books BIONICLE: Inika AMEET 2006 Book 2. Only released in Europe.
AMEET Activity Books BIONICLE: Barraki I AMEET 2007 Book 3. Only released in Europe.
AMEET Activity Books BIONICLE: Barraki II AMEET 2007 Book 4. Only released in Europe.
AMEET Activity Books BIONICLE: Mahri I AMEET 2007 Book 5. Only released in Europe.
AMEET Activity Books BIONICLE: Mahri II AMEET 2007 Book 6. Only released in Europe.
AMEET Activity Books BIONICLE: Phantoka Toa Nuva AMEET 2008 Book 7. Only released in Europe.
AMEET Activity Books BIONICLE: Phantoka Makuta AMEET 2008 Book 8. Only released in Europe.
AMEET Activity Books BIONICLE: Mistika Toa Nuva AMEET 2008 Book 9. Only released in Europe.
AMEET Activity Books BIONICLE: Mistika Makuta AMEET 2008 Book 10. Only released in Europe.
AMEET Activity Books BIONICLE: Glatorian I AMEET 2009 Book 11. Only released in Europe.
AMEET Activity Books BIONICLE: Glatorian II AMEET 2009 Book 12. Only released in Europe.
AMEET Activity Books BIONICLE: Glatorian III AMEET 2009 Book 13. Only released in Europe.
AMEET Activity Books BIONICLE: Glatorian IV AMEET 2009 Book 14. Only released in Europe.
AMEET Activity Books BIONICLE: Glatorian V AMEET 2009 Book 15. Only released in Europe.
AMEET Activity Books BIONICLE: Glatorian VI AMEET 2009 Book 16. Only released in Europe.
Mini-Guides BIONICLE: Piraka HarperCollins December 4, 2006[103] Book 1. Includes a Kanoka code.
Mini-Guides BIONICLE: Toa Inika HarperCollins December 4, 2006[104] Book 2. Includes a Kanoka code.
Mini-Guides BIONICLE: Matoran HarperCollins December 4, 2006[105] Book 3. Includes a Kanoka code.
Mini-Guides BIONICLE: Voya Nui HarperCollins December 4, 2006[106] Book 4. Includes a Kanoka code.
Activity Books BIONICLE Annual HarperCollins September 4, 2006[107] Includes a Kanoka code and Chronicles 1.
Activity Books BIONICLE: Guard the Secret Activity Book HarperCollins January 1, 2006[108] Includes a Kanoka code.
Activity Books BIONICLE: Island of Hope... Island of Doom Poster Book HarperCollins August 7, 2006[109] Includes a Kanoka code.
Activity Books BIONICLE: Facts and Figures Sticker Activity Book HarperCollins August 7, 2006[110] Includes a Kanoka code.
Activity Books BIONICLE Activity Booklet HarperCollins 2006 A sampler of different activities found in the other four large format original HarperCollins publications of 2006. Unlike the rest of them, the booklet does not contain a Kanoka Club Code.
Graphic Novels BIONICLE 1: Rise of the Toa Nuva Greg Farshtey Papercutz June 10, 2008[111]
Graphic Novels BIONICLE 2: Challenge of the Rahkshi Greg Farshtey Papercutz August 5, 2008
Graphic Novels BIONICLE 3: City of Legends Greg Farshtey Papercutz October 28, 2008
Graphic Novels BIONICLE 4: Trial by Fire Greg Farshtey Papercutz January 20, 2009
Graphic Novels BIONICLE 5: The Battle of Voya Nui Greg Farshtey Papercutz May 12, 2009
Graphic Novels BIONICLE 6: The Underwater City Greg Farshtey Papercutz August 4, 2009
Graphic Novels BIONICLE 7: Realm of Fear Greg Farshtey Papercutz November 24, 2009
Graphic Novels BIONICLE 8: Legends of Bara Magna Greg Farshtey Papercutz June 8, 2010
Graphic Novels BIONICLE 9: The Fall of Atero Greg Farshtey Papercutz June 8, 2010
Graphic Novels BIONICLE: Volume 1 Greg Farshtey DC Comics August 2004
Graphic Novels BIONICLE: The Saga of Takanuva! Greg Farshtey DC Comics 2003
Graphic Novels BIONICLE: Mahri Nui Greg Farshtey Only released in China.
Activity Books Mahri Nui Sticker Scene Book HarperCollins August 6, 2007
Activity Books Beat the Barraki Activity Book HarperCollins August 6, 2007
Activity Books Adventures in The Pit Coloring Activity Book HarperCollins August 6, 2007
Mini-Guides BIONICLE: Barraki[112] HarperCollins August 6, 2007
Mini-Guides BIONICLE: Toa Mahri[113] HarperCollins August 6, 2007
Mini-Guides BIONICLE: Mahri Nui[114] HarperCollins August 6, 2007
AMEET Activity Books In Search of the Mask of Life Hobby & Work Publishing January 1, 2008 Released in Italy under the title Alla ricerca della maschera della vita. A local publishing of AMEET's BIONICLE: Piraka, BIONICLE: Inika, BIONICLE: Barraki I, BIONICLE: Mahri I, combined into one. Italian language.
AMEET Activity Books BIONICLE: Voya Nui Hemma January 31, 2008[115] Released in Belgium and France. Local publishing of AMEET's BIONICLE: Piraka and BIONICLE: Inika, combined into one. French language.
AMEET Activity Books BIONICLE: Mahri Nui Hemma January 31, 2008[116] Released in Belgium and France. Local publishing of AMEET's BIONICLE: Barraki I and BIONICLE: Mahri I, combined into one. French language.
Activity Books BIONICLE: Glatorian 2009 Released for free in Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway and Belgium
Promotional Booklet BIONICLE: Island of Mata Nui 2003 Promotional booklet released in Russia under the title BIONICLE: Остров Мата-Нуи
Promotional Booklet BIONICLE: History 2008 Promotional booklet released in Hong Kong under the title BIONICLE: 故事情節, and in Russia under the title BIONICLE: История
Schoolbook BIONICLE: Schoolbook 2002 A schoolbook released in Germany in 2002, containing information on the Bohrok swarms


  1. "LEGO Mania magazine march april 2001". Miniland Online.
  2. "LEGO Mania magazine may june 2001". Miniland Online.
  3. "LEGO Mania magazine july august 2001". Miniland Online.
  4. "Lego Mania Magazine - September - October 2001". Imgur: The magic of the Internet.
  5. "mania magazine nov dec 2001". Miniland Online.
  6. "LEGO Mania magazine jan feb 2002". Miniland Online.
  7. "LEGO Mania Magazine (US) – March-April 2002 (final issue)". Internet Archive.
  8. "LEGO Magazine May/June 2002". Brickipedia.
  9. "brickshelf Gallery - Issue 2 - July August 2002". Brickshelf.
  10. "Brickshelf Gallery - Issue 3 - September October 2002". Brickshelf.
  11. "LEGO Magazin (DE) – September-Oktober 2002". Internet Archive.
  12. "Brickshelf Gallery - Issue 6 - March April 2003". Brickshelf.
  13. "Brickshelf Gallery - Issue 8 - July 2003". Brickshelf.
  14. "Brickshelf Gallery - Issue 9 - September 2003". Brickshelf.
  15. "Brickshelf Gallery - Issue 10 - November 2003". Brickshelf.
  16. "Brickshelf Gallery - Issue 11 - January 2004". Brickshelf.
  17. "Brickself Gallery - Issue 12 - March 2004". Brickshelf.
  18. "Nieuwe pagina 3". Miniland Online. (archived on
  19. "Brickshelf Gallery - Issue 14 - July August 2004". Brickshelf.
  20. "Brickshelf Gallery - Issue 15 - September October 2004". Brickshelf.
  21. "Brickshelf Gallery - Issue 16 - November December 2004". Brikshelf.
  22. "English US BrickMaster 2004". BioMedia Project.
  23. "Januray/February". BioMedia Project.
  24. "Mar-Apr 05". Imgur: The magic of the Internet.
  25. "March/April". BioMedia Project.
  26. "May-Jun 05". Imgur: The magic of the Internet.
  27. "May/June". BioMedia Project.
  28. "July/August". BioMedia Project.
  29. "Nieuwe pagina 3". Miniland Online. (archived on
  30. "September/October". BioMedia Project.
  31. "Nieuwe pagina 3". Miniland Online. (archived on
  32. "November/December". BioMedia Project.
  33. "January/February". BioMedia Project.
  34. "March/April". BioMedia Project.
  35. "May/June". BioMedia Project.
  36. "July/August". BioMedia Project.
  37. "September/October". BioMedia Project.
  38. "January/February". BioMedia Project.
  39. "January/February". BioMedia Project.
  40. "March/April". BioMedia Project.
  41. "May/June". BioMedia Project.
  42. "July/August". BioMedia Project.
  43. "September/October". BioMedia Project.
  44. "November/December". BioMedia Project.
  45. "January/February". BioMedia Project.
  46. "March/April". BioMedia Project.
  47. "May/June". BioMedia Project.
  48. "July/August". BioMedia Project.
  49. "September/October". BioMedia Project.
  50. "Nieuwe pagina 3". Miniland Online.
  51. "November/December". BioMedia Project.
  52. "January/February". BioMedia Project.
  53. "March/April". BioMedia Project.
  54. "May/June". BioMedia Project.
  55. "July/August". BioMedia Project.
  56. "September/October". BioMedia Project.
  57. "November/December". BioMedia Project.
  58. "January/February". BioMedia Project.
  59. "March/April". BioMedia Project.
  60. "LEGO_Club_Magazine_Red_Brick_Novemberpdf.pdf". BioMedia Project.
  61. "LEGO Magazine January 2015". BioMedia Project.
  62. "LEGO Club (US) – BIONICLE insert 2015". Internet Archive.
  63. "LEGO Club (US) – March-April 2015". Internet Archive.
  64. "LEGO Club (US) – May-June 2015". Internet Archive.
  65. "LEGO Club (US) – July-August 2015". Internet Archive.
  66. "LEGO Club (US) – September-October 2015". Internet Archive.
  67. "LEGO Club (US) – November-December 2015". Internet Archive.
  68. "LEGO Club (US) – Jan-Feb 2016". Internet Archive.
  69. "LEGO Club (US) – March-April 2016". Internet Archive.
  70. 70.0 70.1 70.2 70.3 20 July 2003
  71. "Bionicle Collector's Sticker Book". Amazon.
  72. 18 November 2003
  73. 8 January 2004
  74. 3 March 2003
  75. 30 April 2004
  76. 28 July 2004
  77. 13 August 2004
  78. 78.0 78.1 78.2 1 August 2004
  79. "Bionicle Adventures Sampler (Bionicle, Adventures #1)". PaperBack Swap.
  80. 3 January 2005
  81. 7 June 2005
  82. 8 July 2005
  83. 12 September 2005
  84. 13 September 2005
  85. 8. January 2006
  86. "Bionicle Chronicles Collection #1: Books 1-4". Amazon.
  87. 28 February 2006
  88. 31 May 2006
  89. 30 August 2006
  90. 3 November 2006
  91. 6 January 2007
  92. 2 March 2007
  93. 1 June 2007
  94. 7 September 2007
  95. 9 December 2007
  96. 1 March 2008
  97. 24 March 2008
  98. 4 August 2008
  99. 28 September 2008
  100. 15 April 2009
  101. 30 April 2010
  102. 26 June 2009
  103. "Piraka (BIONICLE Mini Book, Book 1): No. 1 (BIONICLE Mini Book S.)". Amazon.
  104. "BIONICLE Mini Book (2) – Toa Inika: No. 2 (Bionicle S.)". Amazon.
  105. "Matoran (BIONICLE Mini Book, Book 3): No. 3 (Bionicle S.)". Amazon.
  106. "Voya Nui (BIONICLE Mini Book, Book 4): No. 4 (Bionicle S.)". Amazon.
  107. "BIONICLE Annual (Bionicle S.)". Amazon.
  108. "Guard the Secret (Bionicle)". Amazon.
  109. "Island of Hope... Island of Doom (Bionicle)". Amazon.
  110. "Facts and Figures Sticker Activity Book (BIONICLE) (Bionicle S.)". Amazon.
  111. "Bionicle #1: Rise of the Toa Nuva (Bionicle Graphic Novels, 1)". Amazon.
  112. "BIONICLE MINI BOOK - Need To Know Mini Guide 5". HarperCollins Australia.
  113. "BIONICLE MINI BOOK - Need-To-Know Mini Guide 6". HarperCollins Australia.
  114. "BIONICLE MINI BOOK - Need-To-Know Mini Guide 7". HarperCollins Australia.
  115. "Bionicle Voya Nui". Mollat.
  116. "Bionicle Mahri Nui". Mollat.


  1. Only found in the Brickmaster edition but did not include the Brickmaster icon
  2. Standard edition mistakenly printed with "January-February 2008" on cover
  3. Not listed as part of a series, but released in the same timeframe