Gallery:Spherus Magna
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Spherus Magna in space
Spherus Magna during the Core War
The Mata Nui Robot being constructed on the surface of Spherus Magna
Mata Nui filling Spherus Magna with life
The surface of Spherus Magna restored
Tahu leading the population of Spherus Magna
Spherus Magna shattering
The Shattering
The three planetoids of Spherus Magna
Concept art of the Spherus Magna system
Mata Nui beginning the Restoration of Spherus Magna
The planets of Spherus Magna coming together
Spherus Magna being restored
The planet of Spherus Magna
Concept art of the planet system creation
Concept art of the planet system shape
Aqua Magna
A living vessel on Aqua Magna
The Aqua Magna planet after the Shattering
Aqua Magna
Aqua Magna and fragments of Spherus Magna
The Black Water
The Pit
Bara Magna
The Bara Magna desert in All Our Sins Remembered
The survivors of the Shattering on the Bara Magna
The Bara Magna planet in
The Legend Reborn -
The surface of Bara Magna in
The Legend Reborn -
A full aerial map of Bara Magna
A full labeled aerial map of Bara Magna
A Glatorian map of Bara Magna
A symbol representing Bara Magna
Bara Magna landscape in
The Legend Reborn -
Bara Magna landscape in
The Legend Reborn -
A piece of the Prototype Robot in wastelands of Bara Magna
Flags in the desert of Bara Magna
The Wastelands
The dunes of Bara Magna
A staircase in the wastelands
The Wastelands at night
An area of the Wastelands
Art of the Wastelands
The Iron Canyon
Concept art of the Wastelands
Concept art of the Kanohi Ignika's impact
A Thornatus in the Wastelands
An abandoned training center in the wastelands
Sandray Canyon
Concept art of Sandray Canyon
Concept art of Sandray Canyon
The Dunes of Treason
The prototype robot
The prototype robot
The Mega-Village
A temple from the Stars Promo Animation
Tahu wearing the Golden Armor in the temple
Art of Mata Nui's arrival on Bara Magna
Art of the prototype robot
The Wastelands in the 2009 Teaser
Atero/Arena Magna
The Arena Magna
The inside of the Arena Magna
The Arena Magna
Arena Magna
Arena Magna
Arena Magna
The area of Atero immediately outside of Arena Magna
An aerial view of the Arena Magna
The layout of the Arena Magna
Concept art of the Arena Magna
Concept art of the Arena Magna
The Arena Magna destroyed
Art of the destroyed Arena Magna
Raanu in Vulcanus
An aerial view of the region of Vulcanus
Concept art of Vulcanus
Concept art of Ackar's Vulcanus abode
An area near Vulcanus
The outskirts of Vulcanus in The Legend Reborn
The Arena Vulcanus
Concept art of Vulcanus
Vulcanus dwellings
Concept art of Arena Vulcanus
An aerial view of the region of Tajun
Concept art of the arena of Tajun
Concept art of Tajun
Concept art of Tajun
The surface of Tajun
Tajun burning
Attack on Tajun
Tajun pillaged
Tajun damaged by the attack
The destruction of Tajun
Underground Lab of the Great Beings
The Cavern of Jungle
Concept art of the Lab
The Cavern of Fire in the Secret Lab
The Cavern of Water in the Secret Lab
The Cavern of Jungle in the Secret Lab
The Cavern of Rock in the Secret Lab
The Cavern of Ice in the Secret Lab
The Cavern of Sand in the Secret Lab
A drawing of plans for the Great Spirit
Concept art of the Lab
Tarduk in Tesara
An aerial view of the region of Tesara
Gresh in the Arena Tesara
Tesara in the Glatorian Mini Movie
An area of Tesara
Concept artwork of Tesara
Concept art of Tesara
Concept art of Tesara
Concept art of Tesara
An aerial view of Tesara
The Arena Tesara
An arena match between Tarix and Vastus
The Hot Springs
Kiina and Berix ambushed in the Hot Springs
White Quartz Mountains
An aerial view of the White Quartz Mountains
Metus in Iconox
A snowy peak of the White Quartz Mountains
Concept art of Iconox
Black Spike Mountains
An aerial view of the Black Spike Mountains
A region of the Black Spike Mountains
The entrance of Roxtus
A Skrall in Roxtus
Atakus in Roxtus
Concept art of Roxtus's exterior
Concept art of Roxtus's entrance
Art of Black Spike Mountain terrain
Roxtus in The Legend Reborn
Roxtus in The Legend Reborn
Concept art of Roxtus
Vorox imprisoned in Roxtus
Northern Region
Skrall Territory
The Skrall Fortress
Baterra rush the Skrall Fortress
Baterra attacking Skrall in their fortress
The Skrall Fortress burning
A Skrall camp
Energized Protodermis Spring
Agori discovering the Spring
The Fire Tribe seizing the Spring
Valley of the Maze
A Fortress Tower
Baterra building the Maze
Mata Nui at the center of the Maze
Mata Nui and Tarduk inside the Great Volcano
The symbol for the Valley of the Maze
A variant of the Maze symbol.
Bota Magna
Bota Magna landscape
Bota Magna