Items in the Mata Nui Online Game II

In the Mata Nui Online Game II: The Final Chronicle, the Ga-Matoran Hahli collected and used several tools, supplies and artifacts during her travels of the island of Mata Nui. She carried these items everywhere she went in a small satchel. Some of these were versatile and used in several different situations, while others had very specific purposes. Objects that appear only in the Mata Nui Online Game II: The Final Chronicle will be described on this page. Others, which have appeared in several sources, such as Lightstones, will redirect to their own page.
Air Bladder
An Air Bladder was an organic pouch-like container that could be filled with a reserve of air and carried with a diver while they were Deep-Sea Diving. When the diver could no longer hold their breath, the Air Bladder restored their air supply and allowed them to not have to return to the surface. Also, Air Bladders were one-time use only. Hahli used Air Bladders while training in Speed, visiting the Lost Reef and retrieving items from the flooded Great Mine. Immediately following the defeat of the Bohrok-Kal, the merchants' access to Ga-Koro was obstructed and one of the resident Traders, Okoth, had only Air Bladders for sale for five Widgets each. In other Koro, Air Bladders were sold for ten Widgets and bought for two to three Widgets.
Throwing Disc
Throwing Discs were created by the Matoran of Mata Nui as a defense mechanism against the Rahi and for use in day to day activities. Hahli borrowed Amaya's Disk to knock the counterweight of the bridge knocked-out by the storm. Disks were also used during Hahli's Accuracy training at the Le-Koro Disk Range tended to by Tamaru. Hahli was meant to strike flying robotic contraptions with Disks to improve this skill. Disks were manufactured primarily in Le-Koro by Kumo the Crafter for five Bamboo Wood apiece, and sold by Tuuli for 0.1 Widgets each.

The Digger was an expensive tool used for drilling in mines in Onu-Koro. It could be stationed in one spot and turned to loosen the earth and rock. When the Gahlok flooded Onu-Koro, a Digger was lost in the Great Mine. When Hahli arrived in Onu-Koro, Dosne the Mining Captain would not permit her to learn Stamina from Taipu until she retrieved the Digger. Hahli found it in Cave C and returned it to Dosne, who paid her twenty Widgets for the favor and allowed her to speak with Taipu.
Flags were used by Hahli to navigate the Drifts. Two Nails, one Bamboo Pole and some Seaweed were needed by Arktinen the Icesmith in the construction of one Flag.
Ga-Koro Map

As part of her duty as Navigator, it was Nireta's job to make maps and charts, one of which was the Ga-Koro Map. This map featured the locations of Ga-Matoran dwellings, prominent features such as the kolhii pad or the East Garden, and concentrations of supplies such as Harakeke or Bamboo. This source cannot be considered canonical as it presents Ga-Koro as being inhabited by only eleven Matoran (Pelagia is mysteriously omitted) and Turaga Nokama. Hahli bought a copy of the Ga-Koro Map for five Widgets when she began exploring areas of Ga-Koro with which she was not familiar, during her training as a kolhii champion.
A Hatchet or Bamboo Hatchet was used to cut down stalks of Bamboo that grew in and around Ga-Koro and collect the Wood for use in other Items. A Hatchet was made by Kailani the Craftswoman using ten Bamboo Wood and ten Cowrie Shells. When Hahli woke from her dream, she discovered ten Bamboo Wood on the Docks that was pre-cut and used this Wood to make the Hatchet that she carried with her for the rest of her travels.
Kolhii Ball
Kolhii balls were used for playing kolhii, being small spherical objects that could be grasped by one end of the kolhii stick or struck by the other. They were sold in Po-Koro for one Widget apiece and bought in Ta-Koro for two Widgets. Hahli used them to train in Strength, knocking over columns with them under Ta-Matoran Keahi's instruction.
Kolhii Stick
Kolhii sticks were tools used in the sport of kolhii. It consisted of a hammer on one end and a claw on the other to hold the kolhii ball. One Bamboo Pole, two Fishhooks and one Net were needed by Kailani in the construction of a kolhii stick. Hahli collected the Supplies to make a kolhii stick for Macku, who paid her 100 Widgets for the favor. She later made one of her own, when she discovered that she had been chosen to represent Ga-Koro in the kolhii tournament.
Large Shell
The Large Shell was a primary mechanical component of the Water Wheel that serviced the bridge from Amaya and Hahli's huts to the rest of the village. The Large Shell was retrieved from Hahli's hut after she repaired the hole in her roof and placed it in the appropriate niche on the mechanism. Once the Water Wheel was working, Hahli needed only to knock the counterweight loose with Amaya's Disk and switch the handle to extend the bridge.

A Pickaxe is a tool used by Onu-Matoran miners to dig for Ore to be collected in bundles and for Lightstones. Akamu the Crafter made these items for ten Bamboo Wood and five Ore each. Hahli procured a Pickaxe of her own and used it in the Great Mine Caves, collecting from five to nine bundles of Ore and one to two Lightstones with each pass. In addition to Miners, Pickaxes were also used by Po-Matoran Carvers and Stonemasons such as Hafu and Kamen, respectively. Whether these Pickaxes were manufactured in Onu-Koro and shipped to Po-Koro or produced by Po-Matoran Crafters has not been revealed.
A Sickle was a tool used to cut and collect Harakeke Plants that proliferated in and around Ga-Koro. These items were created by Kailani the Craftswoman in exchange for twenty Bamboo Wood and five Cowrie Shells. It was essential that Hahli acquire a Sickle, because the fiber of the Harakeke Plants was the principal ingredient for Flax. The tool element of the Sickle was shaped like one of Toa Mata Gali's Hooks.

A Sluice is a tool used by Onu-Matoran miners to filter solid Protodermis out of the Earth and to collect it in bundles. Akamu the Crafter made these items for twenty Bamboo Wood and one Net each. The Sluice was used to harvest the lump of Protodermis in the Great Mine Cave E, collecting two to twenty-one bundles with each pass. Hahli procured a Sluice of her own from Akamu and later helped Azibo the Prospector to retrieve his Sluice, which had fallen in a crevice, with String and a Fishhook.
Bamboo Wood
Bamboo was a woody plant that proliferated in and around Ga-Koro. Bamboo Wood was usually collected through the use of a Hatchet, however Hahli came across a bushel of pre-cut Wood at the Ga-Koro Docks which was later used in the creation of her own Hatchet. Ten Bamboo Wood was needed for Kailani to create a Hatchet, and twenty Bamboo Wood to create a Sickle. Fifteen Bamboo Wood was needed for Kotu to create one Bamboo Pole. Ten Bamboo Wood was needed for Akamu to create a Pickaxe, and twenty Bamboo Wood to create a Sluice. Five Bamboo Wood was needed for Kumo to create one Bamboo Disk.
Bamboo Pole
A Bamboo Pole was crafted from fifteen Bamboo Wood by Kotu. One Bamboo Pole was needed by Kailani in the construction of a kolhii stick. One Bamboo Pole was needed by Arktinen in the construction of one Flag. Bamboo Poles were also sold and bought in Traders' shops all over the island of Mata Nui. Bamboo Poles were sold for twenty Widgets apiece in Onu-Koro, Ko-Koro, Le-Koro, Po-Koro and Ta-Koro. They were bought for two Widgets in Le-Koro, Po-Koro and Ta-Koro and for one Widget in Onu-Koro and Ko-Koro.
Cowrie Shell

A Cowrie Shell was a small, pinkish shell found in the East Garden in Ga-Koro, and around Naho Bay. One Cowrie Shell was needed for every six Harakeke Plants by Amaya in the creation of two Flax. Ten Cowrie Shells were needed by Kailani in the construction of a Hatchet, and five Cowrie Shells in the construction of a Sickle.
A Fishhook was a small sharp hook used for fishing and other purposes. One Cowrie Shell was needed by Kailani to create one Fishhook and two Fishhooks were required in the construction of a kolhii stick. There is evidence that the Fishhook was intended to be used in the construction of the Fishing Pole (which was not developed for gameplay), to fish for Ruki at Amaya's Jetty. Hahli also collected one Fishhook to give to Azibo to help him in the retrieval of his Sluice, which he had dropped in a crevice.

Flax was a substance created from Harakeke plant fibers, which were extracted by rubbing the plant with a Cowrie Shell. Two Flax were created using six Harakeke and one Cowrie Shell. Flax was made into String, which was then made into Rope. Five Flax was needed by Kai for the creation of one String. In Ga-Koro, it was Amaya's job to make Flax. As her assistant, Hahli was responsible for collecting the Harakeke Plants and Cowrie Shells.

The Harakeke Plant is a bush-like flowering plant found all over Mata Nui, but especially around Ga-Wahi. Its ability to grow in both soil and on the lilypads which made up the foundation of Ga-Koro allowed it the thrive in many environments. It was naturally-occurring in the area, but Ga-Matoran often cultivated it to make their own Harakeke gardens, as Kai did on a floating platform beside her hut. Harakeke can only be collected through the use of a Sickle due to its fairly tough stems. Harakeke plants are collected about six at a time. The fibers of the Harakeke plant were used in the creation of Flax. Six Harakeke Plants and one Cowrie Shell was needed by Amaya to make two Flax.

Lightstones continued to be used following the defeat of the Bohrok-Kal and were often an item of trade in Traders' shops across the island of Mata Nui. Hahli mined one to two Lightstones at a time with her Pickaxe in the flooded Great Mine. Lightstones were sold for two Widgets in Onu-Koro and bought for one Widget in Le-Koro, Po-Koro, Ta-Koro. Aiyetoro was having difficulty finishing his mining shift because he was lacking a Lightstone to see what he was doing. Hahli retrieved a Lightstone from Cave E, and brought it to him. In return for the favor, Aiyetoro paid her twenty-five Widgets.

Nails were small pin-shaped fasteners commonly used by Onu-Matoran. They were sold in Onu-Koro for five Widgets apiece. Two Nails, a Bamboo Pole, and some seaweed were needed by Arktinen in the construction of one Flag.

Nets were supplies made of fibers woven in a grid-like structure and used by Ga-Matoran to fish. Ten String were needed by Shasa the Weaver in the construction of one Net. Five Nets were needed in the construction of one Rigging. One Net was needed by Akamu in the construction of a Sluice. Nets were sold and bought in Traders' shops across Mata Nui. They were sold for forty Widgets in Onu-Koro and Ko-Koro and for forty-five Widgets in Le-Koro, Po-Koro and Ta-Koro. They were bought for five Widgets in Onu-Koro and Ko-Koro, and for six Widgets in Le-Koro, Po-Koro and Ta-Koro.
Ore was the main substance mined in Onu-Koro by Onu-Matoran Miners. It was mined using a Pickaxe and was collected in five to nine bundles. Five Ore was needed by Akamu in the construction of a Pickaxe. When Hahli entered the Great Mine Annex, the Marn Tunnel, she came upon five bundles of pre-mined Ore, which was later used in the creation of her own Pickaxe. Ore was sold for two Widgets per bundle in Onu-Koro and bought in Po-Koro, Ta-Koro, and Le-Koro for one widget.
Unrefined Protodermis was mined by the Onu-Matoran in Cave E, among others, of the flooded Great Mine. It was mined through the use of a Sluice and was collected in two to twenty-one bundles. Protodermis was bought and sold in Traders' shops across the island of Mata Nui. It was sold for two Widgets in Onu-Koro and bought for one Widget in Le-Koro, Po-Koro and Ta-Koro.

Rigging referred to the collection of apparatuses through which the force of the wind was transferred to Boats in order to propel it forward. Ten Rope, twenty Bamboo Wood and five Nets were needed by Shasa in the construction of one Rigging. Rigging was sold to Marka the Shipwright for thirty Widgets. It was also sold in Traders' shops across Mata Nui. It was sold for 350 Widgets in Onu-Koro and Ko-Koro and for 400 Widgets in Le-Koro, Po-Koro and Ta-Koro. It was bought for fifty-five Widgets in Onu-Koro and Ko-Koro and for sixty Widgets in Le-Koro, Po-Koro and Ta-Koro.
Rope was a strong, thick cord used in Ga-Matoran boating activities. Five String was needed by Kai the sailor in the creation of one Rope. Ten Rope was needed by Shasa the Weaver in the creation of one Rigging. Rope was sold to Marka the Shipwright for one Widget apiece. It was also sold and bought in Traders' shops across Mata Nui. Rope was sold for eight Widgets in Onu-Koro, Ko-Koro, Le-Koro, Po-Koro and Ta-Koro, and bought for two Widgets in Onu-Koro and Ko-Koro and for three Widgets in Le-Koro, Po-Koro, and Ta-Koro.
Sailcloth referred to the woven material used in Ga-Matoran boating activities. Twenty Seaweed was needed by Shasa the Weaver in the creation of one Sailcloth. Sailcloth was sold to Marka the Shipwright for one Widget apiece. It was also bought and sold in Traders' shops across the island of Mata Nui. It was sold for fifty Widgets in Onu-Koro, Ko-Koro, Le-Koro, Po-Koro and Ta-Koro and bought for two Widgets in Onu-Koro and Ko-Koro and for three Widgets in Le-Koro, Po-Koro and Ta-Koro.
Seaweed was an underwater plant found in the waters around Mata Nui, primarily harvested by Ga-Matoran from the East Garden in Ga-Koro. Twenty Seaweed was needed by Shasa the Weaver in the creation of one Sailcloth. Seaweed was also needed by Arktinen the Icesmith in the construction of Flags. Seaweed was also used to patch the hole in Hahli's roof following the storm, which enabled her to find the Large Shell.
String was a thin cord made from Flax. Five Flax was needed by Kai the sailor in the creation of one String. Ten String was needed by Shasa the Weaver in the construction of one Net. Hahli offered a String to Azibo to help him in the retrieval of his Sluice, which had fallen in a crevice.

Charms were small stone carvings that bore the Symbols of the Virtues, Principles and kolhii skills of the villages of Mata Nui. Different Charms were used in conjunction with one another to gain access to Crystals housed in the Temples of Principle. Pictured here is the Charm of Purity.

Crystals were large gems named after the Principle of the village with which they were associated. Crystals were used to unlock the Mystery of the Stones at the conclusion of the game. Pictured here is the Crystal of Purity.
Nixie's Key

Nixie's Key was the key to Nixie's hut and laboratory and ensured her privacy. It was retrieved by Hahli in Turaga Nokama's Hut.
Widgets was the form of currency adopted by the Matoran of Mata Nui following the defeat of the Bohrok-Kal.
Unused Items

Other items were intended to appear in gameplay but were never developed in the finalized version of the game. These include the Fishing Pole, the Ga-Koro Kolhii Key, the Grapple, Mangeao Wood, the Mangeao Pole, Marka's Note, the Oar, Puiri Wood, the Puiri Pole, the Sea Chart, the Staff of Unity, the Swim Fins, and the Wayfinder. Finalized Items may have some the same purposes as some of these were intended to have, but others, such as the Fishing Pole or the Grapple, are not involved in gameplay at all. Pictured here are the images of the Fishing Pole and the Puiri Pole, the only items that had any images associated with them.
Several notes can be found around the Koro (mainly Ga-Koro) explaining different things. These notes can include poetry (such as on the dock in Ga-Koro), random notes (such as the one in Hahli's hut) and informational notes (such as the ones describing the history and rules of kolhii). One is not required to read these notes, but they provide an extra amount of information on the side.
A glitch in the game sometimes causes some of all of the text on the notes to not appear, as well as the "X" enabling the player to get out of them and continue the game. The solution to this is typing in "kapura," and then pressing "8," which resets the page. Clicking the notes after doing this always fixes them.
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