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Several Glatorian fighting in the Core War
Malum, Vastus and Strakk after an Arena Match
Malum fighting Strakk in an arena match
Gresh pinning down Malum
Glatorian Strakk, Gresh, and Tarix
Strakk, Gresh, and Tarix surrounding Fero
Strakk fighting a Vorox
Glatorian fighting Rahkshi
Five Glatorian and a Skrall
Five Glatorian and a Skrall
Mata Nui and Glatorian
Many Glatorian and Agori fighting each other
Ackar, Kiina, and Mata Nui preparing for battle
Kiina, Ackar, and Mata Nui riding a Thornatus
Kiina, Ackar, and Mata Nui riding a Thornatus
Kiina and Ackar
Ackar activating his Flame Sword
Vastus in combat with Tarix
Glatorian fighting in the Battle of Roxtus
Ackar, Mata Nui, Kiina, and Gresh at the ready
Artwork of several Glatorian and Agori with Mata Nui
A group of Glatorian gathered around Tahu
The logo for the Glatorian sets
Glatorian Logo Branding
Fire Tribe
Malum and Fire Tribe Glatorian taking
the Energized Protodermis Spring -
Fire Tribe warrior in Vulcanus
Ackar and Malum at Malum's hearing
Ackar and Malum
Ackar in A Hero Reborn
Ackar and Raanu
Ackar in Challenge of Mata Nui
Ackar fighting Mata Nui
Ackar menaced by a Rock Steed
Ackar facing a Skopio
Stylized artwork of Ackar
Ackar in set form
Ackar as portrayed in building instruction manual art
Ackar in The Legend Reborn
Ackar victorious in Glatorian Arena 2
Ackar in combat in Glatorian Arena 2
Ackar in Glatorian Arena 2
Ackar in in Glatorian Arena 3
Concept art of Ackar
A promotional symbol for Ackar
A promotional symbol for Ackar
Perditus in the Thornatus V9
Perditus in set form
Perditus piloting the Thornatus V9
Perditus piloting the Thornatus V9
Water Tribe
Tarix in The Fall of Atero
Tarix and Berix
Tarix in The Secret of Certavus
Tarix in the Arena
Tarix as a set
Tarix as portrayed in building instruction manual art
Tarix in The Legend Reborn
Tarix firing a Thornax Launcher
Tarix victorious in Glatorian Arena
Tarix in combat in Glatorian Arena
Tarix in Glatorian Arena 3
A promotional symbol for Tarix
A promotional symbol for Tarix
Kiina in A Hero Reborn
Kiina holding the Ignika
Stylized artwork of Kiina
Kiina in set form
Kiina in The Legend Reborn
Kiina battling a Bone Hunter
Kiina and Bone Hunters
Kiina and Berix ambushed at the Hot Springs.
Kiina and Berix caged in Roxtus.
Kiina using her Vapor Trident
Kiina victorious in Glatorian Arena 2
Kiina in combat in Glatorian Arena 2
Kiina in Glatorian Arena 2
Kiina in Glatorian Arena 3
Concept art of Kiina
A promotional symbol for Kiina
A promotional symbol for Kiina
Jungle Tribe
Vastus in A Hero Reborn
Vastus with Tarduk in All Our Sins Remembered
Vastus in the jungle
Stylized artwork of Vastus
Vastus in set form
Vastus as portrayed in building instruction manual art
Vastus in The Legend Reborn
Vastus holding his Venom Spear
Vastus in combat in Glatorian Arena 2
Vastus victorious in Glatorian Arena 2
Vastus in Glatorian Arena 2
Vastus in Glatorian Arena 3
A promotional symbol for Vastus
A promotional symbol for Vastus
Gresh in Sands of Bara Magna
Gresh fighting a Skrall
Gresh training for the Great Tournament
Gresh in All That Glitters
Gresh using his Air powers
Gresh in The Secret of Certavus
Gresh reading a page from the Book of Certavus
Promotional artwork of Gresh
Gresh in the Arena
Gresh at the Arena's stairs
Gresh ready for battle
Gresh in the Glatorian Mini Movie
Gresh in the Glatorian Commercial
Gresh featured in promotional artwork for BIONICLE Stars
Gresh as a BIONICLE Star
Gresh as a set
Gresh as portrayed in building instruction manual art
Gresh as a BIONICLE Star in set form
Gresh as portrayed in building instruction manual art
Gresh from a Lego Club Jr Magazine
Gresh in The Legend Reborn
Gresh and Mata Nui
Gresh using his Jungle Shield
Concept art of Gresh
Gresh victorious in Glatorian Arena
Gresh in combat Glatorian Arena
Gresh vs. Skrall in Glatorian Arena
Gresh in Glatorian Arena 3
Gresh as displayed on the Action Figure Game instructions
Gresh facing off against a Skrall
Gresh using his Air powers against a Skrall
Gresh holding a Golden Armor piece
Takanuva and Gresh watch Tahu don the Golden Armor
A promotional symbol for Gresh
A promotional symbol for Gresh
Sand Tribe
Malum and Vorox in The Exile's Tale
Malum and Vorox in The Fall of Atero
Malum and his Vorox in the Wastelands
A Vorox in A Hero Reborn
A Vorox and a Zesk in Secrets of Bara Magna!
Vorox in The Secret of Certavus
Vorox in the Wastelands
Vorox imprisoned in Roxtus
A Vorox in the Arena
A Vorox in the desert
A Vorox spying on a Bone Hunter in Sandray Canyon
A Vorox as a set
Another Vorox
A Vorox as portrayed in building instruction manual art
A Vorox in The Legend Reborn
A Vorox about to attack Mata Nui
A Vorox victorious in Glatorian Arena
A Vorox in combat in Glatorian Arena
A Vorox in Glatorian Arena 3
Concept art of a Vorox
A promotional symbol for the Vorox
A promotional symbol for the Vorox
Malum in Secrets of Bara Magna!
Malum in the Arena
Malum in the Glatorian Mini Movie
Malum as a set
Malum as portrayed in the 2009 Style Guide
Malum as portrayed in building instruction manual art
Malum victorious in Glatorian Arena
Malum in combat in Glatorian Arena
Malum in Glatorian Arena 3
A promotional symbol for Malum
A promotional symbol for Malum
Ice Tribe
Strakk in The Fall of Atero
Strakk in Secrets of Bara Magna!
Strakk in the Arena
Strakk in the Glatorian Mini Movie
Strakk as a set
Strakk as portrayed in building instruction manual art
Strakk in The Legend Reborn
Strakk victorious in Glatorian Arena
Strakk in combat in Glatorian Arena
Strakk in Glatorian Arena 3
A promotional symbol for Strakk
A promotional symbol for Strakk
Gelu in A Hero Reborn
Gelu fending off Skrall in the Dunes of Treason
Gelu bound with vines during the Core War
Gelu in the Arena Magna
Stylized artwork of Gelu
Gelu in set form
Gelu victorious in Glatorian Arena 2
Gelu in combat in Glatorian Arena 2
Gelu in Glatorian Arena 2
Gelu in Glatorian Arena 3
A promotional symbol for Gelu
A promotional symbol for Gelu
Certavus as portrayed by InnerRayg
Certavus as portrayed by Vastolorde
Certavus as portrayed by Populus
Certavus as a model
Surel with his Iron Wolves
Iron Tribe
Telluris piloting the Skopio XV-1
Telluris in set form
Telluris piloting the Skopio XV-1
Telluris piloting the Skopio XV-1 in tracked mode