Toa Inika Strike Like Lightning!

This page features content from BIONICLE Generation 1
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Toa Inika Strike Like Lightning!
Magazine Article
Issue BIONICLE Ignition 3: Showdown

Toa Inika Strike Like Lightning! was an article included in BIONICLE Ignition 3: Showdown. The article featured info about the Toa Inika as well as their Kanohi and weapons.


They came to Voya Nui as Matoran villagers on a rescue mission. Then six bolts of lightning from a red star transformed them into the newest BIONICLE heroes - the Toa Inika! Their goal: find the powerful Kanohi Mask of Life and use it to save the life of the Great Spirit Mata Nui. But first they must face the Piraka...

Toa Nuparu


Element: Earth

Mask: Kanohi Kadin, the Mask of Flight. The Kanohi Kadin allows it's [sic] wearer to soar through the sky under his own power.

Weapons: Zamor sphere launcher and laser drill.

Description: A master inventor, Nuparu is always looking for ways to improve the Toa's equipment or build something new.

Toa Hewkii


Element: Stone

Mask: Kanohi Sanok, the Mask of Accuracy. The Kanohi Sanok allows the user to hit virtually any target with any object.

Weapons: Zamor sphere launcher and laser axe.

Description: Hewkii treats being a Toa much like a sport - and just as in kolhii games, "lose" is not in his vocabulary.

Toa Jaller


Element: Fire

Mask: Kanohi Calix, the Mask of Fate. The Kanohi Calix allows the user to pull off feats others would think impossible.

Weapons: Zamor sphere launcher and energized flame sword.

Description: Leader of the Toa Inika, Jaller is determined not to repeat the errors of past Toa of Fire.

Toa Hahli


Element: Water

Mask: Kanohi Elda, the Mask of Detection. The Kanohi Elda allows the user to find the Mask of Life wherever it may be.

Weapons: Zamor sphere launcher and laser harpoon.

Description: Possibly the most important of the Toa Inika, for her mask will lead them to the Kanohi they seek.

Toa Matoro


Element: Ice

Mask: Kanohi Iden, the Mask of Spirit. The Kanohi Iden allows the wearer to release his astral form, which can pass through solid objects and fly at great speed, but is invisible to others.

Weapons: Zamor sphere launcher and energized ice sword.

Description: Still a little uncertain as a Toa, Matoro's destiny is connected to the Mask of Life in ways even he does not suspect.

Toa Kongu


Element: Air

Mask: Kanohi Suletu, the Mask of Telepathy. The Kanohi Suletu allows user to read the thoughts of other or project his own.

Weapons: Zamor sphere launcher and laser crossbow.

Description: Quick, impulsive, and sharp-tongued, Kongu is dealing with a very serious problem - he has not figured out how to turn his mask power off.