Ancient Power Unleashed

This page features content from BIONICLE Generation 1
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Ancient Power Unleashed
Magazine Article
Issue BIONICLE Ignition 3: Showdown

Ancient Power Unleashed was an article included in BIONICLE Ignition 3: Showdown. The article included profiles on Axonn and Brutaka.


Thousands of years ago, a secret organization known as the Order of Mata Nui dispatched two of its mightiest heroes - Brutaka and Axonn - to watch over the hidden Mask of Life. They were on Voya Nui when a great cataclysm tore it loose from its continent and sent it hurtling up to where it floats today. While remaining hidden, they have aided the Matoran of Voya Nui over the years, but now the coming of the Piraka has caused them to turn against each other, putting the very future of the Mask of Life and the universe itself in jeopardy.

If these two legendary warriors should clash ... can anything hope to survive?

8734 Brutaka

Once he was a loyal guardian of the Matoran and Axonn's best friend. But now, convinced that Mata Nui has abandoned his people, Brutaka has turned selfish and corrupt. He plans to aid the Piraka in their quest to get the Mask of Life, then defeat them and take the mask for himself. Powerful enough to defeat six Toa with one blow of his double bladed weapon, Brutaka alone is as great a threat as all the Piraka combined. He wears the Kanohi Olmak, the Mask of Dimensional Gates, which can be used to transport a target into another dimension or to another location within this one.

8733 Axonn

Immensely powerful, Axonn was a champion of justice long before the first Toa ever came to be. He has watched in sorrow and anger as the Piraka have seized control of Voya Nui and has vowed to fight their efforts to steal the Mask of Life. Axonn wears the Kanohi Roden, the Great Mask of Truth, which can pierce any disguise and spot any deception. His enormous axe can cleave a mountain in half, as well as fire pure energy from its tip. But the true extent and origin of his powers remain a mystery.