Magazine Articles
From BIONICLEsector01
Throughout it's lifespan, BIONICLE has had many magazine articles featured in the LEGO Magazine. These articles often gave new storyline information and introduced new sets or characters.
List of Magazine Articles
- Enter the World of BIONICLE
- Island of Mata Nui
- Build the Ultimate Toa!
- Fikou tree spider
- Catch the Awesome Rahi Action!
- Tips - Cheat Codes
- Mukau
- Bohrok Kaita
- The Bohrok Have Arrived
- BIONICLE Building Ideas
- X-Games Champion Andy Mcdonald rides for BIONICLE
- The Toa Nuva are coming!
- Toa Nuva Kaita
- Bigger Badder Bohrok
- Rahkshi Kaita Triple Trouble!
- BIONICLE: Mask of Light Released!
- My turn to be the Toa!
- Become the Toa
- Metru Nui: Enter the City - Reveal the Mystery
- Ultimate Vahki!
- Discover the Legends of Metru Nui! (UK)
- Creatures of Metru Nui Unleashed!
- BIONICLE Toa Building Challenge Winner!
- Inside the LEGO Lab!
- The Final Battle for Metru Nui is About to Begin!
- Inside the Web of Shadows
- Inside the Tower of Toa!
- Titans of Metru Nui! (UK)
- Toa Hordika Prepare to Rise! (UK)
- The Gang is on the Loose!
- Voya Nui
- LEGO Models Rocket to the Future!
- Heroes of Voya Nui!
- Building a Giant Piraka is a Big Job!
- The Dark Hunter Files
- Secrets of the Toa Inika!
- Toa Nuparu's Guide to Voya Nui
- Behind the Bricks: Secrets of the Piraka Stronghold
- Team Up to Battle for Power!
- Rise of the Makuta!
- Rise of the Mistika!
- Servant of Shadow!
- Power Times Two!
- Explore the Desert of Bara Magna!
- Fero and Skirmix!
- Meet the BIONICLE Movie Director!
- Ride into Battle on Bara Magna!
- Birth of a BIONICLE Stars Video!
- Bringing LEGO BIONICLE to Life!
- Ambushed in the Forge!
- Army of the Undead!
- Watch the Shadows!
Comic Articles
The BIONICLE comic series often featured inserts in a similar format to magazine articles, with information about new sets, characters, and locations.
List of Comic Articles
- The Bohrok and the Bohrok Va
- Tale of the Toa
- Unleash the Power of the Krana!
- The Final Confrontation is About to Begin!
- Toa Nuva - The Power Lies Beneath
- Discover the Power of the Kanohi Nuva
- The Origin of the Toa Nuva!
- The Origin of the Bohrok-Kal
- The Secret of the Symbols
- The Power of the Krana-Kal
- We are the Bohrok-Kal
- Unleash the Rahkshi!
- A New Hero is Born to Face the Ultimate Villain!
- New Legends are About to be Born
- Discover the Legends of Metru Nui!
- Secrets of the Kanoka Disks!
- The Creatures of Metru Nui...
- The Vahki are Coming!
- Ultimate Power in a City of Legends!
- The City of Legends Stars in BIONICLE 2: Legends of Metru Nui
- New BIONICLE Legends are Born!
- Masters of the Rahi!
- Toa Hordika are on the Loose!
- Spin Your Destiny!
- Menaces to Metru Nui!
- City of Shadows
- Power of the Visorak Horde!
- War of the Titans!
- Creatures of Voya Nui!
- Power of the Piraka!
- Ancient Power Unleashed
- Toa Inika Strike Like Lightning!
- Might and Madness Combined!
- Revenge of the Barraki!
- The Barraki File
- Toa Mahri Rule the Sea!
- Titans of the Deep!
- War Beneath the Waves!
- Showdown in the Swamp!
- The Glatorian Battle of the Century!
- Villagers of Bara Magna
- The Glatorian Legends are Ready for Battle
- Rise of the Golden Toa!
See Also