The Bohrok and the Bohrok Va

This page features content from BIONICLE Generation 1
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The Bohrok and the Bohrok Va
Magazine Article
Issue BIONICLE 4: The Bohrok Awake

The Bohrok and the Bohrok Va was an article included in BIONICLE 4: The Bohrok Awake. The article featured info about the Bohrok and their Bohrok Va counterparts.


The Bohrok are loose throughout Mata Nui! Aided by the Bohrok Va, small, quick creatures that act as scouts and couriers, the Bohrok are a threat unlike any the Toa have ever faced. The Bohrok travel in squads of eight, with their roles in the squad dictated by the unique krana they carry.

Pahrak and Pahrak Va

The Pahrak are steady and methodical, slow to anger, and react to obstacles only when they have no other choice. They can be found throughout Mata Nui, using their control of stone to crumble mountains to dust. The Pahrak Va are easiest of all the Bohrok Va to capture, as they move more slowly than the rest, but physically they are among the strongest of these small creatures.

Nuhvok and Nuhvok Va

The Nuhvok are among the most mysterious of the Bohrok, as they are almost never seen on the surface. Nuhvok are earth Bohrok, hard workers and incredibly strong, but slow to react to obstacles. The Nuhvok Va dig small tunnels of their own for travel beneath the island.

Gahlok and Gahlok Va

The water Bohrok called Gahlok are sly and treacherous. They never react the same way twice to any situation, and their unpredictability makes them difficult to capture. They are most often seen in the lowlands and near the rivers of Ga-Koro. In addition to transporting krana, the Gahlok Va keeps an eye out for potential threats to the Gahlok.

Tahnok and Tahnok Va

Wielding the power of fire, the Tahnok is quick to anger and often acts without thinking. They are most often sighted in the southern jungles, northern rocky plains, and icy wastes of central Mata Nui. The Tahnok Va uses its small firestaff primarily for defense and is an effective scout for the Tahnok.

Lehvak and Lehvak Va

The swamp Bohrok known as Lehvak are clever, unpredictable, and are rarely sighted in large numbers. Their tactical skill makes them perhaps the most dangerous of all the Bohrok, and no place on the island has been spared their presence. The Lehvak Va use their small blades to cut through dense jungle growth as they scout.

Kohrak and Kohrak Va

Like the ice they can create, Kohrak are cold and hard. Totally focused on their mission, it is almost impossible to distract a Kohrak from what it is doing. They are most often spotted in valleys, lava plains, and open land. The Kohrak Va’s claws make it an excellent climber.