Explore (BIONICLE.com)
Explore is a section on BIONICLE.com, first introduced after the 2016 redesign. It details the events of the 2016 story, as well as events that led up to it.

Chapter 0
Released on January 11, 2016[1]
Welcome traveller! I am Ekimu, the Mask Maker. As you may already be aware, our great island, Okoto, is threatened by evil. Mighty heroes, known as the Toa, have fallen from the stars to battle the forces of darkness and save Okoto from destruction.
To continue their quest, the Toa must each find one of Okoto’s ancient Elemental Creatures. By uniting with the creatures, the heroes will form deep and profound links with the elements and gain access to powers far greater than they could ever imagine.
Origin Of The Elemental Creatures
Millennia ago, as the island of Okoto came into existence, a number of mythical beings were born with it. Created from the Elements that make up the fabric of the world, the six creatures incarnate the very soul and life force of Okoto.
The Toa
Fallen from the stars, the heroic Toa are on a quest to save Okoto from evil. As they come closer to understanding the true power of the Elements, they learn that they must each find an Elemental Creature and unite with it.
The Power of Unity
The Toa seek to find and tame their Elemental Creature. When united, a Toa and an Elemental Creature will form a unity of unparalleled might and unlock new powers to aid them in the battle against evil.
Chapter 1
Released on April 20, 2016[2]
Ikir and the Region of Fire
For ages, the Elemental Creature known as Ikir has dwelled in the Region of Fire. Its soul is connected to the element allowing it to see things that are hidden to the eye of other beings. Ikir is fiery and bold like Tahu.
Taming the Creature
Ikir is not easily tamed, which Tahu learns the hard way as he tries to control it. Only by accepting they are equals does Tahu win the friendship of the Elemental Creature.
The Moment of Unity
As Tahu understands it is not about being stronger, but about being equals, the Toa and the Elemental Creature unite and unlock new, formidable powers such as mighty wings of fire.
The Unity Toa
Tahu and Ikir have access to the secret powers of the Element of Fire. United, they can make pillars of flame shoot from the ground, surf lava or roam the skies on fiery wings.

Chapter 2
Released on April 20, 2016[2]
Melum and the Region of Ice
Millennia ago, the Elemental Creature known as Melum came into being, and ever since it has roamed the Region of Ice. Its soul is connected to the Element of Ice, and Melum knows the region better than anyone. Like Kopaka, the creature is noble and poised.
Taming the Creature
Melum is strong-willed and not easily tamed, which Kopaka discovers when the two of them face off in the cold. Only when the Toa of Ice accepts he and Melum are equals, does the creature offer its powerful friendship.
The Moment of Unity
As Toa and the Elemental Creature unite, they unlock great powers. Kopaka suddenly sees the location of the Great Maze in which the Mask of Control lies hidden.
The Unity Toa
United, Kopaka and Melum hold the secret to the Element of Ice. They possess mighty powers associated with the Element of Ice and can call down frost storms, and create ice shields and glaciers by will.
Chapter 3
Released on May 24, 2016[3]
Uxar and the Region of Jungle
The Elemental creature Uxar lives in the Jungle Region. Its very life forces springs from the Jungle’s elemental source, granting Uxar formidable powers. Like Lewa, Uxar is a daredevil who loves adventure.
Taming the Creature
To win Uxar’s favors, Lewa tries to best it in a race, but the Toa soon enough discovers that acceptance is the key to the creature’s friendship.
The Moment of Unity
As Lewa and Uxar unite, the incredible powers of the Jungle rush through the daredevil duo rendering them capable of new and amazing feats.
The Unity Toa
The Toa of the Jungle and his Elemental Creature are the ultimate jungle fighters. They glide above the canopies with unsurpassed speed and agility and can make vines sprout from the ground.

Chapter 4
Released on May 24, 2016[3]
Terak and the Region of Earth
Some say that Terak is as old as the Region of Earth itself. It incarnates wisdom, power and the same kind of noble calm that is the hallmark of Onua.
Taming the Creature
Still, Terak does not readily surrender its powers. Not until the Toa of Earth bows down in openhearted acceptance, can he befriend the ancient Elemental Creature.
The Moment of Unity
As Onua and Terak come together, they unlock the essential powers of the Elemental of Earth making them solid, strong and valiant.
The Unity Toa
Once united, the Toa and Elemental Creature of Earth can tunnel through the ground with ease, create earthquakes and always find their way when underground.

Chapter 5
Released on June 7, 2016[4]
Akida and the Region of Water
Being part of the region’s very fabric, Ketar is inseparable from the Region of Stone. Anyone who wishes to fully master the Element of Stone must first unite with Ketar. Like Pohatu, Ketar is headstrong and a bit of a loner.
Taming the Creature
Though mellow and friendly like Gali, Akida is as wild as the ocean. Only when the Toa of Water offers her unconditional friendship, does Akida offer the same in return.
The Moment of Unity
When Gali and Akida unite, embracing the Element of Water, they become as strong as a raging ocean and as relentless as the waves that pound the shores of Okoto.
The Unity Toa
Gali and Akida possess the powers of Water. United, they control the rain as well as rivers, surf the waves and breathe freely in the deepest of oceans.

Chapter 6
Released on June 16, 2016[5]
Ketar and the Region of Stone
Being part of the region’s very fabric, Ketar is inseparable from the Region of Stone. Anyone who wishes to fully master the Element of Stone must first unite with Ketar. Like Pohatu, Ketar is headstrong and a bit of a loner.
Taming the Creature
When Pohatu attempts to tame Ketar by force, he quickly learns that Ketar is easily as strong as him. To win the creature’s powers, Pohatu must accept – just like the other Toa have done – that hero and creature are equals.
The Moment of Unity
When Ketar and Pohatu unite, the incredible life force of the Element of Stone courses through their bodies, granting them new and amazing powers.
The Unity Toa
Together, Pohatu and Ketar control the Element of Stone and wield its powers. They can split rocks, throw bullet-speed boulders and create whirling sandstorms with the flick of a finger.
Ekimu's Mission

Released on February 22, 2016[6]
Chapter 1
The Masks of Unity
When the heroic Toa defeated Skull Grinder, they won back Ekimu’s Mask of Creation allowing the old Mask Maker to craft again. His first creations in a thousand years were the six Masks of Unity. These masks bestow great powers on the Toa, but most importantly: Each Mask of Unity has a spiritual link to one of Okoto’s ancient Elemental Creatures. Following the masks’ guidance is the only way to locate the mythical creatures.
The Elemental Creatures
Since time immemorial, Okoto’s regions have been the homes of six Elemental Creatures. Millennia ago, as the island of Okoto came into existence, a number of mythical beings were born with it. One way or another, the creatures’ life force is infused with raw, elemental power, and to stand a chance against the evil Makuta, the Toa must first find and befriend their individual creature.
Umarak The Hunter
Unfortunately, the Toa are not the only ones searching for the Elemental Creatures. Makuta has deployed the evil hunter, Umarak. Travelling through the shadows, the hunter and his packs of living traps stalk the heroes hoping the Toa will lead them to the Elemental Creatures.
The Hunter

Released on March 24, 2016[7]
Chapter 1
Umarak's Mission
Makuta is still not able to take on solid form, but manifesting as evil eyes, Makuta’s strong spirit commands the Hunter to find the Elemental Creatures. They alone hold the key to find Makuta’s Mask of Control.
On The Hunt
Travelling in and out of shadows, the cunning hunter secretly follows the Toa and their Elemental Creatures. Umarak knows they will eventually lead him to Makuta’s lost mask, the Mask of Control.
The Maze
Ages ago, after Makuta had betrayed his brother Ekimu, and the great explosion had scattered Okoto’s power masks all over the island, the Elemental Creatures found the Mask of Control. Fearing that Makuta would one day come looking for it, they hid in the safest place they could think of: A shifting maze constructed by a tribe of ingenious Okotans during the island’s earliest times.
The Mask of Control
Released on April 20, 2016[2]
Chapter 1

Entering the Maze
The Elemental Creatures have led the Toa to the shifting maze. It was constructed a long time ago when the Prophecy first took form among the Okotans. Only someone with intimate knowledge of the elements can open the portal leading to the maze.
Tracking the Toa
Hiding in the shadows, Umarak stays close to the Toa knowing that they will lead him directly to the Mask of Control.
The Mask of Control
Umarak’s treacherous scheme finally pays off. Outsmarting the Toa, the sneaky hunter claims the powerful Mask of Control.
Pohatu's Choice
Believing he is to blame for the loss of the Mask of Control, Pohatu singlehandedly confronts Umarak. But the ruthless hunter forces the Toa to make a tough choice: To get the mask back or save his Elemental Creature.
Valuing friendship higher than anything else, Pohatu once again lets the Mask of Control slip away.
Umarak The Destroyer
Released on December 22, 2016[8]
Chapter 1

The Masks of Unity
When the heroic Toa defeated Skull Grinder, they won back Ekimu’s Mask of Creation allowing the old Mask Maker to craft again. His first creations in a thousand years were the six Masks of Unity. These masks bestow great powers on the Toa, but most importantly: Each Mask of Unity has a spiritual link to one of Okoto’s ancient Elemental Creatures. Following the masks’ guidance is the only way to locate the mythical creatures.
The Elemental Creatures
Since time immemorial, Okoto’s regions have been the homes of six Elemental Creatures. Millennia ago, as the island of Okoto came into existence, a number of mythical beings were born with it. One way or another, the creatures’ life force is infused with raw, elemental power, and to stand a chance against the evil Makuta, the Toa must first find and befriend their individual creature.
Umarak The Hunter
Unfortunately, the Toa are not the only ones searching for the Elemental Creatures. Makuta has deployed the evil hunter, Umarak. Travelling through the shadows, the hunter and his packs of living traps stalk the heroes hoping the Toa will lead them to the Elemental Creatures.
Umarak Before The Portal
All according to Makuta’s plan, Umarak has come to the Black Volcano to open the gate to the Shadow Realm.
The Black Volcano Rising
Released on December 22, 2016[8]
Chapter 1

The Black Volcano Rising
Using the Mask of Control, Umarak makes the volcano rise from the ground. The black rock is a doorway to the Realm of Shadow. The evil Makuta is now one step closer to entering the world of the living.
The Black Volcano
The Black Volcano is the gateway to the Shadow Realm where the dark lord Makuta has been trapped for millennia since his great betrayal.
Storm Beasts
Released on December 22, 2016[8]
Chapter 1

Storm Beasts
Storm Beasts are dangerous enemies. They are fierce, fast and impulsive, leaving little time for coming up with a battle plan.
How They Are Created
Having claimed the Mask of Control, Umarak has gained the power to transform his Living Traps into the powerful beasts. The Storm Beasts are transformed Water Traps.
Power 1
Being masters of storms, these beasts can shoot lightning bolts to defeat their enemies.
Power 2
Calling upon the Element of Water, Storm Beasts can create tidal waves of significant magnitude.
Storm Beasts
Storm Beasts are feared by the Okotans for the violent thunderstorms that accompany them wherever they go.
Quake Beasts
Released on December 22, 2016[8]
Chapter 1

Quake Beasts
Quake Beasts are strong and tough. Like their master, Umarak, they rampage across Okoto searching for anything to destroy.
How They Are Created
Having claimed the Mask of Control, Umarak has gained the power to transform his Living Traps into the powerful beasts. The Quake Beasts are transformed Stone Traps.
Power 1
Quake Beasts can make the earth tremble and rocks break. So watch your step!
Power 2
Quake Beasts use the Element of Stone to their advantage by hurling huge rocks at their adversaries.
Quake Beasts
The Quake Beasts are arguably the toughest of the Shadow Horde. Wherever they come, the ground trembles and cracks.
Released on December 22, 2016[8]
Chapter 1

Makuta too was once a Mask Maker creating masks for the islanders of Okoto. But greed and lust for power corrupted him. Determined to rule the world he broke the sacred Law of Forging and channeled all six elements into a single mask.
The Shadow Realm
Makuta’s evil deed caused an explosion of unfathomable proportions. It laid waste to most of the island and banished Makuta to the Shadow Realm.
Makuta Transformed
As Umarak brought the lost shards of Makuta’s Forbidden Mask of Ultimate Power to the top of the Black Volcano, he opened a portal to free Makuta from the Shadow Realm.
Lava Beasts
Released on December 22, 2016[8]
Chapter 1

Lava Beasts
Lava Beasts are fearless brutes seeking destruction wherever they roam. Their affinity with the Element of Fire strikes fear into the hearts of the Okotans.
How They Are Created
Having claimed the Mask of Control, Umarak has gained the power to transform his Living Traps into the powerful beasts. The Lava Beasts are transformed Fire Traps.
Power 1
Lava Beasts are immune to heat and can walk through lava and fire unharmed.
Power 2
The mighty Lava Beasts can hurl balls of flame against their opponents creating vicious flash fires in their wake.
Lava Beasts
Of all the Shadow Horde, the Lava Beasts are the most aggressive. Formidable opponents even for the Toa and their Elemental Creatures.
Ekimu The Great
Released on December 22, 2016[8]
Chapter 1

Ekimu The Great
The ancient Mask Maker is a living legend. It is as if his spirit is connected to the island itself.
Before The Transformation
Many, many years ago, Okoto was a peaceful place of both marvel and wonder. Ekimu and his brother crafted masks for the islanders to help them build a prosperous civilization. That all ended, when Ekimu’s brother, Makuta, betrayed him and caused the great explosion that sent them both into a sleep that would last for ages.
The Transformation
The Age of Forging is over. This is the Age of Battle where even Ekimu must fight. Undergoing a powerful transformation, the ancient Mask Maker becomes a formidable warrior, the 7th Toa known by legend as the Toa of Light.
Agil is the 7th of the Elemental Creatures. It is known as the Hawk of Light and roams the Okotan skies acting as Ekimu’s scout watching over the movement of enemy forces. When united with Ekimu, Agil grants the inextinguishable power of the Light of Good as well as the ability to fly.
Lava Beasts
The Toa of Light is the living incarnation of all the elements. Through duty, unity and destiny, Ekimu has become what his brother could never achieve through ambition and greed.
Online Story | ||
BIONICLE.com | Wall of History | Mata Nui Walkthrough | Story | Takanuva's Blog | The Rising | The Truth | Mata Nui Saga | Explore | |
Serials | Blog | Toa Nuva Blog | The Mutran Chronicles | Brothers In Arms | Empire of the Skrall | The Powers That Be |
Story Serial | Dreams of Destruction | Federation of Fear | Dwellers In Darkness | Reign of Shadows | The Yesterday Quest | |
Podcast | Into the Darkness | Dark Mirror | Destiny War | Riddle of the Great Beings | Sahmad's Tale | |
Short Story | The Many Deaths of Toa Tuyet | The Kingdom | |
Contest Winners | Decadence | No One Gets Left Behind | Protection The Dweller Report | Tentacles | Hope | |
Club Pages | Discover the power of the Golden Masks! | Take down the Lord of the Skull Spiders! | Club Code: Umarak |
Websites | |
Official | BIONICLE.com (Kanoka Club | Wall of History | Story | Explore) | BIONICLEmusic.com | Metru Nui Ministry of Tourism | BIONICLEstory.com | MaskofLight.com | Legends of Metru Nui Micro Site | LEGO.com | Web of Shadows Micro Site |
Non-Canon | BIONICLEheroes.com | FreeTheBand.com | InikaUnite.com | Piraka.com |
Fan Sites | BIONICLEsector01 (BIONICLEsector01 Wiki | BIONICLEsector01 EU) | BZPower | Chronist-Wiki | Nuvapedia | KanohiJournal |
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