Glatorian Arena 2

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This article is about Glatorian Arena 2. You may be looking for Glatorian Arena or Glatorian Arena 3.
Glatorian Arena 2 is semi-canon.
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Glatorian Arena 2
Online Game
Platform Online
Controls Keyboard
Release Date September 16, 2009

Glatorian Arena 2, or GA2, is the sequel to the original online game Glatorian Arena released on September 16, 2009 and was produced by Serious Games Interactive.


Mata Nui in the first navigation area

Navigation Areas

There are two navigation areas in this version of Glatorian Arena. The first is the one located in the Vulcanus arena, and is where the player starts off. It allows to player to participate in a challenge fight in Vulcanus, explore the Agori dwellings in the village and talk to the Agori, view their characters stats and all-time battle records, enter B.I.O. and cheat codes, view medals and awards, and adjust the options. It also allows the player to access the Arena Magna and its respective Navigation Area once it is unlocked.

The second navigation area is similar to the original version, located in the Arena Magna, and allows the player to do all the same things that the Vulcanus navigation area allows, except that one may fight the original Glatorian, rather than the Glatorian Legends. The player also may not access the Vulcanus dwellings from this navigation area.

As in the original game, the player may upgrade each of his characters in any of the following areas:

  • Strength increases power.
  • Toughness increases attack resistance.
  • Agility increases the parry and healing ability.
  • Mind decreases time needed to charge the Thornax, and increases its power.

Challenge Game

In this version, Challenge games may be played against the Glatorian Legends in Vulcanus Arena, or against the original Glatorian in Arena Magna. As in the original, the goal is to lower the opponent's life counter to zero and thus defeat the opponent. Each time the health bar is completely depleted, the life counter lowers by one point. One of the new changes made in this version is that an unlimited supply of Thornax is provided, but the player must wait for a short while so that his energy bar can fill up before he may fire another Thornax. After the match, a statistic sheet is provided, showing how the player did.

Also as in the original, this version contains five leagues that increase in difficulty: Rookie, Veteran, Copper, Silver, and Gold. The player must defeat five opponents in each league to win. Every unlocked character may be used to progress through the leagues, with each character's progress tracked individually. The player starts as Mata Nui, and unlocks more characters as he progresses through the leagues, until all six Glatorian Legends have been unlocked. The original Glatorian may also be unlocked for play by completing each league with each Glatorian Legend. Each Glatorian and Glatorian Legend has their own unique fighting style.


  • Arrow Keys - Character movement.
    • Up + Down - Heal. Health can be restored up to the top of the current bar, but the Life Counter cannot be turned by healing. Taking damage interrupts healing.
    • Left + Right - Taunt. Taunting reluctant enemies aggravates them and makes them more likely to attack, but the player is vulnerable whilst taunting.
  • A - A light attack that deals little damage but is very fast.
    • A + Up - A heavy attack that is very slow and easily interrupted, but does large amounts of damage.
    • A + Opposite direction to enemy - Fire a Thornax fruit. The blue Thornax meter must be completely full to perform this move, and recharges whilst not in use.
  • S - A blocking maneuver that can parry enemy blows.
    • S + Up or Down - Flip/cartwheel sideways and back in the chosen direction, reducing the chance of being struck with an attack.
    • S + Opposite direction to enemy - Backflip away from the enemy and automatically fire a Thornax upon landing, performing Gresh's signature move. The blue Thornax meter must be completely full to perform this move.


Both fighters have a Heads-Up-Display or HUD. The player's is located in the top left-hand corner of the screen, their enemy's in the upper right-hand corner. The HUD consists of four sections:

  • The Life Counter - Tracks the fighter's overall well-being, and is divided into five sections - two green sections, marked five and four, two yellow sections marked three and two, and two red sections, one marked with a one and the other with a skull. As the player takes damage, it rotates to show this, the segment pointing up representing their status. When the skull segment is shown, the fighter is defeated and the match ends.
  • The Health Meter - This represents the player's status in more detail, the color of the bar matching that of the current Life Counter segment. The bar drops as the player takes damage, and when emptied refills with the next color as the Life Counter rotates.
  • The Thornax Meter - This blue bar represents the player's ability to fire Thornax. The bar fills over time, and when it is full, the player can fire a Thornax. The bar then empties and begins to recharge.
  • The Thornax Counter - This tracks the player's current Thornax ammo. When the Thornax Meter is full, an icon of a Thornax fruit appears here, and the player can fire a Thornax. The rest of the time, this square is blank.

The Village

The player may access an area outside the Vulcanus Arena, and discuss various subjects with six Agori, the same ones as in the original: Metus, Atakus, Raanu, Tarduk, Berix, and a Zesk. Although the characters are the same, their dialogue changes to reflect recent events (Raanu comments on the Battle of Atero) and their personalities in the movie BIONICLE: The Legend Reborn. The player moves their character around the area using the mouse.


  • Mata Nui is the default character.
  • Kiina is unlocked after the Rookie league.
  • Vastus is unlocked after the Veteran league.
  • Ackar is unlocked after the Copper league.
  • Gelu is unlocked after the Silver league.
  • Stronius is unlocked after the Golden league.

Changes from Glatorian Arena


  • The player can now jump dodge a blow from an enemy.
  • Due to the change in controls (see below), there are now offensive and defensive combos. For example, a backflip Thornax firing maneuver.
  • Taunting is accomplished by pressing the left and right keys at the exact same time.
  • The original Glatorian Arena combatants and Arena Magna are unlockable by obtaining the Veteran Award and Round Table awards. This version has been upgraded to the new game engine.
  • In the Vulcanus Arena, there is a small puddle of lava. If the player or the player's enemy stands on the puddle, they slowly and continuously lose points. However, if the player stands on the puddle while healing, nothing will happen.


  • Controls have changed.
  • The Thornax launcher has been upgraded to have a reloading Thornax, versus a clip of three for the whole match as in the original.
  • Healing is now accomplished by pressing the up and down keys together, unlike a single key in the original.
  • Awards and Medals now reflect the new game engine. And unlike the original, all awards are attainable, as opposed to the original in which some awards could not be attained even after the game's completion.


  • The Spikeball matches have been removed.

Awards and Medals

A match between Mata Nui and Kiina

There are thirty-seven achievements in the game.

  • Rookie - Completing the Rookie League
  • Veteran - Completing the Veteran League
  • Elite - Completing the Copper League
  • Champion - Completing the Silver League
  • Legend - Completing the Golden League
  • Focused Trainer - Spend five points on any one score
  • Specialist - Spend ten points on any one score
  • Rock Steady - Having two hundred hit points
  • Indestructible! - Having three hundred hit points
  • Bull Strength - Heavy melee damage twenty-five
  • Wrecking Machine - Heavy melee damage thirty-five
  • Bullet Breaker - Thornax Reduction fifteen
  • Bullet Proof - Thornax Reduction twenty
  • Sharp Shooter - Thornax Damage is thrity-five
  • Thornax Cannon - Thornax Damage is fifty
  • Gladiator - Having fought fifty fights
  • Destined Warrior - Having fought one hundread fights
  • Welcome Rookie - Win two fights in Rookie League
  • Brawler - Winning five Challenge fights
  • Fighter - Winning ten Challenge fights
  • Warrior - Winning twent-five Challenge fights
  • Grinder - Winning fifty Challenge fights
  • Hard Hitter - Take out a full health tab in one hit
  • Acrobat - Use Back Flip Fire four times during a fight
  • Bionic Barrier - Make ten successful parries during a fight
  • Six Shooter - Having fired six regular Thornax shots during a fight
  • Combat Bully - Use taunt five times during a fight
  • Artful Dodger - Dodge ten attacks during a fight
  • Blast From The Past - Beat the six Glatorian in Arena Magna
  • Combat Medic - Heal thirty Hit Points during a fight
  • Dominator - Win a fight without taking damage
  • Nemesis - Beat the same opponent ten times
  • Pacifist - Win a fight without hitting the opponent
  • Perfectionist - Win a fight with 100% hit rate
  • Punching Bag - Losing ten Challenge fights
  • Round Table - Having talked to all Agori
  • Skrall Nemesis - Beat Skrall and Stronius


The player may enter the B.I.O. Code of any of the Glatorian Legends (save Mata Nui) into the activation area, and the player will unlock that character for play. Also the player can unlock the original Glatorian for play if they enter the code found in the LEGO Magazine into the activation area.


  • A sequel for this game, Glatorian Arena 3, was released in January 12, 2010, which included new features such as multiplayer, new arenas, and both the Glatorian and Glatorian Legends warriors.

See also

External links