From BIONICLEsector01
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The Bohrok symbol
Various Bohrok attacking Ta-Koro
A "Bohrok Kaita Za"
A "Bohrok Kaita Ja"
A Bohrok in BIONICLE: The Legend of Mata Nui
A Bohrok chamber
A krana in a Pahrak's headplate
A sculpture of a Pahrak and an Av-Matoran
Concept art of the stages of a Bohrok
Concept art of the stages of a Bohrok
A frozen Bohrok in Mask of Light
Kopaka surrounded by a Bohrok swarm in BIONICLE: The Game
Concept art of a Tahnok
A dark brown Bohrok in BIONICLE Heroes for GBA
A silver and blue Bohrok in BIONICLE Heroes for GBA
A brown and green Bohrok in BIONICLE Heroes for GBA
A swarm of Tahnok in the Comics
A Tahnok in the Comics
A swarm of Tahnok in Tiro Canyon
Tahnok in stasis
Tahu leading a swarm of Tahnok
The Tahnok Swarm
Gali summoning water to attack Tahnok
A swarm of Tahnok stampeding
Toa Mata Tahu confronts a Tahnok
A swarm of Tahnok burning Le-Wahi
A Tahnok in the Bohrok Promo Animations
A Tahnok in the Mata Nui Online Animations
A Tahnok wreathed in flames
A Tahnok threatening Hafu
A Tahnok in set form
CGI render of Tahnok
A Tahnok's krana
A Tahnok and Tahnok Va
A Tahnok hatching from one of the Bohrok Nests
Promotional artwork of a swarm of Tahnok
Promotional artwork of Tahnok defeating Tahu
Tahnok's render from the cover art for BIONICLE: Matoran Adventures
Tahnok render
Artwork titled "Tahnok" from the BIONICLE: Bohrok Swarm card game booklet
Artwork titled "Tahu vs. Tahnok" from the BIONICLE: Bohrok Swarm card game booklet
Artwork titled "Tahnok Swarm" from the BIONICLE: Bohrok Swarm card game booklet
A Tahnok in BIONICLE: The Game
Tahnok from BIONICLE: Maze of Shadows
Tahnok from BIONICLE Heroes
A Tahnok being destroyed in BIONICLE Heroes
The giant Tahnok in the level Lost Lagoon from BIONICLE Heroes for Nintendo DS
The giant Tahnok in the level Unearthed Rust from BIONICLE Heroes for the Nintendo DS
A Gahlok in the Comics
Toa Mata Gali encounters a Gahlok
A Gahlok in the Bohrok Promo Animations
A Gahlok in the Mata Nui Online Animations
A Gahlok underwater
A krana-less Gahlok
A Gahlok in set form
CGI render of Gahlok
A Gahlok's krana
A Gahlok and Gahlok Va
Artwork titled "Gahlok" from the BIONICLE: Bohrok Swarm card game booklet
Artwork titled "Gali vs. Gahlok" from the BIONICLE: Bohrok Swarm card game booklet
Artwork titled "Gahlok Swarm" from the BIONICLE: Bohrok Swarm card game booklet
A Gahlok in BIONICLE: The Game
Gahlok from BIONICLE: Maze of Shadows
Gahlok from BIONICLE Heroes
Gahlok render on the loading screen for the 1st Bonus level
Gahlok in the level Blizzard Peaks
Gahlok in BIONICLE Heroes for the Nintendo DS
A Lehvak in the Comics
Lehvak using their Acid Shields
Toa Mata Lewa encounters a Lehvak
A Lehvak destroying the jungle
A Lehvak in the Bohrok Promo Animations
A Lehvak in set form
CGI render of Lehvak
A Lehvak's krana
A Lehvak and Lehvak Va
Artwork titled "Lehvak" from the BIONICLE: Bohrok Swarm card game booklet
Artwork titled "Lewa vs. Lehvak" from the BIONICLE: Bohrok Swarm card game booklet
Artwork titled "Lehvak Swarm" from the BIONICLE: Bohrok Swarm card game booklet
Lehvak from BIONICLE: Maze of Shadows
Lehvak from BIONICLE Heroes
A Pahrak in the Comics
A Pahrak strikes at Toa Mata Pohatu
A Pahrak in the Bohrok Promo Animations
A Pahrak in the Mata Nui Online Animations
A Pahrak using a Krana Vu
A Pahrak destroying Ga-Koro
The Ga-Koro Guard fighting Pahrak
Takua confronting the Pahrak
A Pahrak in set form
CGI render of Pahrak
A Pahrak's krana
A Pahrak and Pahrak Va
Artwork titled "Pahrak" from the BIONICLE: Bohrok Swarm card game booklet
Artwork titled "Pohatu vs. Pahrak" from the BIONICLE: Bohrok Swarm card game booklet
Artwork titled "Pahrak Swarm" from the BIONICLE: Bohrok Swarm card game booklet
Pahrak from BIONICLE: Matoran Adventures
Pahrak from BIONICLE: Maze of Shadows
Pahrak from BIONICLE Heroes
Pahrak in BIONICLE Heroes for the Nintendo DS
A Nuhvok in the Comics
A Nuhvok in the Bohrok Promo Animations
A Nuhvok in the Mata Nui Online Animations
A Nuhvok in Le-Wahi
Nuhvok with possessed Le-Matoran
A Nuhvok in set form
CGI render of Nuhvok
A Nuhvok's krana
A Nuhvok and Nuhvok Va
Artwork titled "Nuhvok" from the BIONICLE: Bohrok Swarm card game booklet
Artwork titled "Onua vs. Nuhvok" from the BIONICLE: Bohrok Swarm card game booklet
Artwork titled "Nuhvok Swarm" from the BIONICLE: Bohrok Swarm card game booklet
Nuhvok from BIONICLE: Maze of Shadows
Nuhvok from BIONICLE Heroes
A Kohrak in the Comics
Toa Mata Kopaka inspects a Kohrak's krana
A Kohrak in the Bohrok Promo Animations
Three Kohrak in the Toa Nuva Promo Animations
A Kohrak in set form
CGI render of Kohrak
A Kohrak's krana
A Kohrak and Kohrak Va
Artwork titled "Kohrak" from the BIONICLE: Bohrok Swarm card game booklet
Artwork titled "Kopaka vs. Kohrak" from the BIONICLE: Bohrok Swarm card game booklet
Artwork titled "Kohrak Swarm" from the BIONICLE: Bohrok Swarm card game booklet
Kohrak from BIONICLE: Maze of Shadows
Kohrak from BIONICLE Heroes
Kohrak in BIONICLE Heroes for the Nintendo DS
Bohrok Va
One of the Bohrok Va Kaita
Artwork of the Bohrok Va Kaita
The other Bohrok Va Kaita
Artwork of the other Bohrok Va Kaita
A group of Tahnok Va
A group of Gahlok Va
A Lehvak Va holding a Golden Kanohi
Matau with a caged Lehvak Va
A Pahrak Va standing on Naho Falls
A Pahrak Va as seen in the Mata Nui Online Animations
A Pahrak Va servicing a Pahrak
A group of Kohrak Va rebuilding Ko-Koro
Artwork titled "Tahnok Va" from the BIONICLE: Bohrok Swarm card game booklet
Artwork titled "Pahrak Va" from the BIONICLE: Bohrok Swarm card game booklet
Artwork titled "Nuhvok Va" from the BIONICLE: Bohrok Swarm card game booklet
Artwork titled "Lehvak Va" from the BIONICLE: Bohrok Swarm card game booklet
Artwork titled "Kohrak Va" from the BIONICLE: Bohrok Swarm card game booklet
Artwork titled "Gahlok Va" from the BIONICLE: Bohrok Swarm card game booklet
Artwork titled "Vakama vs. Tahnok Va" from the BIONICLE: Bohrok Swarm card game booklet
Artwork titled "Onewa vs. Pahrak Va" from the BIONICLE: Bohrok Swarm card game booklet
Artwork titled "Whenua vs. Nuhvok Va" from the BIONICLE: Bohrok Swarm card game booklet
Artwork titled "Matau vs. Lehvak Va" from the BIONICLE: Bohrok Swarm card game booklet
Artwork titled "Nuju vs. Kohrak Va" from the BIONICLE: Bohrok Swarm card game booklet
Artwork titled "Nokama vs. Gahlok Va" from the BIONICLE: Bohrok Swarm card game booklet
Bohrok-Kal in the Comics
The Bohrok-Kal awakening from their hive
Bohrok-Kal in set form
Toa Nuva Tahu fighting the Bohrok-Kal
Lehvak-Kal and Kohrak-Kal
Bohrok-Kal preparing to surprise the Exo-Toa
Bohrok-Kal approaching the Nuva Cube
Bohrok-Kal About to place the Nuva Symbols
Bohrok-Kal activating the Nuva Cube
Bohrok-Kal attacking the Toa Nuva in the Comics
Promotional artwork of the Bohrok-Kal strike on Mata Nui
Promotional artwork of a Bohrok-Kal Hive Cell
Gali Nuva fighting the Bohrok-Kal
Bohrok-Kal Kaita Ja in the Comics
Bohrok-Kal Kaita Ja being formed
Bohrok-Kal Kaita Ja in set form
Promotional image of the Bohrok-Kal Kaita Ja
Tahnok-Kal in the Comics
Tahnok-Kal's markings
Tahnok-Kal in set form
Tahnok-Kal in set form
Tahnok-Kal in set form
Tahnok-Kal awaking
Tahnok-Kal in the Mata Nui Online Animations
Tahnok-Kal using its Electric Shields
Tahnok-Kal being defeated by its own Electricity
Tahnok-Kal in BIONICLE: The Game
A promotional symbol for Tahnok-Kal
Gahlok-Kal in the Comics
Gahlok-Kal using its Magnetic Shields
Gahlok-Kal holding Tahu's Nuva Symbol
Gahlok-Kal in set form
Gahlok-Kal in set form
Gahlok-Kal in set form
Gahlok-Kal placing a Nuva Symbol on the Nuva Cube
Gahlok-Kal in the Mata Nui Online Animations
Gahlok-Kal being defeated by its own Magnetism
A promotional symbol for Gahlok-Kal
Lehvak-Kal in the Comics
Lehvak-Kal being defeated by its own Vacuum
Lehvak-Kal in the Bohrok-Kal Promo Animations
Lehvak-Kal in set form
Lehvak-Kal in set form
Lehvak-Kal in set form
Lehvak-Kal in the Mata Nui Online Animations
A promotional symbol for Lehvak-Kal
Pahrak-Kal in the Comics
Pahrak-Kal using its Plasma Shields
Pahrak-Kal in the Bohrok-Kal Promo Animations
Pahrak-Kal using its Plasma Shields
Pahrak-Kal in set form
Pahrak-Kal in set form
Pahrak-Kal in set form
Pahrak-Kal in the Mata Nui Online Animations
Pahrak-Kal being defeated by its own Plasma
A promotional symbol for Pahrak-Kal
Nuhvok-Kal in the Comics
Nuhvok-Kal gravitationally grounding Tahu
Nuhvok-Kal being defeated by its own Gravity
Nuhvok-Kal using its Gravity Shields
Nuhvok-Kal in set form
Nuhvok-Kal in set form
Nuhvok-Kal in set form
Nuhvok-Kal in the Mata Nui Online Animations
A promotional symbol for Nuhvok-Kal
Kohrak-Kal in the Comics
Kohrak-Kal using its Sonic Shields
Kohrak-Kal destroying the Kini-Nui
Kohrak-Kal in set form
Kohrak-Kal in set form
Kohrak-Kal in set form
Kohrak-Kal in the Mata Nui Online Animations
Kohrak-Kal being defeated by its own Sonics
A promotional symbol for Kohrak-Kal
The twin Bahrag queens
The Bahrag using their Elemental Powers
Tahu approaching The Bahrag
Tahu facing Cahdok
Exo-armored Tahu fighting Cahdok
The Bahrag fighting the Toa Mata
The Toa Mata fighting The Bahrag
The Toa Mata creating a Protodermis cage
The Bahrag being imprisoned by the Toa Mata
The Bahrag twins
Cahdok in the Bohrok Nest
Cahdok in set form
Gahdok in the Bohrok Nest
Gahdok in set form
A dark brown Bahrag in BIONICLE Heroes for GBA
A brown and green Bahrag in BIONICLE Heroes for GBA
A blue and white Bahrag in BIONICLE Heroes for GBA