
From BIONICLEsector01

"Remember this: If you cannot solve a problem on your own, the best thing to do is to seek help.
Humans are incomplete on their own. That said, they are surrounded by people, society, and history.
The experiences they accumulate, the people around them, and the environment into which they are born all contribute to who that person is.
— Yukitaka Akiha, Steins;Gate: Linear Bounded Phenogram


external image
Just consider me a cloud.
BS01 Status Active
Usual Online Time 24/7
BZP Name WOLKsite
BZP Status Inactive
Age 23
Gender Male
Height 175 cm
Nationality Swedish
Character(s) Nidhiki
Set(s) 8591 Vorahk
8944 Tanma
71300 Uxar Creature of Jungle
Color(s) Green
Food(s) Chicken Noodles
This user has been a fan of BIONICLE since 2006.
This user patrols the recent changes.
B-4 This user has a complete understanding of the BIONICLE universe.
SWE This user is a native speaker of Swedish.

This user contributes using Mozilla Firefox.

Hello! I am Wolk, also known as WOLKsite. I am slowly descending into insanity.


~ Wolk (talk)

About Me

Though I only joined the online community around 2012, I have fond memories of the Miramax movies and the Toa Inika from my childhood. During the later years of BIONICLE's run, my brother would relate updates on the story to me. At some time around 2007, I first used the internet, frequenting, which has made the Battle for Power very nostalgic to me. When Hero Factory came around, my investment carried over into it. However, the TTV Channel reintroduced me to BIONICLE, and soon Biosector01, where I discovered there was much more beyond what I'd known. I started reading and engaging with Greg Farshtey on the LEGO Message Boards using the account my brother had previously set up for me to play the 2009 My LEGO Network campaign, and I started reading the comics and serial stories - as well as the entirety of the Farshtey Feed on BZPower. Eventually, my brother got ahold of the novel series, which I first read through the entirety of in roughly 2015-16... ? I believe. At some point, I also played through both of the Mata Nui Online Games, prior to TTV's Let's Play of the games. My recollection of exact years may not be too accurate.

Now days, I try to go through as much BIONICLE media I can, with the intent of having seen, read, heard or otherwise experienced everything the theme and its story had to offer. However, I often end up sidetracking myself every time I discover something that I had not heard prior, sounds contradicting, or otherwise differs from my current knowledge. Combined with my more recent dislike of reading... Man, I'm never going to get through the encyclopedia, am I? Outside of BIONICLE, I am also invested in LEGO in general.

Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back is not an enjoyable movie.

Rules of Thumb

  • Spot is real.
  • While the Tiers of Canonicity can be applied generally, they are not definitive or absolute. Everything should be evaluted on its own merits in addition to its relation to the tiers.
  • You cannot prove a statement was never stated anywhere—with an infinite number of sources to search, you cannot say for certain a given statement was never stated. Therefore, a statement must be treated as false unless proven otherwise.
  • Context matters. Do not take statements out of their context. Do not cut out clauses from sentences, doing so changes their meaning. In regards to Q&As: Mind what the question asked is.
  • You never know what could be a misconception. Try to take an unbiased perspective that does not assume a conclusion on matters, see what conclusions they lead to. They might surprise you!
  • Different people have different skills, therefore (in addition to granting varied perspectives) a group effort is able to more effectively examine. For instance, I don't have a good memory of the story texts, some others in the community do.
  • Write everything down as stated, then examine it. Do not be too quick to examine things as you find them.
  • I had another point but I forgot it.
  • Being proven wrong is a good thing, it means you have learnt what is right.
  • Absurdism is a healthy and fun break from serious work & discussion. Encourage it. Got a question regarding a ridiculous minute & insignificant detail? Don't ask "Does it matter," just go for it!
  • No matter how many times you proofread your edit, the answer is always yes—There is a typo, and you will see it immedietly after saving. Thi sis a universal law.


  • Spot is still real.
  • Vakama was created relatively recently as of the events of 2004. This is why he knew very little about the Kanohi Dragon in Rahi Beasts, and how Turaga Dume had been the voice of wisdom for "most of his life," as stated in Dreams of Darkness. It also further explains Nuhrii's jealousy, with Vakama not only far surpassing his mentor, but also doing so relatively quickly. Likewise, so was Matau, who'd been riding chutes his entire life -- though he may be older than Vakama.
  • The Heat Vision Rahkshi are called Zirahk, like originally suggested.
  • The various non-canon Rahkshi combiner models, as well as the 2006 QUICK Bad Guy polybags, are specialized Rahkshi armor, modified or entirely separately engineered from usual Rahkshi shells, similar to Kraata-Kal's armor, the Stars Rahkshi, or the Rahkshi of the Kingdom alternate universe.
  • The Element Lord of Sand was female.
  • The events of the 2005 story year took place in 1978, Toa Hordika are half-Toa, half-non-fat milk, and Rahaga are baby Rahkshi.
  • Nidhiki looks like Toa Iruini, but with silver armor rather than gold, a scythe, and the Kanohi Volitak as depicted in the Mazeka set (albeit in green).
  • The Mata Nui robot is only 3 300 kilometers tall, not 40 000 000 feet, as stated in concept art. This better matches up with the size depicted in both The Rising and The Legend Reborn.
  • With a variety of adjustments, the Lesovikk's Hiatus, A Thousand Years Untold 2 & Memoirs of the Dead stories are canon.
  • The Exo-Raptors were an experimental vehicle invented by the Nynrah Ghosts, ordered by the Brotherhood of Makuta. However, in favor of the Exo-Toa, they were ultimately not mass-produced. The Exo-Raptors could seat a Toa or Toa-like being, reach high speeds, and perform long leaps. Their legs could easily navigate different types of terrain.
  • The Bahrag Spider is a unique, one-of-a-kind Rahi created by the Great Beings to guard the substance used to create the Bohrok-Kal. It will defend the substance from anything but the Bahrag. Makuta Teridax had to make it past this Rahi to obtain the substance before creating Kraata-Kal.
  • The Boxor Walker was simply one of several variations on the Boxor design.
  • The different secondary colors of the Skrall signified to which legion they belonged prior to the Shattering. For instance, all of the lime green Skrall were assigned to Tuma's legion during the Core War.
  • While on Destral, Antroz would rutinely work out while listening to Linkin' Park.
  • The unnamed, Huna-wearing Ga-Matoran from Quest for the Toa is Vhisola in her diminshed form.
  • Kofo-Jaga grow, much like Ussal Crabs do. This is why they are described as the size of a fist in Tale of the Toa, while the one fought by Takua in Quest for the Toa is as big as him.
  • The Fire Entity, Avohkah, and "Flying Snowmen" (QftT) are not proper Rahi, being more along the lines of Vatuka or the Sonic Entity. The Crystal Serpents are additionally not proper Rahi, as they are not made using viruses.
  • The neon orange Kraata represents Kraata-Kal.
  • Naho wore a Kanohi Huna and wielded a warhammer.
  • The speech of the Matoran universe inhabitants sounds like it does in the Toa Hordika and The Mask of Light web animations from 2005, or vaguely how it sounds in BIONICLE: The Legend of Mata Nui.
  • The difference between the 2004-2005 set depictions of characters, compared to 2006-2009, stems primarily from "artstyle" differences, as opposed to scale, emphazising different aspects (for instance, giving the Toa very broad shoulders or exaggerating proportional differences).
  • Only Tahu, Onua, and Lewa were given proper adaptive melee-weapons (the rotating blades, multi-resistant shield, and air saber, in the forms we saw them). The Blizzard Blade is part of the adaptive armor, which further implies the scopes (and battering ram) of Gali and Onua are too part of the armor. With the Blizzard Blade being removeable and able to be used separate, Gali could potentially too adapt to have weapon(s) as part of the armor. To compensate for the lack of a melee-weapon, Gali and Kopaka were given adaptive scopes fitted onto their masks. Pohatu's melee weapons are integrated into his adaptive armor, much like his feet additions from his earlier forms.
  • In her current state of mind, Helryx would never become Turaga, convincing herself that she is necessary and irreplaceable.
  • Brown is part of the palette for Bo-Matoran, and in some regions, white is part of the Le-Matoran palette.
  • Gali, in her Mistika form, had a back armor piece like in the set prototype.
  • Gelu was given elemental ice powers by Mata Nui.
  • Telluris's yellow coloring was based on the Sand Tribe, while Sahmad's orange-and-black was based on the Earth Tribe. At the time the Iron Tribe was plagued, the Sand Tribe had not necessarily been modified yet, and the Earth Tribe had not yet performed their treachery.

Common Misconceptions

  • All Rahi are made by Makuta. - This can be disproven by example - The First Rahi were made by the Great Beings,[1] the Energy Hounds were made by the Hand of Artakha,[2] the "Kratana" were made by the Order of Mata Nui,[3] and the Crystal Serpents were made by Artakha himself.[4] Mata Nui also knew how to create Rahi.[1] Additionally, it is known that the Crystal Serpents were not made using viruses,[5] though the same quote states all Rahi are made using viruses.[6]
  • Frostelus are Rahi. - While these were for a long time presented as Rahi on this Wiki, they have, quite the opposite, been stated to not be,[7][8][9] and unlike Rahi, their Rhotuka powers vary per individual,[10] and possess inner light & darkness.[11] They are, however, on the border to being Rahi, and described as "savage".[12][13] They were, however, at a later date, stated to be intelligent Rahi,[14] but since this directly contradicts earlier statements, it is non-canon. The misconception also predates this statement.[15]
  • The Mata Nui Online Game is non-canonical. - The game is semi-canon (see below), particularily of the first type described. Non-canonical aspects include how Lewa receives his Golden Kanohi mask and the presence of wheels. However, the events are clearly referenced throughout later media, not least the subsequent two years, but also heavily in 2008, which features the return of the sundial, (retroactively) references Midak, and also utilizes the mental link forged between Gali and Takua.
  • Insert semi-canon media here is non-canonical. - This is more a failure of communication in articles, but in general, the semi-canon banner means one of two things: 1. There is at least one aspect that is not canon. This may be a certain sequence, such as the Shadow Toa fight or Gavla's transformation into a Shadow Matoran, or other minor inconsistencies. 2. There is at least one aspect that is canonical, but the media itself is not. This is most applicable to games, such as the Voya Nui Online Game, where the Rahi are considered canonical.
  • The Bohrok-Kal are Bohrok transformed by energized protodermis. - The Bohrok-Kal were mutated by a separate substance,[16] which is in turn persumably made using energized protodermis.[17] It's been stated they were made using the combination of energized protodermis and the energies of Bahrag.[18] However, it has also later been stated that it's unknown how they were mutated, with (in-universe) speculation that they were made by distilling energy from a mutagentic substance such as Visorak venom or something similar.[19] It is also impossible for the Kal substance to be the same as energized protodermis, as kraata exposed to energized protodermis become Rahkshi, while Kraata-Kal is something else.
  • "Silver" (Known as "the drone" in HERO Factory) was intended to be Marendar. - The model was intended to be featured in the second Universal project, that much holds true. When BIONICLE was cancelled, the contract with Universal was reallocated to HERO Factory (in a sense, Rise of the Rookies is BIONICLE 5). BIONICLE was cancelled in September of 2008, before the plans for the fifth movie, and Greg Farshtey's initial draft for it, had been discussed.[20] This script did not feature any character resembling Marender. Marendar was an original character of Greg's, inspired by Sentinels from X-Men comic books, and first introduced in The Yesteray Quest at the end of 2010, well after the cancellation of the franchise. Greg also had no idea what the contest was for,[21] and the contest was hosted during April 2009,[22] when the movie would have been well-cancelled.
  • Marender is a mindless robot. - It was a sapient,[23] humanoid,[24] biomechanical being[25][26] just like the Matoran and Toa. In the story, it is referred to as "it", but Marendar is used as a name; it is not referred to as "the Marendar".[27]
  • Hahli was originally known as Hali during 2001. - Hahli was not a character during 2001. She was introduced in 2002 in the Mata Nui Online Animations where she was called Hahli, presumably to set up her role for Mask of Light and the Mata Nui Online Game II. However, the spelling "Hali" did appear in an internal image file name in's Mata Nui Explorer, though this may be a typo. The 2001 left-hand Matoran for Ga-Koro was Kotu, who ultimately did not make any significant appearance in 2001, but also featured prominently in the Mata Nui Online Animations.
  • Ehlek was only slightly mutated, only gaining his spines and electrical powers. - This misconception seems to be born out of a quote stating that, compared to the other Barraki, Ehlek was less mutated on the account that his respiratory system did not change.[28] However, this is not stating that he was less mutated in other areas. As stated in a quote prior to this, Ehlek did not look anything like he did before being mutated,[29] and additionally, he was considered a beautiful, perfect specimen, much like the other Barraki.[30][31] While he always had a similarly agile and frail build, resembling an eel and lacking in armor,[32][33] this is not to say his features looked the same. He has some features that were confirmed to be caused by the mutation, namely his aforementioned spines and electrical powers.[34][29][35][36] However, at no point has it been stated these were the only mutations he gained. It has been stated he possessed his mandibles prior his mutation,[37] but this was asked in a leading question built on this misconception.
  • The Mata Nui Online Game does not distinguish light blue, teal, and sand blue. - Though hues of blue are not distinguished in the early art of Ga-Koro, later parts of the game do distinguish them. The three are similar, but they have different values assigned. Kopeke and Matoro use the same sand blue color. Takua used the same teal color for his mask as the Le-Matoran, which is also true for the Mata Nui Online Animations. In the Mata Nui Online Game II, Macku's light blue is reused for all the Ga-Matoran, as well as Takua and all of the blue Ko-Matoran (including Matoro, who uses sand blue in his set form). The Le-Matoran used a new (more set-accurate) teal color, but the prior one was still defined (albeit, unused) in the code under the name "sea". Sand blue did not return and was not defined in the code of the Mata Nui Online Game II.
  • The Brotherhood of Makuta massacred Fa/Fe-Matoran. - The Brotherhood of Makuta hunted down Toa of Magnetism & Iron, but not Matoran. They kept a close eye on Matoran populations in case they'd be transformed into Toa.[38] It is true the Brotherhood executed some Nynrah Ghosts, but only a select few, for unrelated circumstances such as sabotaging the Fohrok. Additionally, the Nynrah Ghosts are also no where near being all of the Fe-Matoran.
  • "Mata Green" has been replaced by "Bright Green". - Mata Green is still in use and there is no indication that it is going anywhere. As one of LEGO's oldest colors, and a core one at that, it is highly unlikely that it ever will be retired. Additionally, Bright Green is not a recent addition, and has been in use since the 1990's. However, it became far more common in the 2010's, which subsequently diminished some use cases of Mata Green. The use Bright Green for Generation 2 was merely a set design choice.

(Citations will be added.)

Color Reference Chart

Note: This is not a complete list of every LEGO color, but rather ones that have been used within BIONICLE. It also does not list prototype parts with dubious colors.

Solid Colors

Color ID Name Bricklink Usual BS01 Name In Media (if different) Casual Names Notes
1 White White White white[39]
2 Grey Light Gray Light Gray lightGray[39]
Replaced by 194 Medium Stone Grey in 2004
5 Brick Yellow Tan Tan tan[39]
Light Yellow[41][40]
21 Bright Red Red Red red[39]
Mata Red
23 Bright Blue Blue Blue mediumBlue[39]
Mata Blue
24 Bright Yellow Yellow Yellow yellow[39]
Standard LEGO yellow, such as 1391 Jala, 8696 Bitil
25 Earth Orange Brown Brown darkBrown[39][note 1]
Mata Brown Replaced by 192 Reddish Brown in 2004
26 Black Black Black black[39]
27 Dark Grey Dark Gray Dark Gray darkGray[39]
Dark Gray[40]
Replaced by 199 Dark Stone Grey in 2004
28 Dark Green Green Green darkGreen[39]
Mata Green Tuuli and Vira appear to use this on Matau's Toa Metru Mini Promo CD, likely due to name confusion
Rarely used in BIONICLE after 2003, but it was used for the canister lid of 7117 Gresh
37 Bright Green Bright Green Bright Green G2 Green Used for Bohrok rubber bands (in some copies, but others use 28 Dark Green)
38 Dark Orange Dark Orange Dark Orange lightBrown[39]
Burnt Orange
45 Light Blue Light Blue Replaced by 212 Light Royal Blue in 2004
Amaya and Nireta appear to use this on Nokama's Toa Metru Mini Promo CD, likely due to name confusion
102 Medium Blue Medium Blue Medium Blue lightBlue[39]
Light Blue[41][40]
Light Blue
104 Bright Violet Purple Purple purple[39]
G1 Purple Replaced by 198 Bright Reddish Lilac in 2004
105 Bright Yellowish Orange Medium Orange Replaced by 191 Flame Yellowish Orange in 2004
Prototype 2001 parts; 8594 Jaller & Gukko
106 Bright Orange Orange Orange orange[39]
107 Bright Bluish Green Dark Turquoise Teal teal[39]
sea[39][note 2]
Bluish Green[43]
Bright Blue-Green[40]
Likely used in 2004 for the Morbuzakh sponge
110 Bright Bluish Violet Violet Replaced by 268 Medium Lilac in 2004
Prototype 2001-2003 parts
115 Medium Yellowish Green Medium Lime Prototype 2001 parts
119 Bright Yellowish Green Lime Lime Green lightGreen[39]
Yellowish Green[43]
Bright Yellow-Green[40]
Due to a bad batch of plastic during 2007, lime parts from that year are notoriously known to be fragile. This does not affect parts from other years.
124 Bright Reddish Violet Magenta Printing in 70793 Skull Basher, 71315 Quake Beast
135 Sand Blue Sand Blue Sand Blue [note 3] Steel Blue
136 Sand Violet Sand Purple Prototype 2001 parts
138 Sand Yellow Dark Tan Dark Tan Sets such as 8905 Thok, 71306 Pohatu Uniter of Stone; Technic axles
140 Earth Blue Dark Blue Dark Blue darkBlue[39] Metru Blue
141 Earth Green Dark Green Dark Green Metru Green
151 Sand Green Sand Green Sand Green Used for prototype parts during 2001-2003
154 Dark Red
New Dark Red[note 4]
Dark Red Dark Red Metru Red Reformulated in 2009
Used for prototype parts during 2001-2003
191 Flame Yellowish Orange Bright Light Orange Yellowish Orange Keetorange Replaced 105 Bright Yellowish Orange in 2004
192 Reddish Brown Reddish Brown Reddish Brown Avak Brown Replaced 25 Earth Orange in 2004
Prototype Toa Onewa
194 Medium Stone Grey Light Bluish Gray Replaced 2 Grey in 2004
199 Dark Stone Grey Dark Bluish Gray Dark Stone Gray Replaced 27 Dark Grey in 2004
208 Light Stone Grey Very Light Bluish Gray Off-white Thok White Replaced 103 Light Grey in 2004
Set 8905 Thok, packaging for 8685 Toa Kopaka, 8694 Krika, 8945 Solek
217 Brown Light Brown[note 5] Light Brown Light Brown[44] Metru Brown Very similar to the 2022 color 370 Medium Brown
268 Medium Lilac Dark Purple Dark Purple G2 Purple Replaced 110 Bright Bluish Violet in 2004
308 Dark Brown Dark Brown Horns of 71310 Umarak the Hunter
321 Dark Azur Dark Azure Dark Azure G2 Blue
322 Medium Azur Medium Azure Effectively replaced both 11 Pastel Blue and 232 Dove Blue
Sword in 71311 Kopaka and Melum - Unity set
326 Spring Yellowish Green Yellowish Green Effectively replaced 120 Light Yellowish Green
Green Skull Spiders

Transparent Colors

Color ID Name Bricklink Usual BS01 Name In Media (if different) Casual Names Notes
20 Nature Milky White [note 6]
Potentially 8694 Krika (marbled with 21 Bright Red) (could be 40 Transparent)
40 Transparent Trans-Clear Transparent White
41 Transparent Red Trans-Red Transparent Red
42 Transparent Light Blue Trans-Light Blue Transparent Light Blue
43 Transparent Blue Trans-Dark Blue Transparent Blue [note 7]
44 Transparent Yellow Trans-Yellow Transparent Yellow 8618 Vahki Rorzakh, 8744 Visorak Oohnorak, 70783 Protector of Fire, etc.
47 Transparent Fluorescent Reddish Orange Trans-Neon Orange Transparent Neon Orange Transparent Orange[43][42][40]
48 Transparent Green Trans-Green Transparent Green
49 Transparent Fluorescent Green Trans-Neon Green Transparent Neon Green Prototype Kaukau
50 Phosphorescent White Glow In Dark Opaque Glow-in-the-dark Replaced by 294 Phosphorescent Green in 2006
109 PC Black IR Replaced by 355 Tr. Black IR in 2017
IR lenses in 8539 Manas
111 Transparent Brown Trans-Brown (Old Trans-Black)[note 8] Transparent Black Trans-Smoke Originally intended to be replaced in 2011, likely by 313 Smoke
Replaced by 375 Transparent Black during 2023
126 Transparent Bright Bluish Violet Trans-Purple Transparent Purple Prototype Kaukau
G2 only
143 Transparent Fluorescent Blue Trans-Medium Blue Transparent Medium Blue Trans-Neon Blue Kopaka eyestalk, Bohrok eyes in 8722 Kazi, transparent blue sockets, Toa Mahri visors, blue Agori/Glatorian heads
Kaukau in early batches of 8530 BIONICLE Masks
157 Transparent Fluorescent Yellow Trans-Neon Yellow Transparent Neon Yellow Gali eyestalk
Kaukau in early batches of 8530 BIONICLE Masks
158 Transparent Fluorescent Red [note 9] Trans-Neon Red Tahu eyestalk
182 Transparent Bright Orange Trans-Orange Transparent Orange 8615 Vahki Bordakh, 8736 Toa Hordika Vakama, 8727 Toa Jaller, etc.
294 Phosphorescent Green Glow In Dark Trans Glow-in-the-dark Replaced 50 Phosphorescent White in 2006 (though was already in use during 2005), and replaced by 329 White Glow in the second half-year of 2012
Sets 8759 Battle of Metru Nui (Rhotuka), 8916 Takadox, 8922 Gadunka, 8932 Morak, 8935 Nocturn (marbled with 43 Transparent Blue), 8972 Atakus
311 Transparent Bright Green Trans-Bright Green Transparent Bright Green G2 only

Metallic Colors

Color ID Name Bricklink Usual BS01 Name In Media (if different) Casual Names Notes
131 Silver Pearl Light Gray[note 10] Silver Reformulated several times
Briefly replaced by 296 Cool Silver in 2006. Replaced by 315 Silver Metallic in late 2010
145 Sand Blue Metallic
Metallic Sand Blue[note 11]
Pearl Sand Blue[note 12] Metallic Blue Steel Blue[45][40] 8578 Gahlok-Kal Krana, 8590 Guurahk Kraata
147 Sand Yellow Metallic
Metallic Sand Yellow[note 11]
Flat Dark Gold Dark Gold Bronze[45][40] Replaced by 297 Warm Gold in 2006
8574 Tahnok-Kal Krana, 8587 Panrahk Kraata
148 Dark Grey Metallic
Metallic Dark Grey[note 11]
Pearl Dark Gray[note 13] Gunmetal Gray Iron Grey[45]
Iron Gray[40]
Dark Silver Replaced by 316 Titanium Metallic in 2011
8577 Pahrak-Kal Krana, 8591 Vorahk Kraata
Reformulated several times
149 Black Metallic
Metallic Black[note 11]
Pearl Black[note 14] Metallic Black 8591 Vorahk, 8593 Makuta, 8811 Toa Lhikan & Kikanalo, but not 4878 Rahaga Bomonga or 8953 Makuta Icarax
Almost indistinguishable from 26 Black in Polypropylene, distinctly blue in other plastics such as ABS or POM
150 Light Grey Metallic
Metallic Light Grey[note 11]
Pearl Very Light Gray Pearl Pearl[45][40] Light Silver 8575 Kohrak-Kal Krana, 8588 Kurahk Kraata
176 Red Flip/Flop Bionicle Copper Copper[40] Translucent with a color-shift effect
Exclusively introduced & used for Copper Masks of Victory
US version is generally more translucent than the EU version[note 15]
178 Yellow Flip/Flop Bionicle Gold Gold[40][42] Translucent with a color-shift effect
Exclusively introduced & used for Golden Masks from 8559 BIONICLE Krana, 8569 BIONICLE Krana
179 Silver Flip/Flop Bionicle Silver Silver[40][42] Translucent with a color-shift effect
Exclusively introduced & used for Silver Masks from 8559 BIONICLE Krana, 8569 BIONICLE Krana
183 Metallic White Pearl White 8588 Kurahk
184 Metallic Bright Red Pearl Red 8592 Turahk
Similar to from 21 Bright Red
185 Metallic Bright Blue Pearl Blue 8590 Guurahk
Similar to 23 Bright Blue
186 Metallic Dark Green Pearl Green 8589 Lerahk
Similar to from 28 Dark Green
187 Metallic Earth Orange Pearl Brown 8587 Panrahk
Similar to from 25 Earth Orange
189 Reddish Gold
Gold Metallic[note 16]
Reddish Gold[note 17] Reddish Gold Copper[45][40] Replaced by 297 Warm Gold in 2006
8573 Nuhvok-Kal Krana, 8592 Turahk Kraata
200 Lemon Metallic
Metallic Lemon[note 11]
Metallic Green[note 18] Metallic Green Metallic Green[45] 8576 Lehvak-Kal Krana, 8589 Lerahk Kraata
296 Cool Silver Pearl Light Gray[note 19] Briefly replaced 131 Silver in early 2006 - later productions of most sets with this color used 131 instead
Spans elements from roughly 4275000 to 4493182. 4493182 is the last known element to use this color.
297 Warm Gold Pearl Gold Pearl Gold Reformulated around 2010
Replaced 127 Gold, 147 Sand Yellow Metallic, and 189 Reddish Gold in 2006
315 Silver Metallic Flat Silver[note 10] Replaced 131 Silver in 2011
Mostly G2 only, but may have made it into late production runs of Stars sets
316 Titanium Metallic Pearl Dark Gray[note 13] Replaced 148 Dark Grey Metallic in 2011
G2 only
Silver Metallic (?) Used for Toa Mata canisters
Blue Metallic (?) Used for lids of 8533 Gali, 8562 Gahlok, potentially lid in P1701 Pen Pack Gali and pen holder in P1715 Pen Gahlok; latter uses a similar but transparent lid color also used by P1721 Gali Nuva Pen
Light Silver Metallic (?) Used for lids of 8536 Kopaka, 8565 Kohrak, potentially lid in P1702 Pen Pack Kopaka and pen holder in P1716 Pen Kohrak; latter uses a similar but transparent lid color also used by P1722 Kopaka Nuva Pen
Green Metallic (?) Used for lids of 8535 Lewa, 8564 Lehvak, potentially lid in P1703 Pen Pack Lewa and pen holder in P1717 Pen Lehvak; latter uses a similar but transparent lid color also used by P1723 Lewa Nuva Pen
Dark Silver Metallic (?) Used for lids of 8532 Onua, 8561 Nuhvok, potentially lid in P1704 Pen Pack Onua and pen holder in P1718 Pen Nuhvok; latter uses a similar but transparent lid color also used by P1724 Onua Nuva Pen
Gold Metallic (?) Used for lids of 8531 Pohatu, 8560 Pahrak, potentially lid in P1705 Pen Pack Pohatu and pen holder in P1719 Pen Pahrak; latter uses a similar but transparent lid color also used by P1725 Pohatu Nuva Pen
Copper Metallic (?) Used for lids of 8534 Tahu, 8563 Tahnok, potentially lid in P1706 Pen Pack Tahu and pen holder in P1720 Pen Tahnok; latter uses a similar but transparent lid color also used by P1726 Tahu Nuva Pen

Glitter Colors

These are colors with a glitter addative. Typically, these are transparent colors. However, the ones used in BIONICLE have been opaque ones, though these often end up slightly translucent, possibly due to mixing with a floater used for the additive.

Color ID Name Bricklink Usual BS01 Name In Media (if different) Casual Names Notes
286 White with Glitter Lids of some 8606 Toa Nuju
287 Earth Green with Glitter Lids of some 8605 Toa Matau
288 Earth Blue with Glitter Lids of some 8602 Toa Nokama
289 Dark Red with Glitter Lids of some 8601 Toa Vakama
290 Brown with Glitter Lids of some 8604 Toa Onewa
291 Black with Glitter Lids of some 8603 Toa Whenua
There is also an older ID, 132, which is an effectively identical color.

Ink Colors

These are colors that are used exclusively in decorations, such as printing, stickers, or full coatings. For a long time, these were not assigned IDs, and as such, many older ink colors still do not have IDs.

In addition to these colors, opaque colors are also used for printing. Transparent colors, however, are not. Aforementioned metallic colors were occasionally used prior to 2006 in select themes such as Little Robots, instead of the usual metallic ink colors. More complex prints (such as instruction manuals) may be accomplished using CMYK "process" colors - 359 Process White, 429 Process Yellow, 439 Process Magenta, and (454 or 459) Process Cyan and 489 Process Black.

Color ID Name Bricklink Usual BS01 Name In Media (if different) Casual Names Notes
309 Metalized Silver Chrome Silver Chrome Silver Silver[43] Chrome silver coating. ID first introduced around 2009. Merged under 336 Silver Ink around 2014.
Both the Chrome Silver Hau from 8546 PowerPack and Chrome Silver Krana-Kal are 2 Grey beneath the coating.
The Chrome Silver Hau uses color ID 0 (undefined) in LEGO's database
298 Cool Silver, Drum Lacquered Metallic Silver Metallic silver coating. ID first introduced in 2006. Merged under 336 Silver Ink around 2014.
Technical panels in 8538 Muaka & Kane-ra, which use color ID 131 in LEGO's database
299 Warm Gold, Drum Lacquered Metallic Gold Metallic gold coating. ID first introduced in 2006. Merged under 335 Gold Ink around 2014.
Technical panels in prototype of 8539 Manas
334 Copper Ink Metallic Copper Metallic copper printing. Replaced 300 Copper, Drum Lacquered and 306 Copper, Diffuse around 2014.
Printing in 70795 Mask Maker vs. Skull Grinder
335 Gold Ink Metallic Gold Metallic gold printing and coating, sometimes chrome gold coating.
Replaced 299 Warm Gold, Drum Lacquered, 305 Warm Gold, Diffuse, and 310 Metalized Gold around 2014.
Printing found in G2 sets
336 Silver Ink Metallic Silver Metallic silver printing and coating, sometimes chrome silver coating.
Replaced 298 Cool Silver, Drum Lacquered, 304 Cool Silver, Diffuse, and 309 Metalized Silver around 2014.
Printing found in G2 sets
337 Titanium Ink ID first introduced around 2014.
Possibly printing in 70791 Skull Warrior and other G2 sets; difficult to identify

Several other ink colors have been used in BIONICLE:

  • The prints found on the Kanoka disks rarely line up with regular colors.
  • The Infected Hau from 2001 is a black Hau, with a gunmetal grey coating (possibly 148), and hand-painted dark orange spots. The coating may be a primer for the paint.
  • The glitter Avohkii from 8596 Takanuva is a 40 Transparent Avohkii with a golden glitter coating (as opposed to the glitter in ingrained in the plastic, like regular glitter LEGO parts).
  • The Piraka skull piece features a glow-in-the-dark ink applied on the teeth. This is not visible under normal lighting conditions.
  • The Vacuum Metal Krana-Kal are 2 Grey coated using a vacuum-metalization process. Notably, these did not use the rubber material of typical Krana.

Non-standard Materials

  • The Sterling Silver Krana-Kal and Kanoka
  • The White Metal Krana-Kal
  • The Platinum Avohkii
  • The 14-karat Gold Hau, Kanoka, and 2015 masks
  • Any electronic components

Zamor Spheres

The Zamor Spheres, Sea Squids, and Shadow Leeches included with the Piraka, Toa Inika, Barraki, and Phantoka Makuta are "Multicombination," co-injected/marbled colors. As such, they may be different mixtures of two colors, with some being evenly mixed, others having distinct sections of two colors, and others still being entirely one color. As evidenced by the numbering present on the Sea Squids, this does not appear to correlate to their position in the mold for these select parts.

  • The Piraka most likely use 44 Transparent Yellow and 28 Dark Green. Also used in 2006 Playsets and Exo-Force. Element ID 4296080.
  • 8729 Toa Nuparu and 8730 Toa Hewkii most likely use 44 Transparent Yellow and 21 Bright Red. Also used in 2007 Playsets & Small Sets, and Exo-Force. Element ID 4297030. The same color combination was also used for the Barraki Sea Squids. Element ID 4500092.
  • 8731 Toa Kongu and 8732 Toa Matoro use 42 Transparent Light Blue and 23 Bright Blue. Also used in 2006 Playsets, Mars Mission's MT-101, Chima, and four different 2010-2011 sets. Element IDs 4297031 (2007), 4296577 (2006), 4585759 (2010), 6024162 (2013).
  • 8727 Toa Jaller and 8728 Toa Hahli most likely use 40 Transparent and 28 Dark Green. Also used in 2010 Hero Factory villains. Element IDs 4297034 (2006), 4583979 (2010).
  • The Sea Squids included in most sets are most likely 44 Transparent Yellow and (21 Bright Red or 41 Transparent Red?). Element ID 4500092 (Barraki, 8922 Gadunka, 8926 Toa Undersea Attack) & 4511873 (remaining playsets, 6946 "Squid Launcher Function", 8935 Nocturn, 8940 Karzahni).
  • The Sea Squids included in 8934 Squid Ammo are most likely 42 Transparent Light Blue and 48 Transparent Green. Element ID 4500322. This combination was also used for Shadow Leeches in 2008. Element ID 4518505 (& 4519505?).

Constraction Set Collection

Loose Collectibles

  • The six Golden Masks
  • Silver Akaku & Kaukau
  • Copper N. Huna
  • Infected Kanohi Hau
  • Glitter Kanohi Avohkii
  • Chrome Hau
  • Poisoned Hau Nuva x4
  • Dark Orange Kakama
  • White Akaku
  • Sand Blue Akaku
  • Mata Blue N. Huna
  • Black N. Huna
  • Tan N. Komau
  • Light Grey N. Matatu
  • Tr. Blue N. Ruru
  • Dark Red/Silver marble N. Ruru
  • Met. Sand Blue Krana Xa
  • Met. Lemon Krana Za
  • Met. Light Grey Krana Ca
  • Mistika Pakari
  • Photok Kakama x2
  • Kanoka 143
  • Kanoka 338

TCG Cards

  • 21 Infected Mask [1E]
  • 33 Bonus (Lewa Artwork) [1E]
  • 65 Onua: Kanohi Miru
  • 101 Onua: Onua Arrives [1E]
  • 177 Onua: Kanohi Hau 2 (Not holographic)

Loose Minifigures

  • Toa Inika Jaller
  • Toa Inika Kongu
  • Toa Inika Nuparu
  • Toa Inika Hewkii
  • Toa Inika Hahli
  • Toa Inika Matoro
  • Visorak Vohtarak


  • 8533 Gali
  • 8540 Vakama


  • 8562 Gahlok (Krana Za)
  • 8566 Onua Nuva
  • 8567 Lewa Nuva x2
  • 8568 Pohatu Nuva
  • 8570 Gali Nuva
  • 8571 Kopaka Nuva
  • 8572 Tahu Nuva
  • 8556 Boxor


  • 8591 Vorahk (Level 1 Kraata)
  • Takua from 8595 Takua & Pewku


  • 8602 Toa Nokama
  • 8605 Toa Matau
  • 8606 Toa Nuju
  • 8608 Vhisola
  • 8610 Ahkmou
  • 8611 Orkahm
  • 8612 Ehrye
  • 8617 Vahki Zadakh (including card)
  • 8773 Santis


  • 4868 Rahaga Gaaki
  • 4878 Rahaga Bomonga
  • 8726 Dalu
  • 8737 Toa Hordika Nokama
  • 8740 Toa Hordika Matau
  • 8741 Toa Hordika Nuju
  • 8746 Visorak Keelerak
  • 8747 Visorak Suukorak (incomplete)
  • 8748 Rhotuka x2 (Col. 1, 102, 191, 217), (Col. 1, 102, 140, 141)
  • 8791 Sir Danju


  • 6934 Good Guy
  • 6935 Bad Guy
  • 7718 "QUICK Bad Guy Yellow"
  • 8719 Zamor Spheres
  • 8722 Kazi
  • 8723 Piruk
  • 8727 Toa Jaller
  • 8728 Toa Hahli x2
  • 8729 Toa Nuparu
  • 8730 Toa Hewkii
  • 8731 Toa Kongu x2
  • 8732 Toa Matoro
  • 8905 Thok


  • 6944 "Good Guy 07" (Parts bought via Bricklink)
  • 6945 "Bad Guy 07"
  • 8910 Toa Kongu
  • 8913 Toa Nuparu (incomplete)
  • 8914 Toa Hahli
  • 8915 Toa Matoro
  • 8916 Takadox
  • 8919 Mantax
  • 8921 Pridak
  • 8932 Morak
  • 8934 Squid Ammo x2
  • Hahnah Crab from 8911 Toa Jaller
  • Sarda from 8940 Karzahni (incomplete)


  • 8685 Toa Kopaka
  • 8686 Toa Lewa
  • 8687 Toa Pohatu
  • 8694 Krika
  • 8944 Tanma x2
  • 8945 Solek
  • 8946 Photok


  • 8972 Atakus
  • 8973 Raanu
  • 8974 Tarduk x2
  • 8977 Zesk
  • 8980 Gresh
  • 8981 Tarix
  • 8983 Vorox
  • 8986 Vastus
  • 8987 Kiina
  • 8989 Mata Nui


  • 7117 Gresh
  • 7135 Takanuva
  • 7136 Skrall
  • 7156 Corroder
  • 7165 Natalie Breez


  • 2063 Stormer 2.0
  • 2142 Breez 2.0
  • 2193 Jetbug
  • 2282 Rocka XL


  • 6200 EVO
  • 6201 TOXIC REAPA
  • 6216 JAWBLADE
  • 6217 SURGE
  • 6221 NEX
  • 6223 BULK
  • 6227 BREEZ
  • 6283 VOLTIX
  • 6293 FURNO


  • 44001 PYROX
  • 44004 BULK
  • 44004 BULK
  • 44006 BREEZ
  • 44007 OGRUM
  • 44012 EVO
  • 44013 AQUAGON
  • 70203 CHI Cragger


  • 44015 EVO Walker
  • 44016 JAW Beast vs. STORMER
  • 44018 FURNO Jet Machine
  • 44027 BREEZ Flea Machine


  • 70778 Protector of Jungle
  • 70779 Protector of Stone
  • 70782 Protector of Ice
  • 70784 Lewa – Master of Jungle
  • 70785 Pohatu – Master of Stone
  • 70787 Tahu – Master of Fire
  • 70789 Onua – Master of Earth
  • 70791 Skull Warrior
  • 70792 Skull Slicer
  • 70793 Skull Basher
  • 70794 Skull Scorpio
  • 70795 Mask Maker vs. Skull Grinder
  • 75107 Jango Fett
  • 75108 Clone Commander Cody
  • 75112 General Grievous


  • 71300 Uxar Creature of Jungle
  • 71301 Ketar Creature of Stone
  • 71304 Terak Creature of Earth
  • 71305 Lewa Uniter of Jungle
  • 71306 Pohatu Uniter of Stone
  • 71309 Onua Uniter of Earth
  • 71310 Umarak the Hunter
  • 71313 Lava Beast
  • 71315 Quake Beast
  • 75114 First Order Stormtrooper
  • 75117 Kylo Ren
  • 75119 Sergeant Jyn Erso
  • 75120 K-2SO
  • 75121 Imperial Death Trooper
  • 601601 Skull Scorpion (Parts bought via Bricks & Pieces)


  • 75523 Scarif Stormtrooper
  • 75529 Elite Praetorian Guard


  • 75533 Boba Fett

References & Notes

  1. 1.0 1.1 "Official Greg Discussion", post 12396. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  2. "Official Greg Quotes", post 27. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  3. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 4408. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  4. "Chapter 1: Artakha." World, pp. 14-16.
  5. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 1730. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  6. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 1730. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  7. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 1366. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  8. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 1398. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  9. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 1585. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  10. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 1342. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  11. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 2547. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  12. "Vengeance of the Visorak". BIONICLE 23, centerfold.
  13. "Frostelus." Encyclopedia Updated, p. 34.
  14. "Farshtey Feed, 2009-01-30". BZPower Blogs. (archived on
  15. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 1585. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  16. "Chat with Greg Farshtey", post 9648163. LEGO Message Boards. (archived on
  17. "Chat with Greg Farshtey", post 13886884. LEGO Message Boards. (archived on
  18. "Official Greg Discussion", post 317. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  19. "Bohrok-Kal." Encyclopedia Updated, pp. 15-16.
  20. "The Eljay Johnsen Show | Discussing LEGO, Writing, and BIONICLE with Greg Farshtey," 1:50:10. 17 August 2019. YouTube.
  21. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 6899. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  22. "Official BBC Contest #53". BZPower Forums. (archived on
  23. "Chat with Greg Farshtey", post 12599009. LEGO Message Boards. (archived on
  24. "Chat with Greg Farshtey", post 12583495. LEGO Message Boards. (archived on
  25. "Chat with Greg Farshtey", post 14635089. LEGO Message Boards. (archived on
  26. "Questions about Marendar, Krakua, etc.?", post 2. The TTV Message Boards.
  27. "Chapter 1." The Yesterday Quest.
  28. "Official Greg Discussion", post 7885. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  29. 29.0 29.1 "Official Greg Discussion", post 7517. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  30. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 2933. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  31. "Chat with Greg Farshtey", post 14428244. LEGO Message Boards. (archived on
  32. "Official Greg Discussion", post 7198. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  33. "Official Greg Discussion", post 9503. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  34. "Official Greg Discussion", post 7413. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  35. "Official Greg Discussion", post 8203. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  36. "Official Greg Discussion", post 9603. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  37. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 688. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  38. "Official Greg Dialogue", post 3581. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  39. 39.00 39.01 39.02 39.03 39.04 39.05 39.06 39.07 39.08 39.09 39.10 39.11 39.12 39.13 39.14 39.15 39.16 39.17 Mata Nui Online Game II: The Final Chronicle.
  40. 40.00 40.01 40.02 40.03 40.04 40.05 40.06 40.07 40.08 40.09 40.10 40.11 40.12 40.13 40.14 40.15 40.16 40.17 40.18 40.19 40.20 40.21 40.22 40.23 Collector's Sticker Book.
  41. 41.0 41.1 41.2 41.3 41.4 41.5 41.6 41.7 "Krana.swf." (archived 17 January 2002 on the Wayback Machine)
  42. 42.0 42.1 42.2 42.3 42.4 "Kanohi." "Accessories." (archived 25 June 2003 on the Wayback Machine)
  43. 43.0 43.1 43.2 43.3 43.4 43.5 43.6 "Mask Collection." "Kanohi." (archived on BioMedia Project)
  44. 44.0 44.1 44.2 BIONICLE Heroes.
  45. 45.0 45.1 45.2 45.3 45.4 45.5 "Krana-Kal." "Accessories." (archived 4 January 2004 on the Wayback Machine)
  1. Not distinguished from Dark Orange in MNOG I.
  2. Unused in MNOG II; this is the lighter color used for Kongu etc. in MNOG I
  3. Though distinguished in MNOG I, the lightBlue color is used instead in MNOG II.
  4. After being reformulated in 2009.
  5. Formerly "Dark Flesh" and "Medium Brown."
  6. 10 Clear, 20 Nature, and 40 Transparent appear to be effectively the same color (or rather, the lack there of). 20 Nature is applied to materials with lower translucency, such as ABS and PP, while 40 Transparent is used for PC and MABS. 20 Nature hasn't been referred to since 2012.
  7. The transparent blue Great Rau between 8602 Toa Nokama and 8726 Dalu differ in appearance due to manufacturing changes, however both are 43 Transparent Blue.
  8. Formerly "Trans-Black."
  9. This color is not distinguished on Bricklink. Trans-Dark Pink primarily refers to 113 Transparent Medium Reddish Violet.
  10. 10.0 10.1 Polypropylene parts in 131, such as weapon and armor pieces, from prior to 2006 were formerly included in Flat Silver. Flat Silver is now keyed only to 315 Silver Metallic.
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 Name was altered during 2003.
  12. Formerly "Metal Blue."
  13. 13.0 13.1 Bricklink does not distinguish between 148 Dark Grey Metallic and 315 Titanium Metallic.
  14. Formerly grouped in Black.
  15. Due to the copper masks seeing several distributions throughout 2001-2003, this variation needs more research IMO. Additonally, the other two Flip/Flop colors also vary in translucency. It may well be more related to when they were produced as opposed to region, or it may just be entirely inconsistent between batches.
  16. Unclear when this color was known as Gold Metallic.
  17. Formerly grouped in Copper.
  18. Bricklink groups this with a metallic green coating color. However, 200 Lemon Metallic would fall under what Bricklink calls Pearl colors.
  19. Currently not distinguished from 131 Silver, though it is planned to be.