
From BIONICLEsector01


BIONICLESector01 Histories

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LN: My 10th successful AfC nom [insert list of successful nominations]
Tomana: Nothing I nom gets voted on. =P Mine get dismissed by staff before anyone votes.
Tomana: It's a fun tradition. I nom. Dorek stabs. Shine catches the body and dumps it off the coast of Wiki Nui.

-Chat with Lord Nektann

THE Detective. The BS01 Detective. He likes red, gold, and black.
One of the few sane people here that can keep us n00bs on track. Likes to look into strange occurrences and then record his findings on a sub-page.

-Megan51 on her Friends list

KH: You're like the only person left who cares about BS01, you know that?
Zo'Tomana: I don't like leaving things in a crappy state
KH: And I left it years ago so I have no qualms.
Zo'Tomana: I'm the crotchety old man that gets mad at the kids trampling my lawn

Member Spotlight

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The Member Spotlight Award
The Member Spotlight Award is only given to the featured members of Wiki-Nui. This award has been presented to Tomana. The following was the description on the spotlight.

Hey, TNU filling in this time to write about Tomana!

Tomana is everything that a good member should be. But, instead of reiterating all of that, I'd like to talk about his unique qualities that make him who he is. Tomana is an excellent friend, one of the best you will ever meet. If you even hint about leaving this Wiki, he will hunt you down to make sure that you stay. His creativity, of all things, is hard to rival; if you need proof, simply visit his userpage. Only the truly intelligent and creative could make up their own language.

But, above all of that, he's my friend, and an excellent one. I cannot even begin to count the number of times he has given me helpful advice or helped me with a homework assignment. His love and care is beyond measure (although he probably wouldn't want me to mention that :P), and, he loves his friends dearly.

Some may wonder why I wanted to fill in this week, but, simply said, it was to pay a tribute to my friend Tomana; I wanted to make sure that his MS did him justice.

~ Tahu Nuva Unleashed

Date added to Spotlight: 3/14/09

--external image Owner (Talk / BS01)


I was exiled for a short time because I created a duplicate account. Let this be a warning to all: don't do it.

Duplicate Account Warning

Zo;Tomana, please note that creating a duplicate (dupe) account is a violation of our Account Policy. Please do not create another without the staff's permission, or you will be blocked from editing on the Wiki. Thank you.

And Xana was my dupe.

The Detective's Company

The Detective's Company
-Charter Members-
Shanu, Chief of Police* | Arvena Heroe, The Detective*
Hanahlii, Deputy* | Amaya, Investigator*
Spawn of Teridax, Lawyer** | Prof. TNU, Forensics**
Grant-Sud, Staff Liaison | Gravitan, the Logician
Associates of the Company
Mezzik | Jaykanu | Nuparu1995 | Toa Duran | Cholie
Orka | The Lord of Shadows | Black Cat 101 | Twilight Avenger
Creep Of The Deep | Vartemp | Toa of Chaos | Toa11 | MatoroIgnika
Crasgarzar XZ-9 | Lord Nektann | Toa Crowzon
*Original Members - ** Original, Joined After The Team Had Formed - † Staff - ‡ Retired Staff