
From BIONICLEsector01
Read my new epic, Through the Eyes of Red, the life and times of Teridax from his point of view, here
Bionicleman, wielder of the Protosteel Stick
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BS01 Status active
Usual Online Time sporatic
BZP Name -Bionicleman-
BZP Status inactive
Online Jobs editor/staffer.
Age 31
Gender Um, BionicleMAN?
Height 9 feet 7 inches (try and prove otherwise)
Nationality USA!
Character(s) Teridax (odd, I know)
Color(s) blue (surprise!)
Food(s) steak

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Here is my current place to brag about all I have done to help grow the wiki.

  1. I created the CFC, now FS, by creating FC and combining it with the CoTW.
  2. I created the current template design for characters.
  3. I introduced the current concept of putting a quote at the top of a page.
  4. I introduced user boxes to the wiki.
  5. I created the Society page.
  6. I made Teridax what it is today.
  7. I wrote the Battle of Metru Nui page, creating the style for other battle pages.
  8. I created the movie template.
  9. I created the Rahi parent page logo
#10 I touched up this image

The Second Most Awesome Thing Ever

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I can't even begin to describe what the most awesome thing ever is...

Contact Me


  • PM me on bzpower using this link(my bzpower name is -Bionicleman-): PM.
  • Email me at E-mail


Talk to me on my talk page

Awards 'n Stuff

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This award was given to Bionicleman for his dedications to BS01 Wiki.

x3:O:RAC Assistance
Remove a page from a maintenance category

Repairman (x1)
Improve or help to improve a page in a Maintenance Category for BIONICLEsector01: Maintenance.

Major Contributor
Make 1000 major edits.
100% Completed

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Make 1000 minor edits.
100% Completed