This page features content from BIONICLE Generation 1
This page features content from BIONICLE Generation 2
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Type Official Website of BIONICLE
Managers Kelly McKiernan
Leah Weston Kaae (both formerly) was the Official BIONICLE website. Kelly McKiernan, previously an Administrator for BZPower, was's head webmaster.

On June 19, 2013, was shut down alongside, due to the cancelation of Bionicle.

The website was reinstated on September 24, 2014, with a teaser page for the 2015 BIONICLE return. On October 9, a new promotional image was added, along with character bios, and more content was added in the following weeks.

Currently, no longer exists and no longer links to

The Site

The site consisted of 6 sections: Products, Games, Downloads, Story, Fan-Made Models Gallery, and the Kanoka Club, later labeled as "Bio Codes" in the Main menu. On the Home Page, there was a rectangle with the chapters of the Mata Nui Saga. Below was a marquee that showed BIONICLE news. There were also links to the Building Instructions, Gallery, Downloads, and to the BIONICLE: The Legend Reborn section.


The Products section of was made up of short set bios and links to other sections of the site. In general, the products section provided information on individual sets released every year. Although it was removed from the main header of the site after the sets were discontinued, it was still accessible until the site was shut down.

Fun Zone

The Fun Zone section on listed every official BIONICLE game for that year. Readers were able to play these flash and Unity 3D games by clicking on the thumbnails provided on the page. A list of older games used to be accessible through the Kanoka Club. It also had a Movies section with some CGI movies from 2007, 2008, 2009, including BIONICLE: The Legend Reborn teasers, and 2010.


The Downloads section of provided a wide range of media items, which consisted of Desktop backgrounds, MP3 songs, posters, screensavers, and desktop icons. Readers could download the items via buttons located on selected areas of media.


The Story section of provided information on the current story year. It consisted of storyline bios, weapons information and comics (only for UK and US), which the readers could access to individually through the links located on the Story main page. Sections such as storyline bios provided flash animations of the characters, some of which were animated clips, such as those of the Glatorian. Statistics for characters were also provided, as written by Greg.[1][2] The story section was supported by


The Gallery section of was a section where people around the world could upload their own personal creations for others to see.

Bio Codes

Formerly labeled "Kanoka Club", the Bio Codes section was where LEGO club members could submit codes found on sets, such as Canister sleeves, in order to redeem stickers for use in My LEGO Network. More information could be found on the Bio Codes page.

BIONICLE: The Legend Reborn

The BIONICLE: The Legend Reborn section showed some teasers from the movie, which could be watched in fullscreen mode here, a synopsis of the movie and some information about the main characters with corresponding movie screenshots of them.

Ask Greg

Ask Greg official logo, featuring Greg Farshtey
The old logo

Ask Greg was a section of that ran throughout the latter half of 2004. It gave fans the chance to ask Greg Farshtey questions regarding the BIONICLE universe. Thousands of questions were sent in, and Greg was only able to answer a few every couple of weeks. The service, while popular, was ultimately shut down in early 2005 because of the large number of questions, many of which were easily answered by looking at the website and some of which were completely pointless and off-topic. Ask Greg was re-opened on the 2007 version of This time his questions were filtered by the web-team, and several good ones were sent to him every few weeks. The service was removed in the 2008 version of


  1. "Official Greg Discussion", post 9503. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  2. "Official Greg Discussion", post 7506. BZPower Forums. (archived on

See also

External links