Mask of Ultimate Power

This page features content from BIONICLE Generation 2
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Mask of Ultimate Power
Mask of Power
Powers Large scale environment alteration
Bearers Makuta

The Mask of Ultimate Power, also called the Forbidden Mask, is one of the three legendary Masks of Power.


The Mask of Ultimate Power in the Online Animations

The Mask of Ultimate Power was created by the Mask Maker Makuta, in a fit of jealousy over the praise received by the creations of his brother Ekimu. Makuta imbued the mask with the power of all the island's six elements, breaking the sacred tradition that masks should never contain more than one power.

Makuta had previously experimented with infusing only two Elemental Powers into a single mask, hoping to earn the praise of the Okotans by providing them with power that could aid them in their daily lives. However, these powers proved too dangerous, and Ekimu rebuked his brother for attempting such a thing. Makuta, undeterred, stole a set of Elemental Crystals from his brother and combined them with his melted-down previous attempts to create the Mask of Ultimate Power. He then took it to Capital City, hoping to demonstrate its usefulness to the inhabitants of Okoto.

However, upon donning the mask, it overwhelmed Makuta, and its dark power twisted Makuta's feelings of resentment and anger into pure evil. Ekimu, realizing what was happening, attacked his brother and knocked the mask from his face. The mask, already weakened by Ekimu's blow, was unable to contain the power of all six elements, and destroyed itself, causing Makuta and Capital City to be drawn into the Shadow Realm, leaving behind the Black Crater. The shockwave sent Ekimu into a deep slumber and caused the Great Cataclysm on Okoto. As a result of the blast, the mask's fragments, as well as the Mask of Creation and Mask of Control, were scattered across Okoto.

One thousand years later, the scattered fragments of the mask were hunted down by Umarak, who put them in a black box. He brought them to the Black Crater, where he cast the pieces out of the box and used them in a ritual to reopen the rift. Gali attempted to prevent this by stealing the fragments, only for her spirit to be drawn into the Shadow Realm through the portal. When Umarak opened the portal, the fragments of the Mask of Ultimate Power were drawn inside; however, opening the portal also allowed Gali to escape, and the Toa sealed the portal with their Elements, preventing Makuta's escape.


The Mask of Ultimate Power contained the power of all six main elements corresponding to Okoto's regions. It had the ability to let the user cause large scale changes in the environment such as altering the weather or entire climates, as well as creating new landmasses and covering them in fertile forests or various other terrains. It could also clean and secure entire cities. However, due to the amount of power it possessed, the mask was difficult to control and when misused, caused the user to be enveloped in a column of light and become an epicenter of a destructive force threatening to crumble the island of Okoto. When Ekimu knocked the mask from Makuta's face, it caused the mask to break apart, resulting in an extremely powerful blast. The cataclysmic explosion obliterated large portion of the Region of Stone and transported it along with the Capital City to the Shadow Realm through a portal. It also destroyed much of the island's cities and radically changed its geography and terrain to its current state. The natural energy fields of Okoto were disrupted and ceased to function after the cataclysm caused by Mask of Ultimate Power's explosion.[1]

Even split into six fragments, the pieces were still usable by Umarak, who used them to reopen the portal. These pieces could not be destroyed by lava, as Umarak retrieved one of them from a lava pool.[2]

When the mask was worn, it could turn its wearer's feelings of resentment and anger into pure evil.


  • Similar to how the depiction of Makuta's corruption differs between appearances, the Mask of Ultimate Power's depictions varied as well. In the BIONICLE Webisodes and Battle of the Mask Makers, the Mask of Ultimate Power is roughly oval-shaped, with 6 jutting facial fins and any features masked by black and red flames. BIONICLE: The Journey to One shows the mask being gold in its initial appearance, only turning black and catching on fire once Makuta dons the mask. In addition, this is the only depiction in which the mask's features are actually shown.
  • The final shot of The Legend, the prologue to the BIONICLE Webisodes, suggests that the Mask of Ultimate Power survived its blow from Ekimu's hammer. However, BIONICLE: The Journey to One reveals that Ekimu destroyed the mask and that its pieces were scattered all over Okoto.
  • Despite the Mask of Ultimate Power being shattered at the time, Makuta's Shadow Titan form in The Journey to One shows him wearing a shadowy version of the mask.
  • As shown in The Art of BIONICLE, during the design stage for a potential set version of the Mask of Ultimate Power, it was known as "Death Crown".

Set Information

The Prototype Golden Mask of Ultimate Power

Prototype gold and black versions of the Mask of Ultimate Power were created by LEGO for the inspirational Makuta models seen in The Makuta Challenge, but were never released in a set.

In 2018, a sticker featuring the Mask of Ultimate Power was included in the 70657 Ninjago City Docks set.


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See also