Masks of Ice

This page features content from BIONICLE Generation 2
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Masks of Ice

The Mask of Ice
Mask of Power
Powers Ice
Bearers Izotor

The Masks of Ice are Masks of Power which hold the element of Ice.


The Creature Mask of Ice came into existence with Melum during the creation of Okoto.

During Okoto's golden age, Ekimu created the Protector Mask of Ice, which was passed down among the Protectors of the Ice Tribe. After learning of the coming disaster, Ekimu bid Protector Uganu retrieve an Elemental Crystal from Melum, with which he forged the Golden Mask of Ice. The Golden Mask of Ice was hidden in the Ice Shrine in the Region of Ice.

Kopaka wore the Mask of Ice when he arrived on Okoto 1,000 years later. Protector Izotor guided him to the Ice Shrine, where he retrieved the Golden Mask of Ice. Later, Kulta destroyed the Golden Mask of Ice with the Mask Stealer Staff.

After being awoken by the Toa, Ekimu forged the Unity Mask of Ice for Kopaka. Kopaka sought out Melum's temple and retrieved the Golden Unity Mask of Ice, which allowed him to unite with Melum.


Different versions of the Mask of Ice exist. Each mask provides the user some measure of control over ice.

Masks of Ice
Image Name User Power
Protector Mask of Ice Uganu (formerly)
Limited control over ice
Mask of Ice Toa Kopaka (formerly) Control over ice
Resistance to cold
Has a built-in binocular lens that can magnify the wearer's vision.[1]

Golden Mask of Ice Toa Kopaka (formerly) Great control over ice
Communication with Ekimu

Unity Mask of Ice Toa Kopaka (formerly) Great control over ice
Tracking down Elemental Creatures
Golden Unity Mask of Ice Toa Kopaka Great control over ice
Uniting with Elemental Creatures
Creature Mask of Ice Melum Great control over ice
Uniting with Toa or Umarak

Set Information

A 14 karat gold version of the Mask of Ice was displayed at New York Comic Con 2014.

The Protector Mask of Ice was released in 70782 Protector of Ice, and the Mask of Ice and the Golden Mask of Ice were released in 70788 Kopaka - Master of Ice in the winter wave of 2015. The drained Mask of Ice was released in 70791 Skull Warrior in the summer wave of 2015.

The Creature Mask of Ice, the Unity Mask of Ice, and the Golden Unity Mask of Ice were released in 71311 Kopaka and Melum - Unity set in the winter wave of 2016.

See also
