Review:70783 by SPIRIT

From BIONICLEsector01

BS01 Reviews

70783 Protector of Fire


Review: 70783 Protector of Fire

You've all seen the Protector of Fire in the animations. Is he just some knockoff Turaga Vakama, or is this a set worth getting? Let's find out!

The Box

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The day of the canister is over. Not that the smaller sets normally came in canisters, but the day of the rectangular box is over too! This is more of an oblong hexagonal prism. It's certainly got an otherwordly feel to it, so that's good, as well as the standard action poses and listing of features that we've come to expect. It's surprisingly big, though. Certainly much bigger than the boxes of mini sets in years past. Once you see the completed Protector of Fire, you'll understand why.

The Bits

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As you can see, LEGO has stepped up their game on their mini sets. Lots of pieces and even polybags to boot! Things have certainly come a long way since Gen 1.

Check out this multicultural onomatopoeia!
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The Build

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Here he is in all his majesty, certainly much readier for action than Turaga Vakama ever was. Look at that bulky chestplate and shoulder-mounted blaster à la Nuparu Inika. Even his flame swords look menacing.

Check him out in action!
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You know, there's something awfully familiar about his flame, swords. Now where have I seen those before?
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Oh, that's right. Starkiller! :D
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The Brass Tacks

Did we like this set?


  What We Liked:

*Well armoured, interesting build
*Dat blaster
  What We Didn't Like:

*Limbs McStubbers over here skipped thigh day
*Swords are a little unwieldy
  Other Comments:

Flameo, hotman. --SPIRIT

I say, go for it. The shoulder-mounted blaster is probably one of the easier ones to use and who doesn't love the red and transparent orange colour scheme? There's just something about his squat body and substantial armour that screams 'warrior'.

Granted, he does have very odd limb proportions, with his thighs and forearms being absurdly tiny. Also his flame swords do have a tendency to swing out a bit, but if you can look past that, he definitely deserves a place in your collection.

Who else could relay the Prophecy of Heroes?

2015 Set Reviews (1HY)
70778 70779 70780 70781 70782 70783 70784 70785 70786 70787 70788 70789 70790
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